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| Graph of aX a aE OBJECTIVE To sketch the graphs of a* and log, x, a > 0, a #1 and to examine that they are mirror images _ of each other. . PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE _ + Iflog,x=y thenx =a + Concept of coordinate axes and plotting the points on it. MATERIALS REQUIRED. + Drawing board * Geometrical instruments + Drawing pins © Thin wires. « Sketch pens © Graph paper + Adhesive + Pencil + Eraser * A plane mirror * Squared paper PROCEDURE _ 1. Take a drawing board and paste a graph paper of convenient size on it with adhesive. 2. Draw two perpendicular lines XOX’ and YOY’, depicting coordinate axes. 3. Mark graduations on the two axes as shown in Fig. 5.1. 4. Find some ordered pairs satisfying y = a* and y = log, x, Plot these points corresponding to the ordered pairs and join them by free hand curves in both the cases. Fix thin wires along these curves using drawing pins. _ 5. Draw the graph of y = x, and fix a wire along the graph, using drawing pins, Fig. 5.1 6. For a*, take a = 2 (say), and find ordered pairs satisfying it as | a eu ° eee a. | a 13s 5 (oe oe fs 1 1 ts to] «| | 8 + | | ore and plot these points on the squared paper and fix a drawing pin at each point. 7. Soin the bases of drawing pins with a thin wire. This will represent the graph of 2*. 8. Now log, x = y gives x = 2%. Some points satisfying it are fee i alana fi x | A 2 a 4 8 es 1 2 2 3 = Plot these pointe on the squared paper and fix a drawing pin at each plotted point. Join the bases of the drawing pins with a thin wire, This will represent the graph of log, © 9. Draw the graph of line y = x on the square paper. 10. Now, place a mirror along the wire representing y = x. It can be seen that the two graphs of the given functions are mirror images of each other in the line y = x. OBSERVATIONS 1. Image of ordered pair (2, 4) on the graph of y = 2 in y = X18 so.essnons » It lies on the graph of y= ; * 2. Image of the point (8, 3) on the graph y = log, x in y = xii aon Which lies on the graph fy =. : Kepeat this process for some more points lying on the two graphs. pRACTICAL IMPORTANCE This activity is useful in understanding the concept of (exponential and logarithmic functions) which are mirror images of each other in y = x RESULT _ We have sketched the graphs of a* and log, x, a > 0, a + 1 and examined their mirror images. N STUDENT ACTIVITY To established a relationship between common logarithm (to the base 10) and natural logarithm (to the base e) of the number x. Q. 1. Define logarithms. aaa Ans. Write the logarithmic series. a is a positive real number other than1 | Ans, and x is a rational number such that ae a =n, then log, n = x. ogi (Lt5) The logarithmic series is: Q.2 If log, x = 4, determine x Ans. 2! = 16. Q. 3. Find the value of log, a. Q. 8. What is the condition of the logarithmic Ans. 1 expansion(s)? Q.4. The value of log, 16 = é Ans. The logarithmic expansions are valid, iff Ans. 4 Ixl<1. Q. 5. Fill in the blanks: Q. 9. Write the condition for og, = ceteris log © + log > = tog (a + b). Ans. log. (m x n) = log. m + log, n peo IQ 6. Fill in the Blinds: Ans. The required condition is a + 6 log. Stags Q. 10. Find the value of log,, 27. 3 Ans, log, Ans. 7. Increasing and Decre Functions ‘ To understand the concepts of increasing and decreasing functions. PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE A real function fix) defined on (a, 6) is said to be nereasing on (a, b) + Increasing functio fx, <3, => fix,) < Ax) for x, x, € (a, 6) ice. if the value of f does not decrease ay increases. = Decreasing function: A real function f(x) defined on (a, b) is said to be decreasing on (a, b) ifx, fix) for x, x, € (a, 6) ie. if the value of f does not increase ag x decreases. MATERIALS REQUIRED. * Piece of plywood of suitable size © Adhesive + Trigonometric tables + Pieces of wire of different lengths * White paper * Geometry box PROCEDURE ___ 1. Take a piece of plywood of any