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Psi: — MATA ANALYSIS Now gece) GS LEC 0g 4 6. Eigen vals Size vcs, Voila Bau, Ma fix Guchwws | Eguravalysis : a wetlical t a h atactwe of Liv trauatrmghin =akX x AX Y= ~ Aa} —|A ge CF Be A=(b Blu)» 2 ( 1, i fle 6.4. Fun D4 MEWTALS UN Ea Deft: right tigen vactos and Lt eipenrvechrs Vigght enec~ left evec Pasar Xs He right GR evec, Y isthe left Col ever amatoted with elo d omoGated Wh Pi K acth pu the Coe fA Y acts on Yous of A (A,X) ta on por (4, y) S on. a“ Epen he r ae a New A) powell oun Cp al tpat . Semonts a) on evec comugt be the zee veetr « A0=f0 othawine cuy Mat bee in am egal fe ey amactrig. Po b) Ov ple othe aml , om ree eevee mor be are ated with « gro” evel Rx 2Ok ; Aiko (0,x) ep °) Ax =OX% 20 x € NA Ax =O { NA) KEN) D Ax 20 7 A,X 40 AX 20 @ AXZ0X ? (0,x) ofan A (0.8) eee & XeNA) ne (>) fou — ; or AX=Ax en ake (na = Ot (xtry = Oey” tpt aha AX = Ax Gn te > Oa (4x0 (XX fa A fr AY oie : (00. oe > (a -al) oi 2) a 22) Pe Ax = dX a7 Ax -AX =0 Dia hove ae A-at)x=0 aon but x is ever, pa eee thn X #0 ‘ “ > (not) Wor a mee te wi rnc viak Mull abate [A-AZ) 35 25 log wr X € N(A~AL) Remon: Leamama 2 fuvidlo a teh fan colerla tig the eigenvectors at jaaton A eu We Emow tre evo ob A, a Def2: Charactemibic Polya & eat eien a(t) S det (tT—A)) Chott. polywormiad Chon- eq vertion elf): NO fa Rew » exactly N test, ‘ae topeated , ‘he : { foot> 4 = 4 ovata bal) | w Gide 7 evals we be “a a via ole Nit heobs ley, yori thon QR) alt) hor otler wrx7> oH atte ee Def 3 Ay Apectrum of As rtof até gt MB={r| ras eur ot Ah AF A Dof4: prtecto® dima. praia : Gl ent ye Veo nw Pp ane f hoe Soe te tie ‘) ACs) = AL) Daal 2) Ataf) = AUK) a ae 3) Ne ve) y enecs (AY) = execs (A) 4) a « ale) ) enecs (am) = eves (a) L Def 5: fara miatan rymomio® fo)=Te.x a Matix poly uo mitol fap Aqraie acct, _ L Q& 2 Bis £ (x) =) (KE = Gl++Gx-- Ro Lemma 2 the fiat ond Left spectrum we moter A ane squcd . Ak = AX yA = (@-Al) x=0 Ya -pytea? JA-ATl=0 yt (a-aL) = © have the ome JA -al] =O Ce chute equation | Lemma 4 ; Ae ay with om "po (A; *) aud om Lain Ore Ye) 7 Ai tre fa te, then Ye x xX = 0) eL Ye Xi fm Nifde (anol Wer deol AX = AXE po AX 7 ae YX Viglet eNecs ond x rem feaabh? A - e ‘| oo tal = M42A-3 2 f: Peel 8 5 4 " thin : Hermitian Aamatio> heve feel ently Hemition: Ama a ‘a Hou: Rad ri Wy 2 5; Wy AX; = ACK; ¥ % KAK eM XEKS P x (Ot peclh= XX) x ATK =>; xX Xi te am evec i x 40 xe = Who * ke #0 thew? » Heynitian i lea Cheep be dethrone Melis eee (h%) ome Oey A) ok a Ate) Xr Xe Shy Yoo LeuB 28 ew thud (GemeroR Core) . Matix Ae © with a me of & Mthect aval, i¢kaanl han + LIL enecs proof : adte olun~ (Deey book’) eoweyh ti XU) = {rsd ds, da, Ash 5 ip eves s exapee : Ala) = 4d, Ay dy ayy ae So way tip liciy 23 See Xi Xe Xo, evecs ci oa . Gre LL eevee X) Cenerad Com: eecs are LE, mot mermr