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SINCE- 2013

Chapter: Nuclei DPP NO. -1

Grade: XII LEVEL: 01
Topic: Radioactivity

1. The half-life of radioactive radon is 3.8 day. The time at the end of which (1/20 th) of the radon
sample will remain undecayed (given log10e = 0.4343) is
(a) 3.8 day (b) 16.5 day (c) 33 day (d) 76 day
2. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay constant 10 and  respectively. If initial they
have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will
be after a time
(a) 1/10 (b) 1/11 (c) 11/10 (d) 1/9
3. A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particles with respective half-
lives 1620 and 810 year. The time, in years, after which one-fourth of the material remains is:
(a) 1080 (b) 2430 (c) 3240 (d) 4860
4. If N0 is the original mass of the substance of half-life period T = 5 years, then the amount of
substance left after 15 years is
(a) N0/8 (b) N0/16 (c) N0/2 (d) N0/4
5. Starting with a sample of pure Cu66, 7/8 of it decays into Zn in 15 minutes. The corresponding
half-life is
(a) 10 minutes (b) 15 minutes (c) 5 minutes (d) 7.5 minutes
6. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 20 minutes. The approximate time interval (t2 – t1)
between the time t2 when of it has decayed and time t1 when of it had decayed is
(a) 7 min (b) 14 min (c) 20 min (d) 28 min
7. A radioactive substance decays to 1/16th of initial activity in 40 days. The half-life of the
radioactive substance expressed (in days) is
(a) 2.5 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 20
8. A radioactive material has a half-life of 10 days. What fraction of the material would remain
after 30 days?
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.125 (d) 0.33
9. If the radioactive decay constant of radium is 1.0710-4 per year, then its half-life period is
approximately equal to
(a) 8900 years (b) 7000 years (c) 6476 years (d) 2520 years

By – Deepak Sir
10. A radioactive nucleus is being produced at a constant rate α per second. Its decay constant is
. If N0 are the number of nuclei at time t = 0, then the maximum number of nuclei possible are

(a) N0 + (b) N0 (c) +N0 (d)
 

11. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants 5 and  respectively. At t = 0, they
have the same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei of A to those of B will be (1/e 2)
after a time
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/4
12. If the half-lives of a radioactive element for α and  decay are 4 years and 12 years
respectively, the ratio of its initial activity and that after 12 years will be
(a) 6.25% (b) 12.5% (c) 25% (d) 50%
13. Half-life of a substance is 20 minutes. What is the time between 33% decay and 67% decay?
(a) 40minutes (b) 20minutes (c) 30 minutes (d) 25 minutes
14. A certain radioactive element has a half-life of 20 years. If we have a block with 10g of the
element in it, after how many years will there be just 2.5g of the element in the block?
(a) 40 years (b) 60 years (c) 80 years (d) 100 years
15. A nucleus of mass number 220 decays by α-decay. The energy released in the reaction is
5MeV. The kinetic energy of an α-particle is
(a) MeV (b) MeV (c) MeV (d) MeV

By – Deepak Sir

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