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five sentences on Social responsibility of business - 5 sentneces on Conflict of interest 5 sentences on Global business ethics

RA2112702010001 engaging in environmental preservation efforts, ethical labor practices, philanthropy, and promoting Starting a company that provides services similar to your full-time employer. a set of principles that establishes ethical standards for employees and businesses
manav v menon
RA2112702010002 they should comply with the political and legal environment of the country. enhances the law by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control.
Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment while lessening negative impacts on them.

RA2112702010004 ANSHIL MITHR Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value principles relating to honesty, the keeping of promises, the avoidance of harm, the provision of aid to those in need, respect for human rights and dignity, and ideas about fairness and equality.
Business enterprises should reduce air and water pollution as much as possible through their productive activities and 5.When a person gets access to sensitive information and exploits that knowledge to their own advantage or to the
not dump toxic waste in rivers and streams to avoid pollution. Environmental pollution poses a health hazard to people and advantage of people they know, this behaviour is known as insider trading. This kind of conflict of interest can
RA2112702010005 N NARENDRAN causes respiratory and skin diseases frequently be found in the financial sector." seeks to address questions about morality—that is, about concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue.
RA2112702010007 ANURAG DAS they should sell products and service which can satisfy the need of the society Self-dealing Business ethics refers to implementing appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects.
MOHAMED FAYAZ S should respect costumer and sell original products arises when a person chooses personal gain over duties to their employer, or to an organization in which they are a stakeholder,
to ensure
or exploits
the company
their position
a reputaion
personal for
in some
responsible business practices in its home country and overseas
RA2112703010001 That besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. Place
A conflict of interest is when you have a certain personal interest that may interfere with the interests you must have as someone people to
connected before profit
another person.
RA2112703010002 ABHIRAM IVATURI They must act in a manner that is beneficial to society and not just the bottom liners. The benefits to the society must also be taken into account while also maximizing the share prices.

RA2112703010004 SHUBHAM KUMAR SINGH The society provides the inputs and serves as the market for the output of business When family members receive special treatment based solely on their relationship to others in a business. Engage in honest , truthful, and fact-based communication.
RA2112703010005 AASHISH BHARGAV They must act in a manner that is beneficial to society and not just the bottom liners. The benefits to the society must also be taken into account while also maximizing
A conflict of
share prices.
is when you have a certain personal interest that may interfere with the interests you must have as someone
and private
to firms
international business deals for profit, while governments do so for political reasons.

RA2112703010007 AYUSH KUMAR Social commitment of business towards different groups. Situation in which the integrity of academic activity is compromised by financial or other interests. Application of ethical values to business behaviour.

RA2112703010009 TARUN A Treat well the shareholders and owners who have invested into the company. Sharing confidential information about your employer with a competitor Engage in honest, truthfully and fact-based communication.

RA2112703010011 CM NIRMAL Contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society Failing to investigate a subordinate or coworker’s wrongdoing because they are a friend The goal of ethics in international business is to ensure the company gains a reputation for ethical and responsible business practices in its home country and overseas.
RA2112703010012 MOHAMMED ADHIL They should not supply to the consumers’ shoddy and unsafe products which may do harm to them. A person buys company stock based on insider information they've received. Place people before profit
RA2112703010013 ABHI OJHA

2) A better environment for Business: In today’s cynical age, social responsibility keeps businesses honest and the markets stable.
3) Public image: When a business takes initiative to solve society's problems, it puts the business in the goodwill of the people.
RA2112703010014 OINDRILA DAS 1)Self-interest: It is in the self-interest of the business to have a social responsibility as it opens opportunities for understanding the problems and issues of society.
4) Social
2) power: A leader is a helper. Helping society is a form of social responsibility. Executing social work helps the business attain social power within society. 5) Converting problems into opportunities: Business means risk. And turning risky situations into profits can also be related to solving social problems.
RA2112703010015 SARAVANAN K To use resources sustainably and nurturing nature Favouring a group of people either based on ethnicity or relations Not to use any unfair means to win competition

