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RADIOGRAPHIC examination visual weld inspection

Rev. Rev. Prepared by Revised by Approved by

01 Date

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1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 References .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................................................................... 3


3 EQUIPMENT, TOOL & MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................. 4

3.1 Radiographic equipment .............................................................................................................................. 5

3.2 Films............................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Intensifying screen ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Film processor and chemicals ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Densitometer and calibration film ................................................................................................................ 5
3.6 Film Viewing Equipment (Illuminator) ......................................................................................................... 6
3.7 Image Quality Indicator (IQI) ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.8 Identification system .................................................................................................................................. 7

4 SURFACE CONDITION ................................................................................................................................................... 8

5 RT TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

5.1 RT Arrangements ........................................................................................................................................ 8

5.2 Choice of tube voltage and radiation source ............................................................................................... 9
5.3 Alignment of beam ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Filters and collimators ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.5 Source-to-object distance.......................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Maximum area for a single exposure ......................................................................................................... 10
5.7 Film viewing conditions .............................................................................................................................. 11

6.0INTERPRETATION OF THE RADIOGRAPHS .......................................................................................................... 11

7 REPAIR ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

8 REPORT & DOCUMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 11

9 RADIOGRAPH STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 13

9.1 Responsibility .............................................................................................................................................. 13

9.2 Working procedure for package .................................................................................................................. 13
9.3 Requirement of radiograph film for trunk pipeline weld ............................................................................... 14
9.4 Requirement of radiograph film for block valve station and other stations .................................................. 14
9.5 Radiograph encapsulation.......................................................................................................................... 14
9.6 Storage working procedure ......................................................................................................................... 14
9.7 Package and transportation ........................................................................................................................ 14

10 FORMAT OF RT REPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 15


1.1 Scope

This procedure is complied with the requirements of IS0 13847:2000 for Pipeline Welding. It is applied
for the X-ray radiographic detecting technology for the butt girth welds in Majnoon infield pipeline
project in IRAQ.

1.2 References

1.2.1 FCPG-00000-PEPFS-00-LA-7880-00001-001 Pipeline Construction Specification

1.2.2 ISO17636:2003 Non-destructive testing of welds —Radiographic testing of fusion

welded joints

1.2.3 ISO19232-1:2004 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs —

Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) — Determination of image quality value

1.2.4 ISO13847:2000 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation

Systems -Welding of pipelines TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1



1.2.6 API 1104 -Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities.

1.3 Abbreviations and definitions

1.3.1 Abbreviations

DWE/DWV Double-Wall Exposure for Double-wall Viewing

DWE/SWV Double-Wall Exposure for Single-Wall Viewing

SWE/SWV Single-Wall Exposure for Single-Wall Viewing

IQI Image Quality Indicator

KP Kilometric Point

NDT Non-Destructive Testing

RT Radiographic Testing

1.3.2 Definitions

COMPANY: client ( owner)

Contractor: company has contracted to perform Project.

Company’s Inspector: is the expert appointed or delegated by the Company who represents
the Company in dealing with the Contractors and with the assistance of suitable staff, inspects the
welding to ensure that it is carried out with the specifications.

THIRD PARTY INSPECTOR (TPI) : The inspection agency appointed by the Company or



NDT personnel shall hold a valid qualification to EN 473,ISO 9712 or equivalent standard approved
by Company.

This procedure shall be approved by Company before executing.


The following equipments, tools and material shall be used for the project.

3.1 Radiographic equipment Table

3.1 Radiographic Equipments

Name Specification and Type number remark

X-ray Crawler YG-100A 1 set

X-ray Crawler YG-100D 4set

Directional X-ray equipment YXLON300HP 2 set

Automatic film processor compact2-NDT (PROTEC) 2set

Film Viewing Equipment DL-2000+ 2set

Densitometer TH-N386A 2 set

UT flaw detector PXUT-350+ 1 set

Power generator EF6600 2 set

3.2 Films

All unexposed films shall be stored in a clean, dry place where the conditions will not detrimentally
affect the emulsion. If any question arises about the condition of the unexposed film, sheets from the
front and back of each package or a length of film equal to the circumference of each original roll shall
be processed in the normal manner without exposure to light or radiation. If the processed film shows
fog, the entire box or roll from which the test film was removed shall be discarded, unless additional
tests prove that the remaining film in the box or roll is free from pre-exposure fog exceeding 0.30 H&D
transmitted density for transparent-based film.

