Questionnaire - Evalyn C. Adan Garcia

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From the Wombs that Create, Educate, and Serve:

Narratives of Teachermoms on their Multiple Role Experiences

Evalyn C. Adan-Garcia


Demographic Information:

1. How old are you?/What was your age on your last birthday? ----46 years old
2. What is your civil status?-----Married
3. Please tell us your total monthly income (before tax and deduction, but including benefits/allowances).---30, 799.00
4. How many people are there in your household including yourself?----6 members
5. How many children do you have? What is their age?----- three children/ eldest 22/second child-20/youngest-14
6. What is your husband/partner’s occupation?-----Retired Army/Pensioner
7. How much is his net income?-----49, 000.00
8. How long have you been with your husband/partner?----23 years
9. Do you have other sources of income aside from teaching? If there is/are, please enumerate. Yes, rent stall, farming
10. What is your highest educational attainment?---- MAED-SPED
11. What is your present rank as a teacher?----Special Education Teacher 1
12. What grade level are you teaching?---Non-Graded Class
13. What is your academic rank?----Special Education Teacher
14. Do you have any designation?---Yes, SPED Teacher 1 permanent
15. How long have you been working as a teacher?---23 years

Mother Role (Create)

1. Describe to me your daily life as a mother. How are you as a mother to your children? How do you describe yourself as a
mother?--- Loving mother and caring. Very thoughtful but oftentimes strict specially in their studies, the way they behaved on
money matters
2. Do you have a part in the household chores? What kind of household tasks do you engage in? How much time do you devote to
completing your housework schedule?—Yes, I worked hard for my family. Household chores for me is normal tasks daily. I
began my household chores as early as possible to meet other responsibilities during the day.
3. Who takes care of the children most of the time?--- I took part to care my siblings even though I go to work
4. What are your thoughts about sharing household tasks with your spouse? Do you consider it important that your spouse should
share in all tasks in the home including taking care of the children? Please elaborate on your answer.—Division of labor is very
important to couple. In our case as husband and wife, we do household chores with no complaints because I do believe that if
we work together we ease ourselves, we avoid stress. Also we are able to show proper working to our children in return they do
it also without complaints
5. Describe the beauty of being a mother. Describe the joy of being a mother and wife.---My dreams really come true. Having
children was one of it. I’m blessed with 3 children and for me the best husband ever.
6. Describe how your role as a mother interferes with your work. Describe how your role as a mother interferes with your
community activities.----. I’m the mother who is very focused to my children all the time. And so, I used to pay others services
to do my task in my absence. My duties in the community lift me up to improve better, I attend to such activities and ensuring
not to sacrifice my time in raising my children
7. How do you plan to fulfill your role as a mother excellently?----- I always think in advance.. Yes, I work hard for it. I plan, making
notes/list of what to do financially, in my profession and to my responsibilities as a mother and wife.. I always find time, that’s
why sometimes I chose to work alone to think better for my family and work. I enjoyed much for being a mother, getting bored
for not having hang out to friends is not all my business in life, after all family is a family.

Teacher Role (Educate)

1. Why did you choose teaching as a profession? Why did you stay in the teaching profession? ---Teaching helps me to develop
myself in all aspects in life
2. Please tell me about the nature of your occupation.--- I taught in general Education , now my present career is my ministry for
3. How are you as a teacher? How do you describe yourself as a teacher? Describe your daily routine as a teacher.— I loved to
teach, I loved the disadvantaged children. I used to help my previous students even before specially those who are very
interested to learn, those students dreamt. .. I used to wake up early. I wrote my plans with the dates and activities then I work
for it.. Sometimes I was not able to meet some, but I see to it that I’ll come back to work it again.
4. Describe your relationship with your co-teachers/supervisor.--- I’m friendly I think as I describe myself. Most of the time I advise
and work collaborately./ I obey rules and humble to comply orders.
5. Describe the beauty of being a teacher. Describe the joy of being a teacher.--- The beauty of being a teacher is that helping
students who are helpless , those who need most assistance academically or financially.. Helping students with dreams in life is
myself, that’s how I describe the beauty of teaching.. Teaching must come from the heart
6. If you could change anything about your job, what it would be? Why?--- An Entrepreneur. I like to sell goods.
7. If you were given a chance to choose other profession, what would it be? Why?... A graduate to any course related to business
8. Describe how your work interferes with your domestic. Describe how your work interferes with your community roles. Though
my work is my plate, I used to find time to accomplish household chores If I can’t do it, other options can do. Flexibility nis very
important and resilience at work so that I can take part in the community.
9. How do you plan to fulfill your role as a teacher excellently?--- I attended several trainings/webinars to keep up change and by
continuing my studies in postgraduate.
Community Servant Role (Serve)

1. Are you involved in any activity in your barangay/town? If yes, describe your participation in these activities. Yes, I involved in
our barangay activities. Participation in any other activities in the community boost myself to get better. I was able to learn
more not only in my comfort zone.
2. Do you regularly take part in community services? (If yes, what kind of activities and if no, please elaborate why not?)-- I
chaired the barangay fiesta, It was a very challenging because I need to negotiate to people from VIP to hem. At present I’m a
member of Agro-Forest Association in town partnered with the DENR. I can see the beauty of future in this community service.
3. Do you get paid for any of the community services you engage in?... Nothing, It’s voluntary in nature.
4. Describe the beauty of having a role in the community. Describe the joy of having a role in the community.--- . it helps me to
improve myself in many ways.
5. Describe how your community role interferes with your domestic. Describe how your community role interferes with your work.
—Working with in the community is not address all the time. It will not even kill my time for household chores and to my family
obligation as well.
6. How do you plan to fulfill your role as a community servant excellently?... Time management and connect to people.

Challenges and Coping mechanisms:

1. How do you feel about these roles? What is like for you to be a teacher, a mother/wife, and a citizen in your community?
It’s really very very challenging. Household chores, taking care of my children concerns and to my husband and having
participation in the community is tough.. Time management and financially stable at least.
2. What challenges you encountered in fulfilling your different roles? Domestic? Work? Community Services?... Time management.
3. Tell me what it is like for you to reconcile professional life with motherhood and other daily activities.—I think enjoying things to
do in life made me possible to continue my roles in life.
4. What do you think is the impact of your different role experiences on your overall well-being?--- I learned things better through
5. Tell us how do you manage your roles as a teacher, housewife and as a citizen?/How do you adopt with your roles as a
teacher/as a wife?.. Time management and frequent communication to my family.
6. What would you choose if you have an option between your married life and your career? Why?.
. Married life of course, Having own family is fulfillment. On the other hand I can still work ..I can mingle other people by the
way, and manage myself to do things like community participation. If ever I’m just a house wife , I could be a small entrepreneur
I think because I’s one of my passion
7. As a teacher, mother, and a citizen, tell me about your expectations…. More expectations come in my mind like having children
who are already well established in terms of their career. To retire with peace in mind. Live in our comfort zone as husband and
wife together specially when times come of being old.

Is there anything more about your experience that you feel is important that we may not have touched on? --- Nothing. Thank you.

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