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Started on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 10:22 AM

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Completed on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 10:55 AM

Time taken 33 mins 2 secs

Points 19.00/25.00

Grade 53.20 out of 70.00 (76%)

Feedback Good Job!

Question 1
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Complete the paragraph with the correct words, using past perfect tense:
She had _____ about her sister’s drug problem when their mother died and had _____ steps
to find a suitable rehab program.
Select one:
a. worry/take
b. worried/took
c. worried/taken
d. worry/taken

Question 2
1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Read the following definition and according to it, select the correct word that best fits the

It is an act, often a crime, involving unjustified threats to reveal a secret about someone,
unless they give you money.
Select one:
a. Blackmail.
b. Cyber-bullying.
c. Phishing.
d. Catfish.

Question 3
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the correct option without spelling mistake:
Select one:
a. She have wantd a cat, but received a fish.
b. She had wanted a cat, but receved a fish.
c. She had wanted a cat, but received a fish.
d. She has wanteed a cat, but received a fish.

Question 4
0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Answer false or true according to the listening

Hellen rode to Italy to see the of the “Giro d'Italia”?

Select one:

Question 5
0.00 points out of 1.00

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Question text
Read the text "Class of 2000" and answer the following question:
Do you ever wonder what will become of your classmates? Can you spot who’s going to
become famous, travel the world or get a really interesting job? Colin Bacon decided to
look up some people he’d known at secondary school to find out just that.
The first person I found was Andrew. He’d always wanted to work in the music industry.
He reminded me, “As a student, I used to do DJ work at the weekends. The academic side
of university wasn’t my main priority. After graduation, I did temporary jobs before getting
into a record company as assistant to the marketing manager. I learned a lot from him and
progressed quickly. I’m now in charge of signing new bands. A typical week involves
meetings with artists and producers, and I have to stay abreast of what’s going on in the
music world. No two days are ever the same in this job and an average day can change in
an instant if you hear a new band and you realize you’re on to something big. The thrill of
that makes all the dull days worthwhile”.
Barbara was much more of a shock. She was always rather quiet at school. She explained,
“After school I got a place at Art College to do a four-year degree, but after a year I had a
change of heart and swapped to a Geography degree which I thought was more interesting.
On that course, I met up with some people who were thinking of joining the army. I
suddenly realized it was just the thing for me too. After graduation, I spent a year doing
officer training and then shadowed another officer for two months before getting my own
first commission.” She now has fifty-five soldiers under her command. “Promotion depends
on performance and time served, but I hope to have been promoted to the rank of captain in
two years’ time.”
Carl was always a patient sort, so I wasn’t surprised to find him still in the classroom. He
told me, “In my last year at school, I considered teaching as a career, but I ended up doing
two years of a medical degree instead, because that was the advice I was given at the time.
I never really felt committed to it, however, and after two years switched to Biology and
returned to my original plan. I chose a very practical training course where I spent a lot of
time in schools rather than in a lecture theatre. The advantage is that you build up a
teaching style quite quickly, but you do miss out a bit on the education theory behind it. I
now work in an inner-city secondary school and the challenge is motivating the rather
troublesome pupils to learn.”
Biggest shock of all was Diane. She was quite scruffy at school and the last person I
expected to be working as a fashion model. As she explained, “Anyone who says you
become a model just because you’re pretty is totally wrong. To be successful you need
personality, drive, maturity as well as good looks. A model’s job involves getting up early,
performing miracles in front of the camera even when you feel awful, and then staying
miles away from home because you’ve got to do it all again tomorrow. It is often
exhausting. It’s glamorous enough if you make it to the top, but most don’t. Fortunately,
I’m building up the experience necessary to start my own agency because modelling is not
something you can do forever”.
And finally, I tracked down Eric. He works from home, but spends a lot of his time in the
great outdoors. As he told me, “I completed a degree in Zoology and because I’ve always
been interested in the sea, I started doing voluntary work with the Marine Conservation
Trust while I was looking for a job. It wasn’t long before I got taken on to the staff,
however, and I’m now their education officer. This involves responding to telephone
enquiries from the public and setting up courses for people who want to come and study the
seashore. I also have to do things like go round companies and try to get sponsorship for
our schemes.”
Taken from: Fast Track to FCE Longman Pearson Education Limited 2001
Which of Colin's classmates feels that people may have the wrong idea about his/her
Select one:
a. Eric.
b. Andrew.
c. Barbara.
d. Diane.

Question 6
0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Complete the conversation with the appropriate answer:
Ann: Did your mum use to be slim when she was at the university?

Select one:
a. Helen: No, she used to.
b. Helen: No, she didn´t.
c. Helen: No she didn´t used to.
d. Helen: No she didn´t use to.

Question 7
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the following statement and choose the appropiate option to make this conditional
sentence correct:
If my sister studies, ______________.
Select one:
a. she will finally get a dog!
b. she will find a new dress.
c. she will pass all her school exams.
d. she will learn how to ride a bike.

