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2022 Fijian General

Election News Pages

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I will look after the Indo-Fijians of Fiji – Rabuka

Sanjay Goundar

Former Prime Minister of Fiji and the

People’s Alliance Party leader Major
General Sitiveni Rabuka has assured all
Fijians of Indian descent that they have
nothing to fear about if his party forms
the new government after the December
14 general elections.
Rabuka has emphasized that all rights
of the local Indo-Fijian community will
remain with full protection provided to
them by his government.
He pointed out that he has served the
nation before in the 90’s and the rights of
the Indo-Fijian community were looked
after well which saw the formulation of
the 1997 Constitution that gave Fiji its
first ethnic Indian Prime Minister.
The PAP leader stressed that the Fijian
Indian community should be rest assured
that their rights will be of paramount
importance to Rabuka Government post
December 14.
Speaking at the rally in Lautoka on
International Day Against Domestic
Violence on November 25 Rabuka also
promised that the future government of
Fiji which he will lead will make Fiji safe
for all our women.
He emphasized that we must continue
to promote the safety and security of The People’s Alliance Party leader Major General Sitiveni Rabuka greets 8 month old Faith Kiana Prasad at their joint rally in Girmit Centre
women in Fiji particularly in our homes.
have the power to change your but I am certain our people have it within Alliance Party in their manifesto for the
“The simple person for all women
government. themselves to work together to create a 2022 general elections include increasing
throughout the country is that our
He stressed that after 19 days the people homeland for ages. It will be a nation of the retirement age of civil servants from
coalition government will do everything
of Fiji will have the chance to make harmony and happiness. “ 55 to 60, Clearing of all outstanding
in our power to prevent domestic
history by choosing to journey with the Fiji’s first coup leader told the gathering funding dues to University of the South
People’s Alliance and NFP coalition for at Girmit Centre that he did what he did Pacific and allowing Vice Chancellor
“Our sons of Fiji need to be told that
a golden future of unity, prosperity and to Fiji in 1987 thinking that it will bring Professor Pal Ahluwalia to return to Fiji.
it is never right to hit women. Our sons
happiness. about a better Fiji then he did what he did The party is also promising to call back the
of Fiji need to be brought up to respect
“In this new Fiji you the people will for Fiji between 1992 and 1997 thinking municipal council elections which have
women and their roles in society. Our
be in charge. Those of us elected into that will bring about the ideal Fiji he had not taken place since 2006. Additionally
sons of Fiji must work together with our
parliament and government will be your in his mind but that had been destroyed. the party will phase out the operations
sisters and mothers to ensure that we live
servants not your masters and Fiji can He reiterated that he still has that of the Fiji Independent Commission
in an environment that is secure.”
stand tall again as a symbol of hope for dream for Fiji where every child can look Against Corruption (FICAC)
The former Great Council of Chiefs
the world. forward for a harmonious future.
chairman pointed out that on 14th of
“Creating this new nation from the Meanwhile, some of the very attractive
December this year the people of Fiji will
ruins left by the dictators will not be easy policies announced by the People’s

NFP in government will slash high government Minister’s salary

Sanjay Goundar

The National Federation Party will reduce

the salary and allowances of government min-
ister’s by one third if it forms the next govern-
ment after the December 14 general elections.
Speaking at a joint rally of the People’s
Alliance Party and NFP at Lautoka’s Girmit
Centre on November 25 NFP leader Professor
Biman Prasad revealed that reviewing the ex-
orbitant salary of the current government min-
ister’s is one of the key policies of his party.
Prof Prasad pointed out that it is totally un-
fair that whilst hundreds of people in Fiji are
struggling to put a decent meal on their table
the very people they elect in government are
enjoying with all comforts of life on very high
He stressed slashing the salary of govern-
ment minister’s is also a way to reduce high
level of government expenditure.
He added that their government will also
cut all unnecessary expenditure, review gov-
ernment vehicle leasing system, stop holding
fancy meetings in big hotels and go back to the
people to solve their problems.
The NFP leader told the gathering that the
late leader of the party Justice Jai Ram Reddy
told him in 2015 that he trusts Sitiveni Rabuka
as a man of his words.
“After 22 years and 16 years on ruins by the
current government we once again have the
National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad with party candidate from Nadi Ram Lingam (Robert) Mudaliar (1st right) during
opportunity to make this country great.
the party joint rally in Lautoka. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
“Our government is at a critical juncture
and as Mr Rabuka said when we were talking disaster inflicted on this country for the last where people care for each other and where are fed up with the lies and false promises of
about our post-election partnership in April we 16 years or as Mr Rabuka said we take the people don’t feel threatened by the govern- the ruling government. “But we know what we
both understood the critical moment in the his- choice of transforming this country into a na- ment they elect themselves. That is the gov- are going to do. Mr Rabuka and I have signed
tory of this country in 2022. tion where people can live well, where people ernment we are going to give the people of the an open partnership and we are very clear
“We are at a juncture where we have a can work together, where people can respect Fiji after December 14. “Everywhere we are about it, we are not secretive about it and we
choice to either continue with the ruins and each other, where people can have the love, currently going people are telling us that they are giving an alternative to the people.”



Good governments think about the future: Khaiyum

Fiji First Party leader and Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama with other party candidates and supporters during a major Fiji First general secretary Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum with a young
rally in Rakiraki. Photo: Supplied party supporter during a rally in Kashmir Lautoka
Sanjay Goundar you have to think about a government that thinks long benefitted from the various programs of his government
term and also think about now. for the last 8 years.
A government is all about how you deal with the “We want to ensure that our very young children also Bainimarama highlighted that education from preschool
situation now and how you deal about the future. get free education and get toppers and TELS when he to secondary school was free under the leadership of any
Speaking at a Fiji First Party rally in Kashmir Lautoka enters tertiary education stage. previous government.
recently party general secretary and Attorney General “Political parties who are claiming that they will make “More of our Fijian children have attended school and
Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum echoed these sentiments. tertiary education free should reveal first where they will went to up higher education during our current term in
Khaiyum pointed out that good government’s whilst get $300million to $400million for this initiative. office.
fulfilling the current needs and wants of their people “None of the other political parties are talking about “Never before our elderly citizens over the age of 65
always think about the future. what alternative budget they have to counter what we were provided social welfare pension and the enormous
He stressed that the reason why Singapore is where it is have been providing to the people of this nation,” the FFP amount of assistance we provided during the Covid-19
today is because the leaders of the country thought about general secretary emphasized. period no other government would have ever done that.”
the future. Fiji First Party leader and Prime Minister Rear Admiral He stressed that as the Prime Minister he has a track
“Therefore when thinking about electing a government (Retired) Frank Bainimarama has pointed out during record which no other PM can ever match.
party rallies around the country that the entire nation has

