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A Feasibility Study Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business and Accountancy Education
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Accounting 13 - Accounting Research

Aiza G. Asio
Sean Kareem P. Garay
Sarah O. Martinote

November 2022

Approval Sheet

This feasibility study entitled “A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ESTABLISHING AN

EVENTS ORGANIZER BUSINESS IN BISLIG CITY” prepared and submitted by Aiza G.

Asio, Sean Kareem P. Garay, and Sarah O. Martinote in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the course in Accounting Research that has been examined and is recommended

for an oral examination, acceptance, and approval.

Elika Shua A. Sumampong, CPA, MBA



The Researchers would like to express their profound and heartfelt gratitude to their

adviser, Ms. Elika Shua A. Sumampong, CPA, MBA, for her wide knowledge and for sharing

her expertise in writing a feasibility study. Thus, without her guidance, assistance, and

encouragement, the completion of this feasibility study would not have been possible. Her

logical way of thinking has been a great value for this Feasibility Study to be a successful one.

The Researchers would like to extend their thanks to Dr. Jennifer D. Sabelino, MBA, and

to Ma'am Rachel Martinez, the panelist who gave their comments and suggestions to improve

this project research.

Acknowledgment endowed for the invaluable contribution of Sir Philip Christian T.

Dolog, CPA, MBA, CTT, also a panelist, who rendered his precious time to help on working out

this feasibility study.

The Researchers would like to convey their genuine appreciation to their dearest families,

close friends, and classmates for their endless support and encouragement all throughout this

endeavor, great thanks for being their inspiration!

Above all, the Researchers are deeply grateful to the almighty Father who has given them

guidance, strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, endless grace, and blessings to make this

study a success. The Researchers offer this study for the glorification of his name.

To Him be all the Glory!

The Researchers

SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT………………………………………………………… 1

I. Project Introduction…………………………………………………………… 1

II. Name of the Project ad Location..……………………………………………. 1

III. Description of the Project……………………………………………………... 2

IV. Project's Long-Range Objective………………………………………………. 3

V. Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………….. 4

MARKET FEASIBILITY………………………………………………………………… 5

A. About Bislig City………………………………………………………….………... 5

B. Industry Background……………………………………….……………………... 6

C. PESTEL Analysis……………………………………………………….…………. 6

D. Porter’s Five Forces………………………………………………………….……. 9

E. Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning……………………………… 10

F. Demand…………………………………………………………………………….. 12

G. Supply……………………………………………………………………………… 23

H. Demand – Supply Analysis……………………………………………………….. 26

I. Price Study………………………………………………………………………… 27

J. Marketing Plan……………………………………………………………………. 31


A. The Service………………………………………………………………………… 37

B. Service Process……………………………………………………………………. 38

C. Building Layout…………………………………………………………………… 40

D. Supplies and Equipment………………………………………………………….. 41

E. Total Project Cost…………………………………………………………………. 41

F. Operating Hours……………………………………………………………………42

G. Waste Disposal……………………………………………………………………. 42

H. Noise Pollution Control…………………………………………………………... 43


A. Management Structure…………………………………………………………… 44

B. Form of Partnership……………………………………………………………… 44

C. Roles and Responsibility of the Managing Partners……………………………. 45

D. Skills and Qualifications of the Employees……………………………………… 46

E. Human Resource Management…………………………………………………... 48

F. Availment of Human Resources in the City……………………………………… 49

G. Employees’ Salaries and Benefits………………………………………………… 50


A. Major Assumption………………………………………………………………… 51

B. Project Cost………………………………………………………………………... 54

C. Source of Financing the Project………………………………………………….. 54

D. Financial Statements……………………………………………………………… 55

E. Notes to Financial Statements…………………………………………………….. 58

F. Payback Period…………………………………………………………………….. 69

G. Financial Ratios……………………………………………………………………. 69

H. Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value…………………………………. 70

I. Vertical and Horizontal Analysis………………………………………………… 71


A. Economy, Environment, Household, and Government……………………….. 75

REFERENCE…………………………………………………………………………….. 77


A. APPENDIX A – Survey Letter…………..……………………………………… 78


CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………………. 82


Figure 1.1 Map of the Proposed Location for Office Building……………...…………. 1

Figure 1.2 De Eventia Auctor Logo……………………………………………………… 2

Figure 2.1 Population per Barangay…………………………………………………..… 6

Figure 2.2 Survey Findings – Employment Sector…………………………………….. 13

Figure 2.4 Survey Findings – Annual Disposable Income…………………………….. 14

Figure 2.5 Survey Findings – Respondents who have Attended an Event…………… 15

Figure 2.6 Survey Findings – Preference in making Preparation for an Event……... 16

Figure 2.7 Survey Findings – Preference in Hiring Event Organizer………………… 17

Figure 2.8 Survey Findings – Price in Hiring Event Organizer………………………. 18

Figure 2.9 Survey Findings – Events Preferred to Hire Event Organizer……………. 19

Figure 2.10 Survey Findings – Reason for Hiring……………………………………… 20

Figure 2.11 Survey Findings – What Events they would like to have our service…… 21

Figure 2.12 Survey Findings – Factors in Hiring Events Organizer………………….. 22

Figure 2.13 Survey Findings – Willingness to Avail our Service……………………… 23

Figure 2.14 Unmet Demand……………………………………………………………… 32

Figure 2.15 De Eventia Auctor’s Flyer………………………………………………….. 34

Figure 2.16 De Eventia Auctor’s Facebook Page………………………………………. 36

Figure 3.1 De Eventia Auctor’s Service Process Diagram……………………………... 38

Figure 3.2 Office Layout…………………………………………………………………. 40

Figure 4.1 Organizational Chart………………………………………………………… 44


Table 2.1 Total Number of Population who are 25 years old and above .………….... 11

Table 2.2 Comparative Profile Matrix Rubrics…………………….………………….. 24

Table 2.3 Comparative Profile Matrix………………………………………………….. 25

Table 2.4 Demand – Supply Analysis…………………………………………………… 26

Table 2.5 Monthly and Yearly Catered Customer by Competitors………………….. 27

Table 2.5 Suppliers Price Range……………..…………………………………………. 27

Table 2.6 Average Price for Venue and Food Catering Services………….…………. 28

Table 2.7 Average Price for Venue Design and Decoration…………………………... 28

Table 2.8 De Eventia Auctor’s Prices for all Events…………………………………... 29

Table 2.9 Annual Demand Computation ………………………………………………. 29

Table 2.10 Demand per Event…………………………………………………………… 29

Table 2.11 Annual Projected Sales for year 1…………………………………………... 30

Table 2.12 Annual Projected Sales for year 2…………………………………………... 30

Table 2.13 Annual Projected Sales for year 3…………………………………………... 31

Table 2.14 Annual Projected Sales for year 4…………………………………………... 31

Table 2.15 Annual Projected Sales for year 5…………………………………………... 31

Table 2.16 Market Share……………………………………………………..…………. 31

Table 3.1 Lists of Event and Office Equipment, Supplies, Furniture, and Fixtures.…42

Table 3.3 Capitalization of the Project…………………………………………………. 42

Table 5.1 Total Project Cost…………………………………………………………….. 54

Table 5.2 Capital Contribution………………………………………………………….. 55

Table 5.3 Percentage Tax………………………………………………………………… 60

Table 5.4 Yearly and Quarterly Vat Payable…………………………………………... 60

Table 5.5 Revenue………………………………………………………………………... 62

Table 5.6 Cost of the Service…………………………………………………………….. 63

Table 5.7 Five Years Cost of Venue………………………………………………….…. 64

Table 5.8 Five Years Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations……………………....... 65

Table 5.9 Five Years Cost of Food Catering Services…………………………………. 66

Table 5.10 Payback Period …………………………………………………………..…. 69

Table 5.11 Financial Ratio……………………………………………………………… 69

Table 5.12 Internal Rate of Return…………………………………………………….. 70

Table 5.13 Net Present Value…………………………………………………………… 70

Table 5.14 Income Statement – Vertical Analysis…………………………………….. 71

Table 5.15 Income Statement – Horizontal Analysis …………………………………. 72

Table 5.16 Balance Sheet – Vertical Analysis…………………………………………. 73

Table 5.17 Balance Sheet Horizontal Analysis………………………………………... 74



In today's modern world, events have become significant in the lives of everyone, and in

fact, people nowadays would prefer to make plans for the incurrence of events such as;

Birthdays, Weddings, Graduation, and a lot more. People would make preparations for those

events because they want it to be a memorable and unforgettable experience for them. Back then,

celebrations didn't need to be expensive as now, and because of these technologies, people are

influenced rapidly, and one of those influences of technologies is the ideas on how to celebrate

an event and how to make it memorable to the extent that they'll always remember it.

1.1 Name of the Project and Location

Figure 1.1 Map of the Proposed Location for Office Building

The proposed

Courtesy: Google Map

De Eventia Auctor is an event organizer. De Eventia means the event, while Auctor is

derived from the latin word, which means organizer in which we organize events such as

birthday parties, wedding ceremonies, conference meetings, graduation ceremonies, and a lot

more. The name of the business was derived from what the business is capable of. De

Eventia Auctor is situated in Espiritu Street Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur, which

is in front of EMCOR. The Office Building has 100 square meters that will be rented out by

the partnership.

Figure 1.2 De Eventia Auctor Logo

1.2 Description of the Project

De Eventia Auctor is an event organizer business that aims to provide glamorous events

that will surely give them a memorable and unforgettable experience. In addition, De Eventia

Auctor is a time saver and hassle-free for those people who are assigned or entrusted to look

for venues, designs, catering, sound systems, and any other things that are highly needed in

an event because the business will be the one to plan, arrange and look for those things. The

business is a general co-partnership that has a primary goal of gaining profit and becoming


To determine the project’s viability and potential, five areas are taken into consideration:

market feasibility, technical feasibility, management feasibility, financial feasibility, and

socio-economic feasibility.

Market Feasibility

 The proposed business is not yet saturated.

 There are a lot of suppliers for Venue, Venue Design and Decorations, and Food Catering

Services, as well as lights and sound systems.

Technical Feasibility

 The office is accessible for those who want to inquire about our offerings and is situated

in a commercialized location in Bislig City.

 The proposed project will source out the technologies that will help its operations.

Management Feasibility

 The partners have the financial and technical knowledge to manage the business.

 Staff is chosen according to their special skills in order to perform the mission of the

proposed business.

Socio-economic Feasibility

 The company will provide employment opportunities as well as income to the local


 The company will follow the rules and process the necessary documentation, as well as

pay the required permits, licenses, and taxes.

Financial Feasibility

 The partners can contribute start-up capital.

 The payback period for the firm is shorter than five years.

1.3 Project's Long-Range Objectives

In five years, De Eventia Auctor aims to make a reputation in the growing industry by

assisting those who need assistance in arranging, preparing, and organizing their events.

