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Ravago Martin


Choose at least 3 problems in Globalization Why is it a problem?

 Globalization acts to increase world oil Companies have the option to go to locations where taxes
price are the lowest. Individual Citizens have much less
influence to make such change. Additionally, given the
nature of the modern workforce each community
contends with a scarcity comparable towns in terms of
the number of taxes breaks that it may provide potential
employers. When we look at how US taxes are broken
down Revenue (federal, county, and local aggregated)
(federal, state, and local combined), we see that:
Corporate income Taxes are the sole component (marked
in red) that is totally sourced from businesses. higher than
This has been definitely decreased by half. Corporations
add to the green layer as well (excise, Trucks pay sales
and property taxes excise tax on corporate and consumer
gasoline purchases usual payment of property taxes.
Although, it is Clearly, the percentage of revenue derived
from Social Security and individual income taxes
Moreover, Medicare funding (blue) has increasing. In my
article, The Relationship of High Oil Prices, Low Wages,
and I established that high oil has growth limits. Prices
seem to contribute to stagnant US wages. when salaries
are low and workers are being expected to carry a greater
proportion a gap between growing government costs the
inability of wage workers to manage.
 Globalization transfers investments spending What nation would an investor favor if
from developed countries to less developed
countries Choosing between two options, one with a

one has a competitive edge

disadvantaged in a market? A change in

Investment should not be unexpected.

Domestic financial investment in the US

was a comparatively constant proportion of

until the middle of the 1980s, national income. In

recent years, it has decreased and is now almost at
asset consumption (which is comparable to
depreciation but also includes other removal from
service). The assets under question include the whole
spectrum of capital assets, including those owned by
the government (roads, schools), corporations
(factories, retail), and individuals.

individual residences A similar pattern can

observable while examining business investment

separately. rising asset consumption

helps bring about the equilibrium shift

between expenditures and consumption

assets. This would comprise, among other things

early factory retirement, etc. even quite

recent years' low interest rates have not

restored US investment to levels prior to the crisis.

 Globalization tends to move taxation There have been two sets of oil prices
away from corporations, and onto throughout the world. increases. The first took
individual citizens place from 1973 and 1983, following the US oil
supply crisis started to decrease around 1970. Oil
costs may be restored to the $30–$40 per barrel
range (in 2012 USD) versus the period from 1983
to the Available at $20 per barrel (in 2012
currency). before 1970. This was somewhat
achieved. by expanding North American oil
output Alaska, the Sea, and Mexico (which were
all previously known), and in part through
consumption. decrease in consumption was
accomplished by using less oil for promoting the
usage of more electricity automobiles that use
less gas. That high oil is now. since 2005, costs
have increased, and now we confront a much
more significant issue. The issue is becoming
worse right now, in part because the growth of
the oil supply is slow due to the limits we are
nearing and in part because the demand for oil is
skyrocketing as a result of globalization. The
world's oil supply is practically flat, according to
our analysis. The minor rise in the world's oil
production since 2005 is a result of collaborative
efforts by the United States and Canada.
Otherwise, since 2005, supply has been
consistent. What seems to be a significant rise in
US oil output in 2012 in Figure 5 proves to be
considerably less remarkable when evaluated in
the perspective of world oil production. The fact
that there is a global oil shortage is one of our
present issues. Because of, demand is rising
quickly. globalization. Chinese purchasers in 2012
bought more automobiles than European
purchasers did. Worldwide prices are driven up
by a rapidly increasing global demand and a
hardly increasing global oil supply. Additionally,
there is no possibility of a decline in global oil
demand like the one that happened in the early
1980s. The East has enough accumulated
demand that it will utilize any oil that is made
available to the market, even if the West
significantly cuts back on its oil use. To make
matters worse, because the "simple" (and cheap)
to extract oil was removed first, the majority of
the expensive oil has already been extracted.
Therefore, a major drop in oil prices must result
in a decrease in the world's supply. rather,
because of declining returns and the necessary
price keeps increasing. the newly developed
"tight" oil An example of a rising US supply costly
oil production that cannot deliver required a
price break.
What is the impact of Carbon Emission to our environment?
 Environmental and health effects of greenhouse gas emissions are extensive.
consequences. Due to smog and air pollution, they contribute to respiratory disorders.
They contribute to pollution and climate change by trapping heat. additional consequences of
Climate change brought on by greenhouse gases includes severe weather, food
a decrease in supplies and a rise in wildfires. Our current weather patterns
everything we've become accustomed to will shift; some species will go, while others will
move or expand.

How oil monopoly affects the economy?

 The price of different forms of manufacturing and production in the US is impacted
by oil's current price. For instance, the price of gasoline or jet fuel is closely related to
pertaining to the price of moving people and/or things. less expensive transportation, and
Fuel price decline leads to cheaper airplane fares. increased monopolistic profits
investment in oil-producing infrastructure, which lowers marginal costs and
encourages economic expansion.

What is ‘Brain Drain’? How it affects the Philippines?

 The loss of human capital from one region to another is referred to as "Brain Drain."
from one industry to another or another. Brain drain happens when qualified
People and professionals depart their own countries, which are often developing
nations) to go elsewhere for greater possibilities. Resulting from a medical
As more Filipinos get sick, the health care sector is being burdened by brain drain.

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