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Name Aura Sofía García Pastrana

Matricula 2963691
Doing Business in the Americas 16/09
Recovered on September 16, 2021, from: https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/nokia/

Part 1. Preparing the story

First, go browse these three websites and choose one business case

situated across the Americas that you find interesting:

Business Cases UK

Harvard Business School

MIT Sloan School of Management

Next, read it carefully and make notes of the information that you find

interesting and/or relevant. Then, answer these questions:

Where is this happening? In what country? Describe the

business environment of the places mentioned in the case.

Building a global telecommunications business, a Nokia


Nokia’s main markets were in Eastern and Western Europe, so they were

focus in areas of wireline/wireless telecommunications.

Nokia faced a lot of competition from international rival companies, that´s

why they decided to think about what would they need to succeed in a

global telecommunications industry; they think about to adapt the

changes of the environment, also they try to anticipate future changes

and adapted appropriately in order to make a transition so this help to the

company to be successfully.

Define the problem and list all the variables that affect it.

Explaining why.

The problema was, enter to a new market, but they have a plan, and

without this strategy they may broke because they maybe they don’t
analyze the problems that the clients has and it would be a no difference

between the competence, they faced a competition from international

rivals and look for ideas to succeed jn a global telecommunications

industry so the company decide to increase the research and

development of global marketing, they made a critical decision and

decide to do a global marketing this strategy was that they give the ability

to respond and meet costumers needs fast and help with everything, they

add some benefits of cost reduction, improved quality and competitive


Who else is involved? Mention all the people, companies

and institutions that are involved in the whole situation,

explaining the existing connections between them. Once

you have covered everything, note that this first part

should be at least three pages long.

The telephone network was created by Nokia and faced a competition

from international rivals, jumping into the USA market, when the internet

was created it generate a new demand because Nokia innovate all the

products, the article doesn´t talk about the rivals, but I think that all the

companies are involved, they also focus in telecommunications, and with

some rivals, the companies create more innovate products it make that

the consumers can choose between them than others, but the most

important, is that Nokia made some important release, they focus in the

consumer, and this makes that the clients will prefer them because they

have them as a priority.

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