Lineamientos para El Servicio de Audiología (En y para Los Colegios) Francisca Lagos

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Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 109

Guidelines for Audiology Service

Provision in and for Schools

Working Group on Audiology Services in Schools

These guidelines are an official statement of the Ameri- including Principle of Ethics II Rule B, which states:
can Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). They Individuals shall engage in only those aspects of the
provide guidance on audiology service delivery in and for profession that are within the scope of their compe-
schools, but are not official standards of the Association. tence, considering their level of education, training, and
They were developed by the Working Group on Audiology experience.
in Schools: Merrill Alterman; vice president for professional
practices in audiology Susan J. Brannen, monitoring vice
president; Gail Rosenberg; Paula Schauer, working group It has long been recognized that hearing loss and
facilitator; and Evelyn J. Williams, ex officio. These guide- auditory processing disorders (APD) affect a child's
lines were approved by the Audiology/Hearing Science ability to learn language and achieve academically
Assembly of ASHA's Legislative Council in 2002 and (ASHA, 1993; Bellis, 1996, 2002; Bess, Dodd-Murphy,
supersede ASHA's 1993 "Guidelines for Audiology in & Parker, 1998; Diefendorf, 1996). The effects of hear-
Schools." ing loss and/or APD vary depending on several
factors, including the nature and degree of the hear-
ing loss and/or APD, as well as any concomitant
disorders. It is essential that children with hearing
These guidelines are an official statement of the loss and/or APD receive comprehensive audiologic
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association services to reduce the possible negative effects of the
(ASHA). The ASHA Scope of Practice (ASHA, 1996a) loss and/or disorder and to maximize the children's
states that the practice of audiology includes provid- auditory learning and communication skills. Further,
ing services for children with hearing loss and/or all children can benefit from audiologic services
auditory processing disorders. The Preferred Practice in terms of development of listening skills, instruction
Patterns (ASHA, 1997a) are statements that define uni- in prevention of hearing loss, and provision of
versally applicable characteristics of practice; the accessible acoustic environments.
guidelines within this document fulfill the need for
Federal legislation continues to refine the respon-
more specific procedures and protocols for serving
sibilities of public education for children with disabili-
individuals with hearing loss and/or auditory pro-
ties (PL 93-112, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504,
cessing disorders in and for schools. Individuals who
1973; PL 100-407, Technology Related Assistance for
practice independently in this area are required to hold
Individuals with Disabilities Act, 1988; PL 101-336,
the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and PL 101-
and abide by the ASHA Code of Ethics (ASHA, 2001a),
497, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA
97]). Together these legislative mandates require access
to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for all
children with disabilities. Other mandates and provi-
sions, such as universal newborn hearing screening;
Reference this material as: American Speech-Language-
Hearing Association (2002). Guidelines for audiology ser- Medicaid's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis
vice provision in and for schools. Rockville, MD: Author. and Treatment programs; and state and local
Index terms: Audiologic rehabilitation, children, early hear- audiologic screening programs, help to ensure that
ing detection and intervention, hearing loss, interven- children with hearing loss are identified and that ap-
tion, practice scope and patterns, schools (educational propriate referrals and services are provided.
facilities), service delivery models The role of the audiologist in the schools is clearly
Document type: Standards and guidelines delineated in IDEA regulations. IDEA, Part B, which
II - 110 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

is applicable to children ages 3 to 21, defines audiol- IDEA also indicates that when developing an IEP, the
ogy as follows: team must "consider whether the child requires
(1) "Audiology includes- assistive technology devices and services." (34 CFR
(i) Identification of children with hearing loss;
Research continues to document the high inci-
(ii) Determination of the range, nature, and de- dence of hearing loss in children of all ages and the
gree of hearing loss, including referral for potentially negative consequences hearing loss can
medical or other professional attention for the have on communication and academic and psychoso-
habilitation of hearing; cial development and/or performance (Bess, Dodd-
(iii) Provision of habilitative activities, such as Murphy, & Parker, 1998; Niskar, Kieszak, Holmes,
language habilitation, auditory training, Esteban, Rubin, & Brody, 1998; Yoshinaga-Itano, Sedey,
speech reading (lip-reading), hearing evalu- Coulter, & Mehl, 1998). The importance of the listen-
ation, and speech conservation; ing environment for children with hearing loss is bet-
(iv) Creation and administration of programs for ter understood and the use of hearing assistive
prevention of hearing loss; technology systems (HATS) and devices has increased.
Further, strategies for selecting, fitting, and evaluating
(v) Counseling and guidance of children,
amplification have become more sophisticated (ASHA
parents, and teachers regarding hearing loss;
1995, 2000a, 2000b; Levitt, 1985; Lewis, 1999; Mueller,
Hawkins, & Northern, 1992; Musket, 1988; Seewald,
(vi) Determination of children's needs for group 2000a, 2000b; Seewald & Moodie, 1992; Seewald,
and individual amplification, selecting and Moodie, Sinclair, & Scollie, 1999).
fitting an appropriate aid, and evaluating
the effectiveness of amplification." (34 CFR Critical components of audiologic service delivery
§300.24(b)(1)) in the schools can be summarized as follows:
• Audition is essential to auditory learning for all
IDEA Part C, which is applicable to children birth
through age 2, states that
• Language, academic achievement, and psycho-
(2) "Audiology includes-
social development are particularly affected
(i) Identification of children with auditory im- when children have unidentified or
pairment, using at risk criteria and appropri- unmanaged hearing losses and/or APD.
ate audiologic screening techniques; • The potential negative impact of minimal, fluc-
(ii) Determination of the range, nature, and de- tuating, and/or unilateral hearing loss must be
gree of hearing loss and communication func- minimized.
tions, by use of audiologic evaluation • To ensure optimal use of residual hearing and
procedures; the development of appropriate auditory and
(iii) Referral for medical and other services nec- verbal communication, audiologic services
essary for the habilitation or rehabilitation of must be provided as early in life as possible and
children with auditory impairment; must be available in the environment in which
(iv) Provision of auditory training, aural rehabili- the child develops and learns. Therefore, cer-
tation, speech reading and listening device tain audiologic management services must be
orientation and training, and other services; delivered in the child's natural environment
(e.g., home, day care), early intervention center,
(v) Provision of services for prevention of hear-
and/or school, and be designed to meet the
ing loss; and
specific needs of the child and family/guard-
(vi) Determination of the child's need for indi- ian involved.
vidual amplification, including selecting, fit-
• Audiologic services should be provided by
ting, and dispensing appropriate listening
persons who have knowledge of and experi-
and vibrotactile devices, and evaluating the
ence in pediatric or educational audiology.
effectiveness of those devices." (34 CFR
§303.12 (d)(2)) • To meet the individualized, multifaceted, and
ongoing audiologic assessment and manage-
The regulations (34 CFR §300.303) also require
ment and education needs of school-age chil-
that "Each public agency shall ensure that the hearing
dren with hearing loss and/or APD, services
aids worn in school by children with hearing impair-
should be delivered in the child's school envi-
ments, including deafness, are functioning properly."
ronment whenever possible. Audiologic ser-
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 111

