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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

ENGL 4021-L03
English Department


DATE: Thursday, September 1 , 2022.
TO: Pier A. LeCompte Zambrana, English Professor
FROM: Natalia Carolina Reyes González
SUBJECT: Trip Report on Conference Patents, What are they and What role do they play in
the career of a Scientist?


On September 1 , 2022, a conference was offered by Reinaldo Franqui Machin, Ph.D., J.D who
was invited by Rafael Maldonado Hernández, Ph.D. The name of the conference was Patents,
What are they and What role do they play in the career of a Scientist? This activity was
sponsored by Tribeta Zeta Kappa Biological Honorary Society. The conference was held at the
general theater of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. The principal purpose was to teach
students what patents are, how people use them and how attendees can become patent agents
after graduating from college.


Reinaldo Franqui Machin’s points

Reinaldo talked about what patents are, he explained that are a right granted for an invention, is a
product or process that provides a new way of doing something or offers a new technical solution
to a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the
public in a patent application. He presented the following details about the law of patents:

● promotes scientific progress and useful arts for a limited time.

● are guaranteed in the constitution of the United States.
● are territorial and may exclude other continents.

Finally, Franqui provided information to students to be able to have a plan B for their future
careers if they want to become a patent agent someday.

In the next pages there will be evidence of attendance to the conference offered by Reinaldo.
University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
ENGL 4021-L03
English Department
University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
ENGL 4021-L03
English Department

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