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Exercise - Definite / Indefinite Articles a, an, the or 0 - Easy English

Carmona Villamar Sofia
Seccion A

Complete the blanks with a, an, the or 0.

1. A: Sally has got a cat.

B: What is the cat's name?

2. A: Can you give me an envelope, please?

B: Certainly. Oh! Where's the envelope?

3. A: Can you play the guitar?

B: No, I can't, but I can play the piano.

4. A: Do you often come to 0 work on foot? (0= nothing)

B: No, I don't.

5. A: The school is very cold. Hasn't it got a central heating system?

B: It has, but the central heating is broken down.

6. The Nile is in Egypt, isn't it?

7. A: The school is very cold.

B: Hasn't it got a central heating system?

8. A: Where are the boys? B: They're at the cinema.

9. A Duck is a bird.

10. A: Where are the Canary Islands?

B: I don't know, but I know the Himalayas.

11. Children likes 0 sweets. (0 = nothing)

12. Do you want an orange? No, thanks.

13. How does he go to 0 university? He just walks there. (0 = nothing)

14. How far is the sun away from the earth? I don't know.

15. Is 0 Copacabana Beach in the USA? I think so. (0 = nothing)

16. Is there a post office near here?

17. Mary: Is fencing a popular sport in the world?

Burhan: No, it isn't.
18. My brother is in the classroom.

19. The house over there is rather expensive.

20. This is an orange.

21. The Pacific Ocean is really beautiful.

22. This is an apple, and that is a rabbit

23. TOM: Do you have 0 breakfast at home? (0 = nothing)

BRIAN: No, I don't. I have 0 dinner at home.

1. We have a beautiful garden. The garden is full of roses.

2. We like 0 Turkish coffee.

3. We live in a cottage. The cottage has five rooms.

4. We love 0 Istanbul. It is very beautiful.

5. The Sahara desert is so dangerous. Don't go there!

6. Would you like a hamburger? Yes, please

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