Question 8
0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
According to the text "The Tattoos", famous people have tattoos because...
For many years tattoos were associated with sailors and soldiers, then in the 60s and 70s
with bikers and heavy metal rock stars. But today more people from all social classes are
having tattoos done and there has been a significant increase in the number of women who
have them.
Many famous people have had tattoos done too. Footballer David Beckham, and his wife,
Victoria, both have tattoos of their first son's name Brooklyn. David has one on his back
and Victoria has one on her arm. Other famous people include singers, actors and
actresses such as Robbie Williams, Britney Spears, and Angelina Jolie among others.
Tattoos have existed for more than 5.000 years. The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian
word tatau, meaning ''symbol''. In Polynesia tattoos were a sign of social status and the
transition from childhood to adult life. They became known in the West when sailors on
voyages of discovery to the Polynesian islands had tattoos done because they wanted to be
accepted by native people or because they wanted a souvenir of their voyage.
The traditional method of tattooing is to make a drawing on the skin and then trace the
lines of the final tattoo by injecting ink under the skin, using a machine with a needle.
Sounds painful? It is. But not as painful (or expensive) as having a tattoo removed! Modern
laser surgery has improved the situation, but even with this method there is no guarantee
that a tattoo can be completely removed. So a lot of people have henna tattoos, which are
not permanent. These are fine if the pure henna dye is used, but sometimes artists use
inferior dyes containing the chemical PPD, which can cause permanent skin problems.
There are also semi -permanent tattoos which can last for up to five years
Taken from:
Select one:
a. They think is a way to make up their bodies.
b. They are part of a new generation.
c. They want to remember someone.
d. They are fashionable.

Question 9
1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Read the text "Late for the Party" and answer the following question:
Last week-end my sister had a birthday party. There was a snowstorm that day and the
traffic was horrible. I was so late I missed most of the party. By the time I arrived all the
cake had been eaten and most of the wine had been drunk. All the gifts had been opened
too. Songs had been sung and wishes had been said. A good time was had by everyone! I
stayed long enough to finish the last of the wine and help my sister clean up after the party.
The drive home was much easier because the roads had been plowed by the time I left my
sister’s apartment.
Taken from:
Had the sister enjoyed the party?
Select one:
a. Yes, because she had been on time.
b. No, because she had forgotten to go there.
c. No, because she arrived late.
d. Yes, because she had been with her friends.

Question 10
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the correct answer without the spelling mistake:
Select one:
a. When I was yougr than now I used to eat a lot of meat.
b. When I was younger than now I used to eat a lot of meat.
c. When I was youger tan now I uset to eat a lot of meat.
d. When I was youger than now I uset to eat a lot of meat.
Question 11
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the best option to complete the sentence:
I had to broke suddenly when the other driver didn't signal to show his __________to turn
Select one:
a. idea
b. plan
c. promise
d. intention

Question 12
0.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In this options there are three wrong answers and only one correct answer.
Choose the correct one:
Select one:
a. He had writen a letter to María.
b. He had written a letter to María.
c. He had writte a letter to María.
d. He had wrotten a letter to María.

Question 13
1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Read the text "A Cake Was Made" and answer the following question:
Seven tablespoons of cocoa powder were measured into a small bowl. Half a cup of boiling
water was added. The mixture was stirred until it was smooth. It was left to cool down.
A half cup of softened butter was put in a large bowl. Two cups of white sugar were added.
The mixture was stirred until it was smooth. Next, three eggs were added and the mixture
was stirred again.
The dry ingredients were added next - two cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and
1 teaspoon of baking soda. The last additions that were made to the batter was a cup of
sour cream and all of the cocoa mixture. The batter was mixed well.
The batter was poured into two cake tins. The cakes were baked in the oven for 45 minutes.
After the cakes had cooled, chocolate icing was spread over them and the cakes were
decorated. The best part was saved for last.... the cakes were eaten!
Taken from:
What ingredient is added when the mixture is stirred until it smooth?
Select one:
a. Three eggs are added and the mixture is stirred again.
b. 1 teaspoon of baking powder is added.
c. Two eggs are added and the mixture is stirred again.
d. 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Question 14
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the text "Late for the Party" and answer the following question:
Last week-end my sister had a birthday party. There was a snowstorm that day and the
traffic was horrible. I was so late I missed most of the party. By the time I arrived all the
cake had been eaten and most of the wine had been drunk. All the gifts had been opened
too. Songs had been sung and wishes had been said. A good time was had by everyone! I
stayed long enough to finish the last of the wine and help my sister clean up after the party.
The drive home was much easier because the roads had been plowed by the time I left my
sister’s apartment.
Taken from:
Had she eaten cake in the party?
Select one:
a. Yes, because she likes to eat cake.
b. No, because when she arrived the cake had been eaten.
c. No, because she had been sick.
d. Yes, because when she arrived, nobody had eaten yet.