Except for small localized areas caused by irregular weld configurations, the transmitted H&D density
in the area of interest of transparent –based film shall not be less than 2.0 nor greater than 4.0.

AGFA D45 films shall be used in the project and the width of films in rolls is 70 mm. Photographic
fogs is no more than 0.3

3.3 Intensifying screen

The selection of intensifying screen shall be in accordance with Table 3.2 .

Table 3.2- Film system classes and metal screens for the radiography of steels, copper and nickel
based alloys

Radiation source Film system class Type and thickness of metal screens Class B
thickness w
X-ray potentials C3
Up to 0,15 mm front and back screens of lead

X-ray potentials 0,02 mm to 0,15 mm front and back screens of

C4 lead

X-ray potentials C4 0,02 mm to 0,2 mm front and back screens of

w≤50 mm
According to Table 3.2, the thickness of the lead intensifying screen both in the front and on the back
is 0.03mm and 70mm wide.

3.4 Film processor and chemicals

Auto-developing machine and chemicals AGFA G135&G335 shall be used in the project.

3.5 Densitometer and calibration film

Use TH-N386A Dosimeter and self-carried calibration film. The error tolerance of the density-meter is
less than or equal to 0.05.

The film interpreter RT Level II shall calibrate the densitometer every six month.
3.6 Film Viewing Equipment (Illuminator)

The viewing equipment (illuminator) shall be of the variable high intensity type and shall be capable of
viewing film densities .The max density is no less than 4.5. It shall be equipped to prevent light,
coming from around the outer edge of the radiograph or through low density portions of the
radiograph, from interfering with interpretations.

3.7 Image Quality Indicator (IQI)

3.7.1 The quality of the image shall be verified by use of an IQI in accordance with ISO 2504.
The IQI used shall preferably be placed on the source side of the test object and in close
contact with the surface of the object. The IQI shall be located in a section of uniform
thickness characterized by a uniform optical density on the film.

3.7.2 Wire IQI is available for this project.

According to the IQI type used, it shall be placed as follows:

a)When using a wire IQI, the wires shall be perpendicular to the weld and its location shall
ensure that at least 10 mm of the wire length shows in a section of uniform optical density, which
is normally in the parent metal adjacent to the weld. At exposures in accordance with Elliptical
technique and Perpendicular technique the IQI may be placed with the wires across the pipe axis
but they should not project into the image of the weld.

b)When making exposures in accordance with Elliptical technique and Perpendicular

the IQIs may be placed on either the source side or the film side. If it is not possible to place the IQIs
in accordance with the conditions laid out in a) above, the IQIs shall be placed on the film side and the
image quality determined from a comparison exposure with one IQI placed on the source side and
one on the film side under the same conditions.

c)Where the IQIs are placed at the film side, the letter ―F‖ shall be placed near the IQI and
shall be recorded in the test report.
3.7.3 For double wall exposures, when the IQI is placed on the film side, the above test is not

3.7.4 For pipe diameters, De,≥ 200 mm and with the source centrally located, at least three IQIs
should be placed equally spaced at the circumference. The film(s) showing IQI images are
then considered representative of the whole circumference.

3.7.5 Minimum image quality values

The minimum quality values for ferrous materials shall be in accordance with Tables A.1 to A.12
of ISO17636:2003 .
Procedures requiring multiple exposures (for DWE/SWV OR SWE/SWV) for complete inspection
of the weld, and where the length of film to be interpreted is greater than 1 in ,two IQI located on
the film side shall be used. One shall be within 1 in of the end of the film length to be interpreted
and the other shall be at center of the film
3.8 Identification system

Identification system includes location marks and film identification marks.