RA2112703010016 YERRAGUDI VENKATA KASHYAPI Social responsibility empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good. Reporting to a supervisor who is also a close friend or family member A cereal manufacturer’s ethical standards prevent it from making unsubstantiated health claims about its products, even if its competitors make such unproven assertions in their marketing.
RA2112703010017 C S THAMIZHINIYAN Being a socially responsible company can bolster a company's image and build its brand. Doing business or work for a competitor An electronics manufacturer must halt production after defects are found during quality control checks of several batches even though the delay will cause it to miss the shipping date.
RA2112703010018 AAYUSH CHAUBEY Social responsibility programs can boost employee morale in the workplace and lead to greater productivity, which has an impact on how profitable the company
can fees and providing advice to another company for personal gain An employee who learns of a financial shortfall at a confidential internal meeting is prevented by law and by the company’s ethics policy from profiting from the information in any way.
RA2112703010019 RAHUL M S Businesses that implement social responsibility initiatives can increase customer retention and loyalty. Sharing information in an interview about your employer’s activities or plans Public and private firms pursue international business deals for profit, while governments do so for political reasons.
RA2112703010020 SUBHASHIS TRIPATHY Socially responsible companies have the opportunity to stand out from the competition because they cultivate superior and positive brand recognition. Taking advantage of confidential information learned on the job for your own benefit

RA2112703010021 AYUSH UPADHYAY Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way thatCashing
in onsociety.
a business opportunity that your company might have pursued
RA2112703010022 S SRIWANTH

RA2112703010023 AKASH MS That besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. Public and private firms pursue international business deals for profit, while governments do so for political reasons.
RA2112703010025 CHIRANJEEVI SAI KAPULURU economic social comitment of business towards different groups Transactions may involve the transfer of capital, skills, assets, or employees required to produce goods and services for domestic and foreign markets.
Taking care to employ funds and resources of society related to judiciously technology
RA2112703010026 R B THANGA NITES Should sell original and good quality products and they must provide good quality service for the customers money [1] 3. Considering the impact of projects on society coupled with individual & organisational concerns economic social comitment of business towards different groups
RA2112703010027 CHITHIGESWAR B