Question 15
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
According to the text "The Tattoos", Beckham family have:
For many years tattoos were associated with sailors and soldiers, then in the 60s and 70s
with bikers and heavy metal rock stars. But today more people from all social classes are
having tattoos done and there has been a significant increase in the number of women who
have them.
Many famous people have had tattoos done too. Footballer David Beckham, and his wife,
Victoria, both have tattoos of their first son's name Brooklyn. David has one on his back
and Victoria has one on her arm. Other famous people include singers, actors and
actresses such as Robbie Williams, Britney Spears, and Angelina Jolie among others.
Tattoos have existed for more than 5.000 years. The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian
word tatau, meaning ''symbol''. In Polynesia tattoos were a sign of social status and the
transition from childhood to adult life. They became known in the West when sailors on
voyages of discovery to the Polynesian islands had tattoos done because they wanted to be
accepted by native people or because they wanted a souvenir of their voyage.
The traditional method of tattooing is to make a drawing on the skin and then trace the
lines of the final tattoo by injecting ink under the skin, using a machine with a needle.
Sounds painful? It is. But not as painful (or expensive) as having a tattoo removed! Modern
laser surgery has improved the situation, but even with this method there is no guarantee
that a tattoo can be completely removed. So a lot of people have henna tattoos, which are
not permanent. These are fine if the pure henna dye is used, but sometimes artists use
inferior dyes containing the chemical PPD, which can cause permanent skin problems.
There are also semi -permanent tattoos which can last for up to five years
Taken from:
Select one:
a. A tattoo done in Brooklyn.
b. A football team called Brooklyn.
c. A son called Brooklyn.
d. A house in Brooklyn.

Question 16
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the right verb to complete the sentence:
If the weather is good, he _______ for a walk in the park.
Select one:
a. will do
b. go
c. will goes
d. will go

Question 17
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the correct answer according to the meaning of the word:
A game of ball between two nine-player teams played usually for nine innings on a field
that has as a focal point a diamond-shaped infield with a home plate and three other.
Select one:
a. Racket.
b. Baseball.
c. Golf.
d. Tennis.

Question 18
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the following definition and according to it, select the correct word that best fits the

A person who works compulsively at the expense of other pursuits.

Select one:
a. Alcoholic.
b. Worker.
c. A driver.
d. Workaholic.

Question 19
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the following definition and according to it, select the correct word that best fits the

A person who purchases goods or services from another.

Select one:
a. Salesman.
b. Worker.
c. Seller.
d. Customer.

Question 20
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the best option to complete the sentence:
The teacher is going to give a quiz _______

Select one:
a. when the other students are arriving.
b. when the other students arrived.
c. when the other students are going to arrive.
d. when the other students arrive.

Question 21
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Complete the conversation with the appropriate answer:
Ann: Tim, do you know where are my keys?
Select one:
a. Tim: I had seen them on the sofa before I ate my dinner.
b. Tim: I have seen them on the sofa before I ate my dinner.
c. Tim: I saw them on the sofa before ate my dinner.
d. Tim: I seen them on the sofa before I ate my dinner.
Question 22
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the answers that best complete the following paragraph:
If you help me with this project, I ____ ____ you to the most expensive restaurant in this
Select one:
a. would have/taken
b. would/take
c. will/take
d. had/take

Question 23
0.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the appropriate answer:
According to the following reading MEMORIES OF MY LIFE, how old was Harold
when he had gotten retired?
Hi. My name is Harold MacKagan and I think I had had a very interesting life. I was born
in 1940, I’m 73 now and I don’t work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired
2009. I had been to so many countries that I can’t remember all of them. I’d been to
Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I had also been once to Russia
but I didn’t like it at all: much too cold for me! People say that love greatest thing in life
and I agree. I had been married four times but never for more than five years. I don’t think
women really understand me!
I had never been on television, but I had been on the radio once. It was a program about
life in military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually,
I had met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also
famous cinema and television personalities. However, I had never met any President
though, which is a pity. Because I had traveled a lot, I had seen a lot of wonderful things
and had also eaten and drank some stranger foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India
and drank something called Mirto on a little island in Italy many years ago.
(Fragment taken and adapted from: http//
and grammar//2g30-old-colonel-php)
Select one:
a. He was 73 years old.
b. He was 69 years old.
c. He didn’t like Russia.
d. He retired in 2009.

Question 24
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the answers that best complete the following paragraph:

When we arrived, we rented a car to drive up to Canada . I was really worried about it
because I (1)_______ never (2)________ in Ottawa before.
Select one:
a. have/driven
b. had/drive
c. has/driven
d. had/driven

Question 25
1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Choose the right answer to the question according to the reading "Dane and Emily
How long had Dane and Emily practiced before the competition?
Last night, Dane and Emily danced in a competition. They danced a salsa dance. They had
practiced for 6 months before they danced in the competition. They were very good. Dane
and Emily's friends were in the audience. Before that night, they had never seen Dane and
Emily dance. In fact, Dane and Emily had never danced in front of anyone before the
After everyone had danced, the judges announced the winners. Dane and Emily won! They
were the best dancers in the competition. Emily said she had never practiced so hard
before! She was glad they had practiced a lot.
Taken from:

Select one:
a. Dane and Emily had practiced for 6 days before the competition.
b. Dane and Emily had practiced for 6 months before the competition.
c. Dane and Emily had practiced 6 years before.
d. Dane and Emily did not have practice before the competition.

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