vices delivered outside the school environment • caseload/workload recommendations and miti-
should be delivered in collaboration and con- gating factors.
sultation with the local/intermediate/residen-
tial education cooperative/agency (LEA) and/ Characteristics and Needs of Children
or a LEA-based audiologist.
With Hearing Loss and/or APD
• Audiologic services should be comprehensive
in scope, designed to address the child's indi- A child with hearing loss experiences both audi-
vidualized communication, academic, and tory and sensory deprivation and its effects on com-
psychosocial development needs. munication, learning, and psychosocial development.
Therefore, the effective management of hearing loss
• Related and support services are necessary must address medical, communication, education, and
to address the needs of most children with psychosocial considerations. Children with APD of-
hearing loss and/or APD. Such services should ten exhibit similar behaviors and experience many of
be sought through appropriate referral and the same communication, learning, and psychosocial
follow-up from other qualified professionals problems that children with hearing loss experience.
when warranted.
• Audiologic assessment and audiologic Prevalence and Types
(re)habilitation (AR) services must comply with Although demographic data are difficult to inter-
the audiology scope of practice, the preferred pret, recent figures suggest that the prevalence of hear-
practice patterns, and the letter and intent of ing loss in school-age children is between 11.3% and
local, state, and federal mandates. 14.9% (Adams, Hendershot, & Marano, 1999; Bess,
• Audiologic services should be provided by Dodd-Murphy, & Parker, 1998; Niskar, Kieszak,
persons who hold the Certificate of Clinical Holmes, Esteban, Rubin, & Brody, 1998). Using these
Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) from the statistics, an average of 131 of every 1,000 school-age
American Speech-Language-Hearing Associa- children have some degree of hearing loss that can
tion (ASHA) and appropriate state licensure potentially affect communication, learning, psychoso-
and/or certification if required. cial development, and academic achievement.
ASHA addressed the role of the audiologist in the Hearing loss may occur alone or in combination
schools in its 1993 "Guidelines for Audiology Services with other disabilities. Infants born with at-risk indi-
in the Schools." Despite federal regulations and cators and/or other disabilities have an increased prob-
ASHA's guidelines, there continues to be significant ability that a hearing loss also will occur (ASHA, 1994;
variability in interpretation of these documents and Joint Committee on Infant Hearing [JCIH], 1994, 2000).
provision of services. A survey of state departments of Children with language and learning disabilities have
education (Johnson, 1991) substantiated discrepan- an increased incidence of hearing loss, and the inci-
cies in the level and type of audiology services provided dence of hearing loss in special education students is
by state education agencies (SEAs) and by LEAs within higher than in the general school population. Data for
the same state. children with APD are limited because these children
are often classified as learning disabled or language
Purpose impaired for special education purposes or are identi-
The purpose of this document is to provide guid- fied and served under Section 504 or other types of
ance for audiologists, SEAs, and LEAs in providing intervention programs. However, Chermak and
appropriate cost-effective audiology services in the Musiek (1997) reported that 2% to 3% percent of all
schools and in infant and toddler programs managed children have an APD.
by a SEA or LEA. Information and/or guidance on the The most common cause of hearing loss in young
following will be provided: children is otitis media, which may result in a conduc-
• characteristics and needs of children with hear- tive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss usually is
ing loss and/or APD; amenable to medical treatment. Although otitis media
• service and program needs for children with is most frequent during the first 3 years of life (Crandell
hearing loss and /or APD; & Flannagan, 1998; Klein, 1986; Roberts, Wallace, &
Henderson, 1997), conductive hearing loss associated
• the role and function of audiologists in meet-
with otitis media often continues until the age of 8 to
ing the unique and specialized needs of chil-
10 years (Crandell & Flannagan, 1998; Crandell,
dren with hearing loss and/or APD;
Smaldino, & Flexer, 1995; Davis, Shepard,
• the most common audiology service delivery Stelmachowicz, & Gorga, 1981). Conductive hearing
models used in the schools; loss associated with otitis media has may be associ-
II - 112 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