QUALITY PRODUCTS, Education policies prompted
GREAT PRICE!! Chand to join FFP


5244 800A C051K

• 12-24V • Air Compressor
• 3M HEAVY Kit

$28 $98
FFP candidate and former Director HR of MOE Hen Chand during a rally in Kashmir
PORTABLE JUMP STARTER BATTERY CHARGER 12V/24V Lautoka recently. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
SL1612 FCD220 Sanjay Goundar
NEW 12V Lithium Ion Battery • NEW Charger Voltage: 12V / 24V •
PRODUCT 10.0L Petrol and • PRODUCT
Rated Cuarent: 32 / 21A • Unmatchable educational policies put in place by the ruling Government over the last
8.0L Diesel
2.4A USB output, • Input power: • eight years has been the prime reason behind former Director Human Resource of the
2.0A USB input, 400W / 700W Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts Hem Chand joining the Fiji First Party for the
& 12V input ports • Input Voltage : • upcoming general elections.
45X Jump Starts •
per charge
240V 50Hz Chand who is one of the 55 candidates for the Fiji First Party is an ardent fan of what all
the party has done towards significantly uplifting the educational standards of the Fijian
The former Head of School from the Fiji National University Natabua Campus stressed
that he hopes to further improve on these policies once he wins his seat on December 14.
Providing details Mr Chand revealed that there are 250,000 students in Fiji right from pre-

$680 $1,050
school to Year 13 who do not have to pay a single cent as school fees under the remarkable
* Conditions Apply.. education policy of the FFP government.
He informed that as far as tertiary school students are concerned so far the government
has assisted 51,000 students through the loans program investing $650million.
Email: “Apart from that government has also given scholarship to 4,900 students so far amounting to $250million plus 25 students were given scholarship to study overseas.
LAUTOKA : 3 Nede Street | P.O.Box 785, Lautoka | Phone: (679) 666 3477 | Mobile: (679) 999 4668, 999 4658 “Overall the Fiji First Government has invested $950million so far for the education of
SUVA : 31 Viria Road, Vatuwaqa | P.O.Box 1068, Suva | Phone: (679) 338 6000 | Mobile: (679) 999 4565, 999 1751 our Fijian children which no other government has ever done before,” Chand emphasized.
LABASA : Shop 6 Mudliar Building, Sangam Avenue, Labasa | Ph: 940 8366



Admission for Semester 1, 2023 is Open

Undergraduate Programmes Postgraduate Programmes
Bachelor of Laws Postgraduate Cer�ficate in Peacekeeping
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Graduate Diploma in Legal Prac�ce
Certificate in Foundation Studies (Commerce) Postgraduate Cer�ficate in Interna�onal Rela�ons
Certificate in Small Business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Interna�onal Rela�ons
Diploma in Accounting Master of Interna�onal Rela�ons and Diplomacy
Diploma in Economics Master of Laws
Diploma in Management Doctor of Philosophy in Law
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting Doctor of Philosophy in Interna�onal Rela�ons and Diplomacy
Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
Bachelor of Commerce in Management SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
Bachelor of Commerce in Resource Economics & Management Postgraduate Cer�ficate in Business Administra�on (General Management, Human
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting/Economics Resource Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) (Trimester)
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting/Management Postgraduate Diploma in Accoun�ng
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting/Information Technology Postgraduate Diploma in Economics
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting/Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Management
Bachelor of Commerce in Economics/Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administra�on (General Management, Human
Bachelor of Commerce in Economics/Information Technology Resource Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) (Trimester)
Bachelor of Commerce in Economics/Mathematics Master of Commerce in Accoun�ng
Bachelor of Commerce in Management/Information Technology Master of Commerce in Economics
Bachelor of Commerce in Economics/iTaukei Master of Commerce in Management
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Studies/Accounting Master of Business Administra�on (General Management, Human Resource
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Studies/Economics Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) (Trimester)
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Studies/Management Doctor of Philosophy in Accoun�ng
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Studies/Information Technology Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Doctor of Philosophy in Management
SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & ARTS Doctor of Business Administra�on
Basic Conversa�onal English for Beginners
Cer�ficate in Founda�on Studies (Social Science) SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & ARTS
Diploma in English Language and Literature Postgraduate Diploma in Educa�on
Diploma in Hindi Language and Indian Culture Postgraduate Diploma in Educa�onal Leadership
Diploma in Counselling Postgraduate Diploma in Language and Literature (English)
Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) Postgraduate Diploma in Hindi Literature
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) In-service Postgraduate Diploma in Governance and Public Policy
Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature/Management Master of Arts in Governance and Public Policy (Offered from Semester II 2023)
Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature/Hindi Language & Indian Culture Master of Teaching
Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature/iTaukei Studies Master of Educa�onal Leadership
Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature /Informa�on Technology Master of Arts in Hindi Literature
Bachelor of Inter-Disciplinary Studies Master of Arts in Language and Literature (English)
Bachelor of Arts and Graduate Diploma in Teaching Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language
Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Diploma in Teaching Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature
Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma in Teaching Doctor of Philosophy in Educa�on
Graduate Diploma in Teaching
SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Postgraduate Diploma in Informa�on Technology
Cer�ficate in Founda�on Studies (Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Energy and Environment (PGDEEN)
Diploma in Informa�on Technology Postgraduate Diploma in Mathema�cs
Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Master of Science in Mathema�cs
Bachelor of Science in Biology/Chemistry Master of Informa�on Technology
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry/Physics Master of Science in Renewable Energy Management (MScREM)
Bachelor of Science in Mathema�cs/Physics Master of Science in Informa�on Technology
Bachelor of Science in Biology/Informa�on Technology Master of Science in Physics
Bachelor of Science in Physics/Informa�on Technology Master of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Informa�on Technology/Mathema�cs Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Bachelor of Environmental Science Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Informa�on Technology Doctor of Philosophy in Informa�on Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathema�cs
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Applicants are encouraged to download the admission form from the following
Bachelor of Medical Health Science
link: h�p://�/apply/ and email to�
Bachelor of Public Health and Primary Health Care
Bachelor of Nursing Science Honours
Bachelor of Nursing Post Registra�on (In-service) Completed applica�on forms can be posted to:


Diploma in iTaukei Language and Culture Student Academic Services
Bachelor of Arts in iTaukei Language, Literature and Culture (ITK) and Management The University of Fiji
Private Mail Bag

Disclaimer: The University of Fiji reserves the rights to amend the above Programmes List.

