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Thematic Analysis

Jacob Davis
OGL 482

What if the purpose to our lives’ could be explained by the sum of what we do, and
what we value? In this Thematic Analysis we identify our skills, values, and actions in
order to provide a new perspective for ourselves as both a leader and a person. This
identification is valuable but when we begin to analyze and classify this information,
themes begin to emerge across these assessments. Analyzing these themes and
looking at the data that supports them will provide a new frame from which we view
ourselves as leaders. Using this perspective we can apply what we identified and
build ourselves and others. In this analysis we have gathered data from OGL 482, as
well as prior OGL courses that could serve as examples of themes. After gathering
the sources we analyze by identifying significant statements, then assigning meanings
to the statements identified. Finally these “meanings” or codes are condensed to 10
key themes.
My Data Sources

For this Thematic Analysis the data

used is comprised of documents and
discussions completed prior to this
assignment. This includes
documents from this current class
(OGL 482) as well as documents
from other OGL classes; also
includes personal and professional
documents outside of my scholarly
Data Sources ● Self assessment Unit 1(SA1)
○ This assignment is a reflection on self
reflection activities prior to the course
● Yellowdig responses (YD) ● Interviewing Project(IP)
○ I explore who I am by discussing 3 personal questions, what
○ This assignment is a reflection on our
perceptions regarding our strengths and
gives me joy? What am I good at? And what does the world
room for improvement in regards to our
need me to do?
leadership skills
● Kuder Career Interests Assessment®(KCI)
● Assessments from other OGL courses(OGL#)
○ This assessment takes my holland personality type and
○ These assignments are from past courses
matches it to potential careers that would fit my personality that provide a perspective on my life and
type of ESC skills as a leader
● Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment®(KSC) ● Reflections from other OGL courses(OGL#)
○ This assessment takes my holland personality type and ○ These assignments are from past courses
matches it to my skill confidence that would fit my that provide a perspective on my life and
personality type of ESC skills as a leader
● Super’s Work Values Inventory(WVI) ● Writings from other OGL courses (OGL#)
○ This assignment required me to answer a series of ○ These assignments are from past courses
questions in order to identify my work values from 1-12 that provide a perspective on my life and
● Career Anchors Assessment (CAA) skills as a leader
○ This assessment required me to answer a series of 64 ● Personal Life(PL)
questions to determine which of my needs holds the ○ These aspects are memories from my life
highest priority in my life that is not written down

The process that I used to conduct research and my method of evaluation can be
described as a cycle. First I will fill out and complete a diverse group of self
assessments, this can be previous assessments from other courses as well as
this current course. Next I will evaluate the findings of each assessment, this
allows me to identify statements that could have an underlying meaning. Next I
will analyze each assessment looking for consistent themes from the
statements in order to identify common themes. Finally, I will label the most
common themes and assign data to each in order to support my claim.
My 10 Themes

Prior to this class I have gone through life unaware of my affect on

others and un appreciative of the values that make me who I am.
After completing research and a thorough analysis of self
assessments and documents I have identified 10 key themes to my
life. These themes are the most common and most important in my
life and the data will support that claim.
Theme 1
Theme Statement: I am motivated by new opportunities to earn more

Supporting Data:

● According to my Kuder work values inventory, my number 2nd value is income.(WVI)

● One of the most important career anchors for me was security and stability. The motivations for which are to value
certainty and avoid risks that could affect my role or salary. (CAA)
● One of the top dreams I listed on my dreams and desires list was to be in a position where I can support my family.(YD)
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I value Enterprising above all else. This means that I have an interest
in activities that can help me to achieve economic gains.(KCI)
● My Holland personality code is ESC, which means that I have a desire to work towards personal, organizational, and
economic goals.(CAA)


This has been my biggest career motivator ever since I first started working. It is the reason I got a job, I wanted to be able to
provide for myself and my family. After the completion of my degree I plan to enable myself to accomplish a long-term goal of
being financially stable within ten years of graduation.
Theme 2
Theme Statement: My family is important to me.