ated with delayed speech, language, and academic ment and academic performance. Recent research in-
skills because it most often occurs during the early dicates that when hearing loss is identified and inter-
critical language learning period between birth and vention is initiated by age 6 months, children exhibit
age 3. Therefore, the speech, language, and academic higher language levels than children identified after
progress of children with chronic otitis media should that age. If a child has normal cognitive status, normal
be monitored closely (Roberts et al., 1997). language development will typically occur if hearing
Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by a variety loss is identified by age 6 months. Research has also
of illnesses and conditions. It is usually permanent, found that auditory skill performance and psychoso-
may be progressive, and has a total incidence of at least cial development are significantly related to age of
10 per 1,000 students. It has been estimated that seven intervention. Additionally, early detection of and in-
times as many students have mild or moderate senso- tervention for children with hearing loss have been
rineural hearing losses as have severe to profound linked to lower rates of stress, depression, and conflict
sensorineural hearing losses. Sensorineural hearing among parents and faster resolution of grief related to
loss may occur in one or both ears; only recently have the identification of hearing loss (Calderon & Naidu,
the problems caused by unilateral hearing loss been 2000; Yoshinaga-Itano et al., 1998).
recognized (Bess et al., 1998). Sensorineural hearing Universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS)
loss can occur at any time, and the prevalence of sen- programs will potentially identify children at risk for
sorineural hearing loss in the high frequencies in- hearing loss within the first few days of life. Auditory
creases dramatically with age and is becoming more brainstem response (ABR) and otoacoustic emissions
common in secondary students because of their expo- (OAE), and behavioral audiometry are being used to
sure to excessive noise (Niskar et al., 1998). When both screen and confirm hearing loss during early infancy.
conductive loss and sensorineural hearing loss are As more states begin to institute this mandate, the
present simultaneously, the resulting loss is called numbers of children identified with hearing loss dur-
"mixed." ing infancy will increase. Because hearing loss is of-
In addition to the types of peripheral losses men- ten not present at birth and occurs after the neonatal
tioned above, many children exhibit APD. In general period, parents/guardians, audiologists, speech-
terms APD has been defined as a deficit in the process- language pathologists, and other health care and edu-
ing of auditory input that may include difficulties in cation professionals should monitor a child's response
listening, speech understanding, language develop- to sound and speech and language development. This
ment, and learning (Jerger & Musiek, 2000). Children is especially true for children with high-risk indicators
with APD may not have normal peripheral hearing for hearing loss.
sensitivity and typically exhibit deficiency in one or Children with minimal to moderate and/or uni-
more of the following areas: lateral hearing losses are often identified late because
• sound localization and lateralization they seem to hear and develop socially adequate
speech and language. Speech is audible to them but,
• auditory discrimination
depending on the type and configuration of the hear-
• auditory pattern recognition ing loss, parts of words or sentences may not be heard
• temporal aspects of audition, including clearly. Therefore, it is often difficult for these children
– temporal resolution to understand what they hear. Additionally, back-
ground noise and distance from the person speaking
– temporal masking
may interfere with the child's ability to understand
– temporal integration speech. Finally, identification of hearing loss and/or
– temporal ordering APD may also be compounded and delayed if there
• auditory performance decrements with compet- are differences in the home and school languages.
ing acoustic signals APD and hearing loss, whether conductive, sen-
• auditory performance decrements with de- sorineural, mixed, unilateral, bilateral, fluctuating,
graded acoustic signals (ASHA, 1996b) permanent, or temporary, have the potential to affect
children in three major areas: communication skills,
Effects of Hearing Loss and/or APD academic achievement, and psychosocial develop-
A child's ability to hear influences communication ment. Children with hearing loss or APD may exhibit
development and behavioral skills. If a hearing loss is one or more of the following communication, aca-
undetected or is detected late (after 6 months of age), demic, and psychosocial characteristics, deficits, and
language and speech development can be delayed. behaviors. These behaviors may vary at each age level.
This delay can affect a child's psychosocial develop-
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 113

Communication Skills Academic Achievement

Hearing loss and/or APD may delay acquisition Hearing loss and/or APD can frequently cause
and development of receptive and expressive commu- language delays that affect all areas of academics, in-
nication skills. These difficulties may diminish com- cluding reading, spelling, and mathematical concepts,
munication and discourse skills necessary for that may result in fewer choices for vocation and edu-
participation in the classroom. Some of the communi- cation. Some of the academic implications for children
cation implications for children with hearing loss with hearing loss and/or APD are listed below.
and/or APD are listed below. Children may have:
Children may have: • lower scores on achievement and verbal IQ tests
• difficulty forming linguistic categories (plurals, • high rates of grade repetition and academic fail-
tenses) ure
• difficulty differentiating words and sounds • increased need for special education and/or
• receptive and expressive language delay classroom support
• difficulty performing tasks that involve lan- • lags and deficits in academic achievement, in-
guage concepts cluding language arts, vocabulary develop-
• problems with auditory attention and memory ment, reading, spelling, arithmetic, and
and with comprehension problem solving
• problems with syntax, semantics, and vocabu- • verbally based learning difficulties
lary development • progressive academic delays (ASHA, 1996b;
• difficulty with speech perception and produc- Bellis, 1996, 2002; Diefendorf, 1996; Fisher,
tion 1985; Johnson et al., 1997)
• problems with conversation and social lan- Psychosocial Development
guage (ASHA, 1996b; Bellis, 1996, 2002; Children with hearing loss and/or APD may ex-
Diefendorf, 1996; Fisher, 1985; Johnson, Benson, perience social isolation, as they may lack insight into
& Seaton, 1997) the rules of pragmatic language and social interaction.
For children from racially, ethnically, and cultur- For example, they may misunderstand the speaker's
ally diverse backgrounds, the differences between the voice, inflection, and the nuances of spoken language.
home and school languages present significant factors Other psychosocial implications for children with
that can influence the acquisition of speech and lan- hearing loss and/or APD include
guage skills. The 1999–2000 Annual Survey of Deaf • self-described feelings of isolation, exclusion,
and Hard of Hearing Children and Youth reported that embarrassment, annoyance, confusion, and
42.3% of school-age children who are deaf or have helplessness
hearing loss are from racially, ethnically, and cultur-
• less independence in the classroom
ally diverse backgrounds. Of this group, 22.5% re-
ported a spoken and or written language other than • lags in psychosocial development
English in the home (Gallaudet Research Institute, • lower performance on measures of social ma-
2001). It is often erroneously assumed that because of turity
the hearing loss, the child has learned little of the home • reluctance or refusal to participate in classroom
language and is not affected by the language difference. and social activities
The child's speech-language skills may reflect limited
• poor self-concepts (ASHA, 1996b, Bellis, 1996;
English proficiency that should not be confused with
Diefendorf, 1996; Fisher, 1985; Johnson et al.,
any speech-language difficulties associated with the
hearing loss (Nuru-Holm & Battle, 1998). This child
may know, understand, and use a concept or word APD – Additional Implications
that is known in one language but is not known in the The communication, academic, and psychosocial
other language due to a language difference and/or characteristics of children with APD are very similar
the hearing loss (Christensen, 2000; Gerner de Garcia, to those of children with other education problems,
1995). such as attention deficit disorder, language/learning
disabilities, or hearing loss. Therefore, a thorough dif-
ferential diagnosis is needed. Some additional impli-
cations of APD are listed below.
II - 114 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

Children may • information on common sound levels and

• exhibit communication, academic, and psycho- which levels are considered too loud
social behaviors similar to children with hear- • information on the physiologic warning signs
ing loss of excessive noise exposure (e.g., threshold shift,
• score lower on measures of verbal IQ than on tinnitus, pain)
measures of performance • prevention strategies (e.g., hearing protectors,
• score lower on receptive language measures limiting exposure, buying items with low noise
output ratings)
• have difficulty with reading and spelling
• require more help with organization in the Hearing Loss Identification/Audiologic Screening
classroom In addition to universal newborn hearing screen-
• exhibit difficulty following multiple-step direc- ing programs, ongoing identification programs that
tions allow for periodic audiologic screening of all children
between birth and 21 years old must be provided. LEA-
• be reluctant to participate in class discussions
sponsored identification programs should follow
or respond inappropriately
ASHA's recommended screening protocol that cur-
• act withdrawn or sullen rently consists of a three-pronged process to include
• have a history of chronic ear infections or other screening for ear disorder, hearing impairment, and
otologic and/or neurologic problems related disability (ASHA, 1997b).1 Audiologic screen-
• have poor singing and music skills ing is recommended for all children as needed, re-
ferred, requested, and/or required by federal, state, and
• have deficiencies in fine and/or gross motor
local mandates as well as for all children on initial
skills (ASHA, 1996b; Bellis, 1996, 2002; Fisher,
entry into school and annually in kindergarten through
1985; Johnson et al., 1997)
3rd grade, and in the 7th and 11th grades.

