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* Mach the word with the definition :

1 . To go from sight ……………….

A. Disappear B. shout C. leap J. forget

2. The place where something ends : ……………………….

A. button B. bunch C. edge J. doorway

3. The clothes an actor wear ……………..

A. basket B. club C. cupboard D. costume

4. A group of things together …………………..

A. once B. bunch C. set off D. smell

5. opposite of behind is :……………….

A. far B. over C. in front of D. near

6. Opposite of over is : ……………….

A. under B. far C. toward D. a way from

7. Not remember : ……………

A. perform B. leap C. forget D. disappear

8. Not easily scared ……………….

A. tired B. brave C. strange D. polite

9. A person who cuts down the trees : ……………………….

A. teacher B. doctor C. woodcutter J. doorway

10. Tom ……………..swimming at 6 o clock , yesterday.

A. was B. were C. am D. are

11. The bird …………………..singing .

A. was B. were C. is D. are

12. The students could ……………….

A. writing B. write C. wrote D. writes

13. The boy was ……………….

A. eats B. ate C. eat D. eating

14. To shout in a loud voice ……………

A. scream B. see C. leap D. set off

15. To jump high ……………………….

A. walk B. leap C. kick J. sing

16. A machine that copy things ……..

A. ruler B. photocopier C. chair D. script

17. The wolf had a strange ………………

A. path B. voice C. shout D. feet

18. The wood cutter was standing in the ……………….

A. doorway B. basket C. bed D. farm

19. ………………. The wolf leap out of the bed

A. suddenly B. at once C. finally D. first

20. something that can kill or hurt a person ………

A. die B. danger C. drown D. trap

21. Water with land around it ……

A. lake B. ocean C. farm D. parent

22. A mother or father ………..

A. adult B. wolf C. parent D. wing

23. Outside covering of person or animal …….

A. skin B. wing C. toe D. eye

24. A grown up person or animal ….

A. child B. adult C. chick D. cygnet

25. To die in water ……..

A. dive B. walk C. lay D. drown

26. To catch …..

A. dive B. trap C. lay D. drown

27. To stop living ……..

A. drown B. dive C. die D. trap

28. To go head first into water…..

A. dive B. drown C. die D. lay

29. To make an egg come out ……..

A. trap B. lay C. skin D. dive

30. which one of these animals is not bird ………..

A. goose B. dog C. albatross D. gull

31. which one of these animals is a bird ………….

A. penguin B. cat C. mouse D. girraf

32. very large area of water between land ……..

A. ocean B. lake C. land D. sky

33. To moving in beautiful way …….

A. ridiculous B. usually C. much D. graceful

34. To be very silly ………..

A. nice B. ridiculous C. tired D. graceful

35. To live without help of people ……….

A. wild B. warm C. skin D. toe

36. To move from one place to another ……….

A. stay B. move C. come D. next

Unit 4

* Mach the word with the definition :

1 . To press something hard between your finger and thump ……………….
B. lay B. pinch C. leap D. reed
2. To put something into a liquid : ……………………….
A. dip B. bunch C. pinch D. pour
3. To let a liquid drop from a cup or jar ……………..
A. dip B. squeak C. vase D. pour
4. a little at a time …………………..
A. gradually B. heavy C. set off D. straight
5. To make something hot :……………….
A. soft B. over C. heat D. near
6. To make something by hand : ……………….
A. play B. craft C. toward D. wave
7. To turn something round in lots of circles : ……………
A. coil B. leap C. draw D. dip
8. The liquid that a candle maker uses to make candles ……………….
A. clay B. oven C. wax D. thread
9. To push threads between each other : ……………………….
A. weave B. pour C. heat D. squeak
10. The small sound a mouse makes ……..
A. scream B. shout C. squeak D. cool
11. Not in a curve ……….
A. soft B. straight C. curve D. side
12. Plants that grow near a river or lake ……………….
A. threads B. vase C. reeds D. coil
13. A large box that people make hot and use for cooking food ……………….
A. oven B. pan C. bowl D. candle
14. A big piece of something ……………
A. cloth B. pan C. lump D. clay
15. I am going to supermarket. Do you want ……………..
A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
16. I can see …………………… in the tree. Look it is moving.
A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
17. I am realy hungry but there is …………………. To eat.
A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
18. Empty your pocket. Put …………………… on the table .
A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
19. The candlemaker uses …………………. To make candle.
A. clay B. wax C. wheel D. reeds
20. Weaver uses ………………………. to make a cloth.
A. threads B. twigs C. clay D. mould
21. The potter uses …………………. To make a pot.
A. threads B. twigs C. clay D. mould
22. The basket maker uses ……………………… to make basket.
A. threads B. wax C. clay D. reeds
* Choose the best word to complete each sentence :

Cools - heats - gradually - finally - pours - dips

1.The candle maker ------------------ the wax in a big pan .

2. The candle maker ------------------ the long candles many times.
3. ------------------------ the candles get fatter.
4. He ----------------- hot wax into a mould .
5 the wax in the mould -------------------- and goes hard.
6. ---------------------- the candle maker opens the mould and takes out
the candle.

* Start with (When) to make one sentence:

1. The children saw the monster. They screamed
2. We heard the music. We start to dance.
3. The boys arrived at the mall. They went to the sports shop.

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