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San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela


Name: Mery Jane B. Obbania Course: Maed/ Educational Management Date: Dec. 3,2021

1. Why is communication important to management of people? As a manager/teacher, how will you

communicate with your people/students/colleagues?
 Communication saves time and effort while also promoting positive behavior, collaboration
and stress reduction Managers have the ability to make everyone in the organization feel
good by listening to their concerns, allowing others to give feedback on their work, and their
surroundings, and taking into account their ideas. In the management of an organization or
institution, effective communication requires more than just verbal exchanges. Not only is
information sent, but it is also received. In terms of the persons involved, it connects them
all, complex relationships, planning, fostering a positive working relationship among
subordinates, allowing everyone on the team to be heard and achieve the desired outcomes.

2. What is intrinsic motivation? Explain and give examples.

 Intrinsic motivation has to do with wholeheartedly doing your work, responsibilities without
a. Appreciation – as a motivator, you should know how to appreciate the success of your
subordinate even though little by little. This means that they are doing good on their work or
activities and it will give them motivation to work well.
b. Create a motivating climate – the motivator should apply techniques, skills and knowledge of
motivation theory to help what they want out of work. A climate for inter-dependent work rather
than dependency. A climate approach and problem-solving rather than avoidance.
c. Influence each individual’s behavior and action towards achievement of some objectives.
Motivate individually through guidance and counseling. Be a role model.
d. Positive Reinforcement – whenever possible, give subordinates feedback, recognition and credit.
Remind them of their strengths.

3. People are usually resistant to change. In the organizational level, why do change is inevitable? When
can it take place? How will you handle people who resist change if you are implementer or manager?
 Though change might bring in efficiency in our organization, some employees might not
embrace it since they do not want to disrupt their comfort zone. Just like this school year we had
virtual class, online in terms of teaching, submitting of forms, and we are told to edit videos to
showcase the performances of the students during celebrations in school. Some old employees
are hesitant to learn how to edit using platforms installed in laptop, they say that they are just too
old for that and we younger ones can do it all alone. So, our principal decided to conduct a
seminar on how to edit, and I am one of the speakers. While explaining to them the ways on how
to edit, we had our workshop or hands on activities so that they will be able to follow and at the
end of the day they will say it is easy. They just need to be more attentive and be willing to learn
and be open for innovations. And the good news, we did it! Every employee now in our school
has the capability to edit. Bottom line, resistance can be overcome by education, communication,
participation, involvement, facilitation, support, negotiation, agreement, and manipulation.
Maintaining a positive relationship between management and employees is a smart place to start 
when it comes to overcoming resistance to change. When management and employees have faith 
in one another, any change will be welcomed.
4. Identify your most valued incentive in your workplace and discuss how it motivates you to stay
passionate in your job performance. Then, classify this motive based on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs Theory.
 I wanted to be a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of children. When you 
teach children, you are imparting knowledge in the hopes of ensuring a brighter future for them. 
I am genuinely happy if I can see and fell that they are learning something that can contributes to
their overall development, example, writing their name properly, know to how to sound, read and
communicate their feelings. I can classify these as Self Actualization because I am aiming for the
full potential of the students/pupils that they can used in their lives.

5. List down at least 5 benefits of Teamwork then try to relate it to your own experiences as
classroom teacher/ as employee.
a. When we have teamwork, we can innovate new ideas because 2 heads are better than 1 and we
will be able to have more resources.
b. Every person in a group will have the opportunity to contribute ideas in some way.
c. Teamwork can make an organization happier, because building a harmonious relationship,
feedback, mutual respect, will lead to more productive employees.
d. Dividing the work lets you grow your skills. When team members use their particular skills to
shine in their respective responsibilities, they foster a culture of mutual respect and collaboration
that benefits the entire group.
e. Working in a group allows you to take calculated risks. When you work in a group, you know
you have the backing of the entire group if something goes wrong.

 As a classroom teacher, I can say that we have a teamwork with my students ex. when we are
having such online presentation like the previous Christmas, where in they cooperated, I’ve
given the things that they should do, and they did also their best in singing, dancing, and reading
such poems. In this kind of scenario, willingness to offer extra time and effort has to do with

6. How can managers shape employee behavior?

 Words matter, when the manager lift or give appreciation, feedbacks to their employees it will
have a good impact. Employees will become more dedicated, and motivated to work. Managers
should set high standards and clear expectations to the employees so that they can focus on
their personal and professional development, and manager should start every day with a smile,
luminous attitude to have domino, employees will do that also.

7. Would you rather work in an organization with a Theory X. Theory Y, or Theory Z style of leadership?
Give reasons for your preference.
 I would rather be a Theory Y because these are the employees who take responsibility, motivated
and are learning to get out their comfort zone and embrace innovation to cope in the changing
world we are living. Employees(I/we) embrace the challenges as part of our lives and stepping
stone be more resilient and innovative teachers for the sake of our students, principal and

8. Do you prefer to have some conflict in your workplace? Yes/No? why? Cite examples of these conflicts
that you are facing right now and discuss possible solutions to it.
 Healthy debates and courteous disagreements can help an organization succeed. 
Although conflict is sometimes perceived as a negative, a healthy amount of workplace conflict 
can be advantageous to an organization's growth. But it is NO for me to prefer conflict because
everything can be settled with correct approach.
In our school, weekly “kamustahan” is being scheduled every Wednesday through Google Meet.
During this time, we are monitored or asked what are the things we have been doing the whole
week ( activities, problems encountered, techniques, style of teaching) we had done and
sometimes our directress is joining our online class to observe and will give feedbacks next
Wednesday Kamustahan. Feedbacks were the summary of all the observation she had noticed in
our way of teaching. And it is useful to everyone because we can gain more knowledge or way
on how we are going to improve our way of teaching and continue the good sides we have done.
Hence, monitoring the proper execution of the various project tasks, the work and results of the
employees, managers ensure that his/her team is effective and that the defined objectives are
achieved. Doing so every week will prevent conflict to arise.

9. Discuss the importance of Human Behavior in Organization.

 Human Behavior in Organization will help us to know the uniqueness characteristics of each
member of the organization, because we have diversities. Knowing these various behavior,
characteristics we have, has an impact in dealing, acting, cooperating to others to attain certain
goals. Knowing these aspects will lead us to understand each one, act within the organization,
create an understanding to all, accepting diversities and will lead a bridge of respect, success,
unity, positivity and harmonious relationship in the organization.

10. How do good norms and statuses affect individual behavior?

 In our school, we have these three tag lines, Obedience, Integrity and success. We are training
pupils/students to obey, act the right one and guiding them to attain success. I believe that when
young children know how to obey not only to their teachers but also their parents , know the
right thing to do even when no one is watching them, they will contribute to the betterment of
their school, family, community and nation they live in because they are the future generation.
They have the power to create change and as they grow old they will not depart from these
practices, attitudes and through this they will give success and proud to the society and nation.

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