Service and Program Needs for Children Additional populations to be screened include
With Hearing Loss and/or APD • preschoolers as needed, referred, requested, or
mandated, or if they have "at risk" indicators
Early identification and intensive broad-based
• all children who were absent during previously
management can maximize a child's potential. To con-
scheduled screenings
tribute effectively to this management process,
audiologic services within the LEA-supported pro- • all children who failed a previous screening
grams should include at least the following compo- • all children referred for or placed in special edu-
nents: cation programs
Hearing Loss Prevention/Hearing Conservation • all children who repeat a grade
Audiologists provide information concerning • all children entering the school system without
methods of prevention, also known as hearing conser- evidence of having passed a previous hearing
vation, as well as causes and effects of hearing loss. screening
Hearing conservation programs should be offered to • all children considered "at risk" for hearing loss,
students, education staff, medical providers, and com- including students with a history of exposure
munity members on an ongoing basis. This informa- to noise (ASHA, 1997b; Johnson et al., 1997)
tion may be integrated into programs for children and The identification program may include OAE,
their families/guardians, LEA-sponsored programs, ABR, and pure tone screening for hearing impairment,
and school curricula. It can take the form of classroom visual inspection of the ears, otoscopy, and acoustic
presentations, parent/student counseling, profes- immittance when screening for ear disorder, and the
sional in-service training, and public information cam- use of standardized communication screening instru-
paigns. Prevention can also be taught as a part of the
student health/science curriculum. The prevention
program should be closely tied to efforts aimed at early
identification and intervention. At a minimum, a pre- 1
The World Health Organization (2001) has recently ap-
vention program should include age-appropriate proved the document International Classification of Func-
• explanation of the ear, how we hear, and what tioning, Disability and Health (IFC), which redefines
happens when the ear is exposed to excessive disorder, impairment, and disability in terms of body
noise levels functions, body structures, activities and participation,
and environmental factors.
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 115

ments when screening for disability. To be effective, the – case history

identification program must develop efficient and ex- – otoscopic examination
pedient lines of communication and referral among
– acoustic immittance audiometry
educators, families and guardians, and the medical
community. Acoustic immittance screening should be – pure tone audiometry (air and bone conduc-
provided for all children who are at risk for middle ear tion) with appropriate masking
problems, particularly those under the age of 7 years. – speech recognition or awareness threshold
Identification programs should be developed and su- with appropriate masking
pervised by an ASHA-certified audiologist with state – word-recognition measures in quiet and/or
licensure and/or certification, if required, and carried in noise with appropriate masking
out by appropriately trained and supervised person-
– speech and word recognition in quiet and in
nel. Such programs must be systematic and include
noise with both auditory and visual inputs
complete record keeping and follow-up procedures,
including referral to audiologists, speech-language – most comfortable loudness level
pathologists, psychologists, early intervention special- – uncomfortable loudness level
ists, and appropriate education, medical, and other – electrophysiologic tests (e.g., ABR, OAE)
– auditory processing test battery
Assessment – behavioral observation, reinforcement and
Audiologic assessment should provide qualitative conditioned play audiometry, as needed
and quantitative information concerning the nature – functional listening skills
and extent of the hearing loss or APD and its effect on
– audiologic rehabilitation assessment
communication function, academic performance, and
psychosocial development. Comprehensive assess- • selection, administering, scoring, and interpret-
ment to identify and determine functional disability, ing tests to determine the benefits of hearing
audiologic rehabilitation needs (e.g., amplification, aids, cochlear implants, and HATS (e.g.,
receptive communication skill development, use of cochlear implants, FM systems), which shall
other hearing assistive technology), and other appro- include the following, as appropriate:
priate communication services must be completed for – speech audiometry (in quiet and noise; audi-
all children with hearing loss and/or APD. Determi- tory and auditory-visual)
nation of an APD is complex and should not be based – functional measurements
on one assessment, but rather on a multidisciplinary
– real ear measurement
assessment that examines all facets of the child's pro-
cessing abilities, including functional processing skills – desired sensation level measurement
in the education environment (ASHA, 1996b; Bellis, – electroacoustic analysis
1996, 2002; Chermak, 2001; Chermak & Musiek, 1997; – listening and speech sound checks
Florida Department of Education, 2001; Jerger &
– auditory skill development measurements
Musiek, 2000; Johnson et al., 1997; Schow, Seikel,
Chermak, & Berent, 2000). In addition, appropriate • documenting the influence of the hearing
educational and psychosocial supports and services loss on communication, learning, psychosocial
must also be determined and implemented. An appro- development, and adaptive behavior
priate audiologic assessment consists of procedures • identifying coexisting factors that may require
and test materials that are developmentally and cul- further evaluation or referral
turally appropriate and free from cultural bias. The • referring for assessment and/or treatment, us-
assessment should be at least consistent with ASHA's ing both school and other professional and/or
preferred practice patterns (ASHA, 1997a) and in- community resources as appropriate. These
clude, but not be limited to may include assessments related to cognitive,
• determining the need for further pre-assessment academic, visual, and motor skills; emotional
information, including otologic consultation status; selection of amplification; medical con-
• administering, scoring, and interpreting com- ditions; vocational interest and aptitude; and
prehensive audiologic assessment, which shall determination of the need for financial assis-
include the following, as appropriate: tance in the purchase of amplification and other
hearing assistive technology devices and sys-
– review referral and other available informa-
II - 116 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

