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Code No: 53218/MT

M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008


(Industrial Engineering & Management)

Time: 3hours Max. Marks:60

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Discuss the important of reliability.
b) Prove that the hazard model of a system having m components in
parallel and each component with a constant failure rate can be
approximated to a Weibull model.

2. Calculate the system reliability for the units connected as shown in


3.a) Repair will improve the system reliability if it has redundancy.

b) Explain the functions of reliability in an organization.

4. Explain the following terms:

(i) Maintainability
(ii) Mean time to repair
(iii) Frequency of failures
(iv) Availability.

Code No: 53218/MT ::2::

5. An air compressor has to be so designed that its minimum reliability

value is 0.90 for an operation time of 1000 hours. The minimum
availability value over the same period has to be 0.99. Estimate the
time to failure and the mean repair time. Assume constant hazard for
failure and repair.

6.a) Discuss in detail the various types of maintenance.

b) What are the policies of maintenance?

7.a) Discuss the application of MIS in maintenance.

b) A company operates three machines with one spare machine
available. There are two maintenance technicians (that is repair
channels). Each machine fails at a constant rate of twice per week.
The mean time to repair is one and two thirds days. Assuming a
five day work week, determine the percentage of operating
machines and the average down time.

8. Write notes on any FOUR of the following:

(i) Standardization
(ii) Maintenance planning
(iii) Cost model in machine
(iv) System reliability
(v) Operational availability
(vi) Benefits of maintenance.


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