y orthes- | (fn deffewt d's) 1 matrix Do is Wamition , or a wea ene ‘Theorem EDELI Eigensectom with Distinct Bigenvalues are Linealy Independent Suppose that is an rx m square matric and $= {X3, x25 Xt Xp) #8 0 et Of igenvectors with eigenvalues My, Ao, Ais, Ap such that A; Ay whenever | Then S is a linearly independent set Proof, Wp = 1, then the set $ = {x1} is linearly independent since eigenvectors are nonzero (Definition FEM), so assume for the remainder that p > 2. ‘We wil prove this result by contradiction (Proof Technique CD). Suppose to the contrary that $ isa linearly dependent set. Define 8; = (3, x2, X54 ¥:} and Jet be an integer such that Sioa = {1,225 %5, «4 Xe-a) is linearly independent and Sie = {3,2 ay 4 %4) 15 linearly dependent, We lave to ask if there is leven such an integer K? First, since eigenvectors are nonzero, the set {x} linearly independent. Since we are assuming that 5 = 5 is linearly dependent, there must hoe am integer k, 2< & miglex A is dia aliaable if i is ints lan ‘we a dia aan ae is SP |PAPZA oh e thu ; |p. a dice mioble a paix ho cs dispovall We itf it has a fall Act fw) of Lx evece N LF svecs <=> A is dina. % SAKE 7 Hen Foam Pa [hi XX] 7. i fou (why?) ee PAP = PA LY m= Xa) = P [a Pe MG] = Pp [ax Ar Xeon Xe] =P (PA) =PPA =A (>) 5 | "ap [Paps A. Su P=Dit- be] aps N Bp Ap Al =Dih ae a PAP Pp AP = PA [AR aN = ar OS A des N epaas (XK, be), thel i, ovani » 5 yo mn evecs() amet ae Cowe lve ‘ 7) ‘A wt of N LE evecs pone a champ of bax metrix Po Ginl-- Xv) thet thar He ancl LT Az ie Pe =) Sa law ty te youeaCs cS ‘a evecn but grewer eNoks | J AX =AX A (pp')x =AX AP PY = AX PAP PX =A PX Ieee neal Bicone uy BY ) AB) = A(A) A( PAP) = Ala) Wowev Y= Px £X lt A. Ne &™ have N distinct eyls dj , i! nae (pao ancl R—paurn x AX: 2A: X; wk A= Ae 4) wit, teaweligd Fe auch that x2 y,7 Se she lke Than REXAY™ = DAKE, pedigih ig xty aa (I dun Vook - oun 6) aot yet —— -r _ ear XAX=N & N= XAX ee . f [K & Any xy ee S Ye x = Six oa! e — ty Ww ae Yxat @ Y's x a _ eS thu Aa XAX sa cs A a ck . OR ip Abc (aA & He feok care), it hap a Coa ate DX of orthogecak rrakt evees 7 “r= Mall eae tne | oe, eth. (F we mera diing aach evec be — fe end GBlect the wermeliacd overs. Pe Matix P= = Ch peo bel a P will bee * wnitar y (athe UU the ve ad cone) wna lak pepe (PP Bry : 4 kek 1) - a yeh P De sl (cect!) iF hed, R42 ] Since p ix fll fonk. (why?) , bb ie alro ieee ible Hn. _ pe pp at bern Pp = Ke & p(y) -P lt) ppi\<1(P) Hew 7 thin allowr us b In toute the ae a Yer Ln trmition (Spuchic im he tend ) ae Ta N= PAP = PAM = Zeb Fong £ ate boix Aad b Which G1 be Viewed oy a air tow fn AL tle meme bole be ke Chadlic 2% bus ioe, By ei ~ P will woe Com, the ‘ maabicx be a Se mag hx and We wilh have, ee aA on with a2 Po Decal that “avin be Be nt of Babe evees of A. 6:3. Multi thiedy of Evas © Some metricr Re