RA2112703010029 SHINAD IBRAHIM P P


RA2112704010001 SUJAL SINGH

RA2112704010002 AADITHYA RAM

RA2112704010004 GAURAV SAHA

1.In the context of good corporate governance, a corporate enterprise must recognise the rights of shareholders and protect their interests. It should respect shareholders’ right to information and respect their right to submit proposals to vote and to ask questions at the annual general body meeting.
RA2112704010005 ANIMESH RAJ
1.A conflict of interest is when you have a certain personal interest that may interfere with the interests you must have as someone
ethics to
to implementing
person. appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects.
ABHAY SHAJI VALIYAPARAMBIL 2.The success of a business enterprise depends to a large extent on the morale of its employees. Employees make valuable contribution to the activities of a business organisation. The corporate enterprise should have good and fair employment practices and industrial relations to enhance its productivity. It must recognise the rights of workers or employees to freedom of association and free collective bargaining. Besides, it should not discriminate between various employees.
2.Nepotism is when someone hires, promotes or otherwise provides special treatment in the workplace to a family member or 2.Some
close friend.
that comeisup
a conflict
in a discussion
of interest
of ethics
the family
or friend may
perks they
don't necessarily
social qualify
for. and fiduciary responsibilities.
RA2112704010007 SANJAY K 3.Some economists think that consumer is a king who directs the business enterprises to produce goods and services to satisfy his wants. However, in the modern times this may not be strictly true but the companies must acknowledge their responsibilities to protect their interests in undertaking their productive activities.
RA2112704010008 3.Self-dealing is happening when an individual in a financial role at an organization uses their knowledge of company finances 3.The
or their
law access
usually to
the tone
to benefit
for business
the objectives
a basicofguideline
the business.
that businesses
To avoid this
choose of to
follow to
gain public
choose to remain neutral and act how they would without the knowledge they possess.
4.The foremost responsibility of business enterprises is to ensure that they should not damage the environment and for this purpose they should reduce as much as possible air and water pollution by their productive activities. They should not dump their toxic waste products in rivers and streams to avoid their pollution. Pollution of environment poses a great health hazard for the people and is a cause of several respiratory and skin diseases.
RA2112704010009 ANGELIN
4.Gift issuance is another conflict of interest that occurs when someone at a company accepts gifts from a client, vendor or another
have aa business
system ofrelationship
practices and
procedures that help build trust with the consumer. On one level, some business ethics are embedded in the law, such as minimum wage, insider trading restrictions, and environmental regulations.
RA2112704010010 5.In economic theory pollution of environment is regarded as social cost that must be minimised. There is now a growing awareness towards reduction in environment pollution. According to the recent findings the climate change is occurring due to greater emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
5.Insider trading is when an individual has access to confidential information and uses that knowledge to further themselves 5.Business
or others they
is a common
they have
of interest
the financialon
several levels. With increased investor awareness on environmental, social, and governance issues, a company's reputation is at stake.
1. Shareholders' responsibility
In the context of strong corporate governance, a corporation must respect shareholders' rights to information, to propose
RA2112704010011 SAHYOG .A proposals for voting, and to raise questions during the annual general meeting.
RA2112704010012 MEGHAVI RATHOD "1.When you have specific personal interests that could potentially interfere with the interests you are required to
2. Employees' responsibilities have as someone connected to another person, this is considered to be a conflict of interest. "1.Business ethics means using the right business policies and practises when dealing with things that might be controversial.
MAITHRAANAND R The success of a business enterprise depends on the morale of its employees. Employees make valuable contributions to
a business organization's activities. The corporate enterprise should have good and fair employment practises and industrial
RA2112704010013 relations to enhance its productivity. It must recognise workers' rights to freedom of association and free collective bargaining. 2.When we talk about ethics, we talk about things like corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, social responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities.
PONNURI ANIRUDDHA 2.Hiring, promoting, or otherwise providing preferential treatment in the workplace to a member of one's own family
or a close personal friend is an example of nepotism. Because the family member or acquaintance may acquire work
RA2112704010015 3. Consumer responsibility: privileges for which they do not necessarily qualified, nepotism creates a situation in which there is a conflict of interest. 3.The law usually sets the tone for business ethics by giving businesses a basic set of rules to follow if they want to be liked by the public.
SHAIK YASIR TAWFIQ 3. Self-dealing occurs when an individual in a financial capacity at a firm uses their knowledge of company finances
Some economists believe that the consumer is a monarch who leads businesses to generate goods and services to satisfy his or their access to funds to benefit themselves rather than the goals of the company they work for. People have the
demands. In current times, this may not be absolutely accurate, but corporations must recognise their obligations to option of keeping a neutral stance and behaving in the same way they would if they did not have the information at
RA2112704010016 safeguard their interests in performing productive activities. their disposal to solve this conflict of interest.
4.Gift issuance is another form of conflict of interest, which arises when an employee of a firm accepts a gift from a
RA2112704010017 VAMSHI GADDE 4. Environmental duty: customer, vendor, or any individual with whom they have a commercial relationship.
Y SHABANYA KISHORE Business enterprises should reduce air and water pollution as much as possible through their productive activities and
not dump toxic waste in rivers and streams to avoid pollution. Environmental pollution poses a health hazard to people and
RA2112704010018 causes respiratory and skin diseases
CHARVITHA YERUKONDA 5. Social responsibility :Business firms exist by public agreement to produce commodities and services to meet societal requirements and 5.When a person gets access to sensitive information and exploits that knowledge to their own advantage or to the
generate employment. The traditional perspective is that in discharging this job, corporations maximise profits or advantage of people they know, this behaviour is known as insider trading. This kind of conflict of interest can 5.Business ethics are important because they have effects on many levels that last for a long time. With increased investor awareness on environmental, social, and governance issues,
RA2112704010019 shareholder value and do not behave socially irresponsibly." frequently be found in the financial sector." a company's reputation is at stake. "

RA2112704010021 AYUSH MISHRA


RA2112704010023 ARNAV KUMAR


RA2112704010025 JAI KHANDELWAL

RA2112704010027 KHADEEJA NADA

RA2112704010028 K. MUGESH RAJ 1.Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. 1. An executive at the company who holds several shares of company stock sells their holdings after becoming aware that the 1.Produce
businessan willappropriate
take certainquantity
can lower
of work
the price of stock in the near future.
VEMANA SAI SHREYA 2. Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment while lessening negative impacts on them.
2. A manager hires their nephew in a supervisory role even though their family member does not have any experience and other2.Workcandidates
with business
are better
the position.
that source ethically grown products.
3. Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the environment, engaging in ethical labor 3.practices,
An employee
and engaging
accepts ainvacation
giving. as a gift from a vendor, then purchases more than what the business needs from3.Company
the vendor leaders
as a thank schedule
you. a day off for workers after a particularly busy season
RA2112704010030 ARUNI RAJ
4. Consumers are more actively looking to buy goods and services from socially responsible companies, hence impacting their profitability. 4. A human resources professional choosing not to investigate a claim of inappropriate behavior because the person the complaint
4.Showisup against
on time is a
of theirs.
BADIGI SATHWIKA 5. Critics assert that practicing social responsibility is the opposite of why businesses exists. 5. An employee works for a marketing agency, but uses their work account on certain tools and programs to manage their own 5.Limit
list ofwastage
clients for
their personal business.