Intervention and Instructional Services • auditory skill development training

Intervention and instructional services must be • training in the use of hearing aids, cochlear
provided for all children identified by a implants, and HATS with other types of tech-
multidisciplinary team as needing such services. These nology and in various environments (e.g.,
services are provided under one of the following edu- computers, AAC devices and systems, noisy
cational support plans: an Individual and Family Ser- classrooms, social situations)
vice Plan (IFSP) for ages birth to 3 years, an • structuring a successful learning environment
Individualized Education Program (IEP) for ages 3 to that includes teacher preparation, optimal room
21 years, or a 504 plan for school-age students who acoustics, accessibility to auditory and visual
have a hearing loss or APD but do not require special information, and peer and teacher orientation
education services. Efforts must be made to compile and training
and interpret information relative to communication
• development and remediation of communica-
skills, cognitive abilities, motor functioning, psycho-
tion in collaboration with speech-language
social development, adaptive behavior, health history,
and academic status. Intervention and education ser-
vices may be provided through a number of service- • development of compensatory strategies such
delivery options, including but not limited to as the use of visual information to supplement
auditory input
• direct/indirect intervention
• academic tutoring or specialized instruction
• consultation/collaboration
• counseling and self-advocacy training
• itinerant instruction
• facilitation of, access to, participation in, and
• team teaching
transition between programs, grade levels,
• general curriculum class with support agencies, vocational settings, and extracurricu-
• self-contained special education classes lar activities
• residential placement Children with hearing loss require a clear audi-
When determining placements and intervention tory signal if they are to understand oral instructions,
services, opportunities for educational and social in- class discussions, and other spoken communications.
teraction with other children both with and without Even when properly functioning amplification devices
hearing loss should be considered. In addition, edu- are worn, the child still may have difficulty under-
cational programming should consider placement of standing spoken language. In addition, the high lev-
the child with hearing loss in the general curriculum els of noise and reverberation that exist in most
class to the maximum extent possible or in the least classrooms often reduce the effective use of hearing
restrictive environment (LRE). aids, cochlear implants, and HATS (Anderson, 1989;
Crandell, 1991; Crandell & Smaldino, 2000; Crum &
The intervention needs of children with hearing Matkin, 1976; Finitzo-Hieber & Tillman, 1978; Leavitt,
loss and/or APD encompass many broad and some- 1991). For this reason, noise sources must be eliminated
times overlapping areas. Some of the needed services or reduced. To ensure that the child receives the best
may be provided directly by audiologists (ASHA, audible signal, HATS are often used to enhance sig-
2001b); others will be provided by other professionals, nal-to-noise ratios in addition to, or instead of, personal
such as speech-language pathologists, teachers of the hearing aids. The complex interactions among noise,
deaf and hard of hearing, psychologists, counselors, distance from the speaker, acoustic characteristics of
social workers, physical therapists, occupational the room, and type of amplification make simple rec-
therapists, nurses, or physicians. Some of the most ommendations for preferential seating inadequate to
important aspects of intervention are ensure good use of hearing in the classroom (ASHA,
• medical treatment, when indicated 1995; Flexer, 1992; Flexer, Wray, & Ireland, 1989;
• selection, fitting, and dispensing of appropri- Seep, Glosemeyer, Hulce, Linn, & Aytar, 2000). Al-
ate amplification and HATS at the earliest pos- though the use of hearing aids, cochlear implants,
sible age and HATS is often beneficial, sometimes room
acoustics are so poor that acoustic modifications
• ensuring hearing aid and HATS compatibility
must be made or the child relocated to a room with more
with other technology devices and systems in
favorable acoustics. The audiologist should play a
use (e.g., computers, augmentative/alternative
key role in determining the appropriateness of room
communication [AAC] devices and systems,
acoustics and providing recommendations for various
infrared systems)
types of acoustic and/or instructional modifications.
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 117

Follow-Up and Monitoring • electroacoustic testing equipment (e.g., hearing

Follow-up services need to be provided by audi- aid analyzer, real ear measurement system)
ologists as an ongoing and underlying aspect of each • hearing aids and HATS to be used on a perma-
component of the hearing identification, intervention, nent or temporary basis for evaluation of and
prevention, and educational services program. These intervention for hearing loss and/or APD
services include, but are not limited to, • earmold impression materials and modification
• consultation/collaboration with parents/ equipment
guardians, speech-language pathologists, • sound-level meter with calibrator
teachers, other professionals and administra-
• test materials for screening speech and lan-
guage and evaluating speechreading, func-
• parent/guardian, student, family counseling tional listening, and auditory skills
• monitoring of communication function • materials necessary for providing direct and in-
• monitoring of academic performance direct intervention services
• monitoring of psychosocial needs • computer for administrative purposes (e.g.,
• monitoring the performance and effectiveness generating reports and tracking student data
of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS and outcomes)
• periodic reassessment in accordance to best • sterilization/sanitation supplies necessary for
practices as mandated, requested, and/or practicing universal precautions
recommended EHDI Programs
• monitoring of classroom acoustics and other Early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI)
listening/learning environments programs being implemented throughout the nation
Equipment and Materials require states to identify agencies that will be respon-
sible for EHDI program development, implementation,
Provision of adequate identification, evaluation,
and follow-up. No matter which state agency is given
and audiologic management services to children with
ultimate responsibility for administration of EHDI
hearing loss requires access to the equipment and
programs, audiologists providing services in or for
materials listed below. Equipment should be cali-
the schools and to pediatric populations in other
brated according to manufacturers' and current Ameri-
facilities play an important role and should be an
can National Standards Institute's (ANSI) standards
integral part of the identification and management
(ANSI, 2002), and test and intervention materials
process. In 1994, the Joint Committee of ASHA and
should be developmentally, linguistically, and cultur-
the Council on Education of the Deaf (1994) identified
ally appropriate. Such equipment and materials in-
essential EHDI program team members. They include
clude at least the following:
families/guardians, audiologists, speech-language
• sound-treated test booth pathologists, physicians, educators, and other early
• clinical audiometer with sound field capabili- intervention professionals. With expertise in identifi-
ties cation, evaluation, and audiologic habilitation,
• visual reinforcement audiometry equipment audiologists should be and are typically involved in
and other instruments necessary for assessing every component of the EHDI process. With respect
young children or difficult-to-test children to hearing screening, audiologists provide program
development, management, quality assurance, service
• high fidelity tape/CD player for use with re-
coordination, and transition to evaluation, habilita-
corded assessment materials
tion, and intervention services. As a part of the follow-
• visual reinforcement audiometry equipment up component, audiologists are uniquely qualified
and other instruments necessary for assessing to provide comprehensive audiologic assessment,
young children or difficult-to-test children evaluation to determine candidacy for amplification
• electrophysiological equipment (e.g., screening and other hearing assistive technology devices and
and/or clinical OAE/ABR equipment) systems, and referral for intervention services. The
• portable audiometer audiologist's role in early intervention includes fitting
and/or monitoring of hearing aids, cochlear implants,
• clinical and portable acoustic immittance
and HATS; participating in the development of IFSPs
and later IEPs; and providing education and counsel-
• otoscope ing for families and other appropriate parties. Audi-
II - 118 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

