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Taal, Batangas
PAASCU Accredited
Upper Basic Education Department


Directions: Create your symbol of the seven sacraments. For a change, create symbols that you think explain the
effects or the descriptions of the sacraments instead.
Take Note!
- Do not make use of the symbols that were originally used for each symbol like water for baptism or dove for
confirmation and the likes.
- You can make use of an application or free sites on the internet.
- If you prefer to draw on your own, clearly take a picture of it then submit it.
- Print your output in a short bond paper and submit it on October 27.

Symbol Making Rubric

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

It is easy to see what It is mostly easy to see It is moderately easy to It is not easy to see
the symbol is and what the symbol is and see what the symbol is what the symbol is and
Symbol represents. It is neatly represents. It is neatly and represents. It is represents. It is poorly
Design/Craftsmanship drawn or designed and drawn or designed and somewhat neatly drawn or designed and
(X2) shows much effort was shows good effort was drawn or designed and shows minimal effort
used. used. shows some effort was was used.
Symbols are unique Symbols are mostly Symbols are Symbols are not at all
Creativity and show the essence unique and generally moderately unique unique and/or do not
(X2) of the sacraments. It is show the essence of the and/or show the show the essence of the
not generic. sacraments. It is not essence of the sacraments. It is
generic. sacraments. It is generic.
Quotes and examples Most quotes and Most quotes and Examples and
are accurate to the examples are accurate examples are minimal, descriptions are
symbols that are being to the symbols that are incorrect, or unrelated missing or too minimal
identified. being identified. to the symbols that are to score.
Examples and Descriptions Descriptions Descriptions mostly being identified.
accurately explain the accurately explain the Descriptions contain
symbols and highlight symbols and highlight inaccuracies in their
their significance to the their significance to the explanations or do not
sacraments. sacraments. highlight their
significance to the

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