1.A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person or organization has two or more competing interests.
2.When a conflict of interest occurs, the person or team can't perform their duties appropriately because
it could mean betraying their interests to one of the parties within the situation.
3.There are common types of conflicts of interest :Self-dealing,Nepotism,Excess compensation,Stock manipulation 1.Business ethics refers to the standards for morally right and wrong conduct in business.Law partially defines the conduct, but “legal” and “ethical” aren’t necessarily the same.
1.Social responsibility of business implies the obligations of the management of a business enterprise to protect the interests of the society. 4.Example of a Conflict of Interest:-Hiring an unqualified friend to fill a position instead of the most qualified candidate 2.Corporations establish business ethics to promote integrity among their employees and gain trust from key stakeholders, such as investors and consumers.
2.In simple terms, it is the responsibility of an organization to be a responsible member of society and work towards its betterment. 5.A famous conflict of interest took place in 1967 when a group of Harvard scientists were paid by the Sugar Association
RA2112701010018 J.Satya sai kumar 3.It empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good. to publish a paper that minimized the relationship between heart health and sugar consumption. 3.This is designed to guide the conduct of all Principal employees, regardless of location, function or positionon ethical issues that are faced during the normal course of business .
1. There are common types of conflicts of interest :Self-dealing,Nepotism,Excess compensation,Stock manipulation
2. A employee accepts a vacation package as a gift from a vendor, then purchases more than what the business
needs from the vendor as a thank you.
3. Knowledge of company finances
or their access to funds to benefit themselves rather than the goals of the company they work.
1. That besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. 4. Gift issuance is another conflict of interest that occurs when someone at a company accepts gifts from a client 1. Support the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and the press.
2. Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by promoting volunteering 5. Taking advantage of confidential information learned on the job for your own benefit 2. Keep your interests separate.
3. Environmental pollution poses a health hazard to people 3. n defence of the freedoms of speech, assembly, and the press.
RA2112701010019 Y.Uma venkat reddy 4. Raise questions during the annual general meeting. 4. Don't mix your personal and professional lives.
1.Act with integrity.
1.The company saw it as part of its social responsibility to provide education for its workers. 1.Doing business or work for a competitor 2.Recognize freedom of speech, assembly, and media.
2. Social responsibility accounting requires enterprises paying attention to social benefits while pursuing economic benefits. 2.Taking advantage of confidential information learned on the job for your own benefit 3.Avoid conflicts of interest
RA2112701010006 Sheelam Sreenivasula Reddy 3. Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment while lessening negative impacts on them.
1.Support environmentally and socially conscious initiatives
2.Consider ethics during the hiring process
3.Create and maintain core values like Integrity Kindness,Openness,Humility,Community,Knowledge,Growth,Transparency
Respect local regulations and do as the locals do.
4.Social responsibility: Businesses are created with the consent of the general public to produce goods and services that
Serve the common good.
will satisfy societal needs and create jobs.
Communicate in an open, truthful, and factual manner.
The conventional view is that in performing this duty, corporations maximise profits or shareholder value while
There is a conflict of interest when an individual's loyalties are divided, and doing what is best for themselves Maintain openness and honesty.
maintaining socially responsible behaviour.
might hurt those to whom they owe allegiance.Taking a bribe to buy subpar supplies for work purposes is one Respect people's need for solitude.
5.The morale of a company's workforce has a significant impact on its success. Employees contribute significantly to the operations
way in which an employee might benefit both themselves and their firm.For a person to have a conflict of interest, Carry yourself with honour.
of a business organisation. To increase productivity, the corporate enterprise should have ethical hiring procedures and favourable labour laws.
they must have competing interests, such as those of two people or organisations. Because helping one person or Support the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and the press.
It must acknowledge the rights of workers or employees to unrestricted collective bargaining and freedom of association. Additionally,
RA2112701010026 Undekoti Rowan Ronald group will hurt the other. Keep your interests separate.
it shouldn't make distinctions between different employees.
It's important to follow the rules and customs of the area in which you find yourself.
Promote social welfare.
Maintain a transparent, honest, and factual mode of discourse.
1.At an annual general meeting, shareholders have the right to be informed, Do your best to keep lines of communication open and honest.
to submit proposals for a vote, and to ask the company questions. This is all part of good corporate governance. A conflict of interest exists when an individual is torn between serving others and serving oneself.
Be considerate to those who want to be alone.
2.The morale of an organization's workers is crucial to its success. could do harm to the people to whom they are loyal. One example is if they accept bribes to purchase low-quality materials for use in their jobs.
Workers contribute significantly to the success of any firm. conflict of interest occurs when an individual has the potential to enrich themselves and their company. Be respectful in your behaviour.
Business productivity may be increased via ethical and lawful employment practises and harmonious industrial relations. This means that two persons or organisations have to have interests that are at odds with one another. Simply because aidingIn defence of the freedoms
a single individual or of speech, assembly, and the press.
RA2112701010011 Rama Chandra Rao Gunnam Workers' rights to free association and negotiate collectively without interference must be protected. harm the other party or parties. Don't mix your personal and professional lives.

