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Nuctel © - (CHAPTER-13) *Nuews ib made up of newbuur and poten: NEUTRON + PROTON = NUCLEONS PROTON - CHARGE- +e lex10M%e MASS— (+67 x 107 kg = Lamu SymBoL- *4 a NEUTRON: CHaRge> O Mass: 4-674x 107? eg ~ 4 SYMBOL:- an ATOMIC NUMBER *=(2) 44 He number of puctons prevent tude muleus- Z= Number of pretons SoNuimbor of etodrons (én neutral atom, MASS NUMBER = (A) 4h G the total munbuy of puctons and neutrons inside te atomi nucleus ok the A= Numbur of protons + Nusdooy of neutrons ~ (16 - fe £ = Bp, Bn TSOTOPES~ Atoms oy the same clomen whore nulet haemo Of protons doue dilyonank nunoet oy retyping - Atomic nunbor> Same Mass numb en > Different @® JOM number, ge Prothane » Dentexiun » Tritium ; @ aH lay S44 i 4 s Teppan- Aten ef ditpexont Cloment wut null haus sone nuns oly reo: but ib pUiant Wuunber ely puctons and neutrons TV Ato whe eiheurl Atoms numbor— Different — 4 4 £4 ONAN (6p 8") (3p) TSOTONEs- Aton chy difenant Clement noe nuLlcl da Sone nono oy neutron, but Ribot ruunbes oly pretuts Atonde rune Mass nunuvet— Different ee 3 4 f a pie (4p2m) —(@p.2n) SIRE OF NUCLEUS Volume oy nucleus 0 Mars runt > pak? aA = ROA > rea? | > Ro) 2] fe ik oe break ear unite roc wnt, R= radius oy ruleus A= ars Mwvbey Ro = 12-107! = [2 ey QD NUCLEAR DENSITY: (9) Pr Maxobnuteus = AXomu = AX lame Volume of rulons Vv ak? ~ AkSomu 2 Axdamn = 3Xlamu Jr (Pow)? Yar RPA amo? P= BX tom 4ITRo> P = oxrexi0?4 & X10 ka fm? ee ee 4 x 314 x(-25x 1079) MASS- ENERGY RELATION - According to einuein WUadion of mass ai energy E=Eot KE > Esmee? +i my Uutenc, E> total 2 a aN wv Foe teu mass ae F hen (1) axtA(u), Mos Rounal mass Cyet) m= mass (Ugit *poed) mc2=mc? +k-e > K-B=mdchmet® 2 ME =c?(m-m) » [we= dmcz | MASS DEFECT = (Ana) raul Us Low than the sun ob man of alt nucleons males iu: “She man teak dept i tarnad o4 Mie pope i Am=-[ZmptA-Z)m,]-M] 5 M= maw of nuntens- Maus defekt Us tokon ba one _ Oe Nuctear BINDING ENERGY = . @ Binding onangy- (OE) Hi He amount of onouyy Hequined te sopauate oul nuuloons Yur He YUL - Encngy tn 4 amu = 431 Mev] AE =amc2% — (1) TE mass defo is inken te anu, Arn = [Rep G-2)mn-M] anc (01) Subtitecting, 2a (W) ie eat) AE Xmp + A-A) my Mi] 954 Mev » [Biy=tn xan] © Mone binding cnonaty Meas MOY tablo rules Nualeay, binding energy: pur nulenns Wie vate of total sand al a ae = Satal bi Numb or Spent, > Bor & A BINDING ENERGY CURVE - a6 f (ssmev), pa is © 425 ISD Moss Number —> ne founuilry ove te footw oly tre plot - © Avowse > erenay pov ruuleoy You man os voruy nell: Crupareyor) : Ue Low Hand @ Sow wwtei with nuut rumbov (3t 20) dane they ruuleon than tui neialbouring ma Larger can, e ese 30% aod No? es eee oat 1,208, 6 10 © Fort20- st) binding enouyy puv rutleons Uurances wae utes ov ax: VUE BB tev Mus Bros wleaed ane sean eee @) @ For wuutei unre nan number & greater than Sb thoy @ pinding enrongy- por nutcon “For Wraniuiw, one oy the Peanioot wattuu clonuet, 410 binding oreryy pov nuuleow drops to 15M CONCLUSION - ONUCLEAR FISSION Wren a hea ies Spits up tito Ligithon nuctel (eq wai) thon binding wud eons oy Lighter routed faaonaeenad a oy the dniginad heamy- ame dteena : s