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ACTIVITY Descriptions

Luisa Fernanda Huertas Martínez

English 4, Fundación universitaria del área andina

Doc. Jenny Natali Sanabria Niño

12 de noviembre de 2021

Homework: Descriptions
Objective: The student is able to use adjectives taking into account their order in a

Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Write a three-paragraph text where you describe the picture below
using at least 30 different adjectives.

This image shows us something wonderful, it shows us some peace, the colors always
show us the sharpness of a photographer, the good color of the crystal clear water, the
pleasant green color of the trees, the beautiful color of the clouds that make their color
faded with The always beautiful sunset, the color that the hotel rooms radiate shows like
beautiful stars reflected in the sky.
It is a great hotel, a beautiful landscape, an image that conveys pleasure, the
desire to travel and travel and continue making small trips, this image is
unique in terms of its level of transmitting balance.

In my personal way I have managed to have a great perspective about good colors and
what they can convey, no matter how many times I have to see this image, always making
me see a little me in every part where I look at this image.

Speaking Activity
Activity: Descriptions
Read the text you created in the previous activity and record it as a podcast.
Hello everyone, I am Luisa and welcome to one more chapter of my podcats, today we are
going to talk about this image that shows us something wonderful, shows us some peace,
the colors always show us the sharpness of the photographer, the good color of the water
crystalline, the pleasant green color of the trees, the beautiful color of the clouds that make
their color faded with the always beautiful sunset, the color that the hotel rooms radiate
shows like beautiful stars reflected in the sky.
It is a great hotel, a beautiful landscape, an image that conveys pleasure, the desire to
travel and travel and continue making small trips, this image is unique in terms of its level of
transmitting balance.
In my personal way I have managed to have a great perspective about good colors and
what they can convey, no matter how many times I have to see this image, always making
me see a little me in every part where I look at this image.
and well this was all for today, see you in a next chapter, bye.


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