ologists are also an integral part of direct audiologic • identify the need for and use the services of
habilitation service delivery (JCIH, 2000; Pediatric interpreters/translators
Working Group of the Conference on Amplification for • provide for cerumen management
Children With Auditory Deficits, 1996).
• determine the need for and appropriateness of
hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS
Roles and Responsibilities of • evaluate, select, dispense, and/or recommend
Audiologists Providing Services in hearing aids and/or HATS and make earmold
and for Schools impressions and modifications
Individualized intervention plans for all children • ensure the proper fit and functioning of hear-
with hearing loss and/or APD must be developed and ing aids and/or HATS
implemented by a multidisciplinary team. The efforts • provide written and/or verbal interpretation of
of that team need to be guided by a complete under- audiologic assessment results, functional impli-
standing of the identified child's hearing loss and/or cations, and management recommendations to
APD and overall needs. This knowledge must, in turn, school personnel and other appropriate par-
be coordinated with and integrated into ongoing class- ties—such as parents/guardians, physicians,
room instruction and extracurricular activities. The and other professionals—individually and as
audiologist is the education team member with com- part of a multidisciplinary team process
prehensive knowledge about hearing loss and/or APD
and their consequences. Therefore, audiologists pro- Referrals
vide an excellent resource for comprehensive assess- • make appropriate medical, educational, and
ment, direct/indirect services, in-service activities, and community referrals to other services necessary
public information efforts that can significantly en- for the identification and management of
hance the intervention efforts of the education team. children with hearing loss and/or APD and
their families/guardians
The roles and responsibilities of audiologists
employed by a SEA (state education agency) or LEA Audiologic (Re)habilitation
(local/intermediate education cooperative/agency) The provision of AR services in and for schools
are to serve as case manager, team member, consult- has often been the sole responsibility of speech-
ant, and/or service provider for individuals birth language pathologists, classroom and/or resource
through age 21 years and their families/guardians. room teachers, and/or teachers of the hearing im-
Specifically, the LEA-based audiologist is uniquely paired. Audiologists are uniquely qualified to provide
qualified to assume responsibility for and/or to per- AR services to students and should be considered in
form the following functions: this capacity when intervention decisions are being
Audiologic Assessments made (ASHA, 2001b). The provision of AR services
• select, maintain, and calibrate audiometric requires frequent contact and time to prepare for and
equipment provide services. Therefore an audiologist's caseload
size and workload must be adjusted accordingly to
• provide comprehensive audiologic assess- allow for the necessary time allocations associated
ments, including pure tone air and bone con- with this type of service delivery. In reference to AR
duction measures; speech reception and word services, audiologists:
recognition measures; immittance measures,
otoscopy, and other tests (e.g., electrophysi- • ensure appropriate functioning of the student's
ological measures, differential determination of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS by
auditory disorders and/or APD) to determine directly providing or training and supervising
the range, nature, and degree of hearing loss school staff to conduct daily visual and listen-
and communication function ing checks and troubleshooting of common
causes of malfunction and provide for daily
• perform comprehensive educationally and visual and listening checks of students' hear-
developmentally relevant audiologic assess- ing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS,
ments of individuals birth through 21 years and troubleshooting of common causes of
old, using procedures that are free of ethnic and malfunction
cultural bias and are appropriate to the
subject's receptive and expressive native- • plan and implement orientation and education
language skills, cognitive abilities, and behav- programs to ensure realistic expectations; to
ioral functioning improve acceptance of, adjustment to, and
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 119

benefit from hearing aids, cochlear implants – visual communication systems and strategies
and HATS including speechreading, manual communica-
• identify and evaluate students' situational func- tion, and cued speech
tional communication needs and performance – language development (expressive and recep-
and provide intervention for and/or recom- tive oral, signed, cued, and/or written lan-
mendations to address them guage)
• provide training in effective communication – selection and use of appropriate instructional
strategies to students with hearing loss and/ materials and media
or APD and their families/guardians, teachers, – structuring of learning environments includ-
other professionals and other relevant indi- ing acoustic modifications
– case management/care coordination with
• develop and implement treatment plans to family/guardian, school, and medical and
facilitate communication competence, which community services
may include
– facilitation of transitions between levels,
– speechreading schools, programs, agencies, etc.
– auditory/aural development – provision of auditory training, AR, and
– communication strategies listening-device orientation and training
– visual communication systems and strategies – provision of services that provide habilitative
• provide and/or make recommendations for and compensatory skill training to support
hearing aids and HATS (e.g., radio/television, academic deficits (e.g., reading and writing)
telephone, alerting, convenience) • maintain written records and appropriate/
• conduct routine assessments of, adjustment required documentation
to, and effective use of hearing aids, cochlear • collect efficacy and outcomes data
implants, and HATS to ensure optimal com-
Education Management
munication function
• demonstrate an understanding of general child
• provide AR services, including programming
development and management and auditory
in the child's natural environment if appropri-
skill development
ate, in the areas of speechreading, listening,
communication strategies, use and care of • assist in program placement as a member of
hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS, the education team to make specific recommen-
self-management of hearing needs, and other dations for auditory and communication
areas as appropriate needs
• interpret audiologic assessment results and • consult and collaborate with teachers and other
their implications for psychosocial, communi- professionals regarding the relationship of
cation, cognitive, physical, academic, and hearing and hearing loss to communication,
vocational development physical, psychosocial, cognitive, academic,
and vocational development
• have knowledge of education options for chil-
dren with hearing loss and/or APD, including • ensure support for enhancing the development
appropriate intervention methods, intensity of auditory functioning and communication
of services and vocational and work-study skills
programming as part of a multidisciplinary • recommend appropriate instructional modifi-
team process. These procedures should inte- cations and classroom accommodations of
grate the following: curricula and academic methods, materials,
– orientation to, and the use and maintenance and facilities
of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS • collaborate with speech-language pathologists,
(e.g., personal FM systems) administrators, parents/guardians, teachers,
– auditory skills development special support personnel, and relevant com-
munity agencies and professionals to ensure
– speech skills development including phonol-
delivery of appropriate services
ogy, voice, and rhythm
II - 120 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

