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Name: Deavani Maharani Rudi Asmoro

NIM: 201710401984


1. How many community in Nganjuk? Please mentions!

As far as I know, Nganjuk has 4 community.

1. Java community

2. Bali community

3. Sunda community

4. Madura community

5. Lamongan community

6. China community

2. How about their own language?

From that community, they have their own language to communicate each other.

3. Are they use same language in their community? Why?

Yes, they use the same language to communicate in their own community.

For example:

1. Madura people use madurese language to communicate each other in their community.

2. Java people use javaness language to communicate each other in their community.

3. Bali people use baliness language to communicate each other in their community.

4. Sunda people use sundaness language to communicate each other in their community.

5. Lamongan people ussually use javeness language but they have different accent to communicate in
their community.

6. Chinese people ussually used Indonesian language to communicate in their community.

It happend because they have their undertanding when they communicate in their own language with
people who has the same language in their community. And they are more comfortable to talk with the
other people in the community using their own language.

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