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For a hundred (100) points, research a particular video of a person delivering a speech or doing
public speaking about a particular thing or situation (politics, education, environment, etc.)
Then, evaluate the speech, guided by the following questions:

1. What type of speech is delivered in the video?

- The type of speech delivered in the video is persuasive. Why persuasive, If you watch the video
that I watched you can understand how the speaker persuade the audience to focus on God not
on your problems. Just by sharing the word of God and making the audience to believe in God,
you can sense his intention to persuade everybody to believe in God. Here's the video link;

2. What is the purpose of the author/speaker in delivering the speech?

The speaker in the video talk in the audience how God is control in our every situation. He use
the story of Daniel in the Bible when he was put in the lion's den whose been hungry for weeks.
He also tells how his mother use the story of Daniel how God show his greatness to Daniel which
save the life of Daniel from the hungry lion. The speaker want's to persuade us on how we
should focus our life to God not in our problems. The speaker tells how big our and powerful our
God compared to our problems.

3. What principles and strategies did the speaker incorporate in his speech to make it more

- The principles he used in delivering his speech is using a relaxing and a life- lesson conversation
to persuade the audience to look how God controls our situation. Just by visualizing through the
story of Daniel in the Bible, the speaker tells that our God the creator of all can also protect us
against from His other creation. The way the speaker convey his speech inspire the audience to
be dependent on God if they are suffering much from their problems. Just like how Daniel
conquer his fear and problem when he was thrown into the lion's den, he just look into the ray
of light praying and believing to God that he will be save from the hungry lions. Just by using the
experience and story of Daniel that is written in the Bible the speaker use a good strategy to
persuade the audience.
4. Did the speaker use non-verbal communication in the duration of the speech? If yes, how did
it improve the quality or the effectiveness of the speech?

- Yes, the speaker also use non-verbal communication through hand gestures and facial
expression. By sitting upright with his shoulders back and the way he look others in the eye as
he communicate we can already tell how confident he is about his speech. Just by using hand
gestures also proves that he wants to show how almighty is our God. By using his confident
facial expression can motivate and inspire the audience to believe more in God. Through the
support of his non-verbal style of delivering the speech, it is more believable in the eyes of the
audience how dependable his speech. He also use the word of God, just like spouting some bible
verse to support his speech can make the audience believe in God.

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