suitable size and paste a white sheet of paper on it. 2. Take two pieces of wires of length say 25 cm each. 3. Fix the wires on the white paper to represent x-axis and y-axis, 4. Take two more pieces of wire each of suitable length and bend them in the shape of curves representing two functions and fix them on the paper as shown in Fig, 9.1. Fig. 94 42 5. Take two straight wires each of suitable length for the purpose of showing tangents to the curves at different points on them. _ Take one straight wire and place it on the curve (on the left) such that it is tangent to the curve at the point say S, and making an angle ct, with the positive direction of x-axis. , cy, is an obtuse angle, so tan a, is negative, ie. the slope of the tangent at 8, (derivative of the function of S,) is negative. ‘Take another two points say S, and S, on the same curve, and make tangents, using the same wire, at S, and S, making angles a, and ay, respectively with the positive direction of x-axis. Here again @, and a, are obtuse angles and therefore, slopes of the tangents tan a, and tan a are both negative, ie. derivatives of the function at S, and S, are negative. ‘The function given by the curve (on the left) is a decreasing function. On the right side of the curve, take three points T,, T,, ', and using the other straight wires, form tangents at each of these points making angles f, B,, f, respectively with the positive direction of the x-axis, as shown in the figure. B,, By, B, are all acute angles. Therefore, the derivatives of the function at these points are positive. Hence, the function given by right side of the curve is an increasing function. OBSERVATIONS > Gath tania ., (negative) ). Thus, the function is oy S veoeeney 6AM By crerneey (Positive), ). Thus, the function is . \CTICAL IMPORTANCE This activity may be useful in explaining the concepts of decreasing and increasing functions. STUDENT ACTIVITY. * of the following functions are strictly decreasing on (0, 1/2)? } Application of M Minima OMETIVE Ty construct an open box of maximum volume from a given rectangular sheet by cuttin squares from each corner, : PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE + Basic paper folding activities. + Formulae of area and volume of rectilinear solid figure MATERIALS REQUIRED + White chart paper + A pair of scissors * Collotape + Calculator + Geometry box * Fovistik ete PROCEDURE 1, Take a rectangular white chart paper of size 40 em x 30 em and label it as LMNO, 2, Cut four squares of side x cm each from corners L, M, N and O. §.Make an open box by folding its flaps using cellotape/fevistik 0, z xn sa 10m 20cm Fig. 11.1 DEMONSTRATION 1, When x = 1, Volume of the box = 38 x 1 x 28 = 1064 2, When x = 1.5, Volume of the box = 37 x 1.5 x 27 = 1498.5 3. When x = 1.8, Volume of the box = 36.4 x 1.8 x 26.4 = 1729.7 50 4. When # = 2, Volume of the box = 36 x 2 x 26 = 1872 5 When x = 2.1, Volume of the box = 35.8 x 2.1 x 25.8 = 1930.6 6. When = Volume of the box = 35.6 x 2.2 x 25.6 = 2004.9 +7, When x = 2.5, Volume of the box = 35 x 2.5 x 25 = 21875 When x = 3, Volume of the box = 34 x 3 x 24 = 2448 9 When x = 5, Volume of the box = 30 x 5 x 20 = 3000 cm? 10. When x = 5.5, Volume of the box = 29 x 5.5 x 19 = 3030.5 em? 11, When x = 5.7, Volume of the box = 286 x 5.7 x 18.6 = 3032.17 cm? 12, When x = 5.8, Volume of the box = 28.4 x 5.8 x 18.4 = 3030.8 em® Clearly, volume of the box is maximum when x = 5.7. RVATIONS _ = Volume of the open box (when x = 1.6) i Volume of the open box (when x = 19) 3. V = Volume of the open box (when x = 2.1) 4. V, = Volume of the open box (when x = 2.2) 5. V, = Volume of the open box (when x = 2.4} 6. V, = Volume of the open box (when x = 3.2) = a 7. Volume V, is .. than volume V. 8, Volume V, than volume V. 9. Volume V. than volume V. 10. Volume V, is ........... than volume V. 11. Volume V, is ... than volume V. So, volume of the open box is maximum when x = Alternatively: Let V denote the volume of the box. Now, V = (40 — 