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 It has gray fur with brownyellowish spots and a very long and thick tail, with well-
marked rings. For the Aymara and Quechua peoples, the Andean cat is a symbol of
fertility and they have related it to the spirits of the mountains and water.
2. Weight and height:
 This wild cat can reach a length of 60 to 80 centimeters (cm), plus a tail of about 35
cm; the height to the shoulders is 35 cm; It weighs between four and seven kilos and
can live up to 16 years in captivity.
3. Andean cat feeding:

 It feeds on small and mediumsized rodents such as the vizcacha (Lagostomus

maximus) -which constitutes 94% of its diet- and the chinchilla (Chinchilla chinchilla),
among other rodents, as well as aquatic and terrestrial birds, eggs and reptiles.

4. Habitat:

 In our country, it is found mainly in rocky areas with little vegetation from Ancash to
Tacna, where its main prey also lives: the vizcacha.

5. Reproduction:
 The breeding period is estimated to be between July and December.
 They usually give birth to two or three cubs inside cracks or holes in
 the stones.
 The reproduction of the Andean cat occurs once a year, it is a
 viviparous animal. Their life expectancy in the wild is approximately 9 years.
Jhoan: Exposition
 Andean cat threats:

Hunting is because different cultures use the dead. Examples for rituals and religious
ceremonies, in folk dances. Also for medicinal uses and human consumption.

 Because it is in danger of extinction?

Among the direct threats to the Andean cat are above all the change of land use for
mining, poor agricultural and livestock practices, unregulated tourism, illegal hunting,
hunting of species on which it feeds (such as the vizcacha)

 How many Andean cats are left in the world 2022

Considered in danger of extinction, there are less than 1,400 adult Andean cats in the
world, most of them in Peru.

 How can we avoid the extinction of the Andean cat?

The idea is to generate knowledge about the biology and ecology of the species and at
the same time work together with local communities, carrying out awareness and
education campaigns in rural schools; support government agencies that are in charge
of conservation in the area. (Eso no lo pude resumir:/ ) si puedes, lo haces:3

 How important is the Andean cat?

The Andean cat has historically been considered a protective spirit of the mountain
and is closely linked to high Andean cultures, as expressed by the existence of
numerous petroglyphs in various parts of its distribution

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