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The compost production and sale project are based on the treatment of organic waste generated every
day by the residents of the San Miguel neighborhood, the San Sebastián district, province and
department of Cusco. This green business project deals with the collection and segregation of organic
waste in homes, apartments, offices and markets, and then with a simple and easy process
(composting) to obtain compost and natural fertilizer, mainly achieving the reuse of this waste and
contributing to the mitigation of the environmental impact caused by mismanagement.

The finished product for sale is compost, an organic material rich in macronutrients and micronutrients
that are essential for soil fertility (, 2018). Being a natural fertilizer, compost is an ideal
alternative to fertilizers and pesticides, which, in addition to being very expensive and being made
from non-renewable resources, are essential for agriculture and gardening.

The plant for the elaboration of the compost will be located in the sector called TANKARPATA, an
accessible place for the entry of heavy and light vehicles, it has irrigation water, and enough space to
implement the composting ponds and the storage of an output product. already done.

For the commercialization of the compost it will be carried out in the weekly fair in the district of
Wánchaq - Cusco, for this it will be exposed in bulk and packages of 1KG, 5KG, 10KG, 25KG, with the
production and sale of these totally natural products we will promote the decrease in the purchase of
artificial fertilizers.

It is also important to satisfy your customers in a kind and friendly way by providing products at a fair

Compost is very easy to make and still low cost, in addition to contributing to the environment and
generating profits from organic waste generated by the residents of the San Miguel neighborhood of
the San Sebastián District - Cusco.
Referencias bibliográficas:
Ayala A, Vihelmo R, Ramirez P, Taxa J, Milner I. (2020-12-17). Desarrollo de un negocio de
compostaje de residuos sólidos orgánicos para la comercialización de abono orgánico.
Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú.
Cristian martines, Eulogio ocsa. (2013). Producción y comercialización familiar de abonos orgánicos
en la zona andina. Louvain cooperation.
Gutiérrez González, Allan Cristofer. (2015). Modelo de negocio para una planta de compostaje con
residuos orgánicos. Universidad Andres Bello
Nicho E, Guerra C, Ccallocunto J, Jimenez L, Ramos C. (2018). Compost green. Universidad San
Ignacio De Loyola.

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