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Section: M0

ID Number:

ASSIGNMENT 1 (5.0% of total course marks)

Deadline: Week 5, Wednesday Nov 16, 2022 @ 3.00 pm at my office [A2-1032]

1) Answer to ALL questions shall only use HANDWRITING
2) USE ONLY THIS SHEET to write your answers, i.e., you may print the document, write your
answers, and submit or you may also submit by the ELECTRONIC HANDWRITING of your
answers directly from any tablet or graphing devices, and
3) Please also ensure that YOUR FULL DETAILS as in the box above are filled-in correctly
before submitting.

Topic – Failure Prevention Theory (Structure Under Static Load)

Cross-section of a simple thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel as depicted by Figure 1

having service pressure p = 60 bar is made of stainless steel 316 (allowable proof
strength, Sy = 375 MPa) and enclosed by welding hemispherical head to each end
cylindrical of cylindrical section (where effects of structural discontinuity at the junction of
a welded joint is considered negligible and not dictating the stress flow in that of cylindrical
section). When it is first designed, the vessel uses the Tresca’s maximum shear stress
(MSS) criterion, however, its design safety factor n is not readily available as the
manufacturing data record is now lost. By considering the triaxial stress state (in x-y-z
components) anywhere in that cylindrical section and using the Mohr’s circle
representation for stress transformation analysis, devise;

a) the original safety factor n assigned to the vessel when it is first designed,
b) as the vessel’s wall thickness t gets thinner over time owing to metal loss from
corrosive environment the rig is exposed to, suggest a minimum allowable wall
thickness tmin of that cylindrical section if degradation in the design safety factor is
restricted not to fall below n = 2.5 as per Tresca’s criterion, and
c) evaluate a design safety factor n if the vessel is instead designed by that of von-Mises
maximum distortion energy criterion from its original wall thickness, t0 = 6.5 mm.

Tangential σt and Longitudinal σl stress components due to internal pressure in thin

cylinder vessel can simply be represented by;

𝒑𝑫𝒎 𝝈𝒕
(𝝈𝒕 , 𝝈𝒍 ) = ,
𝟐𝒕 𝟐

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:

Cylindrical Section Section

t0 = 6.5 mm A-A
y A

Dm = 210 mm

Welding Head

Figure 1

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:


BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

Section: M0

ID Number:

BMM3323 MECHANICAL DESIGN, Semester 1 Academic 20222023 [ASSIGNMENT 1]

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