EE302 MidSem Oct2021

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Roll No 1 9 E E E 1 0

National Institute of Technology Goa

Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa 403401
Programme Name: B.Tech.
Mid-Semester Online Examination, Oct. 2021

Course Name: Control System Course Code: EE302

Date: 5 Oct. 2021 Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Duration: 1 Hr. 30 Mins Max. Marks: 50
• Answer all the questions Serially. One mark is considered for it.
• Two (2) marks is considered for neat & clean Answer script.
• Each answer should be supported by proper justification.
• All the figures should have proper labeling. Assume appropriate conditions wherever necessary.
• If there is any mistake in any question, it has to be found out with proper justification to score full marks.
• Any type of malpractice invites the cancellation of your answer script.
1. A simple mechanical system is shown in Fig. 1. [17]

Figure 1: A Simple Mechanical System

(a) Write the differential equation(s) governing the mechanical system. [3]
(b) Draw the force-voltage electrical analogous circuits. [3]
(c) Construct the appropriate block diagram to represent the above system. [3]
(d) Find the order and type of the system. [3]
(e) Consider, M = 10 Kg, B = 0.1 N-sec/m, K = 2 N/m, and f(t)=5u(t). Find the poles of the system.
Comment on the damping characteristics of the system. [3 + 2 = 5]
2. An unity feedback system is characterised by an open loop transfer function G(S) = .
S(S + 10)
The input is an unit ramp signal. [4 + (2 × 3) + (3 + 2) =15 ]
(a) Determine the gain K, so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5 for this function.
(b) Using the value of K, determine settling time, peak overshoot and time at peak overshoot.
(c) Calculate the steady state error for the system. If the unit ramp input signal is replaced by an
unit step input, will there be any change in steady state error? Justify your answer.
3. The open-loop transfer function of a unit feedback control system is given by,
G(S) = . [9 + (4 + 2) = 15]
(S + 2)(S + 4)(S 2 + 6S + 25)
(a) By applying Routh criterion, discuss the stability of the closed-loop system as a function of K.
(b) Determine the values of K which will cause sustained oscillations in the closed loop system.
What are the corresponding oscillation frequencies?

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