Supporting Data:

● One of my dreams and desires was to be able to spend more time with my family as well as to have more
experiences with them.(YD)
● Outside of school and work I spend the majority of that time with my family. We watch movies, go on hikes and play
sports with one another.(PL)
● When answering the three questions, I identified my family as being one of the biggest sources of joy because they
have always been there for me.(YD)
● In the interview project I was able to interview both my parents and listen to their answers about me and my
● According to my Kuder assessment my second highest trait is social. This means that I work closely with others to
develop and grow. I attribute this to my family life growing up.(KSC)

Reflection: While it is one of the most important parts of my life I am unable to be with them all the time. After the
completion of my degree I plan to enable myself to accomplish a long-term goal of being able to spend more than just
holidays with the entire family.
Theme 3
Theme Statement: My religion is an important aspect of my life

Supporting Data:

● Most of my life I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
● When working on the three questions I had a list of the top ten things that made me
happy, among that list was religion.(YD)
● One of the top dreams and desires I listed was to be more active in church.(YD)
● My family and I have always been active in the church to the best of our abilities.(PL)


This has been a big motivator ever since I first started attending church. It has brought me
better understanding and has brought me closer to my family. After the completion of my
degree I plan to continue to attend church regularly.
Theme 4
Theme Statement: I find happiness in helping others.

Supporting Data:

● According to my Kuder work values inventory, my first value is co workers.(WVI)

● One of the most important career anchors for me was service and dedication. The motivations for which are to
value helping others in their roles.(CAA)
● I have always been interested in helping others, I remember running with a first aid kit to my mother when she
fell climbing a hill.(PL)
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I value social in second. This means that I work to inform,
develop, heal, and teach other people.(KCI)
● My Holland personality code is ESC, which means that I have a desire to work towards personal, organizational,
and economic goals while helping others succeed.(KSC)


This has been my biggest life motivator ever since my mom was a nurse. She is the reason I want to help others before I
help myself. After the completion of my degree I plan to continue to support those around me both in a professional
and personal sense.
Theme 5
Theme Statement: Friendship is an important part of my life.

Supporting Data:

● According to my Kuder work values inventory, my first value is co workers.(WVI)

● One of the most important career anchors for me was service and dedication. The motivations for which are
to value helping others in their roles.(CAA)
● I have always been surrounded with friends. Although I didn’t notice, my mother would always tell me that I
have had no problem finding friends.(PL)
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I value social in second. This means that I work to inform,
develop, heal, and teach other people.(KCI)
● In the three questions discussion I mentioned how at work I have been surrounded by coworkers that I now
consider friends.(YD)


This has been my biggest life motivator ever since kindergarten. I have always been able to talk freely and adapt to
those around me. After the completion of my degree I plan to continue making friends and pursuing relationships.
Theme 6
Theme Statement: I desire a more balanced work/personal life

Supporting Data:

● In the interview project I mention how my father could notice how I didn’t do much outside of work, and how he
wanted me to have a more balanced life. (IP)
● I have been a full time student and a full time employee since 2019, making it difficult to have any free time.(PL)
● In the self assessment in unit 1 I mention that if I want something I must be willing to work for it.(SA1)
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I value social in second. This means that I will always put others
needs before my own. (KCI)
● In learning about me on yellow dig we discussed how we are now learning things about ourselves. I learned that I
will postpone things if others need help or if I am busy with work or school.(YD)


This has been a big problem in my life ever since I started college. College has pushed me in ways that I never thought
possible however I had to sacrifice in order to achieve good grades. After the completion of my degree I plan to work on
balancing my life so that I don’t feel like I am neglecting any part.
Theme 7
Theme Statement: I have an entrepreneurial perspective on life.

Supporting Data:

● In the interview project I mention how I want to improve my life based on the responses I received in the
interviews. (IP)
● I have been fascinated with ted talks and shark tank, to a point where it was all I watched in my freetime.(PL)
● In the self assessment in unit 1 I mention that I work independently 95% of the time. This allows me to act on my
own and make my own choices.(SA1)
● One of my dreams is to own my own sustainable clothing company. (YD)
● In the Kuder skills confidence assessment, my number one label was E for Enterprising.(KSC)


This has been the case ever since I switched my major to OGL. College has pushed me in ways that I never thought
possible however I had to sacrifice in order to achieve my goals. After the completion of my degree I plan to work on
obtaining the stability needed to start the company I desire.
Theme 8
Theme Statement: My job is important to me.

