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As far as I know, educational technology has a wide scope and it is an educational itself.
The graphic organizer shows the scope of educational technology in assessing the teachers
and also the students. The three (3) boxes classified the 3 forms of educational technology,
the first one is instructional design that can considered as one of the important in learning
principles because it can bring changes in students behavior and also the teaching
situation. This instructional design comes in the form of theories and principles wherein
learners and environment can benefit by this instructional design. The second one is the
audiovisual-media that comes in three forms these are the projected, non-projected and
electronic. These three forms of audiovisual-media have also its own forms. The projected
has two forms it is the overhead projector and the educational film. The non-projected
includes the books, chalkboard manual/handouts while the electronic compose of
computer and video. And lastly, we have the teaching-learning process that includes the
information, students and faculty and also the resources. These forms can be used as a
guide to especially to the educated students and faculty. In short, the scope of educational
technology extends to all resources like the human and non-human for the development of

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