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Based on the video, What are your keys and takeaways from the video?

When the pandemic hit, no one really knew what the future would be like. The world was just
learning and trying to adapt as the days passed. Companies had a hard time since most, if not all,
at some point had to close operations. This made the uncertainty grow even more. Yet, as things
started to go back to normal it got better. The challenge companies were facing changed forever.
Consumers got used to a “virtual life”, where they could work, buy, sell, and be entertained from
the comfort of their homes. As mentioned in the video, for companies to stay relevant they really
needed to master 4 things: stay connected to your customer base, maintain a brand voice but alter
the brand tone, provide facts, and alleviate fear, and listen and respond. (Miyazaki, 2020) To stay
connected companies leveraged social media platforms. As a Forbes article says, “Companies
have always needed to be savvy with respect to social media and email marketing, but it's
increasingly important now when customers are logging so many hours each day on laptops and
smartphones.” (Mason, 2020). It is all about continuing to be present in hard times, even if they
were going through a temporary close. The second important takeaway for companies is to alter
the brand tone. When companies can take a situation happening in the present and change their
content based on it, they win a lot of consumers. It shows a humane side to companies, where
they are true and empathic in their content. The third takeaway is to provide facts and alleviate
fear. Fear is a very complex and deep emotion, and it could affect the way people act. In a time
where many people are living day by day, without knowing what will happen in the future, being
transparent is key. “This is the time for businesses to send clear, direct messaging that guides
customers on engagement, reassure them that the business is open and provides easy ways to
interact and purchase.” (Mason, 2020) Even if the company is not operating or only operating
online, customers would want to know how to interact and what to expect of this new
engagement opportunity. Finally, the last takeaway is to listen and respond. Everything from
events to parks and restaurants closed, which meant little to no interaction with people. Online
platforms were the only way to talk to people or communities. By listening and responding
companies could create a bond with consumers where they can show how much they care about
the people.

Mason, J. (2020, December 28). Council post: Five ways to maintain and grow your business
during the pandemic. Forbes. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from

Miyazaki, A. (2020, March 21). Marketing in times of extended crisis / #marketingminute 132

(marketing strategy). YouTube. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from 

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