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3.Can we justifiably live in opulence when people all over the world are starving?

- As of now of life, it is bewildering to control what is exact and mixed up.This brings to
mind a well-known line from President John F. Kennedy: "Life is unfair."It is certain that we will not be
able to halt the emergence of those who live in opulence and those who are unable to eat.Because
they have the right to conquer the world with their knowledge, skills, and money, we can live in
opulence.In some instances, the unfortunate individuals are also acknowledged.In this instance, it is
not justifiable if wealthy individuals refuse to assist, even if they have the means to do so.We must
help fill the gaps in our society that need to be filled if we are to survive in the face of hunger.The
wealthy do not feel obligated to assist the less fortunate.We all agree to assist one another, which is a
relative commitment.Therefore, it is justifiable for wealthy individuals to assist in preventing
hunger.It is our moral obligation to work on or strive for the end of starvation through improved
technology and superior design without denying anyone their sense of abundance.If we know our
ethics, prosperity should be shared.

4.When it is likely that innocent people will be killed, is going to war justifiable?

The majority of us acknowledge that there are times when war is justified, as well as times
when individual soldiers are morally permitted and frequently morally required to intentionally
assault and even kill other people.Uncritically, many people unquestionably acknowledge this,
frequently assuming that war is a one-of-a-kind condition in which profound quality is radically
altered, if it occurs at all.However, consider the viewpoint of the morally resolute soldier who is given
the order to kill.Which considerations may he use to justify his actions?This is an insightful and
significant challenge that brings up a number of issues that are essential to comprehending the
profound nature of war.To begin, from a religious standpoint, God commands in verse 13 of Exodus
Chapter 20 that you shall not kill.According to the verse, killing, whether intentionally or
unintentionally, is regarded as a sin.A soldier who kills an innocent person in a war with contempt is
already considered a sin.Why are soldiers frequently in the news for killing people?Additionally,
soldiers are obligated to protect the state and inflict harm on those who carry out attacks, regardless
of the form of attack that may be attempted.However, I think it's a no.It is usually, if not always,
wrong to intentionally attack or kill the innocent; however, people may, as a result of what they do,
render themselves relevantly non-innocent, thereby losing their moral immunity to intentional attack
and instead becoming morally vulnerable to attack. From an ethical standpoint, innocent people did
not do anything and deserve to be killed.War cannot be justified in and of itself.War is made by
greed.People who always want more power to control a large population are causing harm to and
killing innocent people.One declares war when resisted.Therefore, no, it is never justified.

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