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Sketch book

White pencil

Blending stomp

Black & Green Pen

Candidate Nō: 5045

draw my child

On writing by Stephen King

Reading like a writer by Francine Prose

The art of spiritual writing by Vinita Hampton Wright

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Winning the story wars by Jonah Sachs

How to talk to anyone by Leil

Rich dad poor dad

Joshua Foer’s Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art

and Science of Remembering Everything.

A new earth

Public speaking

classic human anatomy in motion

Pitch anything

What the most successful people do before breakfast

Profit first

The four hour work week

Atomic habits by James

When by Daniel

Six thinking hats by Edward

Deep work by Cal

Think and grow rich by Napoleon hill

The first 20 hours by Josh

How to win friends and influence people by Dale

The war of art by Steven pressfield

The Power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy

The black swan

The untethered soul by Michael

Attitude is everything by Jeff

Beyond order by Jordan

Think again by Adam

Words that change minds by Shelle

Tools of titans by Timothy

12 rules for life by Jordan

Total recall by Arnold

Think like a monk by Jay

Mindset by Carol

Ultralearning by Scott young

Factfullness by Hans Roslings

Zero to one by Peter

Creativity by Ed Capmull

The Alchemist

How to get rich by Naval


What it takes by Stephen

The Snawball by Alice

The body keeps the score by Bessel

13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy

Grit by Angela

No more Mr nice guy by Robert

Never split the difference by Chris

Physco-Cybernetics by Maxwell

Can't hurt me by David

Antifragile by Nassim

The art of happiness by the Dalai

Tribe of mentors by Timothy

The laws of human nature

Feeling good by David

Flow by Mihaly

The culture code by Daniel

The 48 laws of power by Robert

Drive by Daniel

The 5 second rule by Mel

As a man thinketh by James

What everybody is saying by Joe

Hooked by Nir

Talking to strangers by Malcolm

Freakonomics by Steven

Super Attractor by Gabrielle

The 10X rule by Grant

The 80-20 Principle by Richard

Principles by Ray

The code of extraordinary minds by Vishen

The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John

Switch by Chip

The 4 disciplines of execution by Chris

Its all in your head by Russ

Digital Minimalism by Cal

Indistractable by Nir

The oxygen advantage by Patrick

You are a badass at making money by Jen

The subtle art of not giving a fuck

there will be days when you feel like
quitting. When you start a business, there will be days
when you don’t feel like showing up. When you’re at the
gym, there will be sets that you don’t feel like finishing.
When it’s time to write, there will be days that you don’t

feel like typing. But stepping up when it’s annoying or

painful or draining to do so, that’s what makes the

difference between a professional and an amateur

The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly

fascinated by doing the same thing over and over. You have
to fall in love with boredom.
Let's view life as a game and we are the players,,,, and the creator of this game is God. Think of this for a
moment, suppose u had all the cheatcodes of the game, what do u think the game would be like? Well
at first it would be exciting but as time goes on the game will become boring because everything would
seem to be easy,,,, same applies if God was to help us in everything, show us everyway. life would
become boring because we would feel as if we are being controlled and we can't use our own minds,
everything would depend on him and we can't do anything

A person won't move when he doesn't feel the heat, only when you increase the heat does the person
feel uncomfortable enough to move. Until then the person remains in that state, position, place and that
place always becomes a comfort zone. Those small habits we do everyday determine a lot in our lives
“From the time my alarm clock rings, I

have an hour and a half alone and I realize it’s all up to me what the day is going

to start like. It’s up to me whether I’m going to open the shades and let the light

in or mess around in the dark. It’s my choice to lie in bed and say ‘Yuck, I don’t

want to get up and go to work. I didn’t finish the report I’m supposed to have

ready today.’ Or it’s my choice to lie in bed and give myself positive self-talk

and look forward to the coming day. It’s my choice to put the music on, dance

around the apartment instead of putting on the negativity of the news or listening

to my negative Chatterbox . . . . It’s up to me whether I’m going to worry about

how my body is not in shape or whether I’m going to tell myself I am in the

process of creating a great body. The whole day is up to me!”