3.8.1 Mainlines

Use marker tape with lead numbers inside to be the location marks. Draw a ― ‖ at the 0
point of the flat position of the weld ( the vertical arrow indicates the direction of the gas flow; the
transverse arrow indicates the clockwise direction) then position the marker tape along the
direction of the gas flow and the clockwise direction (put the lead letters under the film). The 0
point of the marker tape shall be aligned to the ― ‖ mark, and the distance
between lead letters and weld shall be more than 5mm.

Identification Board (IB):The IB, which contained all kinds identification information for the weld
(such as section No., weld No., pipe size, testing date and so on.) shall be placed on the opposite
side of the weld as the same direction as the marker tape. IB and marker tape shall be put on the
different side of the weld and the distance between lead letters and welds shall be more than
Refer to Figure 3.8.1 for the positions of the pentameters and the Identification System.
3.8.2 Station Works

Location mark: A center mark ― ‖ shall be put in the section transilluminated in butt
weld, an overlap mark ― ‖or number on tag tape shall be used when the transillumination is
done by sections or the spot-check is carried out. If lead letter or number act as overlap mark, the
center mark could be left out. In spot-check the overlap mark is called effective section mark.
Film identification: The identification of the film shall refer to the specification and weld No., line
No., pipe size and inspecting date, etc. should be included:.
The location mark and film identification shall be at least 5mm away from the edge of the weld
and be visible on the film.
Figure 3.8.1

Note: a. the tag tape shall have at least 25mm overlap on each ends.


Before RT, operator shall inspect or verify whether the surface to be inspected is in conformity with
the following conditions:

All irregular surface conditions such as weld ripples, undercut and rough forming shall not cover or
interrupt the indication of images of all defects.


The RT operator shall use the equipment, tools and materials for inspecting in accordance with the
RT process card, and shall keep records in accordance with requirements specified in Section 8.

5.1 RT Arrangements

5.1.1 SWE/SWV (Radiation source centrally located inside the object and with the film outside)

Use the circumferential X-ray machine to expose from the center of the pipe. The film size will be
πD×70mm (where, D is external diameter of pipe )each film has 100mm overlap on each side
of the film. This kind of technique will have the priority to be adopted if possible so as to achieve
the best image quality. See the following figure5.1.1.

Figure5.1.1 SWE/SWV

5.1.2 DWE/SWV

Put the X-ray equipment out of the pipe. The minimum number of exposures required shall be
determined in accordance with Annex B in ISO17636. This technology is used on tie-in and
repaired weld mainly. The film size will be πD/n mm×70mm ( where, D is external diameter of
pipe, and n is minimum number of exposures ), and include 40mm overlap on each side of the
film. This technique will be mainly used for tie-ins in mainline construction. See the following
figure Figure5.1.2

Figure5.1.2 DWE/SWV

5.1.3 DWE/DWV

The elliptical technique (double wall/double image) shall be in accordance conditions as following:

1) external diameters De ≤ 100 mm,

2) wall thicknesses t ≤ 8 mm

3) weld widths ≤ De/4.

Two 90° displaced images are sufficient if t/De < 0.12. The distance between the two weld images
shall be about one weld width.

When it is difficult to carry out an elliptic test at De≤ 100 mm, the perpendicular technique in
accordance with 7.1.7 in ISO17636 may be used. In this case, three exposures 120° or 60° apart
are required. See the following figure Figure5.1.3

Figure5.1.3 DWE/DWV

5.2 Choice of tube voltage and radiation source

X-ray devices up to 500 kV
To maintain good flaw sensitivity, the X-ray tube voltage should be as low as possible. The maximum
values of tube voltage versus thickness are given in Figure5.2.1. For some applications where there
is a thickness change across the area of object being radiographed, a modified technique with a
slightly higher voltage may be used, but it should be noted that an excessively high tube voltage will
lead to a loss of defect detection sensitivity. For steel the increment shall not be more than 50 kV.
Figure5.2.1 Maximum X-ray voltage for X-ray devices up to 500 kV as a function of penetrated
thickness and material
5.3 Alignment of beam
The radiation beam shall be directed to the centre of the area being examined and should be
perpendicular to the object surface at that point, except when it can be demonstrated that certain
imperfections are best revealed by a different alignment of the beam. In this case, an appropriate
alignment of the beam may be permitted.
5.4 Filters and collimators

5.4.1Filters and collimators

In order to reduce the effect of back-scattered radiation, direct radiation shall be collimated as
much as possible to the section being tested.

