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1. AM and FM are examples of ____________modulation.

a) Digital-to-digital
b) digital-to-analog
c) analog-to-analog
d) analog-to-digital
2. Modulation of an analog signal can be accomplished through changing the____________ of the
carrier signal.
a) Amplitude
b) frequency
c) phase
d) amplitude, frequency, or phase
3. ____________ is a fundamental requisite of communication systems.
a) Amplification
b) filtering
c) mixing
d) modulation
4. The minimum channel bandwidth to multiplex four analog signals, each bandlimited to 3 kHz,
in FDM system will be____________ .
a) 12 kHz
b) 3 kHz
c) 6 kHz
d) 24 kHz
5. The minimum channel bandwidth to multiplex three signals, each with a 15 kHz bandwidth,
and requiring 1 kHz as guard band between the channels will be
a) 15 kHz
b) 45 kHz
c) 47 kHz
d) 48 kHz
6. The information to be communicated in a data communications system is also called
a) message
b) transmission
c) medium
d) protocol
7. If an aperiodic signal is real and causal, its frequency characteristic are
a) magnitude even and phase zero
b) magnitude even and phase odd
c) magnitude odd and phase odd
d) magnitude even and phase even
8. If a nonperiodic signal is real and even, its frequency characteristic are
a) real and even
b) real and odd
c) imaginary and even
d) imaginary and odd
9. In frequency domain, ____________ is equivalent to convolution in time domain.
a) Addition
b) subtraction
c) multiplication
d) division
10. An AM broadcast transmitter has a carrier power of 50 kW. With 80% modulation, total power
that would be produced will be
a) 40 kW
b) 50 kW
c) 66 kW
d) 100 kW
11. The maximum improvement in power efficiency and reduction in bandwidth of an AM signal
can be achieved by
a) having modulation index closer to 100%
b) having modulation index closer to 10%
c) removing the carrier signal
d) removing the carrier signal and its one of the sidebands
12. Assuming that the power removed from the carrier signal could be put into the sidebands, AM
signal results in a power gain for the information-carrying part of the signal of at least
____________ times.
a) 6
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
13. A carrier signal is amplitude modulated to a depth of 40%. The increase in total transmitted
power is
a) 8%
b) 16%
c) 20%
d) 40%
14. The modulating frequency in AM is increased from 3 kHz to 5 kHz. The bandwidth is
a) halved
b) doubled
c) increased by 2 kHz
d) increased by 4 kHz
15. VSB modulation has ____________ spectrum than SSB but ____________ than that of DSB.
a) more, less
b) less, more
c) same, less
d) same, more
16. Let x (t )=4 cos(2 π (10)t + π /3)+24 sin (2 π (100) t− π /3) . Find the two-sided amplitude and
phase line spectra of x (t ) .
17. Approximate the signal x (t )=cos(2 π t) on the interval [0,1] using the following basis
18. Find the Fourier coefficients of x (t )=cos ( ω0 t )
19. Find the Fourier coefficients of the signal x(t)

20. State and prove the different properties of Fourier transform.

t −t 0
21. Find the FT of x (t )= A Π( τ )
22. Find the FT of x (t )=Λ ( τ )
23. With neat diagrams and waveforms, explain the process of Double-Sideband Modulation
24. With neat diagrams and waveforms, explain the process of Coherent Demodulation of a DSB
modultaed wave.
25. What is a modultaion index.
26. Explain the spectrum of AM wave.
27. An AM signal of the form x c (t )= A c [1+a cos(2 π f m t + π /3)] cos(2 π f c t ) contains a total
power of 1000 W. The modulation index is 0.8. Find the power contained in the carrier and the
sidebands, also find the efficiency. Find the magnitude and phase spectra.
28. Explain the process of modulation and demodulation of a SSB signal.
29. What is VSB ? WhyVSB is preferred?

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