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Nama : Hasanal Ardya Wicaksono


Kelas : D-IV TROK C

Internal Communication
Captain : Chief Engineer, this is Captain. Please sound the tank over.

Chief Engineer : Yes, Sir. Sounding the tank over.

We have 1 m for the tank a, 1,5 m for tank b, and 1 m for

tank c sir, we need bunkering Sir over.

Captain : Okay, Chief. Prepare all the safety measures over.

Chief Engineer : Yes, Sir. Prepare all the safety measurer over.

I have prepared all the safety measures, Sir, over.

Captain : Okay, Chief. Let me check it first over.

Chief Engineer : Yes, Sir, I have prepared oil absorbent material to reduce
the oil spill, drip trays under all the hoses, and all equipment
for draining off any accumulations of water on deck, such as
mop and wiping rags Sir over.

Captain : Okay, Chief. We are ready for bunkering. I will inform

the port. Stand by in this channel over.

Chief Engineer : Yes, Sir. Stand by in this channel over.

External Comunication
Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. I am ready to bunker over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. QUESTION are you

ready to bunker? over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. ANSWER Yes, we are ready to
bunker. INFORMATION I have prepared all safety measures.
INSTRUCTION connect barge hoses over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. barge hoses are

connected. QUESTION What is the pumping pressure over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. ANSWER The pumping

pressure is 3 bars. INSTRUCTION starts pumping slowly over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. QUESTION are you

receiving over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. ANSWER Yes, I am receiving.

INSTRUCTION does not exceed the pressure of the bunker line 3
bars over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. pressure steady at 3

bars over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. INFORMATION we have

reached 85 % of tank capacity. INSTRUCTION decreases
pumping rate over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. I am decreasing the

pumping rate over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. INFORMATION 300 tones

received – stop pumping. INSTRUCTION disconnect the barge
hoses over.

Port : MV Wolf MV Wolf MV Wolf this is Port. barge hoses are

disconnected over.

Captain : Port Port Port, this is MV Wolf. Thank you, Port. MV wolf out.

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