Moreover, De Eventia Auctor is not just aiming to provide and assist the needs of its clients

but also to meet their expectations and to make them satisfied. With this, positive comments

from delighted consumers will give an advantage to De Eventia Auctor because clients will

surely recommend this event organizer business to their friends and relatives. Therefore, De

Eventia Auctor will gain more clients not just in Bislig City but also in neighboring


1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The proponents performed this study, which focuses on the general public who are 25 years

old and above. Moreover, they are the target market of this study because, at this age, they

already have a job. In connection, families of OFW are also part of the target market because we

all know that OFW sends money to their families when there are special occasions in exchange

for their presence. Furthermore, the data about the total population of the respondents, who are

25 years old and above, were taken from the official website of the Philippine Statistics

Authority. The proponents conducted the research by providing the respondents with a survey

questionnaire that was corrected and approved by their instructor and was used to gather the

needed and desired data about the feasibility of establishing an event organizer. The survey was

conducted through the use of Google Forms, which was answered by the respondents of this

study who are 25 years and above. Therefore, the proponents are also determined about how

many respondents do need an event organizer to have an event specifically in Bislig City.



2.1 About Bislig City

Bislig City is located on Mindanao Island, directly facing the Pacific Ocean. It falls under

Region XIII (Caraga Region) and is the 3rd class city in the province of Surigao del Sur. It is

bounded on the north by the Municipality of Hinatuan, on the northwest by the Municipality of

Tagbina, on the southeast by the Municipality of Lingig, and on the southwest by the Province of

Agusan del Sur, and on the northeast by the Pacific Ocean. Bislig is approximately 208

kilometers northeast of Davao City, 152 kilometers south of Tandag City (the provincial capital),

and 158 southeast of Butuan City.

The total land area of Bislig City is 40,503 hectares, of which 14,913 hectares, or

36.82%, are classified as alienable and disposable land and 25,590 hectares, or 63.18%, as

forestland. Constituting the water bodies is 525 hectares or 1.16% of the whole area. Of its

barangays, San Roque has the largest area, which is 12.90% of the total land area of the city.

Barangay San Jose and Burboanan come next with 9.7% and 8.33% of the total land area,


In addition, Bislig City is composed of 24 barangays, five of which are urban barangays

comprising Mangagoy, Tabon, Cumawas, Poblacion, and Maharlika, and the rest are rural

barangays. Also, eleven of the total barangays are coastal barangays facing Bislig Bay and the

Pacific Ocean. Based on the official website of Bislig City, in 2022, the city is expected to have a

total population of 98,543. Moreover, barangay Mangagoy, composed of 33,841 individuals in

which it, gained 34.34% percent of the city's population. PICOP Resources, Inc. (PRI) is located

in Barangay Tabon, which ranks second with a population of 13,567 people, or 13.78% of the

overall population. With 9,879 inhabitants, or 10.03% of the total population, Barangay

Poblacion is third, followed by Cumawas, with 3,619 residents, or 3.67%, and Maharlika, with

2,974 persons, or 3.02%. Figure 2.1 shows an illustration of the expected total population in

2022 per Barangay and the totality of the population of Bislig City.

Figure 2.1 Population per Barangay


Mangagoy Tabon Poblacion Cumawas Maharlika Bucto

Burboanan San Roque Caguyao Coleto Labisma Lawigan
Mone Pamaypayan San Antonio San Fernando Ssan Isidro San Jose
San Vicente Santa Cruz Sibaroy Tumanan Pamanlinan Kahayag

2.2 Industry Background

The PESTEL Analysis (Political, Economical, Sociological, Technological,

Environmental, and Legal) and The Five Forces of Porter (Bargaining Power of Supplier,

Bargaining Power of Buyer, Threat of new entrants, Threat of Substitutes, and Rivalry among

Direct Competitors) was used to better understand the growing industry in the Philippines

specifically the Events Organizing business and to formulate firm strategies.

a.) PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal)


There are a lot of things that this firm must take into account, such as; tax policy, labor

legislation, environmental law, and trade restrictions. De Eventia Auctor will be registered as a

VAT registered. The business will also follow the proper disposal of its garbage and other

disposable materials. In connection, our economy is slowly recovering from the negative effects

brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the gathering of individuals has been slowly

authorized by the government. However, the business will maintain the health and safety

protocols that were provided by the government.


During covid-19 pandemic, many businesses were affected, and the worst-case scenario

caused other business establishments to stop rendering services. In connection, one of the

industries that were greatly affected by the pandemic was the growing industry, where the

gathering of individuals is strictly prohibited by the government. And now, the gathering of

individuals is slowly authorized by the government, by this, the event will be back to normal,

and there will be a lot of customers of this project research where it will offer services for event

organizing such as Venue, venue designs and decorations, food catering services, entertainment,

and documentation.


A growing industry in the place where the project research was being conducted had

already created a name in this endeavor. In connection, events organizer businesses are rampant

nowadays. People are amazed by the ideas brought out by this kind of business in celebrating a

such event. Therefore, the Proponents business project could easily enter the market, and it'll

surely capture the heart of the target market.


In today's modern world, a lot of developments have been made, and business

establishments have been forced to adapt to their environment in order for them to become

updated. One way to stand out in event organizing is by using advanced technology because it

will save your time, you will become cost-effective, you will have better communication, you

will also come up with a better plan, and it will give you a better result of business operations.

The business will use technologies that will help its operation and make its services better and

would exceed the expectations of its client. These technologies must be high-tech and up-to-date.

Consequently, the price and quality of services offered might influence by technological

innovation. In addition, the technologies that will be used in the operations will be sourced out

by the business, such as lights and sound systems.


Environmental and ecologically friendly products and services are in demand nowadays.

As time goes by, especially in this generation, people are well-informed about nature, and they

prefer those services and product that values the worth of our environment. Since the business is

an event organizer, it will require us to use materials that are environmentally friendly and easy

to dispose of or materials that are recyclable.


De Eventia Auctor must be registered and get the necessary license to make its business

legal. These licenses include a fire and safety permit, DTI name registration, mayor's business

permit, occupational permit, and tax clearance. In addition, it should pay its taxes and other legal

obligations such as registration fees, certification fees, documentary stamps, garbage fees, and

sanitary inspection fees.

b.) Porter’s Five Forces

The threat of New Entrants – LOW

Event organizers in the place where the business research was done have already created

their names in this kind of industry. However, this project research will create highly

differentiated services that are comparable to its competitors in order to create its own name.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers – LOW

In this type of industry, the bargaining power of suppliers is low because there is a lot of

negotiating power for De Eventia Auctor since the company will rent out some of the supplies

that will be used in preparing for an event. These materials that the business will source out are;

venue, venue designs and decorations, food catering services, lights, and sound system. In

addition, there are five identified suppliers of the business, namely; Casa De Babano, Kuya

Dong, My Dung, Sheilas, and High land Function farm and Villa. Therefore, the bargaining

power of suppliers is low.

Bargaining Power of Buyers – HIGH

Customers with significant bargaining power often tend to force prices lower, reducing

the opportunity for our event organizer business to generate long-term profitability. Since there

are several reputable businesses to ours in the city, buyers in this type of business have a high

negotiating power since there are several competitors of this project research.

The threat of Substitutes – LOW

The threat of substitutes is low because the business project covers necessary things in an

event. It also offers documentation where its competitors do not have this kind of service. The

business has to either continuously invest in Research & Development, or it risks losing out to

disruptors in the industry. However, the business will continuously create services that our

competitors do not have. In addition, in this kind of industry, the only thing that we need to do is

to arrange the events well to the extent that they'll always look for our unique and creative way

of preparing, arranging, and planning for their events.

Rivalry among Existing Competitors – LOW

If competition is intense, then it becomes difficult for De Eventia Auctor to earn

sustainable profits. Since the rivalry among competitors is low, it would be easier for De Eventia

Auctor to gain more profit because no one has yet established an event organizer business in the

city. However, there are some individuals who perform event organizing.

2.3 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Market segmentation, targeting, and positioning are ideas that help proponents in

evaluating the service being offered and figure out how to communicate its advantages and worth

to various audiences. It is practical since it makes it possible to pinpoint the most valuable client.

a. Market Segmentation

The business will segment its market according to the following:

 Demographics: General Public who are 25 years old and above and even families of

OFW is the target market of De Eventia Auctor. In addition, the data with regards to the

respondents of this study was taken from the official website of the Philippine Statistics

Authority, which contributes a great help in determining the total population of the

respondents, which is more accurate and up to date.

Table 2.1 Total Number of Population who are 25 years old and above

Age Group (Both Sexes) Number of Population

25-29 years old 7,318

30-34 years old 6,174

35-39 years old 5,579

40-44 years old 4,874

45-49 years old 5,099

50 years old and above 11,945

Total Number of Population 40,992

Courtesy: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

 Geographic: The City of Bislig is divided into 24 barangays, with Barangay Mangagoy

as the commercial center and the most populous among all barangays. The study

concentrated on all barangay and also the neighboring municipalities of Bislig City.

However, some respondents did not disclose their addresses.

b. Market Targeting

The target market of this project research is classified into two, which are indicated


a) General Public- These are individuals who are 25 years old and above

b) Families of OFW

c. Positioning

Differentiation and cost leadership are the strategies that were given by Michael

Porter as a suitable beginning point for strategic thinking. Differentiation is the marketing

strategy of De Eventia Auctor. Materials that are used for the decorations for an event are

recyclable and beneficial to the environment that was employed in this business. The

well-trained and skilled staff will definitely attract clients. Furthermore, in today's

modern world, when it comes to events organizing business, expertise in events lies in

how creative and imaginative you are.

2.4 Demand

For the General Public and families of OFW in Bislig City, a self-administered survey

questionnaire via Google Form was utilized to collect data. Before being administered, the

survey questionnaire was evaluated by the proponent’s adviser.

 Sample Size

The proponent computed the sample size using Slovin's formula. Based on the data

acquired from the official website of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), there are 40,989

individuals, which represents the total number of individuals who are 25 years old and above.

Slovin’s formula:

n = N / (1 + Ne2)


n = no. of samples

N = total population

e = margin of error

Using the formula with a 5% margin of error, the sample size is computed as follows:

n = 40,989 / (1+ 40,989 (0.05 ¿ ¿2)

n = 381

According to the computation, a total of 381 individuals who are 25 years old and above

in Bislig City should be surveyed. The survey link was disseminated on social media by the


Highlights of the Survey Findings:

The following are some of the key findings from the 351 respondents that took part in the


What is your employment status?



Figure 2.3 Survey Findings – Employment Sector

93% of the respondents are Employed individuals, while 7% of the respondents are

Unemployed individuals.

What is your annual disposable income?

99,000 Below




Figure 2.4 Survey Findings – Annual Disposable Income

Out of 381 respondents, 22% of them have an annual disposable income of 99,000 or

below. While 88 respondents, or 23%, have an income of 100,000, and also, 24% of the

respondents have an annual disposable income of 200,000. Moreover, 118, or 31% of the

respondents, have an annual disposable income of 300,000.

Have you attended an event such as; birthdays/debut, wedding cer-
emonies, graduation ceremonies, conference/formal meetings and
any kind of parties?



Figure 2.5 Survey Findings – Respondents who have Attended an Event.

98% of the respondents have attended an event, and only 2% of the respondents have not

yet experienced to go in an event.