have bale) with tepea abel, foots , ime ply Te “ IN q le re a(t) = (4) (e- at Re na Nita to4Me N Fig ALSeBAUC Multi fucity Nz ig Ale MOmber oF truss AC meats wm pal) tre Geometric NOCHRICT M é i He nouther OF LE execs provid by the Ny vole { de} | ie yy MN. < NJ the 2M SN (a ony a a= ob > d= (4 - 08) Ni (og) = 2 AUR) = 4s, Ash eyecs (ost) [|= a be “ M(Q5 = 4 $a Q) = (t- f re 22 AM a4 Al eves: (01S 2 - ole []¢* (h(f Milos)a2 = Nios) = Fon ak 1 Ais dig vole that peook Atk OAR, wy an; jubcki Matrices Hot cae ae ny A thin ble. a uot A wot rer hy up ere ene 7 PI PAP=A tue) Detective = Diabon K 7 ANG = Nos-S\vG, DerectNE = —_ 2 EE al a=? *| 5g “t J 0 a9 MM, = = ~ aim (A - -A LT = ie ree (act) 2 =O: Wy acy te es we het beet ec . we can Sino Me a amvakeef Azer : with Ne (by anh) W My UD evecs (h-AL)2 +O dim N(A-A2) GA. Torna Guowicar eM (SCP) @ oe ve amaterey We femt joa "te ered fe he Aroma Gy eee trys to being ow Ne atratro ty ex dite NN we bring oe 1 et 2 eS, is" ahusort'dintmsl te a. © N, +N, boot Ms N ree) Q faby ST i> a block, -din spotix whore encle ble Tyslh) Cuba 1 Me arntigted with. Aj wad S18 NON Ne ot as o 30) = D3, = Ba) SOBs] ete. je exch Tu, ) ix am [ =) ta =A he typeod Tordon block The.) xt thee in ene iy) = » : exec fin each de Order Lave O de Tovdaun. block. of Ne ble Seoumple - NU) =A dy dy by de, Ash, Gorn dine daft) = (tA) (ie) (t “o)). “Aim NAN. fle eval Ardy tohun 2 LL evecs Ta) > Dal Try) = Os) he ay 06 Ty ts Why Nia, bub te wee ieuctne sepuds wm Mi Cai) hey om ty ana yg mag A hap & por bi bfia> tify Moe A mM L)° - J, = HU Ja, = oO he af ee alo " / oie oan 350) LTO) 45 () 4 TA) BR Ww evecs ZL nes AW eey led y's qe: Fiat ty diffeuut D's dag on A cal N Convmnatt; WN = NA De maar Madr £ J tom be wile 25 “alt N : Woe EA dia yrot, ool cyutein Te evan ond N is wihil pleat awe Gurley L'2 and o's er its Papendin treed, than 6 every Watrix Ae ei. promi lag te 29 ee mat ix J rane wee at tr fhe eee du is dabibrsty- ncn + pets Hoty eo ke flv, ve (© A aetite od s-emtsowel FO 8S aber ashe oe le Lae kre si J, Cres Nace) fe Pow to build Po NEP? PAPar pret ws Feowmfle > see LAUD BG oly + yontabiged we. Ja4 & ae 4B @ eve? ae fenpt N UL vecs Le hve martian | anal ea Howewotic (SvQGeHED) Eigen Avalys'> 2020 ) Plows q) MA) = A(at) b) (as) _ No eo) (AF) evecs (A*) «es (6) ) x e A(a") , eecs (A') = execs (1) 2) Create a c anette A aud Hgchorle Wet == P= PAP” 3) Create a AXA eaitnix ba dyjaclic. ee pounon 4 Create a Reramiction. matic Roe oud. vei ty tut a) MALEK oud XX. ote b) Calealibe [eft evecs an well: are they yeleled. perme bow se Abe Tight eves) 5) Torin era Q) het is at? L) edo blocs + What aut tly § bow to fink 466 Lace hye A aul of tt <) Dole sobluws fo : ae » wc Sechon 4.2 1 Thm q.2e pact > (Rea Fay he 4.3% LAvB, Yee Sechion D4 2 ©

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