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Guidelines for the Honorary Consuls of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Royal Government of Bhutan

August 2019

Section I

In view of the growing need for consular services abroad and promotion of trade,
commerce, and people to people contact, the Royal Government of Bhutan hereby
adopts the revised guidelines 2019.

Section II
General Provisions

1. The Guideline is based on the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963.

2. The Honorary Consuls shall represent the interests of the Kingdom of Bhutan and its
citizens in the receiving State.

3. The Honorary Consuls may enjoy facilities, privileges and immunities in accordance with
the laws and regulations of the receiving State.

4. All expenses related to the establishment, activities of the Office of the Honorary
Consul, the exercise of official attributions and representation of the interests of the
Kingdom of Bhutan in the territory of the receiving State shall be borne by the Honorary

Section III
Criteria for Candidature

The proposed candidate for the post of an Honorary Consul must fulfil the following criteria:

1. He/She must be a citizen or permanent resident of that State. He/She must reside in the
country/city of his/her proposed consular jurisdiction.

2. He/She must be of sound character, high standing and enjoy social prominence and
influence with authorities and the business communities in the consular jurisdiction.

3. He/She must be able to operate from his/her own resources.

4. He/She must not simultaneously represent another country in any capacity or exercise
the function of the honorary consul of another State.

5. His/her candidature must be accepted by the receiving State.

Section IV
Procedure for Appointment

1. The appointment of Honorary Consul shall be based on an agreement between the

Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) and the government of the receiving State, as
outlined in the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963 .

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will recommend the proposed candidate for appointment
as Honorary Consul to the Royal Government for approval. Upon approval, the Ministry
will seek the concurrence of the Government of the receiving State.

3. On receipt of the consent of the receiving State, His Majesty The King will grant the
letter of consular commission.

4. The Honorary Consul is admitted to the exercise of his/her functions by the receiving
State upon issuance of Exequatur.

Section V
Term of Office

1. The term of the Honorary Consul shall be for three years.

2. The term of the Honorary Consul may be renewed upon mutual agreement and if the
Royal Government finds, his/her services beneficial to the country.

3. The Royal Government reserves the right to terminate the service of an Honorary
Consul if his/her activities are found to be detrimental to the interest of the Kingdom of
Bhutan before the expiry of his/her term. Such a decision should be conveyed to the
receiving State immediately.

4. The Royal Government will notify the receiving State of the extension or completion of
the Honorary Consul’s tenure, three months before the expiry of his/her term.

Section VI
Functions of Honorary Consuls

Functions :

1. In exercise of his/her functions, the Honorary Consul shall be guided by the Royal
Government of Bhutan.

2. The Honorary Consul is encouraged to visit Bhutan regularly to familiarize with
developments in Bhutan and renew acquaintances, the first such visit being at the time
of appointment. The Honorary Consul plus one person will be accorded full local
hospitality in Bhutan during their first visit.

3. The channel of communication between the Honorary Consul and the Royal
Government shall be the Embassies/Missions under whose jurisdiction the consulate
functions or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. The Honorary Consul shall not disclose to a third party, information and
communications of confidential nature or any other unauthorized information made
available to him/her by the Royal Government in his/her official capacity.

5. The Honorary Consul will render appropriate assistance upon request by the Royal

6. The Honorary Consuls are encouraged to share regular reports of their consular
activities to the Royal Government.

7. The Honorary Consul shall extend consular services to Bhutanese citizens within his/ her
consular jurisdiction and submit a report to the Royal Government through
Mission/Embassies or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

8. The Honorary Consul shall also report to the Royal Government of any development in
his consular jurisdiction that may be of interest to Bhutan.

Section VII
Privileges of Honorary Consul

The Honorary Consuls will be accorded the following privileges as permissible under the laws
and regulations of the receiving State:

1. The right to use the emblem of the Kingdom of Bhutan within the Consular premises.

2. The right to fly the Bhutanese standard flag at the Honorary Consulate, residence and
on his/her means of transport.

3. The right to use the seal inscribed “Honorary Consulate of Bhutan” in Dzongkha and

4. Other privileges and immunities may be enjoyed as extended by the receiving state.

Section VIII
Administrative matters

1. The Honorary Consul shall provide the Royal Government with his contact address
including email and telephone numbers which will be made publicly available. Any
citizen of Bhutan in need of consular assistance shall have the right to contact him/her
through these coordinates.

2. MFA or the Embassy concerned shall provide the Honorary Consul with all necessary
items as follows:

● Standard size National Flag 2

● Car Flag 2
● Seal of Consulate (on a disk) 1
● Photograph of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen

● Photograph of Hon’ble Prime Minister 2

● Guidelines Governing the Appointments and Functions of the Honorary Consuls of the
Kingdom of Bhutan.

Government Documents:

o Constitution of Bhutan
o Passport Manual
o Prevailing Five Year Plan Document
o Immigration Act 2007
o Immigration Rules and Regulations 2012
● Posters on Bhutan
● Addresses of missions/embassies/consulates
● List of Honorary Consuls and Friendship Associations
● Map of Bhutan
● Telephone nos. and email addresses of the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
● Any other information materials which may be determined by the Royal Government of

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