When you celebrate a special occasion, would you prefer to make
preparations at home or you preferred to hire someone to plan for?

At home

At organizer


Figure 2.6 Preference in making preparation for an event.

20% of the respondents preferred to make preparation at home, 75% of them preferred to

hire someone who could make plans for their event, and 5 % were undecided.

In celebrating an event would you prefer to hire for someone who can
look for venues, decorations and any other things necessary in an



Figure 2.7 Survey Findings - Preference in Hiring for an Events Organizing Business

95% of the respondents preferred to hire for events organizing business, while 5%

preferred not to hire for events organizing business.

If you are going to hire for an event organizing business, how much are
you willing to spend in hiring an events organizing business?

5,000 below

5,000 - 20,000

20,001 - 30,000

30,001 - 50,000

Figure 2.8 Survey Findings – Price for Hiring Event Organizer Business
15% of the respondents are willing to spend 5,000 – 20,000 in hiring events organizing

business, while 11% of them are willing to spend 20,001 – 30,000 are willing to spend, and 75%

are willing to spend 30,001 – 50,000.

In what particular event/s do you prefer to hire for an Events
Organizing Business?










Birthday/Debut Wedding Graduation Formal Meeting Others

Figure 2.9 Survey Findings – Events Preference in Hire Events Organizing Business

28% over 100% of the respondents preferred to hire events organizing business for an

event like a Birthday or debut, while 45% over 100% preferred to hire events organizing

business for an event like a Wedding, and 15% over 100% of the respondents preferred to hire

events organizing business in an event like Graduation and also 10% out of 100% preferred to

hire events organizing business, while 2% for others.

What is your reason in hiring for an events organizing business?

dy dy ad
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r ea r ea re r ea the
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Figure 2.10 Survey Findings – Reason for Hiring
The reason 19% of respondents in hiring events organizing to make the Venue ready and

the reason of 18% of respondents in hiring events organizing to make the decorations ready, and

15% of the respondents hired events organizing business in order to make the food ready, while

43% of the respondents hire events organizing business to make the necessary things ready and

5% for others.

In what event you usually like to have beautiful venue,
wonderful decorations, delicious food and any other ideal
things that you want in an event?







Birthday/Debut Graduation Wedding Formal meeting Others

Figure 2.11 Survey Findings – What Events would they like to have our service

25% of the respondents like to have our services in an event like a birthday/debut, 18%

for graduation ceremonies, 29% of the respondents like to have our services in an event like a

wedding, moreover 17% for formal meetings and 11% for an event like a christening.

What factor/s you usually consider in hiring for an
event organizing business?








Flexible in any- Great Planning Well Skilled in
time Skills Coordination
Figure 2.12 Survey Findings – Factors in Hiring Events Organizer

In events organizing business, there are considerations or factors that an individual must

take into account upon hiring events organizing business. These factors include being well-

skilled in coordination, having great planning skills, and being flexible at any time. In this study,

the proponents considered the three most important factors such as; well skilled in coordination

this include (well-mannered in treating clients and good communication skills), great planning

skills include (creativity and imagination in concepts and well skilled in events organizing and

also good budgeting for expenses), and flexibility in any time. In the survey, the respondents

chose as their top one factor in choosing events organizing business and followed by good skill

in coordination, great planning skills, and flexibility at any time.

If we are going to establish an events organizing
business, are you willing to avail for our services?



Figure 2.13 Survey Findings – Willingness to Avail of our Service

90% of the respondents are willing to avail of our services, and only 10% of the

respondents are not willing to avail of our services.

Overall Interpretation:

The fact that 90% of respondents are willing to avail of our services related to event

organizer business provides support to the assumed feasibility of the business concept. Further,

95% of the respondents preferred to hire an event organizer to make preparations and plans for

their respective events.

2.5 Supply

Since the business will source out some services like Venue, venue designs and

decorations that includes lights and sound system, and food catering services, in connection, De

Eventia Auctor has five identified suppliers, namely; Highland Function Farm and Villa, Sheilas,

My Dung, Kuya Dong, and Casa De Babano. All of which are located in Mangagoy.

On the contrary, De Eventia Auctor has four identified competitors, namely; Darwin

Lucero, Jan Besin Simologan, Demet Diga, and Michelle Superio, all of them perform event

organizing here in Bislig City and in the neighboring places of Bislig.

Competitive Profile Matrix Analysis

A strategic analysis tool called the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) enables you to

evaluate your company's strengths and weaknesses in relation to those of your rivals. Based on

the findings of the study, Well skilled in coordination will have the most weight, while flexibility

at anytime will have the least. The ratings refer to 1 as the major weakness, two as a minor

weakness, three as minor strength, and four as a major strength.

Table 2.2 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) Rubrics

Major Weakness Minor Weakness Minor Strength Major Strength
1 2 3 4
High price with Moderate price High-quality
Price High price with a
moderate quality with moderate service with a
high quality
of service quality of service low price
Well Skilled in Not good at Good in Have a better Excellent in
Coordination coordination coordination coordination coordination
Great Planning Skills None of the plans Some of the plans Most of the plans All of the plans
are completed are completed are completed are completed
Can cater at least Can cater at least Can cater more
Flexible in anytime Unable to
two events in one three events in than three
day one day events in a day

Table 2.3 Competitive Profile Matrix

Darwin Jan Besin Michelle

Demet Diga
Lucero Simologan Superio
Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Success Factor
Price 0.35 3 1.05 3 1.05 3 1.05 3 1.05
Well Skilled in
0.25 3 0.75 3 0.75 2 0.50 2 0.50
Planning Skills
0.23 4 0.92 3 0.69 3 0.69 3 0.69
Flexible in
0.17 2 0.34 4 0.68 3 0.51 3 0.51
Total 1.00 3.06 3.17 2.75 2.75

Based on the table above, the outcome is displayed and showed that among all direct

competitors of De Eventia Auctor. Jan Besin Simologan got the highest score of 3.17. Its major

strength is flexibility at anytime. In addition, Darwin Lucero got the second-highest score which

is 3.06. Further, Demet Diga and Michelle Superio both got a score of 2.75.

2.6 Demand – Supply Analysis

Table 2.4 Demand – Supply Analysis

Total number of the population who are 25 years old and above 40,989
X Percentage of those who are willing to avail of the service 90%
Total Demand (A) 36,890

Darwin Lucero 192
Jan Besin Silmogan 360
Demet Diga 300
Michelle Superio 240
Total Customer Supplied by Indirect Competitors (B) 1,092

Total Demand (A) 36,890
Less: Total Supply (B) (1,092)
Unserved Demand 35,798

A demand and supply analysis of the event organizer in Bislig City is shown in the table

above. On the demand side, the total number of the population who are 25 years old and above

are 40,989 is, multiplied by the Percentage of those who want to avail of the service, which is

90%. There are 36,890 customers as a result. This indicates the total demand for De Eventia

Auctor in Bislig City. There are individuals who perform event organizing. Accordingly, in

2021, Darwin Lucero catered to 192 customers, Jan Besin Silmogan catered to 360 customers, in

addition, Demet Diga catered to 300 customers. Moreover, Michelle Superio catered to a total of

240 customers. Therefore, there were 1,092 customers that were supplied by the competitors of

De Eventia Auctor. Comparing the total demand of 36,890 and a total supply of 1,092, there is

an unserved demand of 35,798 customers. This demonstrates that there is a significant demand-

supply gap, indicating that putting up an event organizer business is a feasible business option.

Table 2.5 Event Catered

Competitors Event per Month Annual Event

Darwin Lucero 16 192

Jan Besin Silmogan 30 360

Demet Diga 25 300

Michelle Superio 20 240

Total Event Supplied 1,092

2.7 Price Study

Based on the survey, the second factor in choosing events organizing business is great

planning skills, and this factor will include budgeting. Budgeting also comprises the price. This

means that customers are price sensitive. In addition, the price of the Venue, venue designs and

decorations, and food catering services was based on the price range that was provided by their

suppliers, namely; Casa De Babano, My Dung, Kuya Dong, Sheilas, and Highland Function

Farm. The price range of De Eventia Auctor's suppliers was also the basis for determining its

service price for Venue, venue designs and decorations, and food catering services.

Table 2.5 Suppliers' Price range

Casa De Babano Venue 5,000

Venue Design and Decorations 5,000-10,000-15,000
Food Catering Services 250-260/ person

Venue 5,000
My Dung Venue Design and Decorations 5,000-15,000-20,000
Food Catering Services 250/ person

Venue 8,000-10,000
Kuya Dong Venue Designs and Decorations 5,000-15,000-25,000
Food Catering Services 250/ person

Venue 5,000-10,000
Sheilas Venue Designs and Decorations 5,000-15,000-20,000
Food Catering Services 200-300/ person

Venue 4,500-7,500
High land Function Farm Venue Designs and Decorations 10,000-20,000-59,000-99,000
Food Catering Services 275-375 per head

Table 2.6 Average Price for Venue and Food Catering Services

Supplier Venue Food Catering

Casa De Babano 5,000 245/head
My Dung 5,000 250/head
Kuya Dong 9,000 250/head
Sheilas 7,500 255/head
Highland Function Farm 6,000 350/head
Averaged Price 6,500 270/head

Table 2.7 Average Price for Venue Designs and Decorations

Casa De Kuya
Type of Event My Dung Sheilas Function Average
Babano Dong
Birthday/Debut 15,000 18,000 18,000 24,000 35,000 22,000
Graduation 11,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 16,000 14,000
Wedding 23,000 27,000 27,000 35,000 38,000 30,000
Formal Meeting 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,000 10,000
Others 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 11,000 8,000

Table 2.8 De Eventia Auctor’s Prices for all Events

Birthday/ Formal
Particulars Graduation Wedding Others
Debut Meeting
Venue 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500
Venue Designs and
22,000 14,000 30,000 10,000 8,000
Food Catering 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500
Total Cost 42,000 34,000 50,000 30,000 28,000
Markup 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Selling Price 54,600 44,200 65,000 39,000 36,400

2.8 Projected Sales

Table 2.9 Annual Demand Computation

Annual demand = Capacity x Operating Demand per Year

Days per Month x 12 x Willingness rate
Annual Demand for Year1 2 events/day x 26 x 12 x 90% 562
Annual Demand for Year2 2 events/day x 26 x 12 x 91% 568
Annual Demand for Year3 2 events/day x 26 x 12 x 92% 574
Annual Demand for Year4 2 events/day x 26 x 12 x 93% 580
Annual Demand for Year5 2 events/day x 26 x 12 x 94% 587

The business assumed that the willingness would increase by 1%.