Future Ready

Punjas Health Centre extension to include X-Ray & blood testing laboratory

Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr James Fong with the director of Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr James Fong during the foundation
Punjas Group and invited guests at the extension ceremony of the Punjas Health Centre in lawying ceremony for the Punjas Health Centre extension project.
Lautoka. Photos: Sanjay Goundar
Sanjay Goundar Services and Punjas Charity Trust. Dr Fong upon completion of the project at Punjas Health
“Punjas Health Centre includes facilities needed in a medical Centre it will become an easier entry point for people as a
The half million dollar extension of the Punjas Health centre and is designed with the needs of people with disabilities referral pathway to the Lautoka hospital and back to the health
Centre in Lautoka will see more medical services available for at the forefront of our minds. centre.
the members of the public which includes X-Ray. Specialist “The extension of the current building is very timely as “One of the issues that we always had with primary health in
Outpatients Department (SOPD) and a blood testing laboratory. we believe it is expected to ease the load from the Lautoka Fiji is that too many times it is limited to consultation only. The
As the Punja and Sons Group celebrates its 87th anniversary hospital. Aim is to reduce the waiting time for patients so that fact that Punjas Group has added pharmacy and now laboratory
this year the company decided to expand the physical structure they are quickly seen by the medical professionals and return services to this initiative speaks volumes to the expanded role
at the Punjas Health Centre to allow for additional services home to rest. of primary health care now.
and the $500,000 project is expected to complete in about 4 “Having a blood test lab facility at the newly extended centre “One of the lessons we have learnt after Covid is that the
months’ time. will serve larger concerned population so that they start their only place that matters at this point in time is our primary
Punjas Group Marketing Manager Gopal Jadhav informed therapeutic process quickly,” Mr Jadhav pointed out. health care space. I have also learnt that I can put up a big
that the health centre which was commissioned in January Speaking at the foundation laying ceremony of the Punjas cardiac surgery or a big oncology unit but if I cannot guide or
2015 was the brainchild of their founding director Kanti Punja. Health Centre extension project on November 14 chief guest navigate people to those places in an appropriate manner those
“Mr Kanti Punja’s vision and strong belief has been in Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr James big tertiary facilities will not become curative care.
promoting health and wellbeing of the people. The health Fong said that this initiative will ensure that primary health “At the end of the day what really matters for us is the ability
centre has been operating under the public –private partnership care space will connect to the tertiary or high care facilities to diagnose a problem early and intervene early,” Dr Fong
agreement between the Ministry of Health and Medical being created at the Lautoka and Ba hospital under the public- stressed.
private partnership with Aspen Medical.

A tropical Fijian getaway, now much closer for Canadians

National Carrier achieves milestone with inaugural commercial flights to and from Vancouver
An exotic Fijian getaway is now that much closer for
Canadians with the launch of Fiji Airways commercial flights
to and from Vancouver.
The inaugural flight was bid farewell from the Nadi
International Airport on the evening of November 25,
marking the commencement of the National Carrier’s newest
direct international service.
Fiji Airways Managing Director and Chief Executive
Officer Mr Andre Viljoen is encouraging Canadians to take
advantage of these twice weekly flights to enjoy the world-
renowned Fijian hospitality.
“Our Five Star airline, and multi-award winning onboard
experience, including meals, amenities and staff service offer
the best value for money. With Canada well into winter and
travellers eagerly looking for warm tropical paradise, the
timing of our newest route could not be better. There is no
other choice than Fiji.
“You don’t have to take my word for it, you will be
convinced the moment you step on board.” In the lead up to The inaugural Fiji Airways flight from Fiji to Canada that left our shores for Vancouver on November 25. Photo: Supplied
tonight’s flight, more and more Canadians have been showing
an interest in the new service, indicating that there is demand be the airline of choice for Canadians visiting our shores. import of goods that can’t be sourced locally.
which Fiji Airways can tap into. “The inaugural flight to Vancouver is carrying Fijians who “Farmers from the Sigatoka Valley, Ba and Fiji Agro
“The inaugural return flight from Vancouver to Nadi has a are travelling to a new country for the first time, and those Marketting Authority have either already committed to
seat load factor of 88% - that’s huge given that we have only visiting their friends and family after many years apart. “ exports or are strategizing.
just entered the market. It’s also great news for our tourism The national carrier CEO informed that absence of a direct “The airline has also held talks with the Biosecurity
industry as well. flight made it too expensive and too inconvenient to make the Authority of Fiji to ensure that a regulatory pathway is open
“We are creating a pathway for an entirely new segment, 9,500 kilometre journey. for our exports with BAF’s counterpart in Canada.
which has seen very little traction over the years. Canada “We have brought friends and family closer, and made “We forecast every flight exporting 15 tonnes of produce
currently averages fifth on the list of monthly visitor arrivals, accessible a new country, for Fijians to explore. The new including fresh and frozen vegetables such as Taro and
there is enormous untapped potential in a country that had route also provides convenient onward connections between Cassava, and frozen seafood such as fish and crabs. Kava is
more than 12 million residents travelling internationally in Australia, New Zealand and Canada as well as seamlessly also highly sought after. 3 On the return leg (Vancouver to
2019,” Mr Viljoen added. connecting other Pacific Island countries. Nadi), the forecast is for 10 tonnes of imports per flight made
He stressed that now that flights have commenced, guests “Moreover, travellers can take a well-deserved break in Fiji up of seasonal fruits, vegetables and seafood such as salmon
will be able to experience for themselves what sets the before flying on to their next destination. Our Extra Wide body and king crabs.
National Carrier apart. Airbus fleet also provide more capacity for cargo, enabling an “This gives everyday Fijians and our hospitality sector
Viljoen pointed out that guests will see that the airline is increase in trade between Fiji and Canada, as well as other consistent and quick access to a wider range of world-class
committed to Working As One To Deliver Exceptional Fijian Pacific Island nations looking for new trade opportunities. produce from Canada, addressing many of the supply issues
Experiences at every point of their journey. “Goods that used to take up to a week to reach Canada, that hotels and resorts have had to deal with.”
“I am confident that many of them will become our or from Canada to Fiji can now be transported overnight, The National airline will fly to and from Vancouver every
champions and spread the message that Fiji Airways should opening up new possibilities for agricultural exports, and the Monday and Friday.



