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CARE 5001 - Career and Professional Development

- Cover letter
- Resume
- References
- Applying for jobs
- Interview techniques
- Recommendations for employment

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course as it radiates my confidence. It helps me to

critically examine myself and make improvements or corrections.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me overcome stress at workplace. An optimistic idea helps me to cope in
a healthy way. Through this strength I can bounce back more easily and keep doing great work toward the
next opportunity and helps me believe that I can change any circumstance.

BELIEVER- This strength helps me to learn from mistakes and correct myself. It helps to believe in
myself and on my work. It also helps to believe in my values and do not compromise for anything which
further leads me to do right thing on right place.

THINKER- This strength helps me to work both independently and with others to solve problems and any
issue related to health care settings. It promotes my career and helps me to become more focused while
conversating with people.

COMM 5002 - Research, Writing and Communications


- Written skills
- Patient care plan
- Professional email
- Cover letter
- Resume

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course as it radiates my confidence. It helps me to

critically examine myself and make improvements or corrections. Examining skills, shortcomings,
achievements, and failures will help me figure out what works and what does not.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course as it allows me to stay positive in every situation and
boost my confidence in success and a positive future. It promotes better coping skills and have positive
attitude towards others.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course as thinking stretch my brain muscles which helps me to
improve writing skills as well as in research and while communicating with people. Thinking improves
my skills helps my brain to work on and generating plenty of ideas for a single situation.

HLTH 5006 - Introduction to Canadian Health Care System


- Main difference in healthcare system of all countries

- Health insurance
- Benefits covered
- Health service and promotion, Health indicators

SELF-BELIEVER-This strength helps me in this course as to learn Canadian health care system and how
health care practitioners promote health care and helps me to improve my knowledge regarding health
care system in Canada which promotes my confidence, motivates, and gives self- satisfaction that helps
me believe in myself.

COMMANDER- This strength promotes confidence to lead people and present my views on certain
things about what I feel and how to take decision as a leader in health care settings and take first step
towards an agreement. Moreover, I learn to take strong decision and show up front of all.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to learn about new and exciting things which will help
me in future and makes my future bright. This strength makes me feel positive in every situation through I
find a way to solve problems

BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course to believe in doing right things in every situation. As in
healthcare system patients’ health is more important than anything. This makes me believe in my values
and makes my life meaningful and promotes self-satisfaction.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course to learn different things in healthcare system which
makes my brain to exercise. Moreover, while communicating with team members promotes thinking
process which helps me to generate different and new ideas.

HROB 5001 - Human Relations


- Human relations skills

- Effective communication behaviors
- Think critically
- Effects of bias, stereotypes, and stigmatization
- Personal development
- How to measure progress

COMMANDER- This strength promotes confidence to lead people and present my views on certain
things about what I feel and how to take decision as a leader in health care settings and take first step
towards an agreement. Moreover, I learn to take strong decision and show up front of all.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to measure my progress in professionalism which helps
me in future and makes me confident. I always stay positive while doing my task and communicating
with other people and always see the bright side of situation which promotes professionalism.
BELIEVER- This strength helps me to learn from mistakes and to do right things. As in this course I
learn personal and professional development skills which provides direction to my future goals and give
me satisfaction.

THINKER- This strength helps me to understand human behaviour by using critical thinking and make
me focused while communicating with other people. Through this strength I learn effective
communication method which helps me in future when I will work in health care settings.

POLI 5000 - Canadian Government


- How Canadian government is structured and organized at the national, provincial, and to a lesser
extent municipal levels.
- How a bill becomes the law
- Majority and minority government
- Concept of Responsible government
- Principles of Equality and democracy

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in thus course as I learn how to face new challenges and how
to present yourself in front of other that boost my confidence and learn about how to make judgements
and effective decision making for my future goals.

COMMANDER- This strength helps me in this course as I learn how to work as a leader or in a group to
step forward and present your views about any topic. Working in groups as a leader helps me to take a
strong opinion and present it in front of others.

BELIEVER- This strength does not directly help me in this course, but I learn many things related to
Canadian government and how it works in health care. by gaining proper knowledge about certain things
gives me satisfaction and me direction for future.

THINKER- This strength does not directly apply to this course but, learning about some Canadian laws
and bills and revise it helps my brain to exercise and remain focused. It promotes my thinking process.

ACCT 5000 - Financial Practices for Health Care Organisation


- Overview of Canadian healthcare system and Macro-level funding

- Canadian healthcare-Key Funding Issue
- Assets, liabilities, and equity
- Transaction Analysis and debit/credit model
- Cash and bank reconciliation
- Adjusting entries and worksheet
SELF-BELIEVER- This strength does not directly help me in this course but, I learn many things in
during this course. This course helps me to learn how to use accounting in healthcare system which will
help me in future while working as a health care professional.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to being open to new ideas and encouraging others to
do so as well. It helps me to reframe ‘’no’’ by stepping around roadblocks to figure out alternatives to
accomplish goal and how to become successful from all angles.

