Radical Concepts of Reform

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Radical concepts of reform, neither left nor right.

A new political platform for a new political party.

 No company or entity should be confirmed by the S.E.C. if it censors any

President of the United States, past or present, any legislator, or any
individual duly elected by the people. The only exception to this proviso is if
speech directly incites ethnic genocide.

 No law or contract shall prohibit the free exercise of an American citizens’

constitutional rights to free speech, assembly, sexual preference or religion.
Forbidding an employee to wear religious symbols shall be punishable
criminally and in civil law. Prohibition or censure of an employee for free
expressions of speech in media or social media shall be punishable criminally
and in civil law. Prohibition or censure of an employee for free expressions of
their sexuality, their values, friends, associations, or acquaintances shall be
punishable criminally and in civil law.

 The Bill of Rights shall apply to all individual citizens of the United States at
all times and in all circumstances, and any infringement of these rights shall
be actionable in a court of law.

 All foreign military involvements, police actions, or military treaty

interventions must be approved by Congress in each and every instance, and
cannot be extended beyond a given time without subsequent approvals by

 Any media entity which calls itself a news organization and which is
provably accused of withholding pertinent and relevant information which
compromises its objectivity, because of political or ideological leaning,s shall
have their broadcast licenses revoked.

 The singularly most important issue of our time is climate change,

attenuation of C02, reduction in methane, and suppression of all green house
gases. Only a few years remain before humanity crosses tipping points. No
other issues matter, not diversity, not the military industrial complex, not
election reform, not inclusion, not pronouns, not the electoral college, not
Trump’s taxes or Hunter’s laptop, nothing should in any way compromise or
distract from the solution of this planetary problem that impacts the whole of

Let us call this the political platform of the American Reformation Party.

Comments for additions or revision are welcome.

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