Research Exam

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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Spending your leisure is independently chosen according to own purpose,

characteristics, life style and culture. We are all given 24 hours in a day, 365 days per
year, 8,760 hours, but we have “various way on how we will spend our leisure time and
this will give us view point about our well-being, way of life and opportunities”
Spending your leisure is independently chosen according to own purpose,
characteristics, life style and culture. Starting school, for example, exposes children of
this age to the outside world on a regular basis. Friendships are getting more and more
important. Physical, social, and cerebral abilities develop quickly at this age. This is an
important time for youngsters to gain confidence in all aspects of their lives, including
friendships, schooling, and athletics. There are different kind of leisure activities
available in certain country. Activities are based on their culture of certain, customs,
beliefs and characteristics. Some of leisure activities done by Filipino children not only
at home but also in school are playing traditional games, playing using phone and
computer, playing instruments, physical activities (exercising, dancing, singing),
reading of books, sleeping, arts activities, playing with peer and chatting with them.
Lesure time activities are personally chosen by young person because of their
essential connection to it and through these they can find enjoyment independently or
by group (Đuranović, 2016). Apparently, these routines or activities is associated on the
way they will deal with their surroundings, civic group, academic, and future career that
will contribute to the society. With the leisure time activities they deal, will attend and will
accommodate daily, weekly will have an effect on the way they live their life, deal with
other people and can reduce the boredom of children when they go to school.
If left unchecked, children will not obtain the necessary recreation participation
skill, to recognize the array of valuable opportunities available during leisure time,
his/her personal growth, identity development and to learn to make decisions regarding
one’s own use of discretionary time that they will use in their future life.

Such study/research may be useful for administrations of school, teachers, parents

and students. The amount of time youngsters spends doing various preferred leisure
activities during school days can indicate their level of constructive participation, can
reduce boredom in school, as well as their prospective contributions to society as a

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine if a scheduled leisure time activities preferred by

students can be use to reduce boredom in school and increase student’s academic

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender
1.4 Grade Level
1.5 Preferred Leisure Time Activities
2. What is the standing/rank of the respondents in terms of academic for 1 st -2nd
Quarter for the school year 2021-2022?
3. Is there a significant effect between the preferred leisure time activities of the
respondents to reduce boredom in school?

Theoretically, leisure research raises interesting questions. The first issue 
stems from the fact that leisure has both an empirical and a normative dimension
, which both exist at the same time. Leisure has both an is and an ought, to borro
w from ethical philosophy: one can observe leisure as it is in the world while also 
theorizing on what leisure should be. Leisure as it should be can be found in nor
ms and ideals, as ome observes. The ability to describe leisure's empirical and n
ormative dimensions, examine their congruence (or lack thereof), and investigate 
the repercussions for individuals and society is a difficulty for leisure theories.
People can recognize this in their own lives as a distinction between the leisure
they have and the leisure they desire, or between how they currently spend their
leisure and how they should use it. Leisure time is something that people both
have and want to have. The extent to which leisure's empirical and normative
components are compatible—the fit between what people do in their leisure and
what they should do, the leisure they have and the leisure they aspire to have—is
always a question, but there's no denying that they're intertwined.
A second theoretical difficulty arises because leisure is never fully
abstract. People understand leisure in ways quarks, fractals, and the time shift
continuum do not. They have direct information as participants and spectators
because leisure is a part of their daily lives. However, it is precisely this familiarity
that poses impediments to gaining a more thorough understanding of leisure.
People who have been accustomed to something often take it for granted,
thinking it as automatic or unproblematic.

A third theoretical challenge arises from the fact that, while leisure is an int
egral component of daily life, people often experience or think about it in quite diff
erent ways. This is something that hasn't always been fully appreciated.
The most popular perspective on leisure is that it is unobligated or optional
time. Time that is not used for job duties or personal maintenance is referred to
as discretionary time. This definition of leisure sees it as time spent away from
work or work-related obligations such as travel, study, or social engagements.
Importance and Significance of the study

The researcher believes that this study will not only yield data that will helpful to her,
more so with the following groups of people:

The Learners. In particular, Grade 1-6 students will know how to manage
their leisure activities, as to how these will help them on their daily socialization and in
their academic. Hence, students may choose the leisure activities that will them to
improve better their specific skills as they grow old and use to reduce their boredom at

The Teachers (adviser/subject teachers). The result of this study will offer
teachers (advisers/subject teachers) deal with their students. Thus, it will lead them to
better understand why certain students behave, socialize, mingle and perform in
academic. They can make certain activities that is inclined to the leisure activities done
by the students and connect it to their lesson so that students will participate.

The Parents. The findings of this study will help them guide their children
to pursue leisure activities that will entails their capabilities, interest and will support and
guide their child.

School Administrators. They can use the findings as basis in understanding

various children’s behavior and academic performance.

The Researcher. It will help the researcher to be aware and expand her
knowledge about the leisure time activities done by children and how does it affect

The Future Researchers. They may use this study as a source of both
conceptual and research literature when they conduct their own studies related to the
topic of the present study. They can extend the scope of the present investigations to
formulate more generalize conclusions.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to propose a scheduled leisure time activities to
school as prevention to boredom of students in school. The study considers the
different/common leisure time activities they will do or preferred during the scheduled
time. Thus, teachers and parents must need to be facilitate the children for their chosen

Definition of Terms

The following terms are further defined either operationally or conceptually:

Boredom. It is a common feeling. Feeling unsatisfied by an activity, or

uninterested in it, can lead to boredom.