Some parts in the story

The Member in Charge calls a meeting and briefs the detectives about the crimes that have been
increasing and we are not progressing as expected. So this is the case who wants to take it. "I will",
Ashley and Craig answer simultaneously. "Well we have a tie", the whole room bursts in laughter. Craig ''
"Sir, am one of the best detectives and can solve this case". Ashley keeps quiet knowing that there's is
no need to argue that. "Okay then groom her", "What", Craig shouts. "You will solve this one together,
after all she was the first to report on the case", MIC replies. "Sir, you know well I work best alone, I
don't need to be a babysitter". "Hahahahahaha, well the case is hers and you will be her partner". Craig
looks at Ashley angrily and replies "don't be a burden". Ashley nodes calmly with a smile on her face.
"You may go now". The two leave.....

"Detective Ashley's daughter is kidnapped and the kidnappers threaten her to quit the case and forget
about it, or else they will kill her daughter. What did she do that they kidnap her daughter? is detective
going to do? What's more important the case, or her daughter? Is this the end of the case?"

As she drives her way home, after she has become sucked from work; she suddenly sees a red Toyota
with crosses on the rear window taking a corner. With immediate effect she follows the car. She calls
her partner and gives him directions. She follows the car to an old industry and her partner appears.
They both follow the men heading to the industry, as they get to the door she suddenly remembers that
she didn't tell her partner her current location but had told him the one she was 5minutes ago. As she
turns around to ask she is head butted by a gun.

She wakes up in chains, as she rises her head she hears two men chatting but the voices are familiar to
her. One of the men shouts,"she's awake". The two men appear in front of her, her partner and boss;
she becomes surprised. "Well I didn't think you will reach this far, I guess I underestimated you but now
it's the end of the road", the boss shouts. The men in the room laugh......

--The flu

_Wrote a short story

_Gave some mother who was stranded 4R for transport fare

_Progress(from Oceans) sold me chips without enough money

_Learnt somethings from STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST (Austin Kleon)

_Made a sketch
School is a good place to learn, make friends, create and discover

Characters Name: Leouri Clive

Role in story: Main Character

Physical Description:

Age: 5

Enneagram Personal Type: Enthusiast

Greatest fear: Of having no friends

Misbelief: No one will want to be friends with him

Best thing: His mother

Worst thing: First day of school

Can I hold your hand

I don't want to say the wrong things because if I do there's no coming back

The reason is that I want to come to the real world I want to live in the present, I want to stop dreaming
and start doing. It's time for me to face the world. I have been comfortable for a long time now, and I
want to stop. Your smile, attitude, the way you talk makes everything feel real. Wen am with my is filled
with joy.

I made you my sis because I don't want you to leave my side(I adore you), I have heard that siblings are
always there for each other. I wonder what if you became my girlfriend because I can't even explain
what I feel

Is it my destiny to be lonely, but with you its different

I wish to see a better way and find the brighter days. Ever since I met you I can't beat the pressure,
maybe we can see a better way and find the brighter days. late night phone conversations will that be
ok, I don't want take up all your time be the next in line. Tell me your size, let me find you things that
will make you mine.
story about an artist

There was this boy who was very talented in his hands and màny wished of having a talent like him. This
boy he knew everything and had pride in what he did. But he didn't have any plans for the future for he
kept dreaming that he became lazy of doing anything, he thought anything he does was taking much of
his precious unused time. He had a vision but was too lazy to persue it.

This boy was the only child of his parents who were financially stable. They cared much for their son that
they forgot to show him the way of life. He grew a wise kid but instead of seeking more and using the
wisdom he just used the wisdom for dreaming. Little did he know what God had planned for him.

Bisten had passed well his O'level and he became hungry for more knowledge so he continued to
A'level. And for the first few months of his A'level he seemed to be focused on his studies and hungry for
knowledge. But as time was moving his motivation depleted because at school they were not learning
and the friends he played with discouraged him.

His friends persuaded him and he ended up not reading and followed his friends who were
Chainsmokers. One day when he was on his way to school he met this old woman ho told him that he
had a gift of being a gospel, and to pray for it, also help his friends. But Bisten neglected was he was told
and continued on the wrong trail. One day he went to visit in church and he was told the same thing
again, He became boastful that he even lost track of who he was.