Voting a Civic City The Soroptimist Corner
Voting is your civic duty.” This is a pretty common
sentiment, especially after every four years as Elec-
tion Day approaches. But what does it really mean?
Why your vote matters? If you ever think that just
one vote in a sea of thousands cannot make much of
a difference, consider some of the closest elections
in history.
Your vote may not directly elect the Prime Minister
or the rulling party, but if your vote joins enough oth-
ers in your voting district or province your vote un-
doubtedly matters when it comes to electoral results.
Most states in other countries have a “winner take
all” system where the popular vote winner gets the
state’s electoral votes. There are also local and state
elections to consider. While presidential or other na-
tional elections usually get a significant voter turnout,
local elections are typically decided by a much small-
er group of voters.
Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms
of our life. Many people in countries around the
world do not have the same freedom. No matter what
you believe or whom you support, it is important to
exercise your rights.
For the much anticipated Fijian election on December
14, the hype surrounds the three significant parties in
National Federation Party (NFP), People’s Alliance Soroptimist International Lautoka Club members with the students, teachers and librarian of Central College Lautoka during
Party (PAP) and the current ruling party Fiji First. the inauguration of the SI Corner project at the school. Photos: Sanjay Goundar
They lead the race for voters choice while the ever- Zareena Bi in the Soroptimist Corner should be of great assistance.
green Fiji Labour Party believes they are still in the “All our projects are related to the Sustainable
hunt to grab a seat or two in parliament in 2023. In the 21st century, School libraries need to be innovative Development goals (SDGs) and this is an added advantage
The Fijian Election Office recently released the num- in their approach to providing relevant information as for the students since SDGs are also a topic for them.
bers for the 343 candidates which parties are now well be visually pleasing to create the magnetic effect to “A lot of thought has gone behind the information
promoting in the lead up to election day. attract students. provided and the club’s contact is provided on the banner
Election campaigns have begun vigorously across the With this thought in mind the popular women’s NGO, for those students who need more information.”
country as voters and candidates share their thoughts Soroptimist International Lautoka Club decided to The President also informed that Lautoka Central
on what is the right way to help steer the country for- create a Soroptimist corner at high school libraries for College and Jasper Williams High are the first two school
ward. easy access to information especially for year 12 and 13 for this project implementation and the club is hoping
Parties make their usual promises but its the voter students for their projects. to give the same assistance to the other high schools in
who will have the final say in determining the forma- During the launch of the Soroptimist Corner at Lautoka Lautoka.
tion of the next government. Central College on October 10 SI Lautoka President Meanwhile, the Head of Department Language at
Those that turned 18 years old this year will also have Vinesh Prasad informed that the corner has a banner, Lautoka Central College, Sainimere Bilovesi thanked the
a say. flyers and magazines highlighting the club’s projects as club members for their effort.
The eligible youths will be out in force to choose the well as projects carried out by overseas clubs. “This is a unique project and we are usually running
candidate of their choice. According to the President, the club had been receiving around for information when students start doing their
They make a significant number of voters and it could requests for information from a number of high school projects.
boil down to a neck to neck race for supremacy, sim- students for their English projects so the club decided to “We are so fortunate now that our students will not lack
ilar to the previous election result in 2018. make it easier for students to access the information in the information and it can be acquired with much ease
Will the Fiji First Party remain in power or will there their own school libraries. within their own library.
be new faces at the helm? “Women empowerment is a project topic for the “It is our pleasure to collaborate with the club in this
Let us all vote and have a say in who has to be in students so with the information that we have provided extremely important project.”
power for the next four-years.
Happy Voting!

Maika Kasami

Team CITY STAR contact Information:

Publisher: Sanjay Goundar

Phone : (679) 996 0129 / 7844836

Editor: Maika Kasami

Phone: (679) 918 9779 / 741 5752
Email: /

Marketing Manager : Zareena Bi

Phone (679) 932 2621

Office Location: 19 Naviti Street,


Postal : P.O Box 4230, Lautoka

Soroptimist International Lautoka Club members with students and the Principal of Jasper High School Vanita Kumar (Back
Printer: Universal Print row 3rd from left) during the launch of the SI Lautoka Corner at the school library



Tertiary Scholarships & Loan Services

Empowering Fiji’s Future
National Toppers Scheme – Local (770 Awards)
Scheme Eligibility Criteria
An applicant must:
A. be a Fijian citizen.
B. be ordinarily resident in Fiji for at least three (3) years before the award commencement date unless
determined by the Board or delegated authority on case-by-case basis.
C. be in Year 13 or such equivalent studies as determined by TSLS at the time of application. An
applicant who has completed Foundation Studies and repeats Year 13 is not eligible to apply for the
D. apply for a priority area as advertised by TSLS on its online application portal via
E. secure a place at an eligible institution by means of a final offer letter.
F. be fully vaccinated or exempted by Ministry of Health and Medical Services if above the age of 18.

Scheme Eligible Higher Education Institutions

1. Corpus Christi Teachers College.
2. Fiji National University.
3. Fulton Adventists University College.
4. Sangam Institute of Technology.
5. The University of the South Pacific.
6. University of Fiji.

Study Loans
New Students – Higher Education Programmes
“Level 7” (2800 Study Loans)
Scheme Eligibility Criteria
An applicant must:
A. be a Fijian citizen.
B. be ordinarily resident in Fiji for at least three (3) years before
the award commencement date unless determined by the
Board or delegated authority on case-by-case basis.
C. have completed Year 13 in 2011 or thereafter locally and
scored a minimum of 250/400 in the Fiji Year 13 Examinationexcept for Commerce
Discipline where minimum cut off mark is 280/400 excluding Accounting,
Economics, Management and Public Administration where minimum
cut of mark is 300/400 or it’s equivalence as determined by the Board or
delegated authority on case-by-case basis.
D. not have a combined parental income or business networth of more
than $100,000 unless allowed by means testing.
E. secure a place at an eligible institution by means of a final offer letter.
F.apply for TELS funding advertised by TSLS on its online application portal via
G. be fully vaccinated or exempted by Ministry of Health and Medical Services if above the age of 18.



