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1. What is TCP/IP Protocol Architecture of a network?

Network Access Layer

• lowest layer in TCP/IP hierarchy
• provides the means to deliver data to the other devices on
the network
• defines how to use the network to transmit IP datagram
• encapsulates IP datagram into frames
• maps IP addresses to physical addresses in Ethernet
Internet Layer
• manages connections across the network and
isolates the upper layer protocols
• handles addressing and delivery of data
• Internet Protocol (IP) does all these functions

Application layer
• Applications run at this layer
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Remote Login (Telnet),
E-mail (SMTP)
• Transport layer
• Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
2. What is the Layered Network Model (OSI – Open System
Interconnection Model) ?
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model defines
a networking framework to implement protocols in layers, with control
passed from one layer to the next.

3. Draw the Layered Network Model (OSI – Open System

Interconnection Model) diagram
4. Write functions of OSI layer
5. Comparison of OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference
6.11 - Investigates the security aspects of communication and
protection of devices connected to the Internet

6. What is Encryption?
Encryption is a technique used in cryptography which provides
confidentiality of transmitting data.

7.What are the two types of encryption:

Symmetric Key Encryption
Asymmetric Key Encryption
8. What is Symmetric Key Encryption ?
• The encryption process where same keys are used for encrypting and
decrypting the information is known as Symmetric Key Encryption.
•When using symmetric key encryption users must share a common key
prior to exchange of information.

9. What is Asymmetric Key Encryption –

•The encryption process where different keys are used for encrypting
and decrypting the information is known as Asymmetric Key Encryption.
•Every user in this system needs to have a pair of dissimilar keys, private
key and public key.
•These keys are mathematically related − when one key is used for
encryption, the other can decrypt the cipher text back to the original
10. What is digital signature?
digital signatures help to authenticate the sources of
messages. Digital signatures allow us to verify the
author, date and time of signatures, authenticate
the message contents.
11. Briefly explain 5 types of Threats
o Viruses - A program which enters into the system,
runs and performs malicious activities unknowingly.
o Trojans - Any malicious computer program used to
invade into a computer by misleading users
o Malware- The software that is written for malicious
o Phishing – An attempt to obtain sensitive
information such as usernames, passwords, and credit
card details by pretending as a trustworthy person.
12.Briefly explain following terms in Protection against
unauthorized malicious accesses
• Firewalls: are systems that act against unauthorized
accesses to protected data.
• Antivirus software: are software that detect and quarantine
the malicious software that tries to harm a computer. Eg AVG
, NOD 30
• Computer users must be properly educated to protect the
network devices against malicious attacks and unauthorized
accesses. Passwords must be chosen with utmost care and
antivirus software must be periodically updated to protect
the system from attacks.
6.12- Explores the role of ISPs and technologies used for
connecting Home Networks to the Internet

13. What is ISPs?

An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that
provides services to accessing and using the Internet services.
Internet service providers may be organized in various forms.

14.What is DSL?
DSL Refers collectively to all types of digital subscriber lines and ADSL is
the asymmetric digital subscriber line, ADSL is a type of DSL broadband
communications technology used for connecting to the Internet. ADSL
allows more data to be sent over existing copper telephone lines,
when compared to traditional modem lines.
15. What are Advantages of ADSL
A).Independent services:
Loss of high speed data does not mean you lose your telephone service.
Imagine your telephone, television, and Internet access going out when
a cable company amplifier/repeater dies.

B).Security: Unlike cable modems, each subscriber can be configured so

that it will not be on the same network.
In some cable modem networks, other computers on the cable modem
network are left visibly vulnerable and are easily susceptible to break ins
as well as data destruction.

DSL will easily interface with ATM, Nx64, and WAN technology.
Telecommuting may get even easier.
D). Cheaper rates.
Internet service providers (ISPs) provide a simple ADSL connection to
the Internet, using the highest possible speed with usually a static IP

E). Fully configurable.

WAN engineers have total control over the VPN tunnel created
between sites.
They are able to perform on-the-fly configuration changes to
compensate for any network problems or help rectify any problem that
might arise.

F). High-speed access which enables easy net surfing and fast
streaming contents access: ADSL is a broadband service.
It offers data transmission at much greater speeds and capacity than
narrowband services like ISDN and dialup analog modems. ADSL enables
you to download high-volume data files effortlessly.
16. What is a public IP address?
A public IP address is an IP address that can be accessed over
the Internet.
Like postal address used to deliver a postal mail to home, a
public IP address is the globally unique IP address assigned to
a computing device.

17. How can you find your Public IP?

Your public IP address can be found at What is my IP Address
18.What is Private IP address?
Private IP address, is used to assign computers within
your private space without letting them directly
expose to the Internet.
For example, if you have multiple computers within
your home you may want to use private IP addresses
to address each computer within your home.
In this scenario, your router gets the public IP address,
and each of the computers, tablets and smart phones
connected to your router (via wired or wifi) gets a
private IP address from your router via DHCP
19 what is Network Address Translation (NAT)
Network address translation (NAT) is a method of
remapping one IP address space into another by
modifying network address information in Internet
Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are
in transit across a traffic routing device.
The technique was originally used for ease of
rerouting traffic in IP networks without readdressing
every host.
20 What are Proxies in a LAN?
• Proxies in a LAN that uses private IPs
•A proxy server is a computer that acts as an
intermediary between the user's computer and
the Internet.
• It allows client computers to make indirect
network connections to other network services.
• A Proxy server solves the IP address issues
when connecting a large corporation to the

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