Table 2.10 Demand per Event

Demand for Year 1

Type of Event Total demand x Percentage Demand Per Event
Birthday/Debut 562 x 25% 141
Graduation 562 x 18% 101
Wedding 562 x 29% 162
Formal/Conference Meeting 562 x 17% 96
Other Event 562 x 11% 62
Demand for Year 2
Type of Event Total demand x Percentage Demand Per Event
Birthday/Debut 568 x 25% 142
Graduation 568 x 18% 102
Wedding 568 x 29% 164
Formal/Conference Meeting 568 x 17% 97
Other Event 568 x 11% 63
Demand for Year 3
Type of Event Total demand x Percentage Demand Per Event
Birthday/Debut 574 x 25% 144

Graduation 574 x 18% 103
Wedding 574 x 29% 166
Formal/Conference Meeting 574 x 17% 98
Other Event 574 x 11% 63
Demand for Year 4
Type of Event Total demand x Percentage Demand Per Event
Birthday/Debut 580 x 25% 145
Graduation 580 x 18% 104
Wedding 580 x 29% 168
Formal/Conference Meeting 580 x 17% 99
Other Event 580 x 11% 64
Demand for Year 5
Type of Event Total demand x Percentage Demand Per Event
Birthday/Debut 587 x 25% 147
Graduation 587 x 18% 106
Wedding 587 x 29% 170
Formal/Conference Meeting 587 x 17% 100
Other Event 587 x 11% 64

The different events have different demands. Demand per event was determined through

the total demand (see table 2.4) and multiplied by the Percentage of respondents (see figure 2.11)

who want to have our service at a specific event.

Table 2.11 Annual Projected Sales for year 1

Demand Per Event X Selling

Type of Event Revenue
Birthday/Debut 141 x 54,600 7,698,600
Graduation 101 x 44,200 4,464,200
Wedding 162 x 65,000 10,530,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 96 x 39,000 3,744,000
Other Event 62 x 36,400 2,256,800
Total Sales for Year 1 28,693,600

Table 2.12 Annual Projected Sales for year 2

Demand Per Event X Selling

Type of Event Revenue
Birthday/Debut 142 x 54,600 7,753,200
Graduation 102 x 44,200 4,508,400
Wedding 164 x 65,000 10,660,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 97 x 39,000 3,783,000

Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total Sales for Year 2 28,997,800

Table 2.13 Annual Projected Sales for year 3

Demand Per Event X Selling

Type of Event Revenue
Birthday/Debut 144 x 54,600 7,862,400
Graduation 103 x 44,200 4,552,600
Wedding 166 x 65,000 10,790,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 98 x 39,000 3,822,000
Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total Sales for Year 3 29,320,200

Table 2.14 Annual Projected Sales for year 4

Demand Per Event X Selling

Type of Event Revenue
Birthday/Debut 145 x 54,600 7,917,000
Graduation 104 x 44,200 4,596,800
Wedding 168 x 65,000 10,920,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 99 x 39,000 3,861,000
Other Event 64 x 36,400 2,329,600
Total Sales for Year 4 29,624,400

Table 2.15 Annual Projected Sales for year 5

Demand Per Event X Selling

Type of Event Revenue
Birthday/Debut 147 x 54,600 8,026,200
Graduation 106 x 44,200 4,685,200
Wedding 170 x 65,000 11,050,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 100 x 39,000 3,900,000
Other Event 64 x 36,400 2,329,600
Total Sales for Year 5 29,991,000

2.9 Market Share

Table 2.16 Market Share
Market Volume 562
/Unserved Demand 35,798
Market Share 2%

To determine the market share, the market volume was 562 and was divided by the

unserved demand from Table 2._ of 35,798, resulting in 2%. The proponents of this study can

initially cater to 2% of the demand-supply gap for the first year and will increase by 10%

annually thereafter.





Figure 2.14 Unmet Demand

2.10 Marketing Plan

Marketing Mix

a. Service

De Eventia Auctor is an event organizer which it offers all-inclusive services that

include; Venue, venue designs and decorations, food catering services, documentation, and

entertainment. All inclusion means it will cover the necessary things from the start of the

event until the end of the event. All inclusions cover the following:

Setting goals and objectives

In this stage, the event planner and the client will set goals and objectives for their


Creating a solid event budget plan

In this stage, the client, event planner/manager, event designer, and the event

coordinator will work together to coordinate the event in order to arrive at an effective and

efficient means of budgeting.

Planning decorations and designs

In this stage, the event designer is in charge of all large to small details of the

event, such as; the theme of the event, designs for the invitation, designs of the Venue, and

other aspects of the event that involves designs.

Coordinate on the day of the event

In this stage, the event coordinator will execute all of the things that were

planned. This includes the Venue, the designs, the food, entertainment, lights, and sounds, to

name a few.

b. Price

A well-thought-out pricing strategy will bring in the necessary revenue for the business.

In order to ensure a reasonable and competitive price, a value-based pricing strategy, market

analysis, and performing survey methods were all used in the price calculation.

c. Promotions

The business will be promoted using above-the-line, Below the Line, and Through Line


Above the Line

Making a promotional video with images from the events would make it easier and more

appealing to the customers, with social media as the ideal approach to get their attention.

Video can be seen on the event website, social media, and emails through the business's

Facebook page and Instagram account. In connection, this will form part of the marketing

expense of the business.

Below the Line

In this type of business, direct mailing works well because it allows marketing materials

to be delivered directly to clients at their homes, workplaces, schools, or other locations.

Making flyers for De Eventia Auctor for public awareness can also be successful. These

flyers can be displayed in grocery stores, convenience stores, and other locations with

bulletin boards. Offering these materials is another means of promoting the enterprise. In

addition, this type of promotion will also form part of the marketing expense of the business.

Through the Line

Using social media platforms is highly beneficial for spreading information to locals

easily. The business operates a website where customers can view shared videos of events.

The company also publishes positive testimonials and model images on social media sites

like Facebook and Instagram.

d. Place

As stated in chapter 1 of the project, the physical location of De Eventia Auctor

commercial services is located at Espiritu Street Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur,

which is in front of EMCOR. It is intended to be built in the area where the majority of

establishments exist. The workplace is designed with adequate space so that the clients feel

independent. There is a table for information, seating for customer inquiries, and a

comfortable room.

Marketing Programs/Strategies

Currently, people hire event organizers to plan their special occasions, particularly

birthday parties, weddings, graduation, and formal or conference meetings. As a result, this

business has a great opportunity because it meets a necessary need among residents of our

city. Therefore, effective marketing strategies are essential. The first strategy that this

business will use in order to be known by the public is the use of online presence through

different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Second is the use of word

of mouth, and the business will give them an assurance that they will never forget their

experience. The business will make sure that it will give its 100% effort, time, and passion in

having an event. Through this, satisfied clients will refer the business to their friends and


Figure 2.15 De Eventia Auctor’s Flyer

Figure 2.15 De Eventia Auctor’s Facebook Page



3.1 The Service

De Eventia Auctor will only offer All Inclusion Services.

Event organizers work closely with their clients during the planning process to closely

manage every aspect of the event from the start until the end of the event, and that is what De

Eventia Auctor will do.

All Inclusion Services are derived from the nature of its offerings. The service consists of

Preparation, Venue, venue designs and decorations, food catering services, documentation,

lights, and sound system. However, Venue, venue designs and decorations, and food catering

services will be sourced out by the business since they will focus on organizing an event, while

the lights and sound system is included in the venue designs and decorations. The sourced-out

services will be provided by their suppliers, namely; Casa De Babano, Kuya Dong, My Dung,

Sheila’s, and High Land Function Farm.

All Inclusion Services include preparation, and this service includes preparing invitation

cards, event theme and concept, program flow, and other things that need to be prepared. The

second service that is part of All Inclusion Services is the Venue. Customers may choose any

venue, and it will depend on their discretion. The third one is the so-called venue designs and

decorations, De Eventia Auctor will provide sample designs that are created by its business

partners and suppliers, and even so, customers can also personalize their designs and decorations.

Moreover, Food Catering Services are a kind of service that will be a source by the business.

Furthermore, entertainment will be a source by the business, and this includes; lights and a sound

system. De Eventia Auctor will look for the things that are not in their possession and are

necessary for an event.

De Eventia Auctor: All-in-one services, the company’s value proposition

De Eventia Auctor has a value proposition of all-in-one services, and it is because the

business will make sure that in having a customer’s event, everything is prepared and organized

well. Customers will never think of anything because the business will provide and look for the

things that are highly needed at the customer's event.

3.2 Service Process

Figure 3.6 De Eventia Auctor’s Service Process Diagram

As previously mentioned, the initial stage of the De Eventia Auctor service process

involves client queries. Customers can reach the company through the use of its social media

accounts and contact numbers and by visiting De Eventia Auctor Office. Additionally, the front

desk staff will inquire about the client's reason for visiting the office and the specific event for

which the client will need an event organizer. Once the front desk staff has responded to the

client's questions, the client may now choose a schedule for the planning stage in which the

client, the event planner, and the event coordinator of De Eventia Auctor will discuss the details

of the client's event such as the date, number of hours of the event, designs and decorations, the

theme of the event, the ambiance of the event, invitation cards, the program of the event, the

number of attendees, the food and the like. This stage requires careful and thorough planning in

order to avoid deficiencies and errors during the day of the event.

After planning, the client is required to make a partial payment and sign a contract with

De Eventia Auctor that is subject to the agreement of both parties in order to avoid fraudulent

acts. Partial payment is also useful to the outsourcing stage in which the event coordinator of De

Eventia Auctor will source out the necessary and essential materials that will be used for the said

event from different partners, reliable sources, and suppliers of De Eventia Auctor. The next

stage is the performance of the job, in which the event coordinator will make sure that what has

been planned will be carried out. The event coordinator is obliged to make all materials ready

and prepared. Also, the program flow must and should be organized well. When the event ends,

the client will make the full payment for his/her obligation. After that, the staff will ask for

feedback about the services provided by De Eventia Auctor. Feedbacks from the clients are

important in making improvements in our service.

3.3 Building Layout


4000 2500 2500 6000

Reception Area

Planning / 7000
Strategic Room
Manager’s Manager’s

Office- 1 Office- 2

Lobby 3000

Comfort Room

9000 6000

Figure 3.7 Office Layout

The Office layout will have the following features:

 Reception Area

 Manager’s Office- 1

 Manager’s Office- 2

 Planning/ Strategic Room

 Lobby

 Comfort Room

The office will be rented out by the partnership.

3.4 Supplies and Equipment

The table below is the list of event equipment, office supplies, office equipment,

furniture, and fixtures. Event Equipment will have a useful life of 3 years. In addition, Office

Equipment will have useful life of 5 years, such as; a computer unit and Air-conditioning unit.

While the printer, projector, and projector screen have a useful life of 3 years. On the other hand,

furniture and fixtures have a useful life of five years.