Kumar the ‘Farmers Choice’


Farmers in Ba, Tavua and Rakiraki dont need to go to Nadi to buy East West Seeds as it is Binay Kumar of Ba feels proud to help farmers by selling East West Seeds products from his
greatly available at Kumar The Farmers Choice shop Main Steet, Ba Town. shop in Main Street, Ba Town.
Kumar said.
Maika Kasami “I have all the varieties here and the prices are the same as they offer at KK’s Harware
in Nadi.”
Kumar the Farmers Choice which is located in Main Street, Ba Town has joined Kumar further clarified that East West Seeds is the best as it matches the illustation
hands with Seeds Company of Fiji in selling their products. given on the packets.
Shop owner Binay Kumar said they have a good collection of East West Seeds in “I can testify that whatever illustration you see on the packet is actually what you get
stock now and has urged on the farmers in Ba, Tavua and Rakiraki to pay a visit or place when you harvest. The germination is good and theprice is reasonable and we can help
orders with them. you in getting the varieties you need for your farm,” he added.
“We are making it easier for farmers in these areas as they don’t have to go to Nadi Kumar can be contacted on 846 3828 and 924 7158.
to buy seeds. They can buy seeds from Ba which will be more convenient for them, “



‘Privileged’: Fiji is 1st Pacific nation to host 12th

World Hindi Conference
India News Conference as this platform will provide us with a wonderful old ties of culture. In Fiji, we have a very cordial relationship
opportunity to promote and celebrate Hindi, one of our with the High Commission of India that enables us to
Dr Anjeela Jokhan, Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for the country’s main languages. Indeed Fiji feels blessed and celebrate together many events such as Yoga Day, World
Ministry of Education, Heritage, and Arts, said the country is privileged to be the first country in the Pacific to host this Hindi Day, and so forth. In fact, in 2020 we held Regional
honoured to be the first in the Pacific to host the prestigious prestigious event,” said Fijian Secretary Anjeela Jokhan. Hindi Conference in Suva”, she continued saying.
World Hindi Conference and praised the partnership with “We will do our best to make this conference a grand Further highlighting the contribution made by the Fijian
India. success. Fiji Hindi is in fact enshrined in the Fiji Constitution scholars towards developing Hindi, she said that the country
Fiji will be hosting the 12th World Hindi Conference next as one of our official languages. Not only this we also teach looks forward to hosting the event. “With a significant
year from February 15-17, 2023, Hindi in our primary and secondary schools. While it is portion of our population having Indian heritage, we have
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar launched the compulsory for students of Indian origin in primary schools, worked together to ensure the protection and promotion
logo and website of Vishwa Hindi Diwas along with V. it is an optional subject in secondary schools. Hindi is also of our languages, traditions, and culture. We are proud to
Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs and taught in our universities,” she added. say that Fijian scholars have made a contribution towards
Permanent Secretary for Fijian Ministry of Education, Jokhan noted that the partnership with the government of developing Hindi not just in Fiji but across the world via the
Heritage and Arts Anjeela Jokhan. India has grown from strength to strength over the past 52 Fijian diaspora.”
Speaking at the Vishwa Hindi Diwas in India recently, years and the people of our nations have been deeply enriched Fiji looks forward to hosting this event from February
Dr Anjeela Jokhan said that Fiji is privileged to be the first through our bilateral interactions and engagements. The 15-17, 2023, she highlighted and said, “We look forward to
country in the Pacific to host the prestigious event and hailed official added, “Our two nations have an undeniable bond hosting this significant event in our country. We know that we
the partnership with India. which can be seen in mutual understanding and respect that will receive the Indian diaspora from a number of nations and
“We are honoured to have been nominated by the Indian we have for each other’s sovereignty, common development this will give our people the opportunity to develop networks
government as the next year’s host for the World Hindi and shared prosperity.” and friendship.”
“It is based on our shared history which is rooted in age- The three-day conference will be held in Nadi.

Jaipur Fitness Camp Project aids 600 plus Fijians

Sanjay Goundar

More than 600 Fijians with amputations recently had their

lives rejuvenated by the Jaipur Fitment Camp Project.
Indian High Commissioner to Fiji Shri Palaniswamy
Subramanyan Karthigeyan informed that the Jaipur Foot Camp
continues the tradition of high impact community oriented
project that India is known for.
He revealed that the prosthetic limbs provided by the
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti Jaipur are truly a
world class product which has transformed the lives of millions
of people around the world.
“Our two countries India and Fiji share a very close and
cordial relationship which is built on mutual respect, trust,
cooperation and a very strong people to people relations going
back to the 19th century.
“Our cooperation in health care sector remains a core part
of our development partnership with Fiji which was evident
during the Covid-19 pandemic,” the high commissioner
Speaking at the inauguration of the Jaipur Fitment Camp
Project at the Twomey hospital in Tamavua on November
3 Fijian Prime Minister Rear Admiral (Retired) Frank
Bainimarama revealed that six hundred Fijians living with an
amputation received a new lease of life from the visiting team Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama and Indian Envoy to Fiji Shri PS Karthigeyan (Back row 3rd from left) with some of the
from Jaipur. Fijian members of the public who had their prosthesis done by the visiting medical experts from Jaipur India.
“I am told that 636 amputees will benefit from this project – a
remarkable number. This includes 164 above-knee amputees; life is about to change dramatically. consumed health systems around the world, including our
447 below-knee amputees; 15 below the elbow; and 10 bilateral “A professionally fitted prosthetic can boost feelings of self- own, people requiring prosthetics were unable to access regular
lower limb amputees. esteem, self-worth, and dignity; provide hope for a brighter services and at the end of March this year, one hundred Fijian
“I recall that the Jaipur Team first set foot on our shores back future; counter feelings of depression and raise the standard of amputee patients were waiting for prosthesis.
in 2011 when my Government had paid to have them flown living for people living with a disability.”
here to fit 314 amputee patients with specialized prostheses.” PM Bainimarama informed that as the Covid-19 pandemic
Prime Minister Bainimarama added that for these patients,

China’s ‘iPhone City’ Under COVID Lockdown after Violent Clash-

Associated Press showed a large group of people walking down a street in the quarantine but had received only a fraction of that amount.
east of the city, some holding signs. “They are not letting us start the job and we cannot return
Six million people were under COVID lockdown on Friday “So many people,” a man can be heard saying. AFP was home,” one worker isolated in nearby Ruzhou city told AFP.
(November 25) in a Chinese city home to the world’s largest unable to verify precisely when the protests took place. He added that there had been multiple small protests in
iPhone factory, after clashes between police and workers Workers previously told AFP the demonstrations had other Henan cities by Foxconn workers made to quarantine
furious over pay. begun over a dispute over promised bonuses at the factory. and unable to start work.
Authorities have ordered residents of eight districts in Scores of workers left the plant Thursday with payouts of Other videos posted online on Friday and geolocated by
Zhengzhou, in the central province of Henan, not to leave the $1,400 from Foxconn. AFP showed angry workers knocking down furniture and
area for the next five days, setting up barriers around “high- On Friday posts on Chinese short-video apps said the swearing at police in the lobby of a hotel in Nanyang city,
risk” apartment buildings and checkpoints to restrict travel. Taiwanese tech giant was turning away many of thousands of about 280 kilometers (174 miles) from Zhengzhou.
There have been only a handful of coronavirus cases in people who had answered hiring ads from the firm after a raft The workers appeared to have been quarantined in the
the city but under China’s zero-COVID policy even tiny of departures last month. hotel, with a man heard saying in one clip: “Everyone who’s
outbreaks can spark grueling lockdowns, travel restrictions Some who arrived to take up newly vacant posts had been online, please share this.”
and mass testing. sent to quarantine hotels outside the plant despite in the end The unrest in Zhengzhou comes against the backdrop of
The lockdown in Zhengzhou follows protests by hundreds being refused a job, multiple workers told AFP. mounting public frustration over the government’s zero-
of employees over conditions and pay at Foxconn’s vast “We are in a quarantine hotel and have no way of going tolerance approach to COVID.
iPhone factory on the outskirts of the city, with images of to the Foxconn campus,” one worker who asked to remain China’s daily caseload stood at 33,000 on Friday -- a
fresh rallies emerging Friday. anonymous said. record for the country of 1.4 billion although small by global
Footage published on social media and geolocated by AFP Another employee said those turned away had been standards.
promised $1,400 in compensation for being forced to