2x) (30 - 2xe or V = 1200 ~ 140x7 + 43 x = 1200 — 280x + 12x*. For maxima or minima, we have, & <0, te. as? 70x + 200-0 oD OS aa 6 RESULT ‘We have verified and found the point when volumo of an open box is maximum, N AWRY stupenr activity To show that the isosceles triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a given circle aan equilateral triangle, Hint: Let ABC be an isosceles triangle inscribed in a cirele, Let the radius of a cirele be p, Let AB = AC. A lies on the diameter perpendicular to BC and passing through BC. Let ZOAC =0 2000 = $200 = }22BA0) = ZBAC = 2Z0AC = 20 ola Now to prove that 0 = | Ans. Yes, by cutting squares from each comer Q. 1. What is the first property of Maxima of the rectangular sheet, then by folding and Minima? Ans. If the given function fix) is continuous in the rectangular flaps we will get a cuboid. its domain, then at least one minima and | Q. 4. What are the basic conditions to prove local one maxima must lie between two equal maxima or minima? pales of ‘Ans. The second derivative test is the basie Q. 2. What is the second property of maxima and condition to prove local maxima at # minima? certain point. ‘Ans. Maxima and minima occur alternatively, | _Q. 5. Write the formula to find the volume of @ that between two minima there is one cuboid. pruoue en ice era Ans. Volume of a cuboid Q. 3. Is it possible to make a cuboid from a = Length x Breadth x Height rectangular sheet? If yes, how? PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE oe « Relation: If A and B are non-empty sets, then any subset of A x B will be called from A to B, « Types of Relation: A relation R on a set A is the— i) universal relation on A if R= Ax A (ii) identity relation on A if R = ((@, a): A) iii) void relation on A if R = @ + A relation R on a non-empty set A is called (j) reflexive if a Ra for every ae A (ii) symmetric if a R 6 then 6 Ra (iii) transitive if a R 6 and 6 Re, then a Rc. + A relation R on a non-empty set A is called an equival reflexive, symmetric and transitive a relation lence relation if the relation R is MATERIALS REQUIRED. + Drawing sheet + A cardboard * Some pieces of threads «Nails + Glue + Sheets of white paper (a) To verify that the relation 1b and a, b € L) is symmetric but neith« n R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined as ((a, 6): er reflexive nor transitive. (OCEDURE 1. Take a cardboard and paste a white sheet of paper on it- 2. Fix the threads randomly on the board with the help of nails, 3..Some of the threads are parallel, some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined 19 Re ior ane a eee SY oe Oe Cee DEMONSTRATION 1, Let the wires represent the lines l, ly, «1 fy 2.1, is perpendicular to each of the lines J,, 15, ly [see Fig. 1.1. 3.1, is perpendicular to J, and /, 4.1, is parallel to 1, and /, and J, is parallel to ,. 5. (ly Ly), ay Uys (yy by), gr Ups ly, Ug) € Re OBSERVATIONS 1. Fig. 1.1 depicts that no line is perpendicular to itself. Therefore, the given relation R is n reflexive. 2.Here,t, 11, 1,11, Similarly, hihs>htt IyLh ly Ly Wily > hgh id, = by Lt, Therefore, the given relation R is symmetric. B,Also, 1, 4, and ly 4 ly => 0, 1 ly, But it is not true, because /, is parallel to /,, Therefore, the given relation R is not transitive PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ») To verify that the relation R in the set L : ss 1 a nl ib an equivalence relation, of all lines in a plane, defined by R procEDURE_ 1, Take a cardboard of convenient size and paste a white sheet of paper on it », Fix some threads randomly on the white sheet of paper with the help of nails such that some of them are parallel, some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined (ref. Fig. 1.2.). a DEMONSTRATION . Here the threads are represented by the lines Jy, lay» ty: Line /, is perpendicular to each of the lines Jy, ly, 1, (ref: Fig: 4:1) . Line |, is perpendicular to 1. . Line 1, is parallel to 15, 1, is parallel to 1, and /, is parallel to Jy + ay Ly), yy Leds Opp Uy), € Re OBSERVATIONS 1. We know that every line ia parallel to itself So the relation R= ((t, m) : 11) m) .. reflexive relation (is/is not) 2. In Fig. 1.2, observe that J, i ly. 18 1s 12 ED) So, (ly 1g) € R => Uy by) » Ree) Similarly, So, ‘Similarly, ty dyand tity Is ty 4? QUID BG LE Ry WER > llyy f) worn REED ‘Thus, the relation R ........... transitive relation (is/is not) Hence, tho relation R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. So, R is an equivalence rela PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE This activity is useful in understanding the concept of an equivalence relation. RESULT We have verified the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = ((, m):1 is an equivalence relation. y STUDENT ACTIVITY. Students can repeat the same activity by taking some more threads in different positions. @.4, Write an example of a relation which symmetric but neither reflexive ™ transitive. Ans. Consider set A = (a, 6, cl, then the relat R = ((a, 8), (6, a)) on set A is symmet but neither reflexive nor transit because (a, a) € R. @.5. What do you mean by an equivaler relation? Ans, A relation R on set A is said to be equivalence relation if and only iB reflexive, symmetric and transiti @. 1. What do you mean by relation R in a set At Ans. Relation R in set A is any subset of (A x A). Q 2. Define a symmetric relation. Ans. A relation R on @ non-empty set Ais called symmetric if Rb then b Ra, where a, b eA. Q. 3. Define a reflexive and a transitive relations. ‘Ans. Reflexive: A relation R on a non-empty set A is called a reflexive if a Ra for every ach ‘Transitive: A relation on a non-empty swt A in called a transitive if a R b and bRe then a Re, where a, by ce A. OBJECTIVE reflection (about the line y = x). Graph of an Inverse Trigonometric Functi To draw the graph of sin-!x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mir PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE * Values of inverse trigonometric functions . (a) For x € [-1, 1], we have sin x = 0 if sin @ = x and @€ |~5+5 (6) For x € [-1, 1], we have 6 if cos @ = x and 6 € (0, mI. (c) For x € R, we have tan” x = 0 if tan 0 = x (d) For x € R, we have cot x = 0 if cot @ = x and 0 € (0, 7). (©) For x € R — (-1, 1), we have sec x = 0 if sec @ = x and 0 € [0, x] ~ [w2I. | = (0) 2 If x is positive or zero, then the values of all inverse trigonometric functions will lie in {0, 2/2]. If x is negative, then the values of sin~ x, tan“ x, cosec™ x lie in [— w/2, 0) and the values of cos x, cot x, sec x will lie in (w/2, nl. (f) For x € R -(-1, 1), we have cosec x = 0 if cosec 0 = x and 0 € [ MATERIALS REQUIRED. * Cardboard o @eph pos + Ruler * Coloured pens + Adhesive * Pencil + Braser © Cutter + Nails + Thin wires + A geometry box ete. PROCEDURE. 1. Take a cardboard of any convenient size. 2. Paste a graph paper on the cardboard. pasted graph, draw two lines which are perpendicular to each other and denoted by oO phi) YOY’ (ref. Fig. 3.1). Fig. 3.1 4. Graduate the axes approximately as shown in Fig. 3.1 by taking unit on X-axis = 1.25 times the unit of Y-axis. 5. Mark approximately the points in?) (Es x : 2) in the coordinate plane and at each point fix a nail. oh aa) oie 6. Repeat the above process on the other side of the x-axis, making the points is =) approximately and fix nails on these points as P;, Py, Ps, P;. Also fix a nail at O. 7. Join the nails with the help of a tight wire on both sides of x-axis to get the graph of sin x from < e 2 52 ‘8. Draw a graph of the line y = x (by plotting the points (1, 1), 2, 2), (8, 8). ete. and fixing a wire on these points). 