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Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Subject: ______________________________________ Section: ______________________

Direction: Go online and state the remarkable contributions of the following great philosophers.
1. Thales

2. Pythagoras

3. Socrates

4. Plato

5. Aristotle

6. St. Augustine

7. St. Aquinas

8. Rene Descartes

9. John Locke

10. Immanuel Kant

Direction: Answer critically and comprehensively the following.
1. Why do you think human beings have so much desire to know about many things, like

how the world came to be, are we (humans) really free, why do we need to die, and the


2. Suppose you were a participant in a quiz bee contest and you were asked by the quiz

bee master this question: “When was Jose Rizal executed in Luneta?” Hearing the

question, you were sure you did not know the answer. Nevertheless, you give the

answer by guessing the date “30 December 1896.” It turned out that you got it correct.

Would you consider “guessing” as knowledge? Why or why not?

3. Do you think there is a value or importance in thinking and reflecting on what is true and

what is false? Why?

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