Educ 206 Charito Tolentino Final Exam 1S 202220231

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Dr. Gloria D.

Lacson Foundation
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija
Colleges, Inc.

EDUC 206
1ST Sem. SY-2022-2023

NAME: Charito M. Tolentino Permit No. __________

1. From the session presentations, discussions, and reflections what are the principles you
developed, nurtured and cultivated as educational leaders in terms of the following:
a) Educational Leadership in the 21st Century
In the context of education, leadership is the capacity to foresee the future using
words and examples. By successfully influencing the behavior, attitudes, and feelings of
individuals working inside the system, educational leaders inspire the entire system.Our
educational system is undergoing numerous changes in the twenty-first century. Therefore, it is
our responsibility and/or obligation as school leaders to adapt to the changes such as
environmental changes that are happening as well as other issues that are related to the
educational settings.
Principals must be excellent educational/instructional leaders who come up with
creative ways to give teachers professional development as demands on today's teaching and
learning process . The challenges of teaching today's pupils must be met by the administrator in
her capacity as a school leader.

b) Managing Educational Change

One of the challenging duties of school leadership is managing changes at the school.
It is frequently asserted that finding a successful school precedes finding a successful principal.
Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija
Colleges, Inc.

A leader must comprehend the change process in order to manage school change. A school
leader must develop the ability to deal with unforeseen circumstances that arise during a typical
school day as well as daily barriers and problems.
School administrators who are aware of the mechanics of change are well on their
way to building a successful institution. Understanding the transformation process and having
many innovative ideas are not the same. It takes patience and persistence to transform; there is
no step-by-step shortcut. Successful transformation has one thing in common: all parties
involved experience improved relationships as a result of the change.

c) Educational Managers and School Culture

The culture of a school is among its most significant components. Teachers, parents,
and students are all impacted by the school's culture. Every employee at the school has a duty to
support and uphold a positive.The development of a strong culture is the educational manager's
primary responsibility in fostering a favorable environment. Better leaders have the ability to
alter people as opposed to just companies. In terms of the growth and development of the
organization, particularly in schools, changing the people is all that is necessary to establish a
positive culture.
Principals understand what instructors need for their professional and personal lives
as educational managers. They interact with teachers and demonstrate to them how to do their
jobs. They visit classrooms and are aware of informal groups.
d) Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is simply a road map for achieving an organizational goal since
organizations require direction and objectives to work toward. Without such direction, it is
impossible to determine if a company is on course to meet its objectives. Strategic planning is
always carried out at the organizational level in accordance with the organization's goal and
vision. The organization's planning is always guided by its vision and goal. If an organization

Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija
Colleges, Inc.

doesn't have a plan, it won't know the aims and objectives that it will strive to achieve and, as a
result, won't know where it's going.

2. Why did you appreciate those lessons and how will you apply them in your own field of
We instructors may really benefit from these teachings and insights on educational
planning and management. I can use what I've learned about educational leadership in my work
as a teacher. Teachers nowadays must be equipped with 21st century abilities in order to adapt to
the current trends in the teaching and learning process. Our educational system is always
changing, and these changes have an impact on the curriculum, the approaches and tactics we
use, and the learning environment.Teachers in leadership positions collaborate with the principal
and other colleagues to improve instruction and foster workplace behaviors that can enhance
student learning results.
Our institution offers a variety of learning opportunities that support our professional
and personal growth. And with them, we are able to create the abilities required for holistically
growing our learners.
We discussed strategic planning as well. Making a plan is necessary for instructors
since it will serve as our guide to achieving our goals, objectives, vision, and purpose.
Our shared objective is to holistically develop our students so they can compete
worldwide. And in order for us to do that, we must strategically plan our activities, inventions,
tactics, and approaches. It involves a systematic process such as managing ang planning for us to
really succeed what we desire to achieve.

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