National Carrier awarded 2023 APEX Passenger Choice Award

Fiji Airways, Fiji’s National Carrier is
rounding off a successful 2022 with yet
another international award, winning the
2023 APEX Passenger Choice Award for
Best Food & Beverage and Best Seat
Comfort, South Pacific.
This is the second time that Fiji
Airways has secured the regional culinary
recognition, having won the same award for
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Officer Mr Andre Viljoen says the award
is endorsement of the airline’s efforts to
elevate the onboard dining experience.
“Our ongoing endeavour to provide the
best meals possible at 35,000 feet are bearing
fruit. The creativity and innovation that goes
into the Food and Beverage journey is quite
“We have set a standard for the South
Pacific and our guests expect us to deliver
the same quality meals every time they fly
with us.
“Winning the award twice in a row
tells us that we are on the right track. The
Fiji Airways team have taken a strategic
approach to our guest dining experience,
enhancing it to a highpoint where we are on Fiji Airways caps off 2022 with another win National Carrier awarded 2023 APEX Passenger Choice Award® Winner for Best Food &
par with the best airlines in the world. Beverage and Best Seat Comfort, South Pacific
“We must keep up the momentum cinnamon ice cream, and infused Nama and Mr Viljoen added that the National customers, be it our short to medium haul
and continue to work as one to deliver toasted coconut ice cream. Carrier’s investment in a modern, state-of- flights to/ from Australia and New Zealand,
exceptional Fijian experiences.” Both specialty desserts offer guests the-art fleet has contributed to its recognition or long haul flights to Singapore, the United
The airline embarked on a dining revamp the universal appeal of ice cream with a for Best Seat Comfort in the South Pacific. States, and soon Canada. Fiji is primarily a
when it restarted flights in December 2021, traditional and local twist. “When we decided to acquire new aircraft, leisure destination and we want our guests
prioritising the Business Class experience, The airline now lends its focus on evolving this is exactly what we had envisioned. to be relaxed and comfortable onboard their
infusing elements of Fijian cuisine and the Economy Class meal experience, with Modernising our fleet has brought a flight as they will be on holiday.”
produce that appealed to global palates. considerations on flavour, portion, and meal multitude of advantages, key among them
Two standout Business Class menu items accompaniments. being a relaxing, comfortable journey for
available on select routes are the Kava and



Tanoa Spors Centre

Tanoa Hotel Group Directors Rohit Reddy (2nd from left) and Kamini Reddy (1st right) with Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill and Na Marama Na Taukei Naua, Adi Temalesi Varo Sovau during the
ground breaking of the Tanoa Sports Centre. Photo: Sanjay Goundar

Maika Kasami “The Tanoa Sports Centre is the brainchild of our Tanoa health and safety is of paramount importance and doing it sus-
management team. They quickly realized since the border tainably.”
In a bid to promote Fiji as a Sports Tourism destination the re-opening the number of sports teams travelling to our shores He said with Fiji hosting quite a few home games in 2023,
Tanoa Hotel Family has ventured into providing a world class with very little world class and professional training facilities the Sports Centre will only further strengthen hosting events of
and professional training facility for touring teams, the Tanoa available. such caliber.
Sports Centre. “We believe that our investment into a world class sports Reddy confirmed they are committing around half a million
The ground breaking ceremony for the new project was done centre will not only benefit Tanoa Hotel Group but Fiji as a dollars on phase 1 of this project.
on November 23 at Votualevu, Nadi, where the Tanoa Interna- whole in promoting Fiji as a Sports Tourism Destination focus- Chief guest Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill was ecstatic about
tional Hotel is situated. ing on international standard training facilities for our home this new venture and acknowledged the vision of the Tanoa
Managing Director of Reddy Group Rohit Reddy said they Sports Teams as well as travelling international teams.” Group saying once completed it is going to be truly special and
were delighted to announce another milestone event for Tanoa Reddy further added that their focus with the Tanoa Sports one that will open doors for more touring sports team taking
Hotels. Centre is a three-fold: advantage of sand, sunshine and sports.
Reddy said the event added another celebration on their “Have the best training facilities in Fiji – focusing on the
75years of existence in Fiji. quality of the turf and associated facilities, the athlete’s