Leisure Activities: Time when you are not working and you can relax and do

things that you enjoy, it can a be hobby or recreational.

Learning. The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by

being taught.

Learner. Someone who is learning about a particular subject or how to do


Motivation. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular

Teachers. A person who teaches, facilitate, guide and help students especially in
a school.

Foreign Studies

It takes a lot of effort to learn in school. In the face of obstacles and setbacks, it n
ecessitates work, tenacity, and perseverance. Students must focus their attention, listen 
to their teachers, and invest mental energyconstructively engaged in academic tasks in 
order to learn. Many educators and academics believe that this kind of wholehearted 
participation in academic activity is an essential condition for learning and a 
precondition for kids' longterm success in school (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 
2004). As a result,educational and psychological experts have long focused on ways to 
increase and maintain students' interest in academic work (Christenson, Reschly, & W
ylie, 2012).Rodrique-Bravo et al., (2020) examines the effects of physical-sports
leisure activities on children. These activities are known to engage the youth in
socialization and come into contact with people. Furthermore, these kinds of activities
aid in children’s growth by developing social skills and learning about social
management (e.g. losing in a physical game). In particular, children can learn social
values which promote accountability, decision-making, and tolerance to frustration. The
findings show that children that engage in physical-sports leisure activities tend to have
better psychological well-being on its three dimensions: self-acceptance, positive
relations with others, and purpose in life. Extra-curricular activities in early childhood
can be considered to be leisure time activities because these usually include playing
games or reading books. Balaguer et. al (2020) looks into the relationship between
extracurricular activities (EA) and academic achievement. Heyne (2020) supports this
idea stating that for over 20 years, leisure has been recognized as an important
curriculum for students. In addition, recreational staff in schools and communities
recognize that, as with academic and other life skills, systematic instruction (organized
leisure-time activities) are required so that children can be guided and be able to
properly learn.

Current foreign studies show how leisure-time is often used to initiate

socialization among children. Basically, since not all kids have the same factors
affecting their leisure it also means that they may have different activities stemming
from socio-economic realities and their caregivers’ demographic profile which will have
varying effects on their socialization and academic performance.

Local Studies

Furthermore, play activities in general are given the least amount of time and
engagement among children giving approximately 8.36% of their time on average.
Morillo (2018) states in her study that most of the pupils in Naguilian are fond of
studying and speaking English during their free time, thus they feel they could gain
friend and can deal with peer immediately and thus contribute to their social life and
behavior aspect.
Recommendations given by Battung et al (2019) in their study that there are principles 
for promoting creativity in early children, such as making space for play, giving environm
ents rich in resources, and adults should be role models. Devi (2018) adds that leisure
time and recreation increases a child’s motivation to learn since leisure activities can be
used for the practical application of what is learned in the classroom. Example of these
are memory game (crossword puzzles, brain games, etc), that can challenge their
mental abilities and enhance problem solving skills. Thus Ariola (2020) indicated that
academic success will increase if there time management in doing activities.

Engagement in leisure activity among 6-9 year old children are expected to be higher
than those older than them. Filipino children in particular seem to have a significant shift
from traditional modes of play during leisure time towards digital versions of them.
Chapter III


In this chapter, the researchers presented the methods in conducting this study,
the particular respondents, the process of data gathering and the useful statistical tools
applicable to the study.

Method of Research Used

This study made use of descriptive method to be able to establish the profile of
the respondents and to assess their mathematical performances through analysis
classification and measurement. According to Good (1956), the descriptive method
includes characterization of the present condition of any group of person, class or event
and may include analysis of classification and measurement.

Respondents of the Study

A total of fifty (50) pupils from Grades 1-3 of Merry Sunshine Montessori School
will be included in this study.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researcher made instrument was utilized to determine the problems

encountered by the Grades 1-6 of MSMS.

Data Gathering Procedures

The following enumerated steps is undertaken.

1. The researcher prepared a letter of permission to conduct the study to be

approved by the Principal.

2. Three statistical tools were used to make the interpretation become reliable:
The percent, weighted mean, and Chi-square.

3. Analyzed and synthesized the results regarding the leisure time activities of
the respondents to their way of socialization and academics.

Statistical Tools to Be Used

Three computations of statistical data will be used to make the interpretation of the
data becomes meaningful and reliable: the percent, weighted mean and the chi-
The data on the profile of the respondents will be analyzed using frequency count
and percent. The formula to be used is:

X 100

where p = Percentage
f = the Frequency
n = the total number of respondents

The weighted mean will be used to determine the perception of respondents

regarding the leisure time activities of the respondents to their way of socialization
and academics. The formula is
where x – Item/score

w – Weight of each score

100 = constant
Chi-square. This will be used to determine the effect of the leisure time activities of
the respondents to their way of socialization and academics.
(Oi−E i)
x 2=∑
where x = chi squared
O i= observed value
Ei = expected value

Ariola. H. (2020). Correlation of Social Climate and

AcademicAchievement of Grade 1 pupils in selected
Elementary Schools in Reina Mercedes, Isabela, 2019-2

Battung, A. A., Bueno, J., Soriano. C. S.,(2019). Creative

Arts,Music, Drama, for young children and it’s
perceived impact to personal and social development of
Kindergarten pupils of Our Lady of the Pillar College-
Cauayan Academic year 2018-2020



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