Table 3.2 Lists of Event Equipment, Office Equipment, Supplies, Furniture, and Fixtures
Event Equipment Quantity Price
DSLR Camera 1 64,200
Total 64,200
Office Equipment Quantity Price
Computer Unit 3 60,000
Air-conditioning Unit 2 40,000
Printer 1 8,000
Projector 1 5,600
Projector Screen 1 2,500
Total 116,100
Furniture and Fixtures Price
Rectangular/Long Table 6 40,000
Sofa 4 30,000
Chairs 17 17,000

Total 87,000
Office Supplies Price
Bond Paper 6 rm 1,500
Printer Ink Four sets of all 4,000
Writing Supplies Four box 800
Photo paper 30 set 6,120
Total 12,420

3.5 Total Project Cost

The total project cost is 1,000,000, which is listed below:

Table 3.3 Capitalization of the Project

Capitalization of the Project

Service Vehicle 500,000
Event Equipment 64,200
Office Equipment 116,100
Furniture and Fixture 87,000
Office Supplies 12,420
Permits and Licenses 6,500
Other Working Capital 213,780
Total 1,000,000

3.6 Operating Hours

The physical office of De Eventia Auctor will be open Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m. The front desk officer will always be in the reception area for customers who will

inquire about our services. The Event planner and the Event coordinator would be present only if

the customer wanted to have an appointment with them for planning. Event Planning is done

every morning. The Event Assistants will help the event coordinator in making preparations for

an event. The customer may visit the office for inquiries from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., as well as for

reception. Customers' events must be booked one week before the event because event planning

requires a lot of time.

3.7 Waste Disposal

De Eventia Auctor abides by the Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 2015 Article V,

Section 6, which states that the establishment owners shall be responsible for their area within a

2-3 meter radius of occupied spaces. Article VI of Section 7 states that the segregation of the

source waste must be properly observed and is mandatory. Daily cleaning will be done to ensure

that the company can abide by the local trash ordinance. Waste will be separated into the

categories of biodegradable, non-biodegradable, recyclable, reusable materials, and special/

infectious waste materials for suitable disposal. There will be trash cans positioned in the

building's main area. The waste will subsequently be appropriately disposed of on the MRF

every week, one day before the municipal waste management pickup.

3.8 Noise Pollution Control

De Eventia Auctor plans to abide by current noise control legislation even if HB 2516 has

not yet been put into effect. De Eventia Auctor shall restrict its commercial operations from 10

p.m. onwards in order to avoid producing noise pollution and breaking the law because its site is

close to a busy residential sector of Bislig City called Mangagoy.



4.1 Management Structure

Partner 1 (Finance) Event Planner Event Coordinator

Partner 2 (Operations) Partner 3 (Operations)

Front Desk Event Assistant -1 Event Assistant -2 Event Assistant -3


Figure 4.1 Organizational Chart

4.2 Form of Ownership

De Eventia Auctor is a small enterprise generated by three (3) general partners in a

general partnership. A general partnership is defined as a business arrangement by which two or

more individuals agree to share in all assets, profits, and financial and legal liabilities. De

Eventia Auctor’s management structure consists of one financial manager while the other two

are the operation managers. A fair share of the capital contribution and any unexpected future

obligation that the company may incur will be on the shoulders of the partners. Additionally,

they will also divide the profits and losses among themselves. The primary responsibilities of the

partners include overseeing all aspects of De Eventia Auctor’s operations and finance. They are

in charge of making decisions for the business and facilitating the performance of its employees.

4.3 Roles and Responsibility of the Managing Partners

 Finance (Partner 1)

o Efficiently manages the financial matters of the company

o Monitoring and controlling expenses and budget

o Computes compensation and employee benefits

 Operations Manager (Partner 2) – Event Planner

o Handles problem-resolution and decision making

o Planning and goal-setting for future events/period

o Materials and inventory management

o Monitoring event execution

 Operations Manager (Partner 3) – Event Coordinator

o Carrying out what has been planned

o Performs outsourcing

o Maneuver recruitment, training, and employment matters

o Monitoring performance

4.4 Skills and Qualifications of the Employees

a) Front Desk Officer


 Must be competent in the National Competency in Front Office Services II

 Should have a pleasing personality

 Polite

 Detailed oriented

 Computer Literate

 Excellent in both oral and verbal communication skills

Job Description

 Greeting the customers politely

 Making phone calls

 Asking for customer's basic information

 Checking emails and personal messages coming from the customers

 Answering the quires of the customers

 Providing all information about the business services offered

 Making schedules, appointments, and reservations

 Always have contact or coordinate with the company's event planner

 Must and should always give the best customer service experience

b) Event Assistants 1 - Host


 Has the knowledge of any arts-related courses

 Language Literate

 Excellent time management

 Can comprehend instructions easily

 Able to multitask

 Must have the ability to work in a team environment

Job Description

 Following the instructions given by the events designer and event coordinator

 Must always follow what has been planned

 Execute the duties that have been given by the event planner and event


 He or she will serve as host in an event

c) Event Assistants 2 – Driver


 Has a driving NCII in TESDA and a Driver’s License.

 Excellent time management

 Able to multitask

 Can comprehend instructions easily

 Has knowledge of a table setup

 Must have the ability to work in a team environment

 At least a Senior High School graduate

Job Description

 Following the instructions given by the event designer and event coordinator

 Must ensure that the vehicle is always ready and safe to drive

 Must always follow what has been planned

d) Event Assistants 3 – Photographer


 Has the knowledge of any arts-related courses

 Computer Literate

 Has knowledge of photography

 Excellent time management

 Can comprehend instructions easily

 Able to multitask

 Must have the ability to work in a team environment

 Following the instructions given by the events Planner and event coordinator

Job Description

 Must ensure that the photography equipment is ready to use and always check its


 Must always follow what has been planned

 Execute the duties that have been given by the event planner and event


4.5 Human Resource Management

The people who assist a firm in achieving its objectives and accomplishments are just as

important to its success as those who manage it. This only indicates that workers are crucial to

the operation of various commercial establishments. Success would not be feasible without the

assistance of the people who make up a certain establishment.

a) Recruitment and selection

The candidate must provide all necessary paperwork, including but not limited to a

resume, a medical exam, and other supporting records. The operations manager will do a

background check after receiving the documents and, if approved, will then conduct an oral


b) Training

Orientation and training for the events designer and event assistants are vital not just to

educate them but also to add their knowledge in organizing an event. External training refers

to the national competency certificates that they have undergone from an accredited

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) or a bachelor's degree or

similar education. The partners will be more actively involved in the operations of the

business, especially the event planner and the event coordinator, for they are the ones who

will give instructions, guidance, and internal training to the company's event designer and

events assistants.

c) Actual Deployment

Upon deployment Event, Designers and Event Assistants are assumed that they

underwent proper training.

d) Evaluation

After being trained, Event Designers and Event Assistants will be observed by the Event

planner and Event coordinator. Event Designers and Event Assistants will undergo training

every quarter of the year. This is to ensure that the staff of De Eventia Auctor will surely give

the best customer experience.

4.6 Availability of Human Resources in the city

There are three accredited Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

(TESDA) schools that offer programs and diploma courses that are in line with and related to

events organizing. The schools are: De La Salle John Bosco College, Andres Soriano Colleges of

Bislig, and the Pacific View College Inc. or formerly known as STIP Inc. De Eventia Auctor will

be able to give opportunities to the graduates and competent of the courses and programs offered

by these three accredited schools.

4.7 Employee Salaries and Benefits

MONTHLY RATES 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

1 RECEPTIONIST 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800
3 EVENT ASSISTANTS 35,100 35,100 46,800 46,800 46,800

ANNUAL SALARIES 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

1 RECEPTIONIST 93,600 93,600 93,600 93,600 93,600
3 EVENT ASSISTANTS 421,200 421,200 561,600 561,600 561,600
TOTAL 514,800 514,800 655,200 655,200 655,200

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 6,000 6,000 7,500 7,500 7,500
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 21,216 21,216 26,832 26,832 26,832
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 10,608 10,608 13,416 13,416 13,416
SSS (ER SHARE) 40,440 40,440 51,200 51,200 51,200
13TH MONTH PAY 44,200 44,200 55,900 55,900 55,900
TOTAL 122,464 122,464 154,848 154,848 154,848

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 4,801 4,801 4,801 4,801 4,801
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 2,617 2,617 2,617 2,617 2,617
SSS (ER SHARE) 9,194 9,194 9,194 9,194 9,194
13TH MONTH PAY 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800
TOTAL 25,912 25,912 25,912 25,912 25,912

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-3 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 4,500 4,500 6,000 6,000 6,000
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 16,848 16,848 22,464 22,464 22,464
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 8,424 8,424 11,232 11,232 11,232
SSS (ER SHARE) 31,680 31,680 42,440 42,440 42,440
13TH MONTH PAY 35,100 35,100 46,800 46,800 46,800
TOTAL 96,552 96,552 128,936 128,936 128,936



5.1 Major Assumption

 The firm will be registered as a general partnership with the Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC), and also the name of the business will be registered in the

Department of Trade and Industry. This form of business will allow the partners to share

the financing and operating burden of the business and to maximize the partner's

expertise to run the overall business and improve business performance.

 The partnership is a vat registered business in the Bureau of Internal Revenue. In

connection, the remittance of vat payable is quarterly.

 The operation of the business will start in January 2023. Conceptualization, preparation,

and registration will commence in the last quarter of 2022.

 Training in TESDA-accredited schools for programs and courses related to events

organizing has 37 days.

 The initial capital for De Eventia Auctor is 1,000,000. This will be used for start-up costs

and initial working capital requirements that involve building the establishment and

acquiring the necessary equipment, supplies, furniture, and fixtures. The source of

financing is pure equity.

 In the beginning, the firm will hire 1 Receptionist and 3 Event Assistants with special job

descriptions. In the third year of operation, the firm will hire 1 Event Assistant.

 At the end of the year, the business will have an ending balance of 20% of its office


 Service Vehicle, Office Equipment such as; Computer and Air-conditioning units,

Furniture & Fixtures will have a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. Moreover,

Event Equipment and Office Equipment such as; printers, projectors, and projector

screens will have a useful life of 3 years with no salvage value.

 In the fourth year (4), De Eventia Auctor will purchase a DSLR Camera, printer,

projector, and projector screen with a useful life of 3 years, and it is assumed to have a

5% increase in its prices due to inflation.

 Expenses will increase by 5% due to inflation.

 The straight-line method will be used to depreciate the service vehicle, office and event

equipment, and furniture and fixtures.

 Current Liabilities are vat payable and income tax payable.

 The behavior of the number of customers for the next five years was based on the

Capacity per day multiplied by the Operating Days per Month multiplied by twelve (12)

months multiplied by the Willingness rate. It is also assumed that the willingness rate to

have our service in a specific event will increase by 1% annually.

 The selling price is composed of the total cost and markup. Total costs are the services

that the business will source out, such as; Venue, Venue Design and Decoration, and food

Catering Services.

 The cost of service is costs directly related to the service. These are salaries and wages

and employee benefits of Event Assistants. In addition, Venue, Venue Designs and

Decorations, Food Catering Services, and Service Vehicle that was determined through

demand per event and multiplied by its cost.

 Salaries and wages of the employees are to be paid monthly. Salary will start at Php

35,100 for the Event Assistants and Php 93,600 for the Receptionist.

 For taxation purposes, the general co-partnership is considered a corporation and,

therefore, liable to corporate tax of 25%.

 The partners have an initial capital of Php 400,000 for partner A and Php 300,000 for

partner B and partner C.

 The office building will be rented out by the business amounting to 12,500 per month.

 Insurance for Service Vehicle amounting to 1,000 per month and 12,000 in a year

 Repair and maintenance for Service vehicles amounting to 80,000 for the first three

years. Repair and maintenance expenses for service vehicles will increase by 20% in the

fourth to fifth year.