1.Many companies actively seek to eliminate conflict of interest in the workplace to ensure the business remains successful and doesn't subject itself to employee issues.
2.Conflicts can have a profound effect on how an employee performs at work, including how they make decisions, and can—both directly and indirectly—impact the business and its success.
3.A conflict of interest is when you have a certain personal interest that may interfere with the interests you must have as someone connected to another person or entity, like your employer.
1.Social responsibility means that businesses, in addition to maximizing shareholder value 4.Some types of conflicts of interest include:
2.The key ways that a company embraces social responsibility include philanthropy, promoting volunteering, ethical labor practices, and environmental changes.
i. Nepotism
3.Benefiting society and lessening the negative impacts on the environment are among the main benefits of social responsibility. ii. Self Dealing
4.In addition to potentially increasing the bottom line, companies that implement social responsibility programs can also boost their brand image. iii. Insider trading
RA2112701010012 Anurag Basu 5.Consumers are more actively looking to buy goods and services from socially responsible companies, hence impacting their profitability. 5. eg. An executive at the company who holds several shares of company stock sells their holdings after becoming aware that the business will take certain actions that can lower the price of stock in the near future.
1. It is important to keep the environment clean and protected. 1. Engaging in nepotism: Mixing personal relationships with professional ones can easily add up to conflicts of interest.
2. In a general sense, people live in a social environment; hence it is the duty of people to contribute to its growth and welfare. It helps in creating a balance between
2. Making
and socialWhenever
welfare. someone acts in their own financial interest at the expense of their company’s, they may be guilty of self-dealing.
3. It helps maintain a check on a firm’s business activities, ensuring they do not support an absolute capitalistic mindset. 3. Pursuing insider trading: Imagine someone knows their company’s stock will dip and encourages their spouse to sell all their
the prescribed
of conduct
for businesses.
of the situation.
It is a set of guidelines for dealing with various procedures ethically.
4. By incorporating corporate social responsibility, companies reap the benefits like creating goodwill, enhancing brand value, reducing the cost of operation, etc.4. Revealing confidential information: Keeping your organization’s secrets under wraps is an official duty regardless of where2.The
you work.
discipline comprises corporate responsibility, personal responsibility, social responsibility, loyalty, fairness, respect, trustworthiness, and technology ethics. 3. It emphasizes sustainability, customer loyalty, brand image, and employee retention.
RA2112701010022 Yash Gupta 5. It is important to develop an emotional connection and sentimental bonding with people, increasing the customer base. 5. Working for two competing companies: Many people can perform two jobs without worrying about any real competing interests 4. Thebetween
motive is
prevent unethical business practices, both deliberate and inadvertent. 5. Some unethical practices circumvent law enforcement. Even then, businesses risk paying a hidden cost—the loss of reputation
Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services your company needs
Starting a company that provides services similar to your full-time employer At first, it may seem relatively easy to identify unethical behavior. When the topic of business ethics is raised, most people immediately focus on corruption and bribery. * It impacts human resources, social responsibility, and the environment. The areas of business impacted by global perceptions of ethical, moral, and socially responsible behavior*Ethics and management
Failing to disclose that you’re related to a job candidate the company is considering hiring Ethics and corruption
Making arrangements to work for a vendor or client at a future date while continuing to do business with them Corporate social responsibility*Show up on time for scheduled meetings.
RA2112701010017 R.SURYA 1.The social responsibility of the enterprise lays stress on social standard and has three features: historic nature, humanistic colour and multi-factor restrictiveness
Posting to social
. 2.Social
media about
your company’s
is thus not
merely a matter of the adoption of changed standards on a voluntary basis.3.The social
wastage production
of the enterprise lays stress on social standard and has three features: historic nature, humanistic colour and multi-factor restrictiveness .4. We promote intellectual, creative, and emotional growth in our students by providing a structured, supportive learning environment that encourages self-discovery and social responsibility.5.Social responsibility is a moral obligation on a company or an individual to take decisions or actions that is in favour and useful to society.
1.A set of principles that establishes ethical standards for employees and businesses.
2.Enhances the law by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control.
1.Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. 3.Seeks to address questions about morality—that is, about concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue.
2.Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment while lessening negative impacts on them.
3.Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the environment, engaging in ethical labor practices, and engaging in charitable giving.
4.Principles relating to honesty, the keeping of promises, the avoidance of harm, the provision of aid to those in need, respect for human rights and dignity, and ideas about fairness and equality.
4.Consumers are more actively looking to buy goods and services from socially responsible companies, hence impacting their profitability. 5.Business ethics refers to implementing appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects.
RA2112701010013 Shubh Verma 5.Critics assert that practicing social responsibility is the opposite of why businesses exist. 2.Corporations establish business ethics to promote integrity among their employees and gain trust from key stakeholders, such as investors and consumers. 3.This is designed to guide the conduct of all Principal employees, regardless of location, function or positionon ethical issues that are faced during the normal course of business.
Each person who works for a business, whether on the executive level or the entry-level, will be expected to show personal responsibility. This could mean completing tasks your manager has assigned to youObey laws and respect local customs.
Work in the public interest.

