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Reading Specimen 1

The Cat

There is some truth in the common saying that while dogs become attached to
persons, cats are generally attached to places. A dog will follow his master
anywhere, but a cat keeps to the house it is used to; and even when the house
changes hand, the cat will remain there, so long as it is kindly treated by the
new owners. A cat does not seem to be capable of the personal devotion often
shown by a dog. It thinks most of its own comfort, and its love is only cupboard

Reading Specimen 2


To forgive an injury is often considered to be a sign of weakness; it is really a

sign of strength. It is easy to allow oneself to be carried away by resentment and
hate into an act of vengeance; but it takes a strong character to restrain those
natural passions. The man who forgives an injury proves himself to be the
superior of the man who wronged him, and puts the wrongdoer to shame.
Forgiveness may even turn a foe into a friend. So mercy is the noblest form of
Writing Activities:

Write short paragraphs on the following subjects:-

1. A Rainy Day
2. Contentment
3. Examinations
4. A picnic

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