11A Math Lab Manual Term 2

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ivity > $3) is Bale Bet dy s12, etd sl, +20, PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE © Ahalf plane in the XY-plane is called a closed half plane if the points on the line separating the half planes are also included in the half plane. ‘The graph of a linear inequality involving sign ‘sor ‘>’ is a closed half plane « A half plane in the XY-plane is called an open half plane if the points on the line separating the half-planes are not included in the half-plane. The graph of a linear inequality involving sign ‘< or > is an open half plane. © The colution of a linear inequality in two variables is represented by a half plane in the cartesian plane. MATERIALS REQUIRED. * Drawing sheet or a graph paper + Compass box + Measuring scale = Practical workbook + A calculator. PROCEDURE, Converting the inequations into equations, the inequations reduce to the following: Refer Fig. 11.1. Graphical presentation of the equations Qx+4y=12, 4xr+3y=12, x=0, y=0. Region represented by 3x + 4y $12: The line 3x + 4y = 12 meets the coordinate axes at ‘AG, 0) and BO, 3). Draw the line joining A and B. We find that, (0, 0) satisfies inequation 9x * 4ys id So the portion containing the origin represents the solution for the set of inequation 3x + 4y $12. Region represented by 4x + 3y < 12: The line 4x + 3y = 12 meets the y axes at A(3, 0) and BO, 4) respectively. Join the points Al and Bl. We find that, (0, 0) satisfies inequation 4x + 3y < 12 So the portion containing the origin represents the solution for the set of inequation 4x + 3y < 12. Fig. 11.1. Graphical solution of the linear inequations, Region represented by, x20, ¥2 0: Clearly, x 2 0, y 2 0 represent the first quadrant. Hence, the shaded region given in Fig. 11.1 represents the solution for the set of given linear inequation. RESULT. Shaded region re Br+4y< 12, 4xt+3ysi2, x20, y20. given in Fig. 11.1, represents the solution for the set of given linear inequation PRECAUTIONS 4, Line work should be neat and tidy. 2. Avoid erasing as far as possible. PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ‘The activity discussed herein is a practical problem, and the students will be benefited from the STUDENT ACTIVITY. graphically the solution of set of the linear inequations Bx + dy 2 12,220,921 to the inequations is given in the same manner as explained in the The represents the solution, t deseribed above. The figure CO a oe ee equation of Fay ‘assing Through rata Abas) Bi PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE + Concept of plotting of points on a graph paper. + Concept of straight line MATERIALS REQUIRED. + Cardboard * Sketch pen * White chart paper © Fevicol + Ruler * Pencil ete. PROCEDURE. 1. Take a cardboard of convenient size and paste a white chart paper on it. 2. Draw two mutually perpendicular lines XOX and YOY on the graph paper. Scale must be for making points on x and y-axes. 3, Draw the graph of the given two intersecting lines and record the point of intersection, say th, b) (ref. Fig. 16.1) ‘ a 5 a Fig. 16.4 6. Equation of the line passing through the point of intersection (Bx ~ 2y - 5) + (Bx + 2y - 7) = 0. 7. Take A= 12,5, () For 4 = 1, equation of line passing through the point of intersection is (3x — 2y - 5) 8. 1 + 1(6x + 2y — 7), i.e, 6x — 12 = 0, which is satisfied by the point of intersection (a 3} Le., 62) - 12=0 (ii) For 7. = -1, the equation of line passing through the point of intersection is (8x - 2y- 5) = 1(3x + 2y - 7) = 0, is ~ 4y + 2 = 0, which is also satisfied by the point of intersection (2 3) (iii) For 2. = 2, the equation is (3x ~ 2y ~ 5) + (3x + 2y — 7) = 0, ive. 9x + 2y — 19 = 0, which ® again satisfied by the point of intersection (2 5) Fork = 3, the equation of the line passing through intersection of the Lines ie | i etfed by the point (2.5) 2 ForA=4 the equation of the line passing through point of the imtervertion of the lines i which is satisfied by the pont of miereection __ of the hanes . For A = 5. the equation of the line passing through the mtersectuon of the lames i which is satished by the pont of interwctise of ts Howe PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ‘The activity can be used in understanding the result relating to the equation of 2 lime through the pomt of intersection of two given lines. It is also observed that infinitely many limes pasting through 2 fixed pomt. RESULT. We have verified that the equation of s line passing through the point of intersection of two lines ez+by +c, = 0 and ax + by +c, = 0 is of the form (0.x ~ by + c_) + Haz - by + c= 0. 