Education Law Classroom Acoustics

• demonstrate an understanding of and partici- • analyze classroom noise and acoustics
pate in the IFSP/IEP/504 and other SEA/LEA • make recommendations for improving the lis-
education program planning processes and tening environment, and provide information
procedures regarding implications for learning
• demonstrate an understanding of legal issues • advocate for and facilitate acoustic accessibil-
and procedures, especially the legal rights of ity of listening/learning environments
(and due process for) students, parents/guard-
ians, teachers, administrators, and the SEA/ Identification Programs
LEA, including the implications of the ADA, • establish, administer, and coordinate hearing
IDEA, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabili- and/or APD identification programs
tation Act, the Family Education Rights and • train and supervise audiology support person-
Privacy Act, and any additional initiatives and nel or other personnel, as appropriate, to screen
mandates (federal, state, and local) related to for hearing loss and/or APD
confidentiality and access to education
Hearing Loss Prevention/Hearing Conservation
• demonstrate an understanding of state man-
dates and laws that concern the health, devel- • establish, manage, and implement prevention/
opment, and education of children hearing conservation programs
• provide for education of and access to hearing
Education and Training
protection devices
• Provide information and training to teachers,
administrators, children, parents/guardians, EHDI Programs
and other appropriate professionals and indi- As EHDI program managers and participants,
viduals regarding: audiologists who provide services to infants and tod-
– hearing and auditory development dlers should ensure that EHDI programs and/or their
components are family/guardian-centered, commu-
– hearing loss and/or APD and the implica-
nity-based, fiscally sound, free of ethnic and cultural
tions for communication, learning, and psycho-
bias, and appropriately administered. Programs and/
social development
or their components should also embrace the eight
– EHDI programs and resources principles endorsed by the JCIH that are basic to the
– AR services development and implementation of any EHDI pro-
– hearing aids, cochlear implants, and HATS gram (JCIH, 2000). These principles ensure that:
• Train and supervise audiology support person- • all infants have access to hearing screening
nel (ASHA, 1998) using a physiologic measure
• Share knowledge of school systems; • all infants who do not pass the hearing screen-
multidisciplinary teams; and community, na- ing/rescreening are evaluated before age 3
tional, and professional resources months to confirm hearing loss
• all infants with confirmed permanent hearing
loss begin intervention services before age 6
• counsel families/guardians and students with months
hearing loss and/or APD by giving emotional
• all infants who pass the hearing screen but
support, information about hearing loss and
have high-risk indicators receive ongoing
its implications, and interaction strategies to
maximize communication and academic
success and psychosocial development • infants' and families' rights are guaranteed
through informed choice, decision-making
• possess sensitivity to individual and family/
processes, and consent
guardian systems, diversity, and cultures,
including Deaf culture • privacy and confidentiality are protected
• possess effective interpersonal communication • appropriate systems are used to measure and
skills report the effectiveness of EHDI services
• identify the need for and use the services of
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 121

Advocate and Community Resource Liaison should possess the Certificate of Clinical Competence
• serve as advocate to ensure that all newborns, in Audiology (CCC-A) from ASHA and be credentialed
infants, toddlers, and children with hearing according to state certification and/or licensure re-
loss and/or APD are promptly identified, quirements.
evaluated, and provided with appropriate in- Contracted Audiology Services
tervention services
Audiology services may be provided by LEAs
• have knowledge of, work with, and/or work through contractual agreements with a variety of
to improve SEA and LEA systems; federal, sources, including for-profit and nonprofit private
state, and local initiatives and mandates; practitioners, clinics, medical facilities, university
multidisciplinary teams; and community, training programs, and/or public agencies. Contracts
national, and professional resources should specify the exact nature of the services to be
• advocate for acoustically favorable listening/ provided, the names and credentials of the service pro-
learning environments viders, and timelines and the nature of and require-
ments for data collection, reporting, consultation,
Continuing Education
referral, and follow up. Contracts should also include
• maintain knowledge base of current trends provisions for collaborating with and providing rec-
and research ommendations for/to LEA-based audiologists and
• comply with continuing education require- other appropriate LEA/SEA personnel and teams. The
ments for ASHA certification (ASHA, 2001c) LEA is responsible for service coordination and seam-
and SEA and state licensure and certification less delivery of comprehensive audiology services to
if required. the school population. This includes not only assess-
ment and technology recommendations, but also ser-
Audiology Services Delivery vices that must be delivered on site (e.g., teacher
consultation, direct and indirect intervention services,
Audiologic needs of children with hearing loss instruction, measurement of classroom acoustics). The
and/or APD can be addressed through a variety of LEA may contract for all audiology services or only
service delivery models. Although implementation of those it does not or cannot provide directly. Equipment,
a specific audiology service delivery model may vary, supplies, and materials are typically obtained and
all programs must ensure that LEAs provide the essen- maintained by the service provider identified in the
tial service components necessary to meet state and contract. Contractual audiologists should be ASHA-
federal education and civil rights statutes, mandates, certified and credentialed according to state certifica-
and regulations. In addition, service delivery models tion and/or licensing requirements.
must correlate with the communication, academic, and
psychosocial development needs of children with hear- Model Selection Considerations
ing loss and/or APD. Determination of the most effective service deliv-
Direct provision of audiology services by audiolo- ery model should be based on considerations related
gists employed by the local or intermediate education to the quality and comprehensiveness of the services
agencies (LEA-based) is considered to be the preferred to be provided; the number, geographic distribution,
practice. Other models include service contracts with and population to be served; compliance with local,
private or public entities or a combination of LEA- state, and federal regulations; and cost effectiveness.
based and contracted services. Factors to consider Whatever delivery model is employed, efforts should
in the selection of an audiology service delivery model be made to avoid unnecessary duplication of readily
include effective or best practices, the size and needs available services; collaboration between education
of the population to be served, equipment and facility and community resources is encouraged.
resources, accessibility, proximity and timeliness LEA-based audiology services are often more
of available services, cost effectiveness, and liability comprehensive and efficient than contracted services,
factors. because services are provided directly by audiologists
Service Delivery Models who have constant and easy access to students and
well-established daily communication with other
LEA-Based Audiology Services education personnel (Allard & Golden, 1991). By
Audiology services that are LEA-based are di- virtue of their employment setting, audiologists
rected and/or performed by audiologists employed by who are employed by LEAs may show a greater
local or intermediate education agencies, cooperatives, connection or familiarity with the students and LEA
or residential programs. LEA-based audiologists they serve.
II - 122 / 2002 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 2 • Audiology

