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ARCH: Lecture

1. Talos, the mythical giant bronze man, was the protector of which island?
a. !Crete
b. Sicily
c. Cyprus
d. Sardinia
2. This Greek goddess039;s name was chosen for the dwarf planet responsible for discord
on Pluto039;s classification amongst astronomers.
a. Ceres
b. Charon
c. Dysnomia
d. !Eris
3. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the ash tree
a. !Nidhogg
b. Bragi
c. Odin
d. Ymir
4. Which Greek amp; Roman god was known as the god of music, truth and prophecy,
healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more?
a. Artemis
b. !Apollo
c. Athena
d. Aphrodite
5. Rannamaari was a sea demon that haunted the people of the Maldives and had to be
appeased monthly with the sacrifice of a virgin girl.
a. False
b. !True
6. What is the name of the Greek god of blacksmiths?
a. Dyntos
b. Vulcan
c. Artagatus
d. !Hephaestus
7. Which of these mythological creatures is said to be halfman and halfhorse?
a. !Centaur
b. Pegasus
c. Minotaur
d. Gorgon
8. What mythology did the god quot;Apolloquot; come from?
a. Roman and Spanish
b. !Greek and Roman
c. Greek and Chinese
d. Greek, Roman and Norse
9. A wyvern is the same as a dragon.
a. True
b. !False
10. What is the name of the first human being in Norse mythology?
a. !Ask

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b. Asger
c. Asmund
d. Ake
1. According to Algonquian folklore, how does one transform into a Wendigo?
a. !Participating in cannibalism.
b. Excessive mutilation of animal corpses.
c. Drinking the blood of many slain animals.
d. Performing a ritual involving murder.
2. Hera is god of...
a. Sea
b. Agriculture
c. !Marriage
d. War
3. Rannamaari was a sea demon that haunted the people of the Maldives and had to be
appeased monthly with the sacrifice of a virgin girl.
a. False
b. !True
4. Nidhogg is a mythical creature from what mythology?
a. Egyptian
b. Hindu
c. !Norse
d. Greek
5. In Greek mythology, Hera is the goddess of harvest.
a. !False
b. True
6. A minotaur is half human half what?
a. Horse
b. Eagle
c. Cow
d. !Bull
7. The Roman god quot;Jupiterquot; was first known as quot;Zeusquot; to the Greeks.
a. False
b. !True
8. In African mythology, Anansi is a trickster and storyteller who takes the shape of which
a. Monkey
b. Crocodile
c. !Spider
d. Wild dog
9. According to Japanese folklore, what is the favorite food of the Kappa.
a. Soba
b. Kabocha
c. Nasu
d. !Cucumbers
10. Hel was the daughter of which Norse Mythological figure?
a. Odin
b. Thor
c. !Loki

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d. Balder
1. Montreal is in which Canadian province?
a. Ontario
b. !Quebec
c. Alberta
d. Nova Scotia
2. Which country does Austria not border?
a. !France
b. Switzerland
c. Slovenia
d. Slovakia
3. The mountainous Khyber Pass connects which of the two following countries?
a. !Afghanistan and Pakistan
b. Pakistan and India
c. India and Nepal
d. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
4. What event led to Liechenstein adding a crown to its flag?
a. Coronation of Prince Johann I Joseph in 1805
b. !The 1936 Olympics
c. Charles VI039;s decree in 1719
d. Signing of the 1862 Constitution of Liechtenstein
5. The historical city Timbuktu is located in which West African country?
a. Niger
b. Burkina Faso
c. !Mali
d. Senegal
is located on which Welsh island?
a. Barry
b. Caldey
c. !Anglesey
d. Bardsey
7. What is the largest Muslim country in the world?
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Iran
c. !Indonesia
d. Pakistan
8. How many timezones does Russia have?
a. !11
b. 16
c. 6
d. 24
9. The two largest ethnic groups of Belgium are Flemish and Walloon.
a. False
b. !True
10. What is the official national language of Pakistan?
a. Pashto
b. Punjabi

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c. !Urdu
d. Indian

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