VUUCLeUs Sus PYRLOHS UF COLL wom oho * QucrzqR Fusion Quken tue Very Ligit rule’ ( huydsungen) Combine to Lown a nuulews Hur bur ; CALA PUY ns Oly rules becomes moe than He Lighten nue Tr ative wioxds, HW oy Hee ured Ieamy nucleons ee Lyhtty doouss- be anergy ts veloered - Luis puncess bs olted as ruulear NUCLEAR FORCE Petenttal energy (Mev) = Um) Somo of the dnportant chanautoutin ao O Nuteaw forse ow drdepandont of change @® Nuueak Lowes ane vor tort vange forves: © thay wu Fdrpertont) on spl on arrqutar menontim of wuwlod © She wuutey fou ib nur Mower than she coment fone aking bow dsyts or gyaritaticual borer be Warses © Rapioncrwvity = Ye writable nuutel gains sAwbilily ly emittoy o- particles an p— poreceles and y—- EM! waves: ais pant eh ay LAW OF RADIOACTIVE DECAY:- ° At & alo known as Rutronpond ard seddiy Lew) . RodLeartiuity, ® arvandoW prooss- STATISTICAL LAW: UAhien tho & & < tuunbov of-nurel , vate ofy dey ov dirintes ratic a dinetly, propentibual tthe Wumbov ef nucled dr the Sample: 4 Rake off deus = Ho- ef ruler devays tue = sd ot > dN oN ot = aN =AN A= deray contaut ov A> dependsen Choire ey eloment and iotepe - NO fupabuy of undetayed rcled N t (ONS {-Adt J . 2 > [4 ujt ae = Lea No leg No = - A (4-0) DS At | tcc. => [ay a at deganitionis Joum AE i - ae No No thitial number of muutoi : eet fo DECAY CONSTANT OA) = when t- YA 7 N= Noe” = No(Ye) = 0-368No btu Meriproal oly tuue tr wtiely wo-oly nuter ey ee aud ak Tay ob coninl daubbad eek @ GRAPH OF _N V5-4- ‘= Pe eee eee 2> HAE Ure pF Decay Cty waren t= ty), N= No/p Nl> Np et 4 (Xe) = Mt 7 bey (te ont =) boy (2) o—At yy = Wag 2 = Ady 2 typ= leg | ie Te NUMBER OF NUCLET LEET APTER ‘in’ -HALF Lives ee: Ape 2hay th , Ae Mivy % talplie, Ne one ue OT hn oy, ety ES ? ACTIVITY OF A RADIOACTIVE SAMPLE ~ Actinity i= Rake of derey Wis cleqration, R= -dN at 7 R= AN 7 Re anoe™ [a= Roa ST units of wbivity ® Becaynorer (ey) ® Uuue (ce) @® Rutherford ( vd) X-DECAY - © o- pontine is orion ruwteus Capan), @ Mow = 4amu Crorge 4d © 1 Xq@ Hye aly = mU = ‘He fo +a © Q=[my— my- me] c® Rader © pOdeay ( fe ov (6) A A + @e+yv aX ? Y q CAwEiewtrino) oD) he EC ee @ Actually pOdery & Cumouton of o neutron toa proton inde eles bp auny- A @O *x— a +e +Y . 2 ae Nas Pnet?eey to a! GAMMA DECAY PRU Ob eminiow ob y—roy photon d 4 poser tae cUisutkequation of mutes ist uta gare cles aa ee A a - za ax ay (Excited eta) (Ground tate) 6o eg 7 PN 9 jsMi Cexuied uate) Eyel-teMey eerie may TD! CGrned cate) NUCLEAR FISSION - Pascale es aoe Antal ule Keaton, hea wuntens ott tate li : ound Layer oymeuuit of Cuma os produned - ies Liat nde ie 235 a in 2a - n Ba + 2, oe: AU +p a be t Aes 43% te Qu & AoW i Watney dhkes Wsitly Uraniow spits Onte baviuw and krypten Gy) NUCLEAR FUSION - ® Hu pres ov wuridy tuo wouy Light nuslei conebine to Yount & haa wd 0 Lage mans nuntber along wilt release, of Layo cet oy vungy is olled Luton BS at ttel + grt + @ UE oMer) 2 > fet He HP tH @ (Ho men) . Nurleose furier os kuvewur as Hove nucleate veaubio bound Ub Gunn take place to easily - * Atempuutww of tre edu of 10° keluin & required ty shot nurleary futon:

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