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Examples of Mid-term exam Questions

Answer the following questions according to the passage “Alcohol and Women
Alcohol and Women Infertility

Alcohol consumption may be linked to a women's risk of infertility, say researches supported
by the National Institute of Child Health. In a study of nearly 6000 women, researchers from
the Harvard School of Public Health looked at Data from those evaluated at seven infertility
clinics. After adjusting for other factors that could affect results, such as age and cigarette
smoking, researchers found a strong association between alcohol (more than the equivalent of
seven cans of beer a week) and infertility due to ovulation problems. The inability to conceive
was about 30 percent more likely to occur in women who drank moderately and about 60
percent more likely in women who drank heavily.

1. According to the passage, one can assume that women who are infertile, ----.
A) are students at Harvard university
B) used to go hospitals because of serious problems
C) really don't like babies and some of them hate babies
D) possibly drink more than seven cans of beer a week
E) smoked a lot of cigarettes when they were very young

2. The passage tells us that ----.

A) we are unaware of the side-effects of infertility
B) smoking is not as harmful as alcohol
C) women who drink heavily have the risk of infertility
D) a lot of researches have been done on smoking
E) beer is also a kind of alcohol

3. The researchers supported by the National Institute of Child Health ----.

A) have been victims of infertility
B) said alcohol may affect women's fertility
C) have also worked for Harvard University
D) have spent a lot of money on fertility
E) took care of women who're suffering from alcohol

4. The researchers have controlled the confounding factors, such as _______ and ______that
could affect the results

Answer the following questions according to the text “Differentiation of the self”
Differentiation of the Self

The differentiation of the self does not have a negative meaning as the individual drift away
from the society or family. In Bowen's theory (1985), it is defined as a process in which the
individual does not break apart from the individual's family, but rather ends up with the
family, without losing the sense of belonging to the individual's family (Bowen, 1985). In
other words, the differentiation of self is the balance between individual's family ties and
individuality. People with a high level of differentiation of self can stay calm and flexible in
their social and interpersonal relationships; and those with low levels of differentiation of self
are known to be emotionally drained and stressed (Lampis, Cataudella, Busonera, &
Skowron, 2017). Bowen who conceived the concept of differentiation of self (1976, 1985)
tried to help his clients differentiate their selves in therapy practices and tried to measure the
level of differentiation of self. Bowen (1978) defines self-differentiated individuals as people
who can relate to other people without losing their self-perceptions, can transmit their feelings
in a balanced way to the other individuals, and maintain their interpersonal relationships in a
healthy manner. When the literature is examined, it is seen that the differentiation of self is
related to many other variables such as family relationships (Ross, Hinshaw, & Murdock,
2016), interpersonal relationships (Choi & Murdock, 2017), depression (Drake, Murdock,
Marszalek, & Barber, 2015), anxiety (Xue et al., 2016), parental attachment problems
(Hainlen et al., 2016), psychological symptoms (Krycak, Murdock, & Marszalek, 2012),
attachment problems (Lampis, Cataudella, et al., 2017; Ross et al., 2016), social anxiety
(Peleg & Zoabi, 2014), subjective well-being (Sandage & Jankowski, 2013). Therefore,
learning the level of differentiation of self will provide important information to the field
working specialists to evaluate the individual from different perspectives.

5- According to the text, how is the differentiation of the self, described by Bowen?

6- Why is the differentiation of the self, considered as an important process for an

7- According to the literature, what kind of problems are found to be related to the
differentiation of the self? (Literatür benlik ayrışması ile hangi sorunlar arasında ilişki
olduğunu bulmuştur.)

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