Naduva back in 7s fold

Source: FRU Media Gollings added “Teba sustained an injury in
Hong Kong and he is still not right and rather
Fiji Airways Fijian 7s Head Coach Ben than risking and pushing him now it’s better
Gollings has included speedster Alasio to create longevity in the season and have him
Naduva (Pictured) in his 13-member traveling fully fit.”
squad to Dubai and Cape Town tournaments. He said the team is focused on finishing on a
After playing in a few local competitions, high note in Dubai and Cape Town going into
Naduva forced his way into the extended the next round of the World Rugby Sevens
squad. He is expected to bring in experience Series in 2023.
and provide speed on the wing. “Going into these two tournaments, we want
Gollings said it is always good to have to build on the performance from the Hong
experienced players back in the fold and Kong 7s and we would like to push for that
Naduva has proven himself during training number one slot before end of the year.
sessions hence he has secured himself a spot I think it’s important we keep pushing
in the team. for finals and win finals and build on our
He said “Naduva brings in pace and he has performances” said Gollings.
been doing well in training. He is there to Fiji Airways Fijian 7s Squad:
provide backup in those positions with pace,” Joseva Talacolo, Josua Vakurinabili,
said Gollings. Jeremaia Matana, Tira Welagi, Paula to make their debut in the sevens code next there is an opportunity to play at the Olympic
Gollings has retained his core players who Nayacakalou, Sevuloni Mocenacagi, Pilipo weekend. Games. She has trained for 4 weeks without
have been competing at the top level since last Bukayaro, Waisea Nacuqu, Filipe Sauturaga, Fuli said “We have to select based on the any break straight from the Rugby World Cup
year. Vuiviawa Naduvalo, Alasio Naduva, Manueli recent form and this is a very well-balanced in New Zealand.
In the forwards, Paula Nayacakalou has Maisamoa, Iowane Raturaciri. squad in terms of how they have progressed Rejieli Daveua will captain the side. The
made the cut once again while Josevani Meanwhile, Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s captain post-Sevens World Cup. Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s is pooled with Ireland,
Soro has missed selections for the next two Rusila Nagasau has missed out on the selection He added the team consists of a mixture Spain and Japan. They take on Japan in their
tournaments. for the Dubai and Cape Town tournaments. of young and experienced players who have first match at 6.22pm Friday week.
Iowane Teba has been rested as he is still Head Coach Saiasi Fuli said Nagasau has retained their sport after the Rugby World Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s Squad: Vani Buleki,
recovering from an injury. Iowane Raturaciri been rested for the next two tournaments Cup. Ivamere Nabura, Verenaisi Bari, Rejieli
has been included in the backs and is expected which have given an opportunity to other Fuli has been impressed with the performance Daveua, Talei Wilson, Sesenieli Donu, Lavena
to add more fire power and assist players players to show their talent on the world stage. of Wilson at the training and believes she has Cavuru, Viniana Riwai, Reapi Uluinasau,
such as captain Wasiea Nacuqu and Filipo Fijiana 15’s players Talei Wilson, Ilisapeci what it takes to be an excellent 7s player. Ana Maria Naimasi, Aloesi Nakoci, Ilisapeci
Bukayaro. Delaiwau and Younis Bese are expected “She decided to pursue 7s and for her, Delaiwau, Younis Bese.



Bowlers raise $4k for sick Lata

Sashi Lata being presented with the funds collected after the IEW/Portion- Pak spon The winning team Kishan Singh, Ray Singh and national rep Semesa Naiseruvati.
sored Bowling Trips tournament in Nadi on November 13.

Maika Kasami “The blessing from the Lord Almighty shone upon bowlers that despite the overcast
conditions on the day all matches were fully completed without any disruptions. The
Sports came to the forefront on November 13 at the Nadi Sports and Social Club Lord knew bowlers wanted to help so He granted the perfect conditions to lift up the
when bowlers joined hands for a friendly rivalry to raise funds for a sick mother. spirit of a sick mother,” Singh said.
Nadi woman Sashi Lata who has been diagnosed with cancer is looking for help and “It was emotional seeing the willingness among bowlers who left behind their com-
financial assistance to access treatment overseas. mitment of the day and used sports to help cure a sick person. That is the spirit our
Bowlers and business house tournament participants joined hands to help in the cause. country needs, a helping spirit that unite us all in a time of need.”
The Islands Electric/Portion-Pak Trips tournament attracted 18 teams of three players Semesa Naiseruvati, Kishan Singh and Raymond Singh teamed up to edge Rajnesh
to help raise funds for sick Lata. Raju, Kushal Pillay and Maika Kasami in the final 12-8 to take out the top prize.
Tournament organiser Raymond Singh was elated with the response received from Sponsor Raymond Singh donated $1350 to the sum collected apart from sponsoring
particpants who contributed to the worthy cause. six of the teams.

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Alcohol ban at Qatar FIFA World Cup


Alcohol has been banned at the World Cup’s eight

stadiums in Qatar after Fifa changed its policy two days
before the start of the tournament.
Alcohol was set to be served “in select areas within
stadiums”, despite its sale being strictly controlled in the
Muslim country.
Those in corporate areas of stadiums at the tournament
will still be able to purchase alcohol.
The World Cup started on Monday November 21 (Fiji
Time)when Qatar went down 0-2 to Ecuador.
Budweiser, a major sponsor of Fifa, is owned by beer
maker AB InBev and had exclusive rights to sell beer at
the World Cup.
“Following discussions between host country authorities
and Fifa, a decision was made to focus the sale of alcoholic
beverages on the Fifa fan festival, other fan destinations
and licensed venues, removing sales points of beer from
Qatar’s Fifa World Cup 2022 stadium perimeters,” said a
statement from world football’s governing body.
“There is no impact to the sale of Bud Zero which will
remain available at all Qatar’s World Cup stadiums.
“Host country authorities and Fifa will continue to
ensure that the stadiums and surrounding areas provide
an enjoyable, respectful and pleasant experience for all England’s Kieran Trippier (left) defends against Iran during their FIFA World Cup opener in Qatar. England registered a big
fans. 6-2 win while in the same group USA and Wales played to a 1-all.draw. Photo: Supllied
“The tournament organisers appreciate AB InBev’s
football and part of the culture is having a drink with your The game was scheduled to be played on 21 November
understanding and continuous support to our joint
mates, but there’s no point crying about it. as the third game, with Senegal against the Netherlands
commitment to cater for everyone during the Fifa World
“They had 12 years to organise it and I don’t think it set to be the opening match earlier that day.
Cup Qatar 2022.”
bodes well to have so many last-minute changes. As fans Meanwhile, England hammered Iran 6-2 to get their
England fan Ryan, an Arsenal supporter who is in
we have to get on with it.” campaign to a grand start.
Qatar for the World Cup, echoed concerns over the late
In August, Fifa changed the start date of the World Cup In other matches after Day 2, USA and Wales played to
change. He told BBC Sport: “It’s not ideal but as far as
so that the first game of the competition would be Qatar a 1-all draw and Netherlands beat Senegal 2nil.
I understand there’ll be other places to drink. Football is
facing Ecuador.