10. Repeat the above activity on the other side of X-axin and fix the nails at Q%, QV, Q%, Y, 11, Join the nails on both sides of the line y = x by a tight wire that will show the graph of y= sins, DEMONSTRATION Pat a mirror on the line y = x, The image of the graph of sin x in the mirror will represent the graph of sin x showing that sin~! x is mirror reflection of sin x and vice versa. OBSERVATIONS The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = 2) is .. The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y = 2) is... The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y = x) is .. The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y = 2) 18 The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y = x) is ‘The image of the garph of sin x in y = x is the graph of .. of sin x in y = x is the graph of ......... Dee and the image of the graph PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE Similar activity can be performed for drawing the graphs of cos x, tan” x, ete. RESULT. We have understood the concept of mirror reflection and drawing the graph of sin x. STUDENT ACTIVITY. the graph of tan! x, using the graph of tan x and demonstrate the concept of mirror OBJECTIVE Geometrical Interp Definite Integration To evaluate the definite integral J VI 7 dx as the limit of a sum and verify it by acta integration. PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE _ + Knowledge of Integration + Knowledge of representation of curve on graph + Knowledge to find area of trapezium MATERIALS REQUIRED __ * Cardboard White sheet of papers * Coloured wires * Pencils * Graph paper © Nails = Glue ete. PROCEDURE _ 1. Take a cardboard of any convenient size and paste a white sheet of paper on it. 2.Draw two perpendicular lines to represent ‘coordinate axes XOX’ and YOY’. 3. Draw a quadrant of a circle with O as centre and radius 1 unit (10 cm) (ref. Fig. 14.1) ‘The curve in the 1st quadrant represents the graph of the function fix? in the interval on (0, 1) DEMONSTRATION 1, Let origin O be denoted by P, denoted by P,, and Q, respectively. 60 2. Divide PyPio into 10 equal parts with points of divisions as, P x fol pL By Py Py Py Py Py Py Pa Pa Pro Fig. 14.1 ‘0 and the points where the curve meets the x-axis and y-axis of the points, P,, = 1, 2, ee Q. QQ = ye Measure the Kapie aa Pe, ya, od all Gen jy yy ~~ Yo Whereas the width of each part, PyP,, P,P, ie 0.1 units, ‘i yp = Pye = 1 unit 1 P,Q, = 0.99 units y, = P,Q, = 0.97 units Yy = P,Q, = 0.95 units yy = P,Q, = 0:92 units Vg = PyQ, = 0.87 units ye = PaQe = 0.8 units ¥; = P,Q, = 0.71 units ye = PeQ, = 06 units Yq = PAQ, = 0.43 units yp = Pho = Which is very small near to 0, «aren of the quadrant of the circle (area bounded by the curve and the two axes) = sum of the area of traperiums, x 0.1[(1 + 0.99) + (0.99 + 0.97) + (0.97 + 0.95) + (0.95+ 0.92) + (0.92 + 0.87) + (0.87 + 0.8) + (0.8 + 0.71) + (0.71 + 0.6) + (0.6 + 0.43) + (0.43)] = 0.10.5 + 0.99 + 0.97 + 0.95 + 0.92 + 0.87 + 0.80 + 0.71 + 0.60 + 0.43) = 0.1 % 7.74 = 0.774 aq, units (approx.) 6 Definite imegral = f° fi=x%ds xfi-? Bs joi ct = sin” e=xse—— = 0: unit [ ee Sle aa cA 0.785 sq, ‘Thus, the area of the quadrant as a limit of a sum is nearly the same as area obtained by actual integration. S 2 5. Aes of the quadrant as @ limit of 8 sum = ovo 84, wnite, 46 The O90 wrens are MeBMAY ooo © aE : SD ResUite S : We have evaluated the definite integral f y1—x* de as the limit of a sum and it has also been verified by actual integration, y N STUDENT ACTIVITY Students may demonstrate the same activity by drawing the circle x? + y? between x = 1 and x = 2. and find the area momllaectem Q. 1. Define definite integral as the limit of sum? Ans. [) fixdx 1 = (b-a) lim > a+ (ba) jim +{fla) + fla +h) + See 8|) 2:5. Whahis the first fundamental proverty of b-a definite integral? where h = Ans. The value of definite integral does not change with the change of variable of integration, Q. 6. Area bounded by the parabola y? = 4, latus rectum and x-axis is Q 2. What do you mean by application of definite integration? Ans. The definite integration is used to find the ‘area of region bounded by curves such as circles, parabolas, curve and lines, B. What is the general rule or formula useful fo find area of a tropezium? Ans. = Q. 7, Area bounded by the curve y = x, the © axis and ordinate