Engage in honest, truthful, and fact-based communication.

1. They should supply goods or services to the consumers at reasonable prices and do not try to exploit them by forming cartels. This is more
relevant in case of business enterprises producing essential goods such as life-saving drugs, vegetable oil and essential’ services such as *Corporate responsibility
electricity supply and telephone services. 2. They should not supply to the consumers’ shoddy and unsafe products which Practice transparency and disclosure. Businesses have responsibilities to their employees, their clients or customers, and, in some cases, to their board of directors. Some of these may be contractual or legal obligations**Loyalty
may do harm to them 3. They should provide the consumers the required Both businesses and their employees are expected to show loyalty. Employees should be loyal to their co-workers, managers, and the company. This might involve speaking positively about the business in public and only addressing personnel or corporate issues in private.**Respect
after-sales services 4. They should not misinform the consumers through inappropriate and misleading advertisements. Respect is an important business ethic, both in the way the business treats its clients, customers and employees, and also in the way its employees treat one another. When you show respect to someone, that person feels like a valued member of the team or an important customer.**Trustworthiness
5. They should make arrangements for proper distribution system of their products so as to ensure that black-marketing and profiteering by traders Honor privacy. A business cultivates trustworthiness with its clients, customers and employees through honesty, transparency and reliability. Employees should feel they can trust the business to keep to the terms of their employment. Clients and customers should be able to trust the business with their money, data, contractual obligations and confidential information.**Trustworthiness
RA2112701010008 Amitoj Singh Baweja do not occur. Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services your company needs. Starting a company that provides services similar to your full-time employer. Failing to disclose that you’re related to a job candidate the company is considering hiring . Making arrangements to work for a vendor or client at a future
A business date
cultivates while continuing
trustworthiness to do
with its clients, business
customers with them
and employees through honesty, transparency and reliability. Employees should feel they can trust the business to keep to the terms of their employment. Clients and customers should be able to trust the business with their money, data, contractual obligations and confidential information.(business ethics)

RA2112701010015 Shaaz Daud 1)It aims at consumer protection.

2)It aims at protection of local and global environment .
3)It ensures respect for human rights.
4)It results in avoiding bribery and corruption.
5)It promotes adherence to labour standards by companies and their business partners.
1.Social responsibility of business implies the obligations of the management of a business
enterprise to protect the interests of the society. 2.In simple terms, it is the responsibility of an
organization to be a responsible member of society and work towards its betterment. 3.It
RA2112701010002 ILAYARAJ R empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good.