4 STUDENT ACTIVITY Find the equation of the Ene passing through the point of intersection of the Lines 4x =@ and 2: — 3y + 1 = 0, that bas equal intercepts on the axes. @ 1. What ix the intercept form of the equation | Q_ 3. Write the equation representing a pair of of line? lines through the point (a, b) and parallel to the co-ordinate axes. Ama 2+Z = 1, where a and b are intercepts Ams (r-a) @-8)=0 e g ui : Q 4 Write the equation of the line passing — through the point (1. ~ 2) and cutting off @ What is the condition for two lines to be | ‘aqeid taarcapll brital es waies : : | ape rtye1=0 * A parabola is the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from a fixed point ig equal to its distance from a fixed line. ‘The fixed point and the fixed line are respectively called the focus and the directrix of the parabola. PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE * The following are the characteristics of four standard forms of a parabola. mg aoe no >On pens eres < ‘Type ‘Opening right | Opening left | Opening above| 0 Range #20,yeR | xs0yeR | xe Ry20 | re Ryso ‘Vertex (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0) ) Focus (a, 0) (a, 0) (0, a) (0, -a) Directrix x+a=0 x-a=0 y+a=0 y-a=0 Latus rectum 4a da 4a da Axis: y=0 y=0 x=0 x20 Symmetry ‘About the x-axis | About the x-axis | About the y-axis | About the yas Equation of latus rectum Eve o yeoua MATERIALS REQUIRED + Drawing sheet + Measuring scale * Compass box + Practical workbook 70 Fig. 12.1 Equation of @ parabola in standard form 1. Let § — focus, and 27’ — the directrix. Draw SK perpendicular from S on the directrix and bisect SK at A. Thus AS = AK. 2, Construct the distance of A from the focus = distance of A from the directrix. Point A lies on the parabola. Let SK = 2a Then, AS = AK = a 3. Choose A, as the origin, AS, as X-axis, and AY a line perpendicular to AS, as Y-axis. Then S, coordinates (a, 0) and the equation of directrix, ZZ’ is x = — a. 4. Let P (, y) be any point on the parabola. Join SP and draw PM and PN perpendicular on the directrix and X-axis respectively. Thus, PM = NK = AN + AK=x+a. Now P lies on the parabola, SP = PM, or SP = PM, and SP? = PM* @ - a)? + & - 0? = & + a? or y = 4ax This is the equation of the parabola in the standard form to draw the given parabola, Focus = F(,0), and directrix equation x = 0 {ly Let P be a point on the parabola. Join FP and draw PM perpendicular on the directrix. FP =PM, (by definition), and = ie -67 +7) -Q and PM is the length of perpendicular from P(x, y) on (1) and wehave yi(x-6? +y'} = On simplification, we get 9° = 12x ~ 36. This is the required equation of the parabola. red equation of the parabola y# = 12s — 36 will satisfy the given conditions. The figure parabola is drawn in Fig. 18.1. Be CE i OE ce li PRECAUTIONS, 1. Line work should be neat and tidy. 2. Avoid erasing as far as possible, PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE ‘The activity discussed herein is a practical problem, and the students will be benefited from thy solution given herein. N N STUDENT ACTIVITY. Find the equation of the parabola, whose focus is (3, 4) and directrix is the line x + Also, find the equation of its axis. Draw the parabola on your workbook Hint: The equation of the parabola, x? + y? — xy — 8x + 20y + 46 = 0 and the axis, is x-y-7=0. y+ 29 QL. Define a parabola. Ans. A parabola is the locus of a point which PS = length of 1 from P to ax +by+ moves so that its distance from a fixed in point is equal to its distance from a fixed o \a—nP+y-a =|% ytd line. ja? +b? - Write an equation of a parabola in the general form Let Sth, k) and ax + by + = 0 be the focus and directrix of a parabola respectively Let P(x, y) be a general point on the parabola. [Cross-multiplying and squaring ‘on both sides} or (a? + b) [(x — hy? + Y - B = (ax + by +0)? is the general equation of a parabola. workbook, given by the equation, x2 + y? + this circle by making practical observations: PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE _ + Circle: A circle is the locus of a point which moves so that its Gimance from a fixed point is always constant aa ee The fixed point is called the centre of the circle and the constant / —— radius distance is called the radius of the circle. i J \ = The equation of the circle with centre (h, k) and radius ris Centre &—h? +0 - bP = 77 The equation of the circle with centre of the origin and radius r —- iets yter Fig. 23.1 Circle = An equation of the type x? + y? + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 always represents a circle with centre (af) and radius (g? +7? —e. MATERIALS REQUIRED. as + Drawing sheet + Compass box + Measuring scale + Practical workbook + A calculator + Fow pins PROCEDURE Given equation of the circle, = +»? + dy ~ dy~ 1 = 0. a ‘Biandard equation of the circle, x*+ y* + Bax + By + c= 0 @ ‘Comparing the equation (1) and (2), wo get c 422, [= -2 and os =1 ‘The contre of the circle ix, (-#, —P) is (-2, 2) and tho radius = vig? +f? =e) Re fapecaiei © Wo Res a Ss 32 (Ca begs tt Fig. 23.2 Construction of the circle according to the equation 1, Take a graph paper, and mark the origin on a suitable scale, Mark the centre ofthe cine as (-2, 2), 2, Take a radius, R = 3 cm, arc and draw the circle, at the center O, 3, Determine the circumference and the area of the circle, theoretically as well as making the actual measurements on the graph. 4, The error between the theoretical and observed values will account for personal errors ang efficiency of the worker. OBSERVATIONS, The observations are as under: 2 Centre of the circle computed 2,2 3. Radius of the circle computed 3em ‘a Circumference of the circle 19 om 5. ‘Area of the circle by formula 28.75 om? RESULT 1. For the given by equation of the circle, the centre O (-2, 2) and the radius R = 3 cm are determined by the equation of the standard equation of the circle. 2. The circumference of the circle is determined as 19 cm. 3, The area of the circle is determined as 28.75 cm’. . PRECAUTION Accuracy in geometry work and neatness will lead to precision in the drawing work. PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE Students get clear concept of the theory, which they learn in class-room by doing such experimen ie) ITE KNOWLEDGE A possible result of a random experimont is called an outcome, space: The sample space of a random experiment is defined as the set of all possible of the experiment. QUIRED, + Drawing sheets + Plastic discs marked with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Fig. 25.1 mple space of these outcomes : e twice. It can fall in any of the 36 ways as shown in Fig, 25.2 by the tree diagram, ple space of these outcomes. 6 ® 6 @ © Fig. 25.2 5, Repoat the experiment by throwing a dice 8 times, and write the sample space of the outcomes ‘using a troo dingram, DEMONSTRATION, 1, Ifa dico is thrown onco, the sample space will be S = (1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6), Number of elements in S = 6 = 6! 2. Ifa dico is thrown twico, the sample space will be (2, 1), (2, 2), (1, 8), (1, 4), (1, 6), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2,6) Samplo space, S = }(8,1), (8, 2), (8, 3), (8, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (4,1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4,6) (5,1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6,5), (6,6) ‘Tho number of elements in S = 36 = 6? and so on. General formula: If a dice is rolled n times, the number of elements in sample space will bo (S) = 6, IBSERVATIONS. Number of elements in sample space when a dice is thrown Onee = ‘Thrice = .... Four times = RESULT. Wo have found a formula for the sample space when a dice is rolled given number of times: ORTANCE c¢ of an experiment is useful in determining the probabilities of different events the sample space, of red colour, ono of white and one of blue colour are placed in a bag One dice ix ed at random and rolled, its ample space colour and the number on its uppermont face is noted, Describe fee tite, while dice and blue dice be denoted by ft. W and B teapielivaly on a dice are 1, 2.3.4, 5, 6 sample space is — S= ARI. RE RI, RA, RS, Ro, WI, W2, WS, Wa, W5, W6, BI, B2, 82, B4, BS, Bey : Hore RI men Lon the uppormost face of red dice / _ 6 ye Sample space in tree diagram

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