5.4.2Interception of back-scattered radiation

If necessary, the film shall be shielded from back-scattered radiation by an adequate thickness of
lead at least 1 mm, or of tin at least 1.5 mm, placed behind the film-screen combination.
The presence of back-scattered radiation shall be checked for each new test arrangement by a
lead letter B (with a minimum height of 10 mm and a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm) placed
immediately behind each cassette. If the image of this symbol records as a lighter image on the
radiograph, it shall be rejected. If the symbol is darker or invisible, the radiograph is acceptable
and demonstrates good protection against scattered radiation.
5.5 Source-to-object distance
The minimum source-to-object distance, fmin, depends on the source size d and on the object-to-
film distance, b.
The source-to-object distance, f, shall be chosen, where practicable, so that the ratio f/d is in
accordance with equation as following: For class B: f/d≥15(b/mm)2/3 , b is given in millimeters
If the distance b < 1.2 t, the dimension b in Equation shall be replaced by the nominal thickness t.

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5.6 Maximum area for a single exposure

5.6.1 The ratio of the penetrated thickness at the outer edge of an evaluated area of uniform
thickness to that at the beam centre shall not be more than 1.1 for class B.

5.6.2 The densities resulting from any variation of penetrated thickness should not be lower than
2.0 and not higher than those allowed by the available illuminator, provided suitable
masking is possible.

5.6.3 The size of the area to be examined includes the weld and the heat-affected zones. In
general, about 10 mm of parent metal should also be tested on each side of the weld.

5.6.4 The recommended number of radiographs for acceptable testing of a circumferential butt
weld is given in Annex B in ISO17636.

5.7 Film viewing conditions

The radiographs should be examined in a darkened room on an area of the viewing screen with an
adjustable luminance in accordance with ISO 5580. The viewing screen should be masked to the
area of interest.


1) Only Level II or III radiographers shall interpret the radiographic images of production welds.

2)The radiographs shall be interpreted as per Section 9 of ISO13847:2000

3 ) The report shall be submitted to the Company after completion. The final judgment shall be
decided by the Company with signature on the report.

4 ) Relevant wire of IQI and marks should be clearly and accurately identified. The films density is
between 2.0 to 4.0. No spot and scratch is in the film, that can disturb or effect the interpretation
or else.


The repaired area of weld shall be inspected by the original inspection method. The acceptance
standard shall be as per above Acceptance Criteria.


1)All of the RT reports shall be issued by RT Level II or III personnel and transfer to the Company
for approval.

2 ) All of the inspection records/reports and films shall be kept properly till hand-over to the

3 ) RT interpretation records and RT reports shall prepare two copies, one for the COMPANY, the
other for the NDT Contractor.

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4)For each exposure, or set of exposures, a test report shall be prepared giving information on the
radiographic technique used, and on any other special circumstances which would allow a better
understanding of the results.

The test report shall include at least the following information:

a) name of the testing body;

b) object examined;

c) material;

d) geometry of the weld;

e) material thickness;

f) welding process;

g) specification of test including requirements for acceptance;

h) radiographic technique and class, required IQI sensitivity in accordance with this International

i) test arrangement;

j) system of marking used;

k) film position plan;

l) radiation source, type and size of focal spot and identification of equipment used; m) film, screens
and filters;

n) used tube voltage and current;

o) time of exposure and source-to-film distance;

p) processing technique: manual/automatic;

q) type and position of image quality indicators;

r) results of test including data on film density, reading of IQI;

s) any deviation from this International Standard, by special agreement;

t) name, reference to certificate and signature of the responsible person(s);

u) date(s) of exposure and test report.

