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Thinking about what data your team needs can be overwhelming. Here are three simple ideas that will help you identify
useful data that will provide value to your team.

Map customer, client, or user interactions.

One way to surface data that might empower your
team is to start with the customer. With your team,
make a simple map of how your customers interact
with your organization. Then, select the moments of
interaction that would be most valuable for your team
to learn more about.

Survey employees about process inefficiencies.

Internal organizational data can be just as important as
external customer data. Consider chatting with your
team about how you all work together. Is there data you
could collect together that would help boost your
collective productivity?

Make data a regular part of the conversation.

Start making conversations about data a part of your
team’s regular routine. After meetings or informal
discussions, consider what data might help you make
better decisions about the topic at hand.

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