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The Smart School

Al-Noor Campus
2nd Monthly Assessment English January ,2022
Name: _________________ Class: VII
Parents sign____________ Teacher’s sign__________

Section C
Section A Section B Work
SECTIONS Creative writing + Total Marks %
Comprehension Grammar Presentation

05 05 05 + 04 01 20



Nations around the world are battling with a major outbreak of anew deadly
virus. The corona virus, which started in the Chinese city of Wuhan, on 22 nd January 2020
has already killed around 3000 people from around the world. Countries affected
include China, America, UK and Italy. It has also spread to many other places like
Pakistan, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. More than 90,000 cases of people that have
caught the virus and are in hospital. The world Health Organization, (WHO) has declared
that this is a global health emergency. China has been on lockdown for many weeks and
people have not been to work, school and all public transport has been suspended. In
other countries schools have been closed and people have been told not to travel.
The new corona virus is suspected to have come from illegally traded animals in a
Wuhan market. The virus mutated and spread from an animal to a human. There are
fears it could mutate and spread further. Scientists say the virus is contagious and can be
passed from one person to person through the air. Dr Linta Wang, a virologist at the
Duke-National University of Singapore, said the new corona virus is in the same family as
SARS, but it’s different from SARS. He said people needed to look for pneumonia-like
symptoms, such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Fu Ning, 36-years-old woman
from Beijing, said:”I feel fearful because there’s no cure for the virus. /5

1. Which country did the virus come from?

2. Name 2 countries most affected by the virus?
3. How many people have been in the hospital because of this virus?
4. Where is the virus suspected to have come from?
5. how is the virus passed from person to person?


Q1. Use “Between” or “Among” to complete the sentences. /1

a) The sweets are shared ______________ Bilal, Waqar, Ghazi and Umar.
b) His house is _____________ the post office and the bank.

Q2. Homophones are words with same sound but different spellings. Distinguish the
meanings of these pair of words. By using in the appropriate place. /1
Cheque Check Bale bail
a) The large _______ of cloth was laoded on board the ship.
b) You should _________ all the gears before loading the ship.
c) As soon as he was granted ________ he walked into the fresh air.
d) The heir to the fortune received a ___________ for 10 lakhs.

Q3.Complete these main clause with suitable Adverbial Clause of time.

Use the appropriate subordinate conjunction: while, after, before, since,
as soon as, whenever, till /2

i. Do not talk ________________________________________
ii. I haven’t seen him ______________________________
iii. We stayed there ______________________________________
iv. ____________________________ I was walking home.

Q4.Make sentences using the nouns and the adjectives given.find the best order to
arrange the adjectives /1
a) road (narrow, mountain, high)
b) shirt (new, red, smart)

Section C (Creative Writing)

Q5.Write a short story entitled: The Visitor.
Make your story as intriguing as possible.
Apart from a physical description, you can make up an interesting story about where
the person is from or where he/she is going, or what happens during the visit? Perhaps
their reason for calling is not the one they gave when they arrived at the door.

Write 2 paragraphs 0.5 marks

Use of correct spellings 1 mark

Use of correct tense 1 mark

Punctuation 1 mark

Sequence among events 0.5 marks

Use of adjectives and adverbs 1 mark



Q.Fill in the gaps with the following words: /4

Arrived, invited, simply, unpleasant, cooking, night-cap, welcomed, standing
When we ________ at the cage, Cluny was _________ by the fire, smoking a rather
__________smelling pipe and watching a servant _________ our dinner. He was dressed
________ and wore a __________ pulled down over his ears. In spite of this, he
__________us as if he was a king who had __________us to his palace.

Q. Translate into English: /1

‫بلکل انسان جب ہیں آتے بھی لمحات یسے یں نشیب و فراز کے زندگی آتے انسان نا امید ہو جاتا ہے۔ ہر طرف‬
‫اندھیرا ہی اندھیرا نظر آتا ہے اور اس کے مقابلے کی سکت ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔ یہ بات انسان کی عظمت کے‬
‫خالف ہے۔‬

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