Contracted audiology services have the potential must be available to provide services to children.
to be as effective as LEA-based services, but care must Therefore, fiscal and administrative support must
be taken to ensure that the contracts are not limited in be sufficient to carry out the standards of practice
the provision of comprehensive services. Additionally, recommended in these guidelines.
timelines, services, reports, and records must comply A ratio of at least one full-time equivalent (FTE)
with federal, SEA, and LEA requirements. It is critical audiologist for every 10,000 children age birth through
that contractors understand education policies and 21 years old served by an LEA is recommended to
procedures, collaboration, and the multidisciplinary provide screening and basic diagnostic audiologic
approach to service delivery to students with hearing services (Colorado Department of Education, 1998).
loss and/or APD. In addition, contractors must be When audiologists provide time-intensive services
aware of the communication, education, and psycho- (e.g., direct management/intervention, service to in-
social development implications of a hearing loss fants and toddlers) and one or more of the factors listed
and/or APD in pediatric populations. Reports, col- below is present, a caseload ratio of 1:10,000 will
laboration, staff development activities, and recom- be unreasonable and must be reduced. The following
mendations specific to a child and pertaining to is a list of factors that will affect and influence
associated education issues should be included in all caseload size:
contracts. At a minimum, contracts should outline the
• itinerancy/excessive travel time
timelines and services to be provided and include a
requirement for a written interpretation of test results, • number of schools and LEAs served
including a functional description of the child's hear- • student placements within an LEA
ing loss and/or APD, and a written rationale for any • the number of children with hearing loss and/
recommendations that are provided. This will enable or APD
families/guardians and LEA personnel to make in-
• the number and age of children with other dis-
formed decisions regarding appropriate intervention
abilities requiring audiologic assessment and
services and education planning. Additionally, when
intervention services
contracted services are used, it is critical that the
school's responsibility for assessment, hearing aids • the number of hearing aids, cochlear implants,
and HATS, and direct intervention services be differ- and HATS in use
entiated from the parent's/guardian's responsibility. • the quantity of tests provided, including audi-
This is necessary to avoid conflict of interest and dis- tory processing test batteries
putes that arise when the same audiologist fulfills the • the number and age of students receiving direct,
school contract and provides private audiology ser- ongoing audiologic intervention services
vices in a community.
• the number of infants and preschoolers receiv-
Cost effectiveness is another factor in the consid- ing assessment and intervention services
eration of a service delivery model. The cost of LEA-
• EHDI program responsibilities
based audiology services includes the salaries and
fringe benefits of audiology personnel and the pur- • hearing loss identification/prevention/conser-
chase of or contracting for use of necessary audiologic vation program responsibilities
equipment and materials. The size and nature of • the scope of audiologic services provided
the school population will determine the number of (e.g., assessment, intervention, hearing aid
staff members and the equipment needed. Contracted dispensing)
services are typically provided on a fee-for-services • the extent of supervisory and administrative
basis, which may be calculated in terms of time in- responsibilities
volved or number of children for whom services are
• the number of multidisciplinary team meetings
provided. With contracted services, the school is
and reporting requirements
usually not responsible for providing assessment
materials or equipment. • in-service training and counseling responsibili-
Caseload/Workload Recommendations • other duties assigned that are outside the
audiologist's scope of service delivery
for LEA-Based Audiologists
To ensure that identification; auditory manage-
ment; and the education, communication, and psycho-
social needs of children with hearing loss and/or APD
are not neglected, adequate numbers of audiologists
Guidelines • for Audiology Service Provision in and for Schools 2002 / II - 123

Summary American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1995).

Position statement and guidelines for acoustics in edu-
The education needs of children with hearing loss cational settings. Asha, 37 (Suppl. 14), 15–19.
and/or APD are the responsibility of SEAs and LEAs American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996a).
based on IDEA, Section 504, and the ADA. Compre- Scope of practice in audiology. Asha, 38 (Suppl. 16),
hensive audiology services from birth to age 21 12–15.
years include prevention, identification, assessment, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996b).
(re)habilitation and instructional services, supportive Central auditory processing: Current status of research
in-service and counseling, follow-up and monitoring and implications for clinical practice. American Journal of
services, and provision of accessible acoustic educa- Audiology, 5 (2), 41–54.
tion environments. Audiology programs in schools American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a).
must be supported by adequate qualified personnel, Preferred practice patterns for the profession of audiology.
equipment and materials, technical assistance, Rockville, MD: Author.
administrative support, evaluation, and research. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b).
Guidelines for audiologic screening. Rockville, MD: Author.
The needs of children with hearing loss and/or American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998).
APD are diverse. Therefore, a comprehensive team Position statement and guidelines on support person-
approach that includes LEA-based or contracted nel in audiology. Asha, 40 (Suppl. 18), 19–22.
audiologists is the only way to ensure that these chil- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2000a).
dren receive the most appropriate services. Services Guidelines for fitting and monitoring FM systems. Rockville,
for children with hearing loss and/or APD are greatly MD: Author.
enhanced when audiologists are integral participants American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2000b).
of the education team. Inclusion of audiologists makes Hearing loss and its implications for learning and com-
possible the proper interpretation and integration of munication. Audiology Information Series, 1 (2). Rockville,
audiologic data into planning for academic program- MD: Author.
ming. Audiologists bring critical and unique skills American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001a).
and knowledge to the education setting, thus ensur- Code of ethics (revised). ASHA Leader, 6 (23), p. 2.
ing the optimal use of residual hearing and/or listen- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b).
ing abilities for auditory learning and communication. Knowledge and skills required for the practice of
Audiology services can be obtained by directly employ- audiologic/aural rehabilitation. ASHA Desk Reference,
vol. 4 (in press).
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for their services. Regardless of the service delivery American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001c).
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