Social responsibility of business implies the obligations of the management of a

business enterprise to protect the interests of the society. 2.In simple terms, it is the
responsibility of an organization to be a responsible member of society and work
towards its betterment. 3.It empowers employees to leverage the corporate 2) A better environment for Business: In today’s cynical age, social responsibility keeps businesses honest and the markets stable.
3) Public image: When a business takes initiative to solve society's problems, it puts the business in the goodwill of the people.
RA2112701010001 Rakhesh Raja N resources at their
4) Social power: A leaderdisposal to dosociety
is a helper. Helping good. is a form of social responsibility. Executing social work helps the business attain social power within society. 5) Converting problems into opportunities: Business means risk. And turning risky situations into profits can also be related to solving social problems.
RA2112701010002 Ilayaraj.R
RA2112701010003 Shashank Chakradhar Maringanti It aims at consumer protection. Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services your company needs. Starting a company that provides services similar to your full-time employer. Failing to disclose that you’re related to a job candidate the company is considering hiring . Making arrangements to work for a vendor or client at a future date while continuing to do business with them
RA2112701010004 P V Tharunn Raj It aims at protection of local and global environment . Public and private firms pursue international business deals for profit, while governments do so for political reasons.
Ethics impacts global business in the areas of management, corruption, and corporate social responsibility.
Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the environment, engaging in ethical
Global businesslabor
ethicspractices, and engaging
has both empirical in charitable
and normative
RA2112701010005 Harish Balaji V It ensures respect for human rights 'Business ethics' is the application of ethical values, such as integrity, fairness, respect and openness, to business
RA2112701010006 Sheelam Sreenivasula Reddy It results in avoiding bribery and corruption.
RA2112701010008 Amitoj Singh Baweja It promotes adherence to labour standards by companies and their business partners.
1.Bussiness should empower workers whilst being profitable for the stake holders
2.It should be wary of its impact on the environment and be responsible 1.employees should be loyal to the employers and society
3.It should work for the upliftment of the economy and society 2.laws should be made to make sure that no one descisions are made correct corporate companies should follow honesty, fairness, leadership,
4.It should function on good morals and and should have good intentions 3.employees should be held responsible for wrong doings integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, loyalty,
RA2112701010010 N Hiridharan 5.It should not monopolize the market for goods that are essential and life saving 4.Companies should boost morale of the employees law-abiding, transparency, and environmental concerns.
RA2112701010011 Gunnam Rama Chandra Rao
RA2112701010012 Anurag Basu
RA2112701010013 Shubh Verma
RA2112701010014 Karthik B
RA2112701010015 Shaaz Daud
RA2112701010016 Hariharan.K
RA2112701010017 Surya R
RA2112701010018 Jetti Satya Sai Kumar
RA2112701010019 Yerrasani Uma Venkat Reddy
RA2112701010020 P Rudrresh
RA2112701010021 Udhaya M
RA2112701010022 Yash Gupta
1.Obey laws and respect local customs.
1.Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. 1.Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services your company needs 2.Work in the public interest.
2.Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment while lessening negative impacts on them.2.Starting a company that provides services similar to your full-time employer
3.Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the environment, engaging in ethical labor practices,
3.Failing to
to a job candidate the company is considering hiring
3.Engage in honest, truthful, and fact-based communication.
4.Consumers are more actively looking to buy goods and services from socially responsible companies, hence impacting their profitability. 4.Making arrangements to work for a vendor or client at a future date while continuing to do business with them 4.Practice transparency and disclosure.
RA2112701010023 Surya A 5.Critics assert that practicing social responsibility is the opposite of why businesses exist 5.Posting to social media about your company’s weaknesses 5.Honor privacy.
RA2112701010024 Monish K
Each person who works for a business, whether on the executive level or the entry-level, will be expected to show personal responsibility. This could mean completing tasks your manager has assigned to youObey laws and respect local customs.
RA2112701010025 Omkar Sonar Social responsibility means that besides maximizing shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that benefits society. Work
Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services your company needs. Starting a company that provides services similar to your in theemployer.
full-time public interest.
Failing to disclose that you’re related to a job candidate the company is considering hiring . Making arrangements to work for a vendor or client at a future date while continuing to do business with them
RA2112701010026 Undekoti Rowan Ronald
[1] Social resposibilites empowers employees to leverage and being a socially responsible means that
besides maximizing the share holder value

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