Mba IV Semester - FM

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Old Question Papers of MBA 4th Semester

H.K. Hi-Tech (College of IT & Management) H.K. Hi-Tech

Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 404 (Management of Financial Services)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Explain the basic regulatory framework for financial services in India. Is it conductive for the growth of the sector? Explain the working of a stock exchange. How are the interests of the small investors protected? Explain the basic nature of a mutual fund? How does it manage its risk? Explain the range of merchant banking service. Discuss the major problems involved in the management of such services. Discuss the dynamics of inter-corporate loan market. What factors determine the interest rate structure of the market? Critically discuss Moody's ratings in respect of (a) investors, services and (b) bank financial strength. To what extent are these ratings reliable? What is Venture Capital? How can the venture capital funds be raised? Explain the different stages of venture investment. What are the fundamental considerations behind pricing of financial services? How can strategic pricing be used to gain a competitive edge in the market?

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 404 (Management of Financial Services)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 What do you mean by Financial Services? Discuss the nature and scope of financial services. Why do firms factor receivables? What are the disadvantages associated with factoring? Discuss briefly the trading and settlement mechanism at Stock Exchanges in India. Suggest improvement in this mechanism. "Leasing is beneficial to both, the lessor as well as the lessee." Examine. Discuss the concept, features and process of credit rating in India. Is there need to rate the credit rating agencies also? What do you understand by Venture Capital? Discuss the role of venture capital in the economic development of acountry. What do you mean by merchant banking? Examine the role of a merchant banker in the corporate enterprises. What is Securitization? Who are the various parties involved in a securitization process?

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 404 (Management of Financial Services)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 "Financial service sector renders a large variety of services to meet the requirements of an individual user." Elucidate the statement. Discuss the regulatory framework for financial services in India. "Mutual funds provide stability to share prices, safety to investors and resources to prospective entrepreneurs." Discuss. While entering in a lease agreement what features the lesson and the lessee look for in each other? Support your answer with illustrations. Discuss the need of factoring. What is the status of factoring in India? How is venture capital helpful to different parties? What are the different modes of funding venture capital in India? Define Factoring. Evaluate the mechanism and advantages of factoring. Write short notes on the following: (a) Benefits of Credit Rating (b) Functions of Merchant Banker

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Old Question Papers of MBA 4th Semester

H.K. Hi-Tech (College of IT & Management) H.K. Hi-Tech

Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 405 (Project Planning, Analysis and Management)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 How are the ideas for a project generated and screened? What are the costs of faulty screening of a project idea? How is the capital expenditure for a project calculated? What is its importance? What do you mean by project risk? How can project risk be minimized? What do you mean by project appraisal? What are environmental and social dimensions of such appraisal? Write a detailed note on project financing in India. What are the reasons and outcomes of time overruns of project implementation? Explain in detail network technique for project management. How is the tax burden for a project assessed in India? Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Technical Analysis (b) Project Review (c) Multiple Projects and Constraints

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 405 (Project Planning, Analysis and Management)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 What can a firm do to stimulate the flow of project ideas? Also discuss the key issues you are required to examine in a preliminary screening exercise. Answer the following in brief: (a) What steps are involved in Delphi method? (b) Give an example of chain ratio method. (c) What are the aspects covered in market planning? (d) What do you mean by Demand Analysis? What factors have a bearing on the choice of technology? Also discuss the factors having bearing on the plant capacity. What are the components of cost of project? Discuss them in detail. Write short notes on the following: (a) Risk-free rate (b) Market risk premium (c) The key risk measures used in portfolio analysis (d) Portfolio theory and capital budgeting. What are the stages of appraisal in the UNIDO method as described in the Guide to Practical Project Appraisal? (a) What steps are involved in PERT analysis? (b) What is the basic difference between PERT and CPM? Discuss the procedure for determining whether a project should be continued, terminated or divested.

Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 406 (International Financial Management)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 What are the major functions that a Financial Manager has to play for enhancing the value of his company amidst sharp and magnified changes taking place in the international business arena? Explain the relative advantages and dis-advantages of centralized vs decentralized cash management system adopted by an MNC. What is meant by "Political risk"? How does this differ from country risk? Comment on the following statement: (a) "The average accounting rate of return fails to give weight to the later cash flows." (b) "The virtue of the IRR rule is that it does not require the computation of the required rate of return." What do you mean by dividend payout ratio? Discuss the factors that may affect the dividend decision. Define the term capital structure? Can you propose a proper capital structure mix for an MNC with their relative advantages and drawbacks? Explain the major costs and risks associated with use of foreign money in general and for India in particular. Write a note on the various long term financing instruments most commonly used by MNCs in the international financial markets.

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Old Question Papers of MBA 4th Semester

H.K. Hi-Tech (College of IT & Management) H.K. Hi-Tech

Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 406 (International Financial Management)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
What do you mean by Multinational Financial Management? Discuss the distinguishing features of multinational financial management.

How is cash management of an MNC different from that of a domestic company? What factors affect the degree of political risk faced by a firm operating in a foreign country? "Setting up of a plant overseas affects the exports of the parent company." How would you take into account this dimensions while evaluating a foreign project? Explain with an example.
Why do the overseas subsidiary firms go for more borrowings than purely domestic firms in the same industries? Give reasons.

Describe International Financial Markets. Also state and explain the international financial instruments. Discuss the risks and costs associated with long-term financing. Write short notes on the following: (a) Taxation of the Multinational Firm (b) Dividend Policy of the Multinational Firm

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 406 (International Financial Management)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 What role a Financial Manager has to play to enhance the value of his company amidst sharp and magnified changes taking place in the global financial markets? Explain the relative advantages and disadvantages of Centralized Vs. Decentralized Cash Management System adopted by an MNC. What is meant by 'Country Risk' and how does this differ from political risk? What do you mean by Dividend Payout Ratio? Discuss the factors that may affect the dividend payout ratio.
How would you explain the 'borrowing capacity' of a MNC? Also explain the APV approach to capital budgeting for a project.
Most of the emerging economies like China, India and Taiwan etc. are attracting more and more foreign investment (more of FDI). You are asked to explain the major costs and risks associated with use of foreign money in general and for India in particular. Write notes on the following:(a) Cost of Capital (b) Trading on Equity (c) Capital Structure (d) Financing of Current Assets.

Write a note on the various long-term financing instruments most commonly used in the international financial markets like ADRs, GDRs, FRNs, FCCBs etc. by MNCs.

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 407 (Financial Derivatives)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 What do you mean by Financial Derivatives? Bring out the types of future contracts. Explain the types of traders in futures market. What is their role in such a market? Differentiate between a Forward Contract and a Future Contract. How are futures used for risk hedging? What are the main attractions to put and call options? What variables are involved in estimating their value? In what respects trading in options, futures and forwards differ from normal trading in shares? Explain. What are currency futures? Explain how the risk is hedged by using currency futures. Explain fully the Black-Scholes Model Option Pricing.
Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Interest Rate Swaps (b) Derivatives Market in India (c) Index Futures

H.K. Hi-Tech
Symbol of Excellence

College of Commerce & Science MBA 4th Semester, FM 407 (Financial Derivatives)

Attempt any five questions:

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
The stock option have 120 days until expiration and the strike price is Rs.85. The simple rate of interest is 6 per cent p.a. The underlying asset value is Rs.80 and the volatility (standard deviation) is 0.30. Calculate the value of the stock option.

Discuss the risks associated with derivatives. What are the uses of derivatives? Which factors affect pricing of options? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of options.
Do you think that the stock market will get a boost with trading in derivatives in individual securities? Give your views with reasons.

Write notes on the following: (a) Interest Rate Futures (b) Type of Traders Establish the Binomial model for valuation of stock option. Define Swap. Explain the various types of swap deals with suitable illustrations. What is Derivative? Critically examine the recommendations of L.C. Gupta Committee on Derivatives.

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