 Utility expenses are costs for electricity and water consumption which are based on the

latest rate provided by SURCECO-I and Bislig City Water District, as well as internet

subscription via PLDT.

 SSS, PAG-IBIG, and PHILHEALTH contributions are based on the latest rates provided

by the agencies.

 Licenses, including SEC Registration, BIR Registration, DTI Registration, and Business

Permits, are based on the requirements of the government.

 Partner’s share in the net income is equal to their share, which is 40% for partner A, and

30% for partners B and C. Withdrawals will serve as salary allowances for partners A, B,

and C, and they will withdraw 900,000 for the first year to the fifth year.

5.2 Project Cost

The total Capitalization of this project is 1,000,000. This is composed of Service

vehicles, Event Equipment, Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, Office Supplies, Permits

and Licenses, and Working capital.

Table 5.1 Total Project Cost

Capitalization of the Project

Service Vehicle 500,000

Event Equipment 64,200

Office Equipment 116,100

Furniture and Fixtures 87,000

Office Supplies 12,420

Permits and Licenses 6,500

Other Working Capital 213,780

Total 1,000,000

5.3 Sources of Financing the Project

The partners will contribute a total amount of 1,000,000 to finance the project. Partner A

will contribute amounting to 400,000, while partners B and C will contribute an equal amount of


Table 5.2 Capital Contribution

Equity Percentage Contribution

Partners A, Capital 40% 400,000

Partners B, Capital 30% 300,000

Partners C, Capital 30% 300,000

Total Capital Requirements 100% 1,000,000

5.4 Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position
As of the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Current Asset
Cash 3 2,789,080 3,951,386 4,965,869 5,939,407 7,012,753
Office Supplies 2,484 56 2,608 2,739 2,876 3,019
Total Current Assets 2,791,564 3,953,994 4,968,608 5,942,283 7,015,772

Non-Current Asset
Service Vehicle 4 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000
Event Equipment 4 42,800 21,400 - 44,940 22,470
Furniture & Fixtures 4 69,600 52,200 34,800 17,400 -
Total Non-Current Asset 603,133 438,967 274,800 193,610 28,105

Total Assets 3,394,698 4,392,961 5,243,408 6,135,893 7,043,877


Current Liabilities
Accued Payable 18,900 19,845 20,837 21,879 22,973
Vat Payable 5 177,364 179,245 181,238 183,118 185,384
Income Tax Payable 5 1,224,608 1,230,012 1,194,368 1,195,983 1,200,152
Total Liabilities 1,420,873 1,429,101 1,396,443 1,400,980 1,408,509

Partners Equity
Partner A, Capital 969,530 1,545,544 2,078,786 2,613,965 3,154,147
Partner B, Capital 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474 1,240,610
Partner C, Capital 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474 1,240,610
Total Partners Equity 1,973,825 2,963,860 3,846,965 4,734,913 5,635,368

Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity 3,394,698 4,392,961 5,243,408 6,135,893 7,043,877

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenue 6 28,693,600.00 28,997,800.00 29,320,200.00 29,624,400.00 29,991,000.00
Cost of Service 7 22,689,752.00 22,923,752.00 23,344,536.00 23,578,536.00 23,860,536.00
Gross Profit 6,003,848.00 6,074,048.00 5,975,664.00 6,045,864.00 6,130,464.00

Operating Expenses
Depreciation Expense 4 64,166.67 64,166.67 64,166.67 65,505.00 65,505.00
Permits and Licenses 8 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00
Salaries and Wages - Admin 9 93,600.00 93,600.00 93,600.00 93,600.00 93,600.00
Employees Benefits 9 25,912.00 25,912.00 25,912.00 25,912.00 25,912.00
Marketing Expense 10 106,000.00 111,300.00 116,866.00 122,709.00 128,845.00
Utilities Expense 11 226,800.00 238,140.00 250,044.00 262,548.00 275,676.00
Training Expense 37,000.00 38,850.00 40,793.00 42,833.00 44,975.00
Professional Fees Expense 180,000.00 189,000.00 198,450.00 208,373.00 218,792.00
Insurance Expense 12,000.00 12,600.00 13,230.00 13,892.00 14,587.00
Rent Expense 150,000.00 157,500.00 165,375.00 173,644.00 182,326.00
Repair and Maintenance 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 96,000.00 115,200.00
Office Supplies expense 12 9,936.00 10,433.00 10,954.00 11,502.00 12,078.00
Total Operating Expenses 1,105,414.67 1,154,001.67 1,198,190.67 1,261,933.00 1,329,857.00
Net Income before tax 4,898,433.33 4,920,046.33 4,777,473.33 4,783,931.00 4,800,607.00
Income Tax 5 1,224,608.33 1,230,011.58 1,194,368.33 1,195,982.75 1,200,151.75
Net Income 3,673,825.00 3,690,034.75 3,583,105.00 3,587,948.25 3,600,455.25

Statement of Changes in Equity
For the years ended 2023-2027

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Capital, January 1
Partner A, Capital 400,000 969,530 1,545,544 2,078,786 2,613,965
Partner B, Capital 300,000 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474
Partner C, Capital 300,000 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474
Total 1,000,000 1,973,825 2,963,860 3,846,965 4,734,913

Add: Net Income

Partner A's Share 1,469,530 1,476,014 1,433,242 1,435,179 1,440,182
Partner B's Share 1,102,148 1,107,010 1,074,932 1,076,384 1,080,137
Partner C's Share 1,102,148 1,107,010 1,074,932 1,076,384 1,080,137
Subtotal 3,673,825 3,690,035 3,583,105 3,587,948 3,600,455

Less:Withdrawals 58
Partner A 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000
Partner B 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000
Partner C 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000
Capital, December 31
Partner A, Capital 969,530 1,545,544 2,078,786 2,613,965 3,154,147
Partner B, Capital 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474 1,240,610
Partner C, Capital 502,148 709,158 884,089 1,060,474 1,240,610
Total 1,973,825 2,963,860 3,846,965 4,734,913 5,635,368

Statement of Cash Flows
For the years ended 2023-2027

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Operating Activities
Net Income 3,673,825 3,690,035 3,583,105 3,587,948 3,600,455
Add: Depreciation Expense 164,167 164,167 164,167 165,505 165,505

Current Assets/Current Liabilities

Office Supplies (2,484) (124) (130) (137) (144)
Accrued Payable 18,900 945 992 1,042 1,094
Vat Payable 177,364 1,880 1,993 1,880 2,266
Income Tax Payable 1,224,608 5,403 (35,643) 1,614 4,169
Net Cash from Operating Activities 5,256,380 3,862,306 3,714,483 3,757,853 3,773,346

Investing Activities
Service Vehicle (500,000)
Event Equipment (64,200) (67,410)
Office Equipment (116,100) (16,905)
Furniture and Fixtures (87,000)
Net Cash from Investing Activities (767,300) 0 0 (84,315) 0
Financing Activities
Investment from Partners 1,000,000
Less :Withdrawals from Capital (2,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000)
Net Cash from Financing Activities (1,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000) (2,700,000)

Total Cash 2,789,080 1,162,306 1,014,483 973,538 1,073,346

Add: Beginning Cash Balance 0 2,789,080 3,951,386 4,965,869 5,939,407
Cash Ending Balance 2,789,080 3,951,386 4,965,869 5,939,407 7,012,753

5.5 Notes to Financial Statements

I – Company Information

De Eventia Auctor is an event organizer and registered as a general co-partnership. The

business will organize events such as Weddings, Birthdays, Graduation, Formal Meeting, and the

like. The business is located in the busy area of Bislig City known as Mangagoy.

II – Summary of Significant Accounting and Financial Reporting Policies

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Philippine Financial

Reporting Standards (PFRS) rules and guidelines of the Philippine Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC). In the preparation of its financial statements compelling2022, the significant

accounting policies adopted by the partnership have been applied reliably and in the succeeding

year to come.

III- Basis of Preparation

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis. The financial

statements are introduced in the Philippine peso, and all values are adjusted to the closest peso.

Note – 3 Cash

The cash is composed of bills, coins, bank balances, and petty cash fund that is

unrestricted for usage.

Note – 4 Property, Plant, and Equipment

Items To be Depreciated Acquisition Cost Useful Cost Depreciation Expense 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Event Equipment
1st DSLR Camera 64,200 3 21,400 42,800 21,400 - 44,940 22,470

Office Equipment
Computer Unit 60,000 5 12,000 48,000 36,000 24,000 12,000
Airconditioning Unit 40,000 5 8,000 32,000 24,000 16,000 8,000
Printer 8,000 3 2,667 5,333 2,667 5,600 2,800
Projector 5,600 3 1,867 3,733 1,867 3,920 1,960
Projector Screen 2,500 3 833 1,667 833 1,750 875
Carrying Amount 116,100 25,367 90,733 65,367 40,000 31,270 5,635

Furniture and Fixtures

Rectangular/Long Table 40,000 5 8,000 32,000 24,000 16,000 8,000
Sofa 30,000 5 6,000 24,000 18,000 12,000 6,000
Chairs 17,000 5 3,400 13,600 10,200 6,800 3,400
Carrying Amount 87,000 17,400 69,600 52,200 34,800 17,400

Total Depreciation
Note – 5 Current Expense Liabilities 64,167 64,167 64,167 64,167 65,505 65,505

Table 5.3 Percentage Tax

Net Income Percentage Percentage Tax

(Year -1) 4,898,433 25% 1,224,608
(Year -2) 4,920,046 25% 1,230,012
(Year -3) 4,777,473 25% 1,194,368
(Year -4) 4,783,931 25% 1,195,983
(Year -5) 4,800,607 25% 1,200,152

Table 5.4 Yearly and Quarterly Vat Payable

Type of Event Demand per Event x Selling Price Revenue Output Vat
Birthday/Debut 141 x 54,600 7,698,600 3,074,314
Graduation 61
101 x 44,200 4,464,200
Wedding 162 x 65,000 10,530,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 96 x 39,000 3,744,000
Other Event 62 x 36,400 2,256,800
Total 28,693,600
Birthday/Debut 141 x 42,000 5,922,000 2,364,857
Graduation 101 x 34,000 3,434,000
Wedding 162 x 50,000 8,100,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 96 x 30,000 2,880,000
Other Event 62 x 28,000 1,736,000
Total 22,072,000
Vat Payable 709,457

Type of Event Demand per Event x Selling Price Revenue Output Vat
Birthday/Debut 142 x 54,600 7,753,200 3,106,907
Graduation 102 x 44,200 4,508,400
Wedding 164 x 65,000 10,660,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 97 x 39,000 3,783,000
Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total 28,997,800
Type of Event Demand per Event x Cost per event Input Vat
Birthday/Debut 142 x 42,000 5,964,000 2,389,929
Graduation 102 x 34,000 3,468,000
Wedding 164 x 50,000 8,200,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 97 x 30,000 2,910,000
Other Event 63 x 28,000 1,764,000
Total 22,306,000
Vat Payable 716,979