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9.1 Responsibility
After completion of the project, all the radiograph film and information shall be handed over to
Company as per requirement.
The NDT Subcontractor shall take responsibility for package, storage of radiograph film and
provide as-built materials and radiograph film to Company as per requirement.
9.2 Working procedure for package
All the RT films of the project shall be put into the original box of film. The dimension of the
package case shall be 380×380×260mm and the package box shall be 365×360×117mm ,while
each package box shall contain the film for no more than 100 weld joints, each package case
shall contain the film of two boxes. For easy to search, each package box only stores film of the
same KP.




After confirming by supervisor, the film shall be put into roll according to the sequence no. of each
joint ,then put into one roll(Radiographs of rejected welds, repairs and re-shoots shall be stored
together),and then the film shall be put into package bag (The paper bag shall be supplied by
NDT Subcontractor uniformly.) with marks of stake number, joint number on the bag. The packed
film is shown as Fig.9.2.

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9.3 Requirement of radiograph film for trunk pipeline weld

9.3.1 The radiograph film of pipeline shall be handled as per kilometer stake number (KP.)and
shall be put into file. The film for each kilometer shall be put into one box.

9.3.2 The radiograph film with the same kilometer stake shall be put in order as per sequence of
joint number.

9.4 Requirement of radiograph film for block valve station and other stations

9.4.1 The radiograph film of block valve station or Pig trap station shall be put and stored in order
which means the film with same line number and location number must be put in one box.

9.4.2 The film with same line number and location number must be arranged as per sequence of
joint number.

9.5 Radiograph encapsulation

After the film be put into box, the hatch position shall be sealed by transparent adhesive tape, and
then label shall be put on the box as shown in table 9.5.1:

Project name Sort:

Number KP km~KP km Total joints:
kilometer stake
Table 9.5.1

Note: The sort includes trunk pipeline, block valve station and other stations.

9.6 Storage working procedure

9.6.1 The Contractor shall store the test report confirmed and signed by supervisor properly as
per number of kilometer stake(KP)and weld number.

9.6.2 The place where stores radiograph film shall be clean, dry, better ventilation and keep
proper temperature.

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9.6.3 Smoking and fire shall be strictly forbidden in the place where stores film. The film shall be
kept in order.

9.7 Package and transportation

9.7.1 The film must be packed in the clean environment; caution shall be taken to prevent dust,
dirty material and humidification.

9.7.2 At any time during transportation, the film shall be put in the package box and shall be put in
the vehicle with cover of sail.

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RT Report

Record No.: Project name: Page :

Construction Spread : Date of Inspection: Procedure No.:

Welding process: Pipe Size: mm × mm
Material: Pipeline NO.:
Radiographic technique class:
Date of Exam:
□ Class A □ Class B
Equip. Type Focal Spot size: mm × mm
Radiographic Arrangement: □ SWE/SWV □ DWE/SWV □ DWE/DWV
Source: □ X-ray SFD: mm
Film Type: □ D4 □ D5 Film Size mm × mm
□ D7 □ C4 □ C7
IQI Type : ISO I QI Position □ Film Side □ IQI wire :
Source Side

Voltage: KV Current: mA Exposure Time: min

Film Process: Chemical: Developing Time:
Developing Temp.::℃
□Auto. □Manu. AGFA G135, AGFA G335 min
Pb Screen: Front □ 0.03mm Back □ 0.03mm
□ 0.1 mm □ 0.1 mm
Density Range: Acceptance Std:
Qty of Inspected Welds: Percentage of
Qty of Rep. Weld: Welds
Welds Acc.: %
Team No: Xuzhou Oriental NDT LLC, China

Inspected By: Checked By: COMPANY’s Representative

Verified by:

Date: Date Date:


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Date of Inspection: KP.:
T Result
Welds No. Welder ID Defect details Remark
mm Acc. Rej.

Inspected By: Checked By: COMPANY’s Representative

Verified by:

Date: Date Date:

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