Fiji 7s face Uruguay, NZ, Pumas in Dubai

Maika Kasami
After the Australian 7s team broke the hearts of Fijians in
Hong Kong with a last gasp try, the Ben Gollings coached
side find themselves in another testing pool at the Emirates
Dubai 7s.
The Waisea Nacuqu captained side leads Pool B alongside
old nemesis New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay.
Uruguay are first up for Fiji on December 2 Friday at
8-12pm, followed by NZ at 11-11pm on the same day.
The Pumas Argentina tackle Fiji in the final pool fixture at
5-05am on December 3.
Despite the unfortunate loss at Happy Valley, Gollings
praised his players for their gallant effort in reaching the final.
“We were in command but a laspe of concentration cost
us the HK final. Thats done and we now shift our focus to
The English man took his squad to Levuka on November 15
for a four day training schedule.
“We are going to take the national side around the country
where they could train and be part of the community at large.
This is a team for the people and we want to have the presence
of each and everyone with the team, “ Gollings said.
Meanwhile, the Womens competition also kickoffs in Dubai
and our Fijiana side are in Pool C together with Ireland, Spain
and Japan.
Fijiana face Japan first up at 6-22 pm on December 2, be-
fore facing Spain at 9-43pm.
Their final pool match is against Ireland at 1-13am on De-
cember 3.
Meanwhile, the Cape Town 7s will be held the following
weekend on December 9-11.
The first two tournaments in the New Year will be Hamilton
7s in NZ on 21-22 January 2023 which will be followed by
the Sydney 7s over 27-29 January 2023.caption
Fiji Airways Fiji 7s captain Waisea Nacuqu (left) and the most decorated sevens player in the world Jerry Tuwai after the Rugby World Cup 7s win this year
in South Africa. Photo: Supplied.


16 NOVEMBER, 2022

Top 10 FIFA World Cup upsets

Source: South China Morning Post. While this match was part of a final group phase, it was Magyars” in the 1954 World Cup final.
effectively the World Cup final as the winner was guaranteed 9. Northern Ireland 1-0 Spain (16.5 per cent), 1982
We’re just three days into the 2022 Fifa World Cup, and to lift the Jules Rimet trophy. Host nation Spain needed a draw to finish top of the group and
already we have seen a massive upset as Saudi Arabia secured a In fact, Brazil only needed to avoid defeat to win the World progress to the easier second phase group containing France
shock 2-1 win over Argentina in their opening Group C match. Cup on home soil. With 25 minutes remaining, they looked and Austria.
Following that result, another minnow Japan fought back to set to do just that but Uruguay scored twice in 13 minutes to Early in the second half, Northern Ireland striker Gerry
edge four-time world champions Germany 2-1. silence the crowd of nearly 200,000. Armstrong intercepted a misplaced Spanish pass to score the
As the dust settles on their historic win, research group 7. South Korea 2-0 Germany (14.4 per cent), 2018 most famous goal in his country’s history.
Nielsen Gracenote has released a timely list of the biggest Defending champions Germany had already lost to Mexico but 10. Senegal 1-0 France (17.3 per cent), 2002
football upsets over the course of the World Cup’s storied 92 it was still a massive shock to see them beaten by South Korea. France were the reigning World and European champion
years. The match was heading for a 0-0 draw when Kim Young- whereas Senegal were making their debut in the competition.
Using its proprietary ranking system and a formula that gwon scored four minutes into injury time. Two minutes later Many of Senegal’s players had come through youth systems in
factors in team strength, location and history, Gracenote said Son Heung-min scored the second but South Korea were still France and 21 of the team’s 23-man squad played for French
that 51st-ranked Saudi Arabia’s chance of beating an Argentine eliminated as Mexico lost to Sweden. clubs. The African team scored the only goal of the match
side unbeaten in 36 internationals was just 8.7 per cent, which Germany failed to progress from the group phase for the first when El-Hadji Diouf went on a run on the left wing and played
meant the result took over as No 1 on their list from the USA’s time since 1938. a perfect low cross to Papa Bouba Diop to slide home in the
victory against England in 1950. 8. Wales 2-1 Hungary (16.2 per cent), 1958 30th minute. France eventually finished bottom of the group
Here are the top 10 most shocking wins based on the Hungary were not the same team from four years earlier when but Senegal progressed to the quarter-finals – still the joint-best
Gracenote data. West Germany shocked the world by beating the “magnificent World Cup performance by an African country.
1. Saudi Arabia 2-1 Argentina (8.7 per cent chance), 2022.
2. USA 1-0 England (9.5 per cent chance), 1950.
England were favourites to win the 1950 World Cup in Brazil,
but Joey Gaetjens’ header in the 38th minute won the game for
the United States.
It would be another 44 years before the US would win another
match at the World Cup.
3. Switzerland 1-0 Spain (10.3 per cent), 2010
Like England 60 years earlier, Spain were favourites to win the
2010 World Cup. Spain had 22 shots to Switzerland’s six but a
Gelson Fernandes goal in the 52nd minute clinched the upset.
Spain managed to recover from the defeat and would go on to
lift the trophy three weeks later.
4. Algeria 2-1 West Germany (13.2 per cent), 1982.
Algeria’s first World Cup match delivered their finest result to
date, as Lakhdar Belloumi provided the assist for his team’s
first goal and scored the winner against West Germany, one of
the tournament favourites.
Algeria failed to progress from the group stage despite their
strong start.
5. Ghana 2-0 Czech Republic (13.9 per cent), 2006
The Czechs were regarded as a dark horse, while Ghana were
making their World Cup debut and had already lost to Italy in
a tough group.
But the Ghanaians took the lead after just 70 seconds and went
on to comfortably win, pulling off the fifth least likely result in
World Cup history.
6. Uruguay 2-1 Brazil (14.2 per cent), 1950
the biggest upsets of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Even one of the world’s great footballer Lionel Messi failed to steer his Argentina team to victory against South Arabia who have created one of

Nadi Legends inducted

Maika Kasami

Three more former national reps

were inducted into the Fiji Football
Association Legends Club during the
opening day of the All in One Cakes &
Restaurants Pacific Community Cup at
Prince Charles Park.Former Nadi reps
Prem Chand, Hendry Dyre and Peter
Dean were the latest inductees into the
Legends Club.The trio were among
the other greats present for the official
opening of the Pacific Cup 2022.
Fiji FA chief executive officer
Mohammed Yusuf said all players in the
Legends Club have shed blood and tears
representing their districts and country
and deserved to be recognized.He said
Fiji FA had also gone up north to honour
those players that have sacrificed for their
respective teams.”We had a chance to go
to Labasa and look for the great warriors
of Vanua Levu who have played for the
national team in the Melenesian Cup,
South Pacific Games, FIFA World Cup
Qualifiers, Friendly International.”Fiji
FA is proud to induct them into the Fiji functions,” said YusufYusuf said more who was a defender and played for Nadi assisted by Lautoka man Roblyn Autar
FA Legend Club. players would be inducted in the future. and Fiji from the 1970’s to early ‘80’s and we moulded a good strong team,”
“They will be special guest in every Fiji One of the inductee Chand said he went on to coach the Jetsetters in 1996. Chand said.
FA functions, will be given life time pass was honoured to have been given the ”In that year we won the Fiji FACT and
to all the major tournaments and recognition by the parent body.Chand, BOG. I was lucky to have been


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