Because of peer pressure he joined his friends on smoking. Suddenly he got onto an incident and he lost
his sight. When he lost sight none of his friends came to visit him. The doctor said he wasn't going to
regain his sight again. His parents tried to comfort him but he became angry that he didn't want to listen
to his parents anymore. Bisten thought it was best if he had died than being blind for his rest of life. One
day one of his friend(a girl who was his classmate) came visiting him. She tried to motivate him and
preached some of the verses she knew to raise his spirit but Bisten's heart was now hard as a rock. So
his parents invited some of the ministers(preachers) to come and help him get his life back, as time
moved on Bisten started to understand the Lord and what was expected of him. So Bisten started going
to church with his mom. He asked to take part in the sermon and from there he grew strong in Gods

In his town a competition came up that focused on promoting young and talented individuals. Everyone
who knew Bisten had a wish that he could participate if only he was able to see and they were afraid to

him for they thought it would cause pain to him.

One day Bisten woke up in the morning stretched and went to the bathroom, on his way he greeted his
mom who was busy cleaning. His mother was surprised for Bisten usually had to touch the wall to move,
but this time he was moving like a normal. On his return to his room his mother looked at him with
surprise, Bisten (confused) asked his mother why the look and his mother fell down to earth and started
praising the Lord.
What is a church?

A church is a family coming together as one to meet each other at one place. There members worship,
communicate and help each other easily. Also hear the word sent by our Father, the wisdom and truth,
the path we should walk through.

The problem is we say a Church is a group of people worshipping together. It's odd saying a group of
people because those people come every Sunday, they have come to know each other that we can call
them a family.

What I mean by that is those people are gathered for the same purpose, they have the same Father.

But what is really it that drives people to gather at one place?

What do you think is God?..

Why do you not go to Church?

I don't know, I don't know anything that is of value. The is even if I go to Church, yes I know I have to
hear the word of God, give thanks and praise as a family. But what about the communication between
the family. I have been in Church for 4years & everytime Church is over, I see everyone chatting with
each other. But for me its totally the opposite, it would be like its my first time there and I don't know
anyone. I would be feeling lonely at tt time.

Ok, but why don't you join a conversation with others?

Well first of all most of are adults, you can't just join an adult conversation unless asked for your

Second - I can not relate anything to their conversation. Third - You can't just budge in to a conversation,
actually I think tt would be weird.

Why don't you start a conversation with others?

I don't know if am the one who is disclosing thyself but most members there are female. So like me and
female><. Secondly the kind of things I think I don't think a well senseful person would like to hear about
them+- they would be boring topics/ conversation.

Well, Why don't you just go and just praise with others?
I would be feeling out of place, like I am a Ghost. I even ask myself what people think about me. If they
are looking at me; what are they seeing?

Why don't you tell anyone about this and ask for advise?

Actually I haven't thought of that, its a good idea though. I will certainly take your advice.
What are we fighting for?

Are we fighting for a better life, children,money, partner, revenge. What if you became fruitful and
truthful to God and leave everything & every battle to him. What do you think would happen if we seek
Him with true intentions, to understand and know His ways. What if we abide by his commandments .
What would happen if we prayed, fast, read the Bible and follow Him whole heartedly.

You hear someone saying we are going to Hell. Noooo! Am not going with you to Hell. If you would look
at this statement you would see/notice that this person knows what he's doing is wrong, he knows what
to do but doesn't want to do it. He wants to go to Hell, he's not even asking for a solution to avoid it
meaning he wants to continue with his ways. But does this person know the whole truth, I don't think so
because if he knew he wouldn't choose Hell over Paradise after all we have suffered much on this life,
why would you still want to suffer on your next life. It's simple, we have seen the riches of the earth but
we haven't seen the ones we have been promised and we are not patient enough to wait to see them.
Many believe by seeing not by heart. We do things that we think would make us happy and forget about
the Spirit we have with us. For sure we are greedy, how can we think of ourselves only and forget our
Spiritual selves.

Well I refuse to go with him because why must I suffer on this life and suffer on my next life. I also want
to see the PARADISE, I wish to breath the air there, I wish to meet my Creator, for by then my heart will
be satisfied.
Choose wisely

The Lord promised us two things, the PARADISE and the HELL. And we are to choose one the promised,
HE left the choice to us. So we are to decide whether we want to go to PARADISE and live a wonderful
and happy life forever and ever, OR we want to go to HELL and be burnt, suffer and cry aloud with Satan
for ever and ever. So which of the two are you going to choose??
A young school boy who is refused by girls because they he's too thin for them. But one holiday he
decides to go to a gim and he finds a strict coach who wants to train him until he reaches his full
potential. After the holiday he goes back to school

Who am I?

