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Name: Hanna Lei D.

Noriel Year & Section: BSIE-ICT-3A

Date Finished: October 12, 2022

ACTIVITY 1 (10 pts)

Let us check what ideas you have acquired about the basic concepts and principles in
assessing learning using nontraditional or alternative methods.

1. What is alternative assessment of learning?

- Alternative assessment of learning evaluates a learner’s competency in a topic by letting

students show their understanding and complete tasks in unique and creative ways.

2. How similar or different is traditional assessment from alternative assessment?

- According to Silvestre-Tipay (2009), the term traditional assessment describes the use of
traditional assessment methods to gather information on student learning. Students are often
evaluated using paper-and-pencil examinations that are both objective and subjective (such
as multiple-choice exams and essays). The foundation for assessing and grading students is
frequently traditional assessments. Due to the fact that they are simpler to construct, they are
more frequently utilized in schools. While Alternative assessment is the opposite. Alternative
assessment is the term for the use of non-traditional methods to give information on student
learning. Performance-oriented and product-oriented evaluation techniques are two
examples of alternative assessment types. The requirement to develop and implement
assessment tasks or activities should not rely on conventional paper-and-pencil
examinations, which generally measure cognitive learning outcomes and feature right and
incorrect answers.

3. Give three models of alternative or nontraditional assessment.

- The following are the top three nontraditional assessment models:

• Developmental Assessment
• Authentic Assessment
• Emergent Assessment

4. Give three criteria for an assessment task or activity to be considered as authentic.

- According to Silvestre-Tipay (2009), the following criteria can be used to determine if an

assessment task is authentic:
• Enable learners to provide an excellent performance.
• Present the evaluation criteria and standards to the students.
• Give them room to self-evaluate and self-correction.

5. Give and explain three methods.

- According to the Course Unit I have read; the following are some of the methods of
• Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes. Students should
be required to demonstrate their knowledge for assessment to be valid and authentic,
but the emphasis should be on providing tasks or activities that would allow students
to demonstrate higher-order cognitive outcomes like creating, analyzing, creativity,
critical thinking.
• Assessment should lead to student learning. Therefore, assessments should
resemble learning in a classroom. With the concepts of assessment as learning and
assessment for learning, this concept is compatible. In order to change the way that
students are taught or engaged in learning activities in the classroom, assessment for
learning refers to the use of assessment to determine the requirements of the
students. Assessment activities, outcomes, and feedback are used in assessment as
learning to teach students how to regulate their behavior and to make necessary
modifications to meet curricular objectives.
• Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts. The tasks or activities
used for assessment should be authentic. The degree of assessment authenticity may
be conceived of as a continuum, with more authentic activities being anticipated to
have more educational value for students. If the performance task being evaluated is
comparable to or nearly identical to what is anticipated in the actual world,
performance evaluation will be most reliable.

ACTIVITY 2 (10 pts)

To know if you have acquired the needed information about the basic concepts and principles
in alternative assessment, use the table provided to develop a matrix of the difference
between traditional assessment and alternative assessment of learning.

Table 1.1. Key differences Between Traditional Assessment and Alternative Assessment

Area Traditional Assessment Alternative Assessment

Definition Use of traditional Use of non-traditional
assessment strategies or methods to give information
tools to provide information on student learning. The
on student learning main objective of alternative
assessment is to provide
students the chance to show
off their understanding and
perform activities.
Alternative assessment is
also known as a
performance exam or
authentic assessment.
Tools Paper-and-pencil tests Product-oriented and
Focus Knowledge Performance and Product
Orientation Outcome-oriented Performance-oriented
Assessor Teacher or External Learners

ACTIVITY 3 (10 pts)

Based on the lessons on the basic concepts and principles in assessing learning using
nontraditional or alternative methods, select three core principles in assessing learning and
explain them in relation to your experience with a previous or current teacher, in one of your


Principle Illustration of Practice

1. Assessment In our practicum course, we were asked to prepare a lesson
should reflect real- plan then to execute the plan in front of the students with my
life or real-world critic teacher around to evaluate my performance. The actual
contexts planning of the lesson and its execution in front of the class
and the critic teacher are authentic ways of assessing my
ability to design and deliver instruction rather than being
assessed through demonstration in front of my classmates in
the classroom.

Given the example above, continue the identification of illustrations of assessment practices
guided by the principles discussed in the class.

In a clean sheet of paper, identify three core principles discussed in this lecture. Then
describe how a current or previous teacher demonstrated in practice the principle you
selected and discussed. Share your insights on how your teacher's assessment practices
allowed you to improve your learning.

Principle Illustration of Practice

1. Assessment should Way back in my high school years, my instructor in purposive
reflect real-life or real- communication subject always requires us to do role-playing.
world contexts In each discussion topic, she first lets us understand the
lesson guide she provided. After that, she will assign topics to
each group and we, students, have to create a real-life
scenario related to the assigned topic and we need to role-
play it.
2. Assessment is both In seventh grade, we were required to complete a lab
process and product- experiment project. In order for our teacher to evaluate our
oriented performance and understanding, we must present it in front of
3. Assessment should Our reliance on traditional assessment ceased when I entered
lead to student learning senior high school. We were always graded based on our
outputs and presentations. Also, our instructors believe that
process or performance-based tasks are more beneficial for
us since they require us to apply and understand the material
more thoroughly.

ACTIVITY 4 (15 pts)

Prepare a plan on how you will conduct assessment based on the core principles we learned.
Refer to the K to 12 Curriculum to identify the competencies targeted by instruction and how
you intend to assess your future students following the principles in assessing learning using
alternative methods. Use the matrix provided to write your ideas on how you should design
and conduct assessment of student learning based on the core principles.

Principle Plan in Applying the Principle in Your

Classroom Assessment
Assessment is both process- and product- I require my students to regularly present
oriented. and discuss their processes and outcomes
so that I can evaluate their outputs and dig
into how and why they came up with a
certain output.
Assessment should focus on higher-order Give students tasks or projects that require
cognitive outcomes. critical thinking and brainstorming. E.g.,
Group debate
Assessment can include measure of Multiple-choice questions and scenario-
noncognitive learning outcomes. based evaluation for self-reporting. Students
must choose the statements that best
describe them.
Assessment should reflect real-life or real- I also want to follow my former instructor’s
world contexts. strategy, which is to first provide the
students a course unit to learn before having
them develop and role-play a real-life
situation relevant to the topic they were
Assessment must be comprehensive and The use of self and peer assessment.
holistic. Instead of consistently depending on
instructors’ evaluation, it empowers
students to confidently and independently
evaluate their own and other students’
Assessment should lead to student learning. Submitting feedback on forms. All students
from it since it helps them comprehend the
material and gives them clear instructions
on how to enhance their learning process.

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