BELIEVER- This strength does not directly help me in this course but, I learn to work in a team which
gives me direction and satisfaction.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course as it allows me to think outside the box and my mind
comes up with effective ways and ideas to solve new problems which helps to improve my future
performance and makes my mind sharp.

COMM 5000 - Communications for Health Care Professionals


- Ethical communication
- Principles of Ethical communication
- Concept of culture and organizational culture
- Effective Presentations
- Medical Discourse
- Strategic communication

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course as it radiates my confidence. It helps me to

examine my communication skills and improve them. By examine communication skills and problem I
face while communicating with others will help me to figure out what works and what does not.

COMMANDER- This strength helps me in this course to improve my communication skills. I learn to
step forward in any situation to lead people and try to solve their problems by listening to them actively.
As a leader I always try to share my opinion in front of others either it works or not.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course as I can spread positivity while communicating with
other people in health care setting which helps me to correct my mistakes and become confident. It gives
me a hope of bright future as its performance outcomes.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course as it provides me direction to practice communication
skills that will help me in future while working in health care sector. It also helps me to generate ideas
and help exercising my brain and enhance my communication skills.

COMP 5000 - Computer Applications for Health Care Administration


- MS word, PowerPoint, and Access

- Pivot table, Pivot chart and Formulas
- Data spreadsheets
SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course as we It radiates my confidence and helps me to
make improvements. For example, in this course I learn correct way of using Microsoft functions which
will help me in future and helps to achieve my goals and objectives.

OPTIMIST- This strength does not directly help me in this course, abut I learn a lot in this course about
computer applications which is an exciting experience and I feel motivated while learning about these

BELIEVER- This strength does not directly help me in this course, but it helps me to do right things that
helps me to believe in myself.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course as it promotes my thought process and by thinking or
understanding computer applications properly makes me focused and helps me to understand everything

HLTH 5000 - Leadership in Health Care Administration


- Strategic planning and Implementation

- Organizational design and culture
- Managing Conflicts
- Mentoring, Coaching and Team Building
- Negotiation and Change Management

COMMANDER- This strength helps me in this course as I got inspired to take charge, I am not afraid to
make an impact on people where others may fear doing so. It inspires me to express myself and my
feelings, to inspire others to act strongly to their sake and safety.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to being open to new ideas and encouraging others to
do so as well. It helps me to reframe ‘’no’’ by stepping around roadblocks to figure out alternatives to
accomplish goal and how to become successful from all angles.

BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course to do right things as a leader while working in an
organisation that satisfy the whole team. It provides direction toward goal. I learn from mistakes and
correct it without compromising my values.

THINKER- This strength helps me in this course to gather lots of useful information and making quick
informed decisions based on analysis. it helps me to focus on the tasks to meet certain goals and focus on
the satisfaction, motivation, and the general well-being of teammates.

HLTH 5002 - Ethics in Health Care Administration 


- Ethics in healthcare administration

- Health care bias and equity
- Confidentiality and Mental Health
- Abortion and Maternal fetal conflict
- Testing and screening

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course to face new challenges in my profession and
helps me to learn about health ethics in Canada which will helps me to promote good care to my patients
in future in taking right decisions and achieving my goals.

COMMANDER- This strength helps me in this course as it promotes confidence to stand and speak up in
front of others about my views. I worked in a group in this course, and it helped me to present my clear
vision on a particular topic. I learn quality of leader through this strength.

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to learn thing by making them excited. I learn how to
deal with patient positively and make them feel positive from within it also help me how to handle people
in certain circumstances and motivate them. It will help me in future and brighten up my profession.

BELIEVER- This strength helps me to learn and promotes satisfaction, I learn to do right things. if
something gets wrong from my side I will improve and correct it as much as I can. I cannot leave my
values behind for anything because in healthcare ethics plays a crucial role.

LAWS 5000 - Law and Health Care Administration


- Canada’s system of justice

- Legal Structure of Canadian healthcare system
- The Law and Mental health
- Reproductive health law
- Regulation of pharmaceuticals and Health Research
- Policy brief

SELF-BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course as to learn Canadian health care system and how
health care practitioners promote health care and helps me to improve my knowledge regarding health
care system in Canada which promotes my confidence, motivates, and gives self- satisfaction that helps
me believe in myself.

COMMANDER- This strength promotes confidence to lead people and present my views on certain
things about what I feel and how to take decision as a leader in health care settings and take first step
towards an agreement

OPTIMIST- This strength helps me in this course to learn about new and exciting things which will help
me in future and makes my future bright. This strength makes me feel positive in every situation through I
find a way to solve problems.

BELIEVER- This strength helps me in this course to believe in doing right things in every situation. As in
healthcare system patients’ health is more important than anything. This makes me believe in my values
and makes my life meaningful and promotes self-satisfaction.
THINKER- This strength helps me in this course to learn different things in healthcare system which
makes my brain to exercise. Moreover, while communicating with team members promotes thinking
process which helps me to generate different and new ideas.

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