What do I really want?

What is my future self want/expecting from me?

What am I known for?

Who is my mentor?

What are my goals?

What is stopping me from archiving those goals?

What am I doing today to achieve those goals?


Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

Who are the characters?

When is the story set?

Where is this story set?

What is the protagonists goal in the story?

Why do the characters need to achieve this goal?

How will they achieve this goal?

What is the main problem stopping them from achieving this?

Summarize your manga or story to one sentence

Who are we fighting with?

First we need to know about why we are here on earth

We need to know I the 2 forces which are the forces of Evil and Good.

In today's life we are mistaken of our enemy, we think our enemy are humans. Many have been fighting
with their neighbors, family members and others. Our eyes are now closed, we don't know our enemy

In reality who is our enemy?

Between the forces of Evil and Good, there are mighty/leaders of these forces which are The Almighty
God and Satan. Between these these two we are free to choose. But in reality the enemy of all Humans
and God is Satan. God promised to panish Satan that is to throw him into the Hell of fire. Satan was
given the freedom to take with him a multitude. And God wouldn't allow him to take all the Humans so
He instead put Laws inorder to save us.

Our enemy

Satan as our enemy doesn't want to burn alone so he is deceiving people into following him to Hell.
Satan possesses humans so as to hate each other and start doing bad stuff. As an intelligent being we
need to know this so that we know others are like us they are just possessed by the devil. And we need
not do the same to them, as revenge will make us one of them. What we need to do is to understand
what the Lord wants us to do about it.

The Almighty

He gave us the way, the truth and the light. When He saw that we were lost, He sent His only begotten
son to come and save. This surely shows the infinite Love that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
have for us. And on top of that He blessed each and every one of us to spread His word, the Truth, the
way and the Promises that were made by Him; and to understand them.
Let us look at this for a moment,,,, let's look at God as a being that has the same feelings as the humans
or other creatures. If we look at this, let's think about wat we have done or we are doing ryt now, think
about every bad thing u have done, If we look at it we can see tt us humans we are tormenting God.

Let's look at God as our parent,,,, the one who cares for us, gives us food, shelter, clothing, education etc
and at the end we betray or forget about them, how do you think tt would make them feel? They will
feel hurt, embarrassed, sad, frustrated, regret, unloved.

Yes that's how God feels wen we turn our backs on him but because of his greater love He doesn't stop
loving us, caring for us and helping us because He believes we can change and leave our bad ways.
Stop wasting time!!!

Get out of your comfort zone, because it not comfortable anymore, stop tricking yourself saying you will
do it later, do it now because there's no greater moment than now. Now isn't coming again, time is
moving. If you want something done do it now and be comfortable later. To have a great life, you have
to work now and you can enjoy later
You want to give up! well don't, I might not have the right words or story to motivate you to keep going
but I say this- wen you feel like giving up take a break because wen you take a break u exercise,
entertain yourself, ingest food etc and you come back with twice the energy you had before
Stop being lazy because it won't do you anything good

Stop dreaming and start working

Your future self is begging you to be disciplined, and to work now so you can enjoy later

Stop caring about others might say or think

Entertainment won't make you succeed in life

There is no part of the time called boring, that part of the time you call boredom is the time you should
be doing something productive.

Don't do something because someone beside you did but do something for your own benefit and
benefit of others

Spend 5minutes of your time complaining and you have wasted 5mins of your life

What you do now will determine your future

Stop promising your self that you will do it later, get up now and just do it

No One knows the future but you can only work hard to get the future you want
There’s a place in your heart, and

I know that it is LOVE

And this place came much brighter than tomorrow, and

If u give it try, you find there is no need to cry

In this place you feel there’s no hate or sorrow

There are ways to get there if you care enough for the living make a little space, make a better place,,

Heal the World make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying, if you care enough for the living make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why there’s a Love that cannot lie, Love is strong and only cares for joy for giving

If we try let’s juc see that there’s no bliss we cannot feel

There are dread, let’s stop existing and start living

Then feels that always Love enough is growing

Make a better world, make a better place

Heal the World make it a better place for you and for me

And the entire human race, There are people dying if you care enough for the living make a better place
for you and for me

And the dream we once conceived will have a joyful face and the world we once believed in will shine
again in grace

Then why do we keep stranging, when this earth comes by its soul

No this planet is sick, this world is better than this

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