by x = - 2, x= 18 of w traperium = Kio +m, where a Hse hvala Knee ond | Ww 4 What is the sum of n-natural numbers? nine) 2 Sum of n-natural numbers = a5 aaa pReREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE _ «A surface is called a plane if the line segment joining any two points on the surface lies wholly on the surface. « The general equation ax + by + cz = d always represents a plane. + The Cartesian equation of the plane at a distance p from the origin and perpendicular to the ne with d.c.’s I, m, n directed towards the plane is lx + my + nz = p. This is called the normal form of the plane. + ‘The vector equation of the plane passing through the point with position vector 7 and perpendicular to the vector n is n-(r -7)=0 MATERIALS REQUIRED * Two pieces of plywood of size 18 em x 20cm + _ A thin wooden rod with nuts * Bolts fixed on both sides * 3 pieces of wires * Pen/pencil ete. DURE_ 1 Using nuts and bolts, fix the wooden rod in between two wooden pieces so that the rod is Perpendicular to the two wooden pieces. Now, it is normal to the plane. b - Sons s "three wires as shown in Fig. 18.1 so that OP represents the vector @ and OA represents 7. Pom the wise Bh scopsebeets ise rien ok DEMONSTRATION 1. ‘The wire PA, that is the vector (7 ~ @) lies on Plane 1, On representing. 7 as normal to Plane 1, fi ix perpendicular to (* -@), normal to the plane. % Hence, (7 =a). = 0 gives the equation of plane in the normal form. OBSERVATIONS. Ae @ Is the position vector of sues. 7 i8 the position vector of... vector 1 is perpendicular to the vector 2 (=4).n © 0, is the equation of the plane PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE. ee + Skew lines: Two straight lines in space which are neither parallel nor intersecting are called skew lines. + Shortest Distance: If /, and I, are two skew-lines, there is one and only one line perpendicular to each of lines /, and /, which is known as the line of the shortest distance. = The shortest distance (S.D) between two non- parallel lines 7=a,+Ab and r =a, +b, is given by Fig. 19.1 (xb) -(@,-4) 15 xb oe given Lincs t0 intersect: If the lines =a, +25 and r=; +uh ‘Intersect, then the shortest distance between them will be zero. @&xb,):(@, 4) = 0 geo p00 EDURE___—— paste # squared graph Paper on a piece of plywood. 1, Pas ‘on the squared graph paper, draw two lines OA and OB to represent x-axis and y-axis, ely. respective Name the three blocks of size 2 em x 2 em x as I, IT and III, Name the other wooden block of size 2 om x 2m x 4 em as IV, Place blocks I, II, II such that their base centres at the points (2, 2), (1, 6) and (7, 6) respectively, and block IV with its base centre at (6, 2). Other wooden block of size 2.em x 2m x 4 em as IV. Place a wire joining the points P and Q, the centres of the bases of the blocks I and III and another wire joining the centres R and § of the tops of blocks II and IV as shown in Fig 19.2. an it 4 3 Fig. 19.2 §. These two threads represent two skew lines. 7 Take a thread and join it perpendicularly with the skew lines and measure the actual distance. DEMONSTRATION 1. A set-square is placed in such a way that its one perpendicular side is along the thread PQ. 2. Move the set-square along PQ till its other perpendicular side touches the other thread. a: Meamure the distance between the two lines in this position using set-square, This is the 4, Ores distance between two skew-lines. sae ‘ealytically, find the equation of line joining P(2, 2, 0) and Q(7, 6, 0) and other line joining R41, 6, 2) and $(6, 2, 4) and find S.D using (427% )-(h Xb) The distance obtained in two 1b, xy! “e8 will be the same, OBSERVATIONS, 1. Coordinates of point P are . 2. Coordinates of point Q are . 8. Coordinates of point R are ... 4, Coordinates of point $ are .. 