Type of Event Demand per Event x Selling Price Revenue Output Vat
Birthday/Debut 144 x 54,600 7,862,400 3,141,450
Graduation 103 x 44,200 4,552,600
Wedding 166 x 65,000 10,790,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 98 x 39,000 3,822,000
Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total 29,320,200
Type of Event Demand per Event x Cost per event Input Vat
Birthday/Debut 144 x 42,000 6,048,000.00 2,416,500
Graduation 103 x 34,000 3,502,000.00
Wedding 166 x 50,000 8,300,000.00
Formal/Conference Meeting 98 x 30,000 2,940,000.00
Other Event 63 x 28,000 1,764,000.00
Total 22,554,000
Vat Payable 724,950

Type of Event Demand per Event x Selling Price Revenue Output Vat
Birthday/Debut 145 x 54,600 7,917,000 3,174,043
Graduation 104 x 44,200 4,596,800
Wedding 62
168 x 65,000 10,920,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 99 x 39,000 3,861,000
Other Event 64 x 36,400 2,329,600
Total 29,624,400
Birthday/Debut 145 x 42,000 6,090,000 2,441,571
Graduation 104 x 34,000 3,536,000
Wedding 168 x 50,000 8,400,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 99 x 30,000 2,970,000
Other Event 64 x 28,000 1,792,000
Total 22,788,000
Vat Payable 732,471

Type of Event Demand per Event x Selling Price Revenue Output Vat
Birthday/Debut 147 x 54,600 8,026,200 3,213,321
Graduation 106 x 44,200 4,685,200
Wedding 170 x 65,000 11,050,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 100 x 39,000 3,900,000
Other Event 64 x 36,400 2,329,600
Total 29,991,000
Type of Event Demand per Event x Cost per event Input Vat
Birthday/Debut 147 x 42,000 6,174,000 2,471,786
Graduation 106 x 34,000 3,604,000
Wedding 170 x 50,000 8,500,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 100 x 30,000 3,000,000
Other Event 64 x 28,000 1,792,000
Total 23,070,000
Vat Payable 741,536

Year Vat Payable per year / 4 quarters Vat Payable per Quarter
Year 1 709,457 / 4 177,364
Year 2 1,089,807 / 4 179,245
Year 3 1,101,924 / 4 181,238
Year 4 1,113,357 / 4 183,118
Year 5 1,127,134 / 4 185,384

Note – 6 Revenues
Table 5.5 Revenue

Demand Per Event

Type of Event Revenue
X Selling Price
Birthday/Debut 141 x 54,600 7,698,600
Graduation 101 x 44,200 4,464,200
Wedding 162 x 65,000 10,530,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 96 x 39,000 3,744,000
Other Event 62 x 36,400 2,256,800
Total Sales for Year 1 63 28,693,600
Demand Per Event
Type of Event Revenue
X Selling Price
Birthday/Debut 142 x 54,600 7,753,200
Graduation 102 x 44,200 4,508,400
Wedding 164 x 65,000 10,660,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 97 x 39,000 3,783,000
Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total Sales for Year 2 28,997,800

Demand Per Event

Type of Event Revenue
X Selling Price
Birthday/Debut 144 x 54,600 7,862,400
Graduation 103 x 44,200 4,552,600
Wedding 166 x 65,000 10,790,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 98 x 39,000 3,822,000
Other Event 63 x 36,400 2,293,200
Total Sales for Year 3 29,320,200

Demand Per Event

Type of Event Revenue
X Selling Price
Birthday/Debut 145 x 54,600 7,917,000
Graduation 104 x 44,200 4,596,800
Wedding 168 x 65,000 10,920,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 99 x 39,000 3,861,000
Other Event 64 x 36,400 2,329,600
Total Sales for Year 4 29,624,400

Demand Per Event

Type of Event Revenue
X Selling Price
Birthday/Debut 147 x 54,600 8,026,200
Graduation 106 x 44,200 4,685,200
Wedding 170 x 65,000 11,050,000
Formal/Conference Meeting 100 x 39,000 3,900,000
Other Event 64x 36,400
64 2,329,600
Total Sales for Year 5 29,991,000
Note – 7 Cost of Service

Table 5.6 Cost of Service

Cost of Service 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Salaries and Wages - Direct 421,200 421,200 561,600 561,600 561,600
Employee Benefit - Direct 96,552 96,552 128,936 128,936 128,936
Venue 3,653,000 3,692,000 3,731,000 3,770,000 3,815,500
Venue Designs and Decorations 10,832,000 10,946,000 11,074,000 11,188,000 11,330,000
Food Catering Services 7,587,000 7,668,000 7,749,000 7,830,000 7,924,500
Service Vehicle depreciation 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Total Cost of Service 22,689,752 22,923,752 23,344,536 23,578,536 23,860,536

Table 5.7 Five Years Cost of Venue

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue
Birthday/Debut 141 x 6,500 916,500
Graduation 101 x 6,500 656,500
Wedding 162 x 6,500 1,053,000
Formal Meeting 96 x 6,500 624,000
Others 62 x 6,500 403,000
Total Cost Year 1 3,653,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue
Birthday/Debut 142 x 6,500 923,000
Graduation 102 x 6,500 663,000
Wedding 164 x 6,500 1,066,000
Formal Meeting 97 x 6,500 630,500
Others 63 x 6,500 409,500
Total Cost Year 2 3,692,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue
Birthday/Debut 144 x 6,500 936,000
Graduation 103 x 6,500 669,500
Wedding 166 x 6,500 1,079,000
Formal Meeting 98 x 6,500 637,000
Others 63 x 6,500 409,500
Total Cost Year 3 3,731,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue
Birthday/Debut 145 x 6,500 942,500
Graduation 104 x 6,500 676,000
Wedding 168 x 6,500 1,092,000
Formal Meeting 99 x 6,500 643,500
Others 64 x 6,500 416,000
Total Cost Year 4 3,770,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue
Birthday/Debut 147 x 6,500 955,500
Graduation 106 x 6,500 689,000
Wedding 170 x 6,500 1,105,000
Formal Meeting 100 x 6,500 650,000
Others 64 x 6,500 416,000
Total Cost Year 5 3,815,500

Table 5.8 Five Years Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations
Birthday/Debut 141 x 22,000 3,102,000
Graduation 101 x 14,000 1,414,000
Wedding 162 x 30,000 4,860,000
Formal Meeting 96 x 10,000 960,000
Others 62 x 8,000 496,000
Total Cost Year 1 10,832,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations
Birthday/Debut 142 x 22,000 3,124,000
Graduation 102 x 14,000 1,428,000
Wedding 164 x 30,000 4,920,000
Formal Meeting 97 x 10,000 970,000
Others 63 x 8,000 504,000
Total Cost Year 2 10,946,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations
Birthday/Debut 144 x 22,000 3,168,000
Graduation 103 x 14,000 1,442,000
Wedding 166 x 30,000 4,980,000
Formal Meeting 98 x 10,000 980,000
Others 63 x 8,000 504,000
Total Cost Year 3 11,074,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Venue Designs and Decorations
Birthday/Debut 145 x 22,000 3,190,000
Graduation 104 x 14,000 1,456,000
Wedding 168 x 30,000 5,040,000
Formal Meeting 99 x 10,000 990,000
Others 64 x 8,000 512,000
Total Cost Year 4 11,188,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost ofVenue Designs and Decorations
Birthday/Debut 147 x 22,000 3,234,000
Graduation 106 x 14,000 1,484,000
Wedding 170 x 30,000 5,100,000
Formal Meeting 100 x 10,000 1,000,000
Others 64 x 8,000 512,000
Total Cost Year 5 11,330,000
Table 5.9 Five Years Cost of Food Catering Services

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Food Catering Services
Birthday/Debut 141 x 13,500 1,903,500
Graduation 101 x 13,500 1,363,500
Wedding 162 x 13,500 2,187,000
Formal Meeting 96 x 13,500 1,296,000
Others 62 x 13,500 837,000
Total Cost Year 1 7,587,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Food Catering Services
Birthday/Debut 142 x 13,500 1,917,000
Graduation 102 x 13,500 1,377,000
Wedding 164 x 13,500 2,214,000
Formal Meeting 97 x 13,500 1,309,500
Others 63 x 13,500 850,500
Total Cost Year 2 7,668,000
Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Food Catering Services
Birthday/Debut 144 x 13,500 1,944,000
Graduation 103 x 13,500 1,390,500
Wedding 166 x 13,500 2,241,000
Formal Meeting 98 x 13,500 1,323,000
Others 63 x 13,500 850,500
Total Cost Year 3 7,749,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Food Catering Services
Birthday/Debut 145 x 13,500 1,957,500
Graduation 104 x 13,500 1,404,000
Wedding 168 x 13,500 2,268,000
Formal Meeting 99 x 13,500 1,336,500
Others 64 x 13,500 864,000
Total Cost Year 4 7,830,000

Type of Event Demand per Event x Price per Event Cost of Food Catering Services
Birthday/Debut 147 x 13,500 1,984,500
Graduation 106 x 13,500 1,431,000
Wedding 170 x 13,500 2,295,000
Formal Meeting 100 x 13,500 1,350,000
Others 64 x 13,500 864,000
Total Cost Year 5 7,924,500

Note – 8 Permits and Licenses

Permits and Registration Pre-operating Renewal

Verification 40
Legal Research Fee 25
Handling 30
BIR Registration
Registration Fee 500 500
Certification Fee 15
Documentary Stamps Fee 500
Special Books of Account 400
Print Receipts and Invoices 4,000
DTI Registration
Business Name 300
Business Permit 68
Mayor's Business Permit 4,000 4,000
Barangay Clearance 800
Fire Safety Clearance 500 500
Community Tax Certificate 500 500
Garbage Fee 600 600
Tax Clearance 100 100
Sanitary Inspection Fee 200 200
Total Cost 12,610 6,500

Note – 9 Salaries and Wages

MONTHLY RATES 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

1 RECEPTIONIST 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800
3 EVENT ASSISTANTS 35,100 35,100 46,800 46,800 46,800

ANNUAL SALARIES 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

1 RECEPTIONIST 93,600 93,600 93,600 93,600 93,600
3 EVENT ASSISTANTS 421,200 421,200 561,600 561,600 561,600
TOTAL 514,800 514,800 655,200 655,200 655,200

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 6,000 6,000 7,500 7,500 7,500
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 21,216 21,216 26,832 26,832 26,832
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 10,608 10,608 13,416 13,416 13,416
SSS (ER SHARE) 40,440 40,440 51,200 51,200 51,200
13TH MONTYH PAY 44,200 44,200 55,900 55,900 55,900
TOTAL 122,464 122,464 154,848 154,848 154,848

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 4,801 4,801 4,801 4,801 4,801
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 2,617 2,617 2,617 2,617 2,617
SSS (ER SHARE) 9,194 9,194 9,194 9,194 9,194
13TH MONTH PAY 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800
TOTAL 25,912 25,912 25,912 25,912 25,912

