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Adjective clause = Relative Clause

Who, Which, Whose, Whom, When, Where, That.

A lovely person VS A person who is lovely.

WHO ( Adj clause used as Subject) untuk makhluk hidup

- That person has been staring at me

- He is wearing a red hat.

That person who (that) is wearing a red hat has been staring at me

- Sonia likes that man

- He lives in Solo

Sonia like that who (that) lives in Solo

WHICH (Adj Clause used as Subject) untuk benda mati

- I love the shoes

- The shoes has just arrived

I love that which has just arrived

- Many bottles are broken

- They are on the table

Many bottles which are on the table are broken.

Adj clause used as Object WHOM

- That person has been staring at me

- Your mother likes him.
That person whom you mom likes has been staring at me.

- I will talk to the lecturer

- I admire her.
I walk to the lecturer whom I admire.

WHOSE (untuk kepemilikan)

- The man has been staring at me
- His hat is red

The man whose has hat is red has been staring at me.

- I want the laptop

- I love its color.

I want the laptop whose color I love.

Using where
- This is a house
- I was born in this house.
This is a house where I was born.
Using When
- I remember the day
- You were born on that day.
I remember the day when you were born.

Appositive Phrase

1. Restrictive Phrase (Essential Phrase)

2. Non- restrictive Phrase (Non essential phrase)

- Catty, my lovely cat, will come and eat these bone.

- The eruption of Semeru, Java’s tallest mountain, ejected ash cloud and pyroclastic that killed
many people.

- My dog, Ken, hates chocolate

- My friend, Jennie, left her phone in the class room.

Appositive Phrase is basically a bonus information about Noun.


1. Future Subjunctive

- Wish
- As if S + Would + V1
- As though
- If only
- Would rather

If only she would come …

I would come to your party IF ONLY she would come with me.
I might/could come to your party IF ONLY she would come with me.

Will = Sudah pasti

Would = Belum pasti

2. Present Subjunctive

- Wish
S + wish/wishes + S + V2 / were

Ex: Andi wishes he were a president.

He was a president.
- If only + S + V2
Ex : If only he wrote the letter, he would know about her crush.
He would know about her crush if only he wrote the letter.
- Would rather
S + Would rather + S + V2
My father would rather I took that opportunity. (Ayah ku lebih memilih aku mengambil
kesempatan itu)
- As though / as if
S+V1+ as if / as though+S+V2/were
Andi acts as if he were the CEO.


I …. maria had posted my letter yesterday.

- Wish
- As if S + had + V3/been
- As though
- If only
- Would rather
My mom wishes she had ironed the clothes last night.
You played as if you had been winning. (Gerund / Ving acts as a noun)

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