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Yaron Taylor Taylor 1

Mrs. Bowman

Er 200 exercise leadership

27 October 2020

I aspire to be a personal trainer after I graduate. I have ambitions to own my own gym and to train athletes

to be excellent in their sport and even better people in life. To do this I learned there is a code of ethics I would need to

follow in order to run my program to high standards and keep its integrity.

After researching and reading through these documents I found those codes of ethics. These codes state

that “ Members should treat or train athletes with the objective of maintaining the integrity of competition and

fair play. Members should treat or train every athlete with the utmost care and to the highest level of

professional competence. Members should acknowledge that they know international doping control

standards as determined by the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods published by the World Anti-Doping Program o

medical conditions warrant and will observe the rules of the appropriate anti-doping organizations regarding

The use of prohibited substances or methods. Members should not advise, aid, or abet any athlete to use

prohibited substances or methods of doping. Members should use all means possible to deter doping by

Athletes. Members should maintain the confidentiality of personal medical information and protect the right of the

Taylor 2
clean athlete to compete. Members should agree that departure from these principles of ethical behavior in

treating athletes may result in sanctions by ACSM and should accept those sanctions as determined.”

Some of these codes really stood out to me. One that stood out was that members should use

all means possible to deter doping by athletes. I was surprised about this guideline because I did not think

that was in a personal trainer’s job description. I knew they ethically could not be able to aid in telling an

athlete to take performance enhancers but I did not know it was their job to deter them away. Basically,

All the codes discussed anti-doping policies. The rubric wanted me to discuss three guidelines I learned

but they were very repetitive. I agree with the codes of ethics for my respective field but I did think it was

to be repetitive. It was basically code telling you to make sure your athletes do not take drugs.

My expectations of these codes were way different from what I expected. I thought the code would

discuss pricing at a fair price or even the true value of your training. Also thought it would talk about making sure

you use the best equipment you possibly can. Last but not least thought it would talk about the way you interact

with your athletes more. For example, I remember one of the United States gymnastic team coaches was fired for

sexual harassment with those athletes so I figure these codes will discuss something of this nature. I felt that the

rules were just focused on anti-doping instead of how we as trainers truly interact with our athletes.

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