5. Equation of line PQ is 6. Equation of line RS is Shortest distance between PQ and RS analytically = Shortest distance by actual measurement = ‘The results so obtained are = PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ‘This activity can be used to explain the concept of skew-lines and of the short between two lines in space ~ RESULT ‘We have understood the concept of measuring the shortest distance bets li Sites ote retween two skew linet S STUDENT ACTIVITY. ‘To find the distance of a given point (in ‘in space) from a pli three non- oe Tea, +Ab, and r=athhe © | intersecting. OBJECTIVE To explain the computation of conditional probability of @ given already occurred through an example of throwing a pair of dice. PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE + Probability of an event: If there are n elementary events associated with » experiment and m of them are favourable to an event A, then the probability of hppa or occurrence of A is denoted by P(A) and is defined as the ratio ™ n Thus, P(A) = = ” + Random experiment: If an experiment, when repeated under identical conditions, dost produce the same outcome everytime but the outcome in a trial is one of the several psi ‘outcomes, then such an experiment is called a random experiment. + Conditional probability: Let A and B be two events associated with a random experins! Then, the probability of occurrence of event A under the condition that B has already oxime! and P{B) + 0, is called the conditional probability and it is denoted by P(AB) Thus, we have P(AB) = Probability of occurrence of A given that B has already occurred Similarly, P(B/A) when P(A) + 0 is defined as the probability of occurrence of evest 8 og A has already occurred. MATERIALS REQUIRED + A piece of cardboard ‘+ White chart paper ‘ + Sketch pens + Pencil = + A pair of dice Write a pair of numbers as we throw a pair of dice such as 1, 0, G, 2), (1, 8), G, 4), @, 5), G, 6) 2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6) 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6) 4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6) 5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6) 6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 6), (6, 6) 20.2 depicts the sample space of the experiment, which is also known as total outcomes. DEMONSTRATION. 1. Suppose we have to find the conditional probability of an event A if an event B has already occurred, where A is the event “a number 4 appears on both the dice” and B is the event “4 has appeared on at least one of the dice” i.e. we have to find P(A/B), 2, From Fig. 20.2 number of outeomes favourable to A = 1 Number of outcomes favourable to B = 11 Number of outcomes favourable to A 9 B (ii) PA 9 B) = favourable to A > B: B= MATHEMATICS Lg PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ‘Thin activity in helpful in understanding the concept of conditional probability, which ig forthe, ‘used in Baye's theorem, RESULT_ ed the computation of conditional probability of a given event A, when event p a pair of dice. ‘We have exp! already occurred, through an example of throwing y N STUDENT ACTIVITY. (a) Students may repeat this activity by taking more events such as the probability of getting sum 10 when a doublet has already occurred. (b) Conditional probability P(A/B) can also be found by first taking the sample space of event B out of the sample space of the experiment, and then finding the probability A from it ieee Viva..Voce Q. 1, Define outcomes in probability. | Q. 5, Let A and B be two events associated with ‘Ans. All possible results that we obtain on sample space S, then 0 $ P(A/B)s I performing an experiment are called | Ans. We know that AN Bc B Butcomes = PAB) sPB) Q. 2. Define sample space of an experiment. PAB) Ans. A sample space is a set of all possible <1, where P(B) #0 uli) PB Peaebanerreriment. 2 z Also, P(A 9 B) 2 0 and P(B) > 0 Write a formula to find the probability of ‘an event A. a AGB) Ai ity of an event A PB) Thus, we have from (i) and (ii), PAB) PB) @. 6, IFA is an event associated with the son? space $ of a random experiment, P(S/A) = P(A/A) = 1. Os < lor 0s PAB) <1

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