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 4,500 4,500 6,000 6,000 6,000
PHILHEALTH (ER SHARE) 16,848 16,848 22,464 22,464 22,464
PAG-IBIG (ER SHARE) 8,424 8,424 11,232 11,232 11,232
SSS (ER SHARE) 31,680 31,680 42,440 42,440 42,440
13TH MONTYH PAY 35,100 35,100 46,800 46,800 46,800
TOTAL 96,552 96,552 128,936 128,936 128,936
Note – 10 Marketing Expenses

Marketing Expenses 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Flyers 8,000 8,400 8,820 9,261 9,724
Tarpaulins 18,000 18,900 19,845 20,837 21,879
Promotion Personnel Fee 10,000 10,500 11,025 11,576 12,155
Facebook Advertisement 20,000 21,000 22,050 23,153 24,311
Facebook Boost 25,000 26,250 27,563 28,941 30,388
Radio Advertisement 25,000 26,250 27,563 28,941 30,388
Total Marketing Expense 106,000 111,300 116,866 122,709 128,845

Note – 11 Utility Expense

Utilities Expense 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Water 400 420 441 463 486
Electricity 16,000 16,800 17,640 18,522 19,448
Internet 2,500 2,625 2,756 2,894 3,039
Total 18,900 19,845 20,837 21,879 22,973
x by the Number of Months 12 12 12 12 12
Annual Total 226,800 238,140 250,044 262,548 275,676

Note – 12 Utility Expense

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Office Supplies 12,420 13,041 13,693 14,378 15,097
Multiplied by 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Ending Balance 2,484 2,608 2,739 2,876 3,019

V.6Payback Period
Table 5.3 Payback Period

Year Initial Investment Cash Inflows Investment Recorded Years

2023 5,256,380 1,000,000 0.19
2024 3,862,306
2025 3,714,483
2026 3,757,853
2027 3,773,346
Payback Period 0.19

The payback period is 0.19 years. This means that in a span of fewer than one year, the

partners will now earn more than their initial capital.

V.7Financial Ratios

Table 5.4 Financial Ratio

Liquidity Ratios Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Current Ratio 1.96 2.77 3.56 4.24 4.98
Quick Ratio 1.96 2.77 3.56 4.24 4.98
Asset Management Ratio
Total Asset Turnover 8.45 6.6 5.59 4.83 4.26
Profitability Ratios
Gross Margin Ratio 21% 21% 20% 20% 20%
Net Profit Margin Ratio 13% 13% 12% 12% 12%
Return on Total Assets 108% 84% 68% 58% 51%
Return on Equity 186% 125% 93% 76% 64%

The current ratio is used to calculate and assess a company's liquidity and Capacity to

deploy resources efficiently. The current and quick ratios of the business are more than 1, which

means that the company will be able to pay its short–term obligations. It is increasing since the

current assets are increasing each year.

According to the table above, De Eventia Auctor's asset turnover value has decreased

over the past five years, which indicates that the company needs to use its resources, notably its

expanding cash flow, for business expansion.

De Eventia Auctor's profitability ratio demonstrates the viability of the company. As time

goes on, the net profit margin ratio decreases, and the gross margin decreases. It is due to the

hiring of more employees. Its return on the total assets and return on equity are decreasing over

five years, it is due to which means that the company is good at generating shareholder value

because it knows how to reinvest its earnings wisely so as to increase productivity and profit.

The Return on Equity is increasing due to withdrawals of the partners.

The De Eventia Auctor partners assure that their capital investment will be returned and

that the company will be successful.

5.8 Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value

Table 5.5 Internal Rate of Return

Initial Capital 4,000,000

Year 1 5,256,380
Year 2 3,862,306
Year 3 3,714,483
Year 4 3,757,853
Year 5 3,773,346
Internal Rate of Return 502%

The internal Rate of Return is computed through the use of an online internal rate of

return calculator in google.

Table 5.6 Net Present Value

InitialC apital 1 ,000 ,000
Y ears C ash Inflow s D iscountR ate 10%
2023 5,256,380 4,778,527
20 24 3 ,8 62 ,3 06 3,191,988
20 25 3 ,7 14 ,4 83 2 ,7 90 ,7 46
20 26 3 ,7 57 ,8 53 2 ,5 66 ,6 64
20 27 3 ,7 73 ,3 46 2 ,3 42 ,9 51 15 ,6 70 ,8 76
N et P resent V alue 14 ,670 ,876

De Eventia Auctor achieved a present positive value in just less than five years. This

demonstrates how profitable the company will be over the next five years of operating. The

business calculated the positive net present value using 10% as a legal basis.

5.9 Vertical and Horizontal Analysis

Table 5.7 Income Statement – Vertical Analysis
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenue 6 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Cost of Service 7 79% 79% 80% 80% 80%
Gross Profit 21% 21% 21% 21% 21%

Operating Expenses
Depreciation Expense 4 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Permits and Licenses 8 0% 0% 0% 0%
Salaries and Wages - Admin 9 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Employees Benefits 9 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Marketing Expense 10 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Utilities Expense 11 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Training Expense 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Professional Fees Expense 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Insurance Expense 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Rent Expense 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Fuel Expense 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Repair and Maintenance 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Offi ce Supplies expense 12 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total Operating Expenses 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
Net Income before tax 17% 17% 16% 16% 16%
Income Tax 5 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
Net Income 13% 13% 12% 12% 12%

The gross profit in the table above shows that there is a decrease in Percentage

during the 3rd and 4th years of operations. This is due to the increase in hired employees under

the cost of service.

Table 5.8 Income Statement – Horizontal Analysis

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenue 6 100% 101% 102% 103% 105%
Cost of Service 7 100% 101% 103% 104% 105%
Gross Profit 100% 101% 100% 101% 102%

Operating Expenses
Depreciation Expense 4 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Permits and Licenses 8 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Salaries and Wages - Admin 9 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Employees Benefits 9 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Marketing Expense 10 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Utilities Expense 11 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Training Expense 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Professional Fees Expense 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Insurance Expense 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Rent Expense 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Fuel Expense 100% 113% 110% 116% 122%
Repair and Maintenance 100% 100% 100% 120% 144%
Office Supplies expense 100% 105% 110% 116% 122%
Total Operating Expenses 100% 104% 108% 114% 120%
Net Income before tax 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Income Tax 5 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Net Income 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
The table above shows that at the end of five years. The net income has already grown

up, while the operating expense has increased.

Table 5.9 Balance Sheet – Vertical Analysis
Statement of Financial Position
As of the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Current Asset
Cash 3 82% 90% 95% 97% 100%
Office Supplies 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total Current Assets 82% 90% 95% 97% 100%

Non-Current Asset
Service Vehicle 4 12% 7% 4% 2%
Office Equipment 4 3% 1% 1% 1% 0%
Event Equipment 4 1% 0% - 1% 0%
Furniture & Fixtures 4 2% 1% 1% 0% -
Total Non-Current Asset 18% 10% 5% 3% 0%

Total Assets 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Current Liabilities
Accued Payable 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Vat Payable 5 5% 4% 3% 3% 3%
Income Tax Payable 5 36% 28% 23% 19% 17%
Total Liabilities 42% 33% 27% 23% 20%

Partners Equity
Partner A, Capital 29% 35% 40% 43% 45%
Partner B, Capital 15% 16% 17% 17% 18%
Partner C, Capital 15% 16% 17% 17% 18%
Total Partners Equity 58% 67% 73% 77% 80%

Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Due to the depreciation of assets, the Percentage of the noncurrent assets decrease as the

Percentage of the current assets increase. In addition to the year 2026 and 2027 total current

assets, it comprises 96% of the total asset due to the increase of cash. The current liabilities are

decreasing as the total equity is increasing.

Table 5.10 Balance Sheet Horizontal Analysis

Statement of Financial Position
As of the years ended 2023-2027

Notes 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Current Asset
Cash 3 100% 42% 78% 113% 151%
Office Supplies 3 100% 5% 10% 16% 22%
Total Current Assets 3 100% 42% 78% 113% 151%
3 100%
Non-Current Asset 3 100%
Service Vehicle 3 100% -25% -50% -75% -100%
Office Equipment 3 100% -28% -56% -66% -94%
Event Equipment 3 100% -50% -100% 5% -48%
Furniture & Fixtures 3 100% -25% -50% -75% -100%
Total Non-Current Asset 3 100% -27% -54% -68% -95%
Total Assets 3 100% 29% 54% 81% 107%
Current Liabilities 3
Accued Payable 3 100% 5% 10% 16% 22%
Vat Payable 3 100% 1% 2% 3% 5%
Income Tax Payable 3 100% 0% -2% -2% -2%
Total Liabilities 100% 1% -2% -1% -1%

Partners Equity
Partner A, Capital 100% 59% 114% 170% 225%
Partner B, Capital 100% 41% 76% 111% 147%
Partner C, Capital 100% 41% 76% 111% 147%
Total Partners Equity 100% 50% 95% 140% 186%

Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity 100% 29% 54% 81% 107%

The table above shows that the total asset is increasing since the current asset is

increasing while the noncurrent asset is decreasing. In addition, cash has increased at the end of

five years.




A new business in a community contributes to the overall welfare of society by offering a

service that satisfies customer needs. De Eventia Auctor is a company that will arrange all of the

necessary elements for an event. It is a great boost to the economy because it will not only help

the company's own efforts to generate revenue but also those of other companies that provide

food catering services.


This new business will also be clean and eco-friendly, and there will be a division of used

materials for recycling. Clients can rely on this firm to provide everything they need, which is a

wonderful benefit.


Despite the crisis the Covid 19 happened, many things have been missed by people,

particularly in catching up with their loved ones. By way of this brand-new business, which

entails event planning, happiness can be attained. It can also help families and communities forge

enduring bonds, which are the real cornerstones of a society that is healthy, from the oldest

members to the youngest.


The organization will abide by all applicable laws and government regulations, including

those pertaining to business permits, fire safety permits, clearances, and other fees that will be

collected by the government, boosting the local government's revenue.


The city of Bislig. (2021).

Phil Health. (2022)

Pagibig. (2022).


SSS. (2022).





Name: Aiza G. Asio
Address: Purok 4A, Tabon, Bislig City
Birthday: February 9, 1989
Age: 33
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09301366742
Status: Married
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language: Bisaya
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Background
Senior High School: None
Address: None
Junior High School: Plaridel National High School
Address: Plaridel , Libjo , Dinagat Province
Elementary: Plaridel Elementary School
Address: Plaridel , Libjo ,Dinagat Province


Name: Seam Kareem P. Garay

Address: Purok 1 Bongaitan District Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur
Birthday: August 05, 2000
Age: 22
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09195009156
Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language: Bisaya
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Background
Senior High School: Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines,
Address: Andres Soriano Avenue Mangagoy Bislig City
Junior High School: Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines,
Address: Andres Soriano Avenue Mangagoy Bislig City
Elementary: Mangagoy North Elementary School
Address: Mangagoy Bislig City 84

Name: Sarah O. Martinote

Address: Purok 6-A San Fernando, Bislig City
Birthday: January 05, 1994
Age: 28
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09486621113
Status: Married
Religion: Baptist
Language: Bisaya
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Background
Senior High School: None
Address: None
Junior High School: Bislig National High School
Address: Bislig City
Elementary: Coleto, Elementary School
Address: Coleto, Bislig City


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