Supporting Data:

● In the three questions, I identified my work life as a source of my joy. (YD)

● I have been a coach for just over seven months now and I love what I do and the joy it brings.(PL)
● In the self assessment in unit 1 I mention that if I want something I must be willing to work for it. As a coach I strive
to see growth in my athletes.(SA1)
● On a yellowdig discussion i mention how the career skills assessment helped me in my role as well as future
● In the Kuder skills assessment I was able to identify skills to help in my current position.(KSI)


Ever since my first job as a lifeguard I have dedicated myself to doing the best I can in any position I may have. College has
pushed me in ways that I never thought possible however I had to sacrifice in order to achieve promotions. After the
completion of my degree I plan to work on improving my skills as a leader and employee.
Theme 9
Theme Statement: I put effort in all that I do.

Supporting Data:

● In the yellowdig assignments we discuss our large assignments and talked about what we were struggling with.
● I have been a coach for just over seven months now and I love what I do and I work to the best of my ability. After
two months I was promoted.(PL)
● In the self assessment in unit 1 I mention that I put in effort when growing human relationships and strive to solve
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I value Enterprising above all else. This means that I have an
interest in activities that can help me to achieve economic gains.(KCI)
● In the Kuder skills assessment I was able to identify skills that helped me to achieve a higher position in life and at


Ever since my first job, I have dedicated myself to doing the best I can in any position I may have.This has helped me to get
promotions in all of my positions. After the completion of my degree I plan to continue putting in effort in work and at home.
Theme 10
Theme Statement: I am on my way to being a good leader.

Supporting Data:

● In OGL 481, we made a e-portfolio to showcase our leadership qualities. (OGL 481)
● I am in my last semester of OGL at ASU, and it has allowed me to learn more about my skills and qualities as a
● In the self assessment in unit 1 I talk about the assessments and describe the leadership assessments from
● According to my Kuder career interest assessment I would thrive in a leadership position in my career.(KCI)
● In the Kuder skills assessment I was able to identify skills that would help me as a leader. I was able to identify skills
that I could work on now and in the future.(KSI)


Since starting my major I have noticed my leadership ability in my personal life and my professional life. This has inspired
me to continue pursuing my leadership capabilities. After the completion of my degree I plan to continue pursuing
leadership positions and engaging my skills at work and at home.
I am committed to being the best son and employee I can be while advancing in and finding
success in my studies as well as my career in order to provide a comfortable life for a family.
I took quite some time to reflect as I constructed this mission statement and I feel it is
appropriate as it supports the most important themes that were found in my data as well as
those things that could lead to joy. I will strive to do what I can to provide for myself and my
family. I am willing to be patient, inquizitive and understanding when it comes to challenges
that might occur. I have a desire to positively impact those around me. I will continue to live
life to the fullest no matter the situation.

I am halfway there. I strive to share development and create opportunities for myself and
others. I chose this vision statement because it is simple and straight to the point of what I
strive for. I am always learning and always improving. There is always something to learn
and there is always a next step in life. By visioning myself as halfway there I have identified
the steps I have taken in the past as well as acknowledge the steps I will take in the future. I
want to continue to grow and learn as a leader, son, and team member.
This thematic analysis has been very valuable for me in identifying how I
see myself and my values. Prior to this assignment I was unaware of the
themes in my life as well as the supporting data. This assignment allowed
me to gain a better understanding of my life as a whole and has given me a
new perspective on life moving forward. It was incredible to see which data
supported what theme. This level of self identity will be very valuable as I
continue my journey in my career as I strive in a leadership position.
Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from

U1 Career_Anchors_Assessment.doc

U2 